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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Peoria County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Peoria County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
160,402 Addy, Anderson Glasford inj.l.wrist $4.00 June, 1879
193,021 Akin, Eliz'th V Glasford widow $16.00 July, 1881
187,022 Alexander, Mary Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Feb., 1880
149,001 Alford, Wm. J Elmore wd.back $6.00 -
146,842 Allen, Henry A Peoria wd.l.hand and thigh $4.00 -
88,807 Anderson, Adolphus Elmore injury to abdomen $8.00 -
124,533 Arnold, Wm. B Trivoli wd.l.leg $4.00 -
146,380 Aten, Charles S Princeville loss l. index fin $3.00 -
173,604 Atherton, Rufus Elmwood scurvy $4.00 Sept., 1880
205,011 Atkinson, Edwin S Peoria dis.lungs $6.00 Mar., 1882
71,641 Autcliff, Eliz'th Peoria widow $8.00 Apr., 1867
143,448 Babb, Ann Maria Peoria widow $17.00 July, 1870
174,233 Baird, James M Peoria ch.diarr. & indiges $6.00 Sept., 1880
205,363 Barnes, Wilson Brimfield dis.lungs $4.00 Mar., 1882
- Bash, Isaac G Peoria chr.diarr., dis.heart & lungs $24.00 June, 1882
93,239 Bay, Geo. W Peoria ch.rheum $8.00 -
198,733 Bechtel, James M Peoria dis.h't, ch.diarr., & gastritis $4.00 Dec., 1881
201,030 Beck, Daniel Elmwood ch.diarr $4.00 Jan., 1882
77,076 Beck, John L Chillicothe loss r.arm $18.00 -
50,104 Becker, Jacob Peoria loss r.arm $18.00 -
68,729 Behrens, Mary H Monica widow $8.00 -
130,785 Bell, Llewellyn Chillicothe total blindness $72.00 -
191,691 Bell, Orlando Chillicothe minors of $10.00 Mar., 1881
187,799 Bennett, Fred'k R Brimfield g.s.w.back $2.00 May, 1881
191,248 Bentley, William H Peoria g.s.w.r.index fin $1.00 June, 1881
31,458 Bigney, Hannah Chillicothe widow $8.00 -
59,096 Bishop, Mark Peoria injury to abdomen $6.00 -
70,627 Blair, Richard M Peoria wd.l.breast $14.00 -
137,075 Blakewell, Thomas Princeville wd.r.thigh $6.00 -
53,453 Blevins, John Elmore loss rt.leg $18.00 -
10,624 Bliss, Mabel Princeville widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
100,081 Blossom, Wm. A Chillicothe am.r.thumb $4.00 -
211,929 Bolts, Thomas W Mapleton g.s.w.l.hand $3.00 June, 1882
13,851 Booth, Louisa Chillicothe widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
194,254 Borchers, Emma Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Jan., 1882
163,605 Bovee, Charles Peoria wd.l.thigh & r.wr $6.00 Nov., 1879
178,975 Briemer, Christian Peoria minors of $12.00 -
153,270 Brown, Jasper J Peoria dis.lungs $6.00 May, 1878
145,417 Bryner, Rebecca D Peoria widow $30.00 -
136,553 Buchanan, Wm. G. A Peoria wd.r.side $2.00 -
111,355 Buck, James A Peoria inj.spine $24.00 -
16,941 Buck, Wm. A Peoria wd.lft.hand & rt.arm 5.33 1/3 -
64,657 Buell, Melville Elmwood wd.l.hand $18.00 -
97,150 Burch, Joseph N Elmwood w.lft.leg $4.00 July, 1869
