New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1840 Census of Pensioners
Middlesex County, New Jersey

June 1, 1840

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The 1840 Middlesex County New Jersey Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the act for taking the sixth census.


NameAgeHead of family
with whom residing


Isaac Snedaker85Peter Snedaker
James Clinton87James Clinton


James T. Dunn80James T. Dunn
Benjamin Sullard75Benjamin Sullard
Sarah Martin81Benajah Martin
Gabriel Munday81Gabriel Munday
James Longstaff86Henry Longstaff
Sarah Kent78Samuel Stelle
Benjamin Field77Michael Field
Dennis Field79Dennis Field


Thomas Lee76Adam Lee
Isaac Sayre79Isaac Sayre
Thomas Bloomfield70Thomas Bloomfield
Archibald Augar75Archibald Augar

North Brunswick

Anthony Collins78Anthony Collins
Enoch Dunham79Enoch Dunham
Hannah Norman79Edgar Hardenbrook
Runyon Barcalew84Runyon Barcalew
Abm. Merserell82Stephen Wines
Francis Letts81James Townsend
Lewis Johnson80Lewis Johnson
Abm. Vantine93John Strong
Darby Oram88Darby Oram
Daniel Kemper91Daniel Kemper
John Vanderventer85Jacob Wyckoff
David Voorhees83David Voorhees
David Vliet93David Vliet
John Nevius77John Nevius
Margaret Hulse78Margaret Hulse

South Amboy

Cornelius Suydam79Cornelius Suydam
Mary McGee80William McGee
David Lamberson80David Lamberson
David Hull82David Hall
David Owens80David Owens
John Booraem80John Booraem
Daniel Petty77John Burlew
Ruth Burlew73John Burlew
Mary Hillyer81Ruth Martin
Thomas Lamberson87Thomas Lamberson
James Campbell80Rice Campbell

South Brunswick

Henry Cortleyou79Hendrick Cortleyou
Elizabeth Groves79John Slover
Garret Breese80Garret Breese
John Groves92John R. Applegate
John Gulick80John Gulick
Peter Wyckoff83Johnson Stout
Richard Sutphen85Richard Sutphen
Benjamin Griggs85Reuben Griggs
David Chambers91Mary Lewis

[ 1840 Census of Pensioners ]