219,553 Burcham, John A Elmwood g.s.w.l.arm $6.00 Oct., 1882
216,751 Burgess, Henry E Princeville chr.diarr $18.00 Aug., 1882
204,741 Burnett, John W Peoria pleurisy $4.00 Mar., 1882
214,293 Burns, John Peoria'r & atrophy musc $14.00 June, 1882
139,728 Burt, Richard W Peoria wd.face & tongue $10.00 -
126,032 Bush, Geo. M Peoria wd.r.lung $12.00 -
7,932 Butcher, Lucy A Kingston Mines widow $8.00 -
38,047 Butler, Celestia M Princeville widow $8.00 -
156,840 Bybee, Wm. H Elmwood abdomen and lung dis $8.00 Dec., 1878
207,399 Cain, Sam'l D Elmore dis.eyes $4.00 Apr., 1882
173,502 Caldwell, William R Peoria dis.lungs $8.00 Sept., 1880
199,053 Calhoun, John A Mapleton g.s.w.r.arm and l.thigh $6.00 Dec., 1881
169,096 Campbell, Chas. L Monica ch.dis.feet $4.00 June, 1880
128,782 Carroll, Elizth Peoria widow $8.00 -
200,416 Castle, William A Peoria g.s.w.r.cheek $4.00 Jan., 1882
188,355 Chase, Sarah S Peoria widow $20.00 May, 1880
14,367 Clark, Abram H Peoria $8.00 -
150,943 Clark, Thos. H Peoria ch.diarr $8.00 Feb., 1878
177,414 Clarke, Charlotte Chillicothe dep.mother $8.00 May, 1877
199,413 Clefford, Anthony Kingston Mines g.s.w.l.cheek $4.00 Dec., 1881
108,671 Coburn, Rachel Princeville widow $8.00 -
106,211 Cochran, Joseph Peoria wd.l.arm $2.00 -
192,065 Corben, James G Peoria chr.diarr $6.00 June, 1881
174,973 Cowles, Wm. W Brimfield ch.rheum $4.00 Oct., 1880
155,775 Crady, Peter U Hallock asthma $12.00 Oct., 1878
16,756 Crook, Hannah E Princeville widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
111,249 Dailey, John Peoria wd.r.thigh $6.00 -
222,536 Dalton, Cicero Elmwood ch.diarr $2.00 Dec., 1882
209,767 Dawson, Isaac S Rosefield measles, bron., & asthma $6.00 May, 1882
199,055 Dawson, Joseph M Rosefield dis.lungs & liver & chr.diarr $8.00 Dec., 1881
179,705 Deal, Adam Peoria dis.lungs $18.00 June, 1880
59,751 Decker, Theobald Peoria wd.l.arm $8.00 -
186,276 Deselms, Mary A Mapleton dep.mother $8.00 Dec., 1879
75,946 Dimon, Jacob Peoria injury to abdomen $2.00 -
89,393 Dixon, Joel Chillicothe wd.l.foot $4.00 -
159,794 Dolison, Jasper Monica g.s.w.and par.loss fing $2.00 May, 1879
171,621 Doolittle, Isaac B Peoria part.deaf $2.00 July, 1880
215,293 Dorman, James H Peoria dis.lungs $4.00 July, 1882
70,505 Drysdale, Wm Peoria wd.l.elbow $12.00 -
19,202 Duley, Sarah Princeville widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1879
170,480 Dunlap, Marshall N Dunlap ch.diarr.and dis.kid $4.00 June, 1880
92,544 Dunne, Thos. H Peoria Injury to abdomen $6.00 -
144,434 Dwyer, Catharine Chillicothe dep.mother $8.00 Aug., 1870
20,848 Easton, Cynthia E. H Peoria widow $8.00 -
192,675 Eaton, Sarah A Peoria widow $8.00 June, 1881
151,676 Eby, John D Elmore wd.r.leg and l.shr $6.00 Mar., 1878
193,914 Erford, Benjamin Glasford inj.back, rheum.& heart dis. $6.00 Aug., 1881
15,483 Evans, Mary Mapleton widow $8.00 -
27,017 Fake, Sarah Trivoli widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
200,428 Ferguson, James B Princeville dis.lungs $4.00 Jan., 1882
50,546 Ferrin, Julius Elmwood wd.l.leg $18.00 -
169,722 Foster, Enoch W Brimfield ch.diarr $8.00 June, 1880
1?3,589 Frank, Jesse Trivoli g.s.w.hd. & dis.l.leg $8.00 July, 1881
39,307 Freeman, Chas. H Elmwood lung.dis $2.00 -
156,644 French, Martin W Elmwood injury to abdomen $8.00 -
53,638 Friess, Bernard Glasford'r $8.00 -
206,605 Fryman, Thomas Glasford inj.back $2.00 Apr., 1882
163,631 Fuller, Amos L Glasford dis.eyes $4.00 Nov., 1879
156,156 Fuller, Daniel Mapleton wd.r.thigh $2.00 -
211,251 Fuller, Nathan Glasford shell'r $2.00 June, 1882
171,504 Fuller, Samuel Glasford wd.l.foot $2.00 July, 1880
173,503 Fulton, Joseph Peoria ch.diarr. & dis.of abd.vis $4.00 Sept., 1880
142,494 Funk, George Peoria wd.left shoulder $4.00 Nov., 1876
215,301 Furst, Oscar Peoria g.s.w.l.leg $4.00 July, 1882
125,873 Gates, Benj. J Dunlap wd.r.shr $4.00 -
158,780 Gibbs, Ichabod O Elmwood part.paral.r.arm $6.00 Apr., 1879
180,769 Gilbert, Aaron F Peoria wd.left arm $4.00 Jan., 1881
169,688 Gladfelter, Casper Princeville wd.head $2.00 June, 1880
185,982 Godby, James Peoria ch.diarr $4.00 Mar., 1881
195,397 Gragg, John S Peoria g.s.w.l.ankle and thigh $6.00 Sept., 1881
44,055 Graham, Wm Elmwood wd.r.forearm $18.00 -
66,836 Green, Catharine Peoria widow $8.00 -
64,712 Green, Josiah Peoria wd.l.lung $6.00 -
197,671 Green, Sarah Trivoli dep.mother $8.00 Nov., 1882
155,750 Greenhalgh, Wm. R Rosefield wd.l.leg $2.00 Oct., 1878
174,521 Greer, John H Elmwood inj.l.side and back $6.00 Oct., 1880
192,636 Greerman, Geo. H Elmwood minors of $10.00 June, 1881
54,468 Griggs, Elias Brimfield wd.r.hand $12.00 -
143,860 Gross, Abram L Peoria inj.l.ankle & side, chr.diarr $10.00 Feb., 1877
103,426 Grotevant, Sufeiar Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Nov., 1867
218,951 Gundlach, Charles R Peoria rheum $8.00 Oct., 1882
126,272 Haley, Jonathan Peoria part.deaf $4.00 -
213,020 Hall, Bradford Dunlap injury to abdomen, diarr.,and dis.of abdominal vis. $8.00 June, 1882
136,108 Hamilton, Alexander Peoria wd.r.thigh $4.00 -
23,946 Hamilton, Amos W Dunlap wd.r.thigh & hip, atrophy muscles r.hip. $8.00 -
48,205 Handbury, Geo. W Peoria loss r.arm $24.00 -
137,362 Handschu, Christina Peoria widow $8.00 -
170,951 Harkman, Christopher Trivoli g.s.w.hd $4.00 June, 1880
20,594 Harl, Susan F Peoria widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
181,804 Harrington, Chester S Princeville g.s.wd.r.arm $4.00 Jan., 1881
211,544 Harrington, John Princeville dis.lungs $4.00 June, 1882
58,415 Harris, Nancy Peoria widow $8.00 -
69,220 Hart, Benj F Harker's Corners wd.r.hip $8.00 -
83,076 Hart, Hezekiah P Peoria ch.rheum $8.00 -
197,709 Hart, John Elmore injury to abdomen $4.00 Nov., 1881
214,871 Heaney, Frank Peoria g.s.w.head $4.00 June, 1882
71,414 Hedrick, Hiram Peoria blind $72.00 -
182,330 Hedrick, John E Peoria part.paral $11.25 Feb., 1881
167,403 Heffron, James Peoria wd.r.shr $4.00 -
3,397 Henry, Fanny Princeville widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1872
120,958 Hibben, Elizth. G Peoria widow $20.00 Nov., 1868
148,326 Higgins, Mary L Peoria widow $8.00 -
221,843 Hill, Edward J Peoria g.s.w.r.breast $2.00 Dec., 1882
189,987 Hill, Hannah B Glasford dep.mother $8.00 Oct., 1880
176,192 Hinman, Mary J Hallock widow $8.00 Jan., 1877
55,569 Hitchcock, Frank Peoria wd.r.hand $20.00 -
85,400 Hitchcock, Portia Peoria widow $8.00 Oct., 1865
192,162 Hobble, Benj Peoria g.s.w.r.thigh $2.00 June, 1881
44,012 Hofer, Fredericka Princeville widow $8.00 -
162,123 Hoffman, Chas Peoria dis.eyes and head $6.00 Aug., 1879
66,415 Hopkins, Saml A Peoria part.paral.l.side $25.00 -
166,001 Hough, John Peoria wd.l.foot $8.50 Mar., 1880
123,937 Hoult, Alfred L Peoria wd.l.hip $10.00 -
208,577 Howe, Philip A Peoria injury to abdomen $4.00 May, 1882
87,518 Huey, Wm. G Brimfield wd.l.hand $4.00 -
10,670 Hunt, Geo. W Peoria wd.l.groin $14.00 -
207,876 Hurff, Augustus Elmwood dis.heart $6.00 May, 1882
57,822 Hurff, Isaac E Trivoli frac.l.leg $10.00 -
53,070 Hurst, Henry Peoria wd.l.scapula 5.33 1/3 -
165,676 Hutchinson, James Rosefield dis.lungs $8.00 -
28,038 Hyer, Garit J Peoria wd.l.leg $8.00 -
64,713 James, Granville Peoria conjunctivitis $6.00 -
149,870 Johnson, Hairlah B Peoria dis.of abd.vis.and dis.lungs $12.00 -
195,225 Johnson, Matilda Chillicothe widow $22.50 Apr., 1882
220,998 Johnson, Wm Peoria dis.eyes $6.00 Nov., 1882
135,154 Jones, Edward J Glasford inj.r.side chest $8.00 -
111,876 Jones, Francis M Orchard Mines wd.r.hip $8.00 -
86,348 Joyce, John Peoria pneumonia $8.00 -
197,024 Keller, Emanuel Princeville g.s.w.r.arm $2.00 Oct., 1881
20,595 Kellogg, Eunice Brimfield widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
64,833 Kellogg, Philander Brimfield ch.diar $2.00 -
128,754 Kelly, Johanna Peoria widow $8.00 -
13,259 Kelly, Wm Peoria loss l.leg below knee $18.00 -
209,019 Kennedy, Robert Peoria g.s.w.both thighs, r.hand & wrist, dis.& blindness l.eye. $8.00 May, 1882
222,598 Kimble, Andrew J Chillicothe ch.diarr.& dis.of abd.vis $4.00 Dec., 1882
195,260 Kingsley, Charles Edward's Station dis.heart $4.00 Sept., 1881
202,756 Kingsley, John Peoria dis.of abdominal viscera $2.00 Feb., 1882
198,038 Kirkman, Sam'l Edward's Station g.s.w.r.arm $4.00 Nov., 1881
33,322 Kleffman, John Trivoli wd.l.arm $16.00 -
33,029 Klingel, Frederick Peoria wd.l.thigh $8.00 -
113,888 Kloman, Ferdinand Peoria wd.r.cheek $6.00 -
13,668 Koontz, Rachel Princeville widow 1812 $8.00 Dec., 1878
181,994 Lafollett, John Summerville ch.diarr $4.00 Feb., 1881
186,290 Lamper, Carrie Peoria widow $12.00 Dec., 1879
198,764 Lane, Henry G Elmwood w.lft.hip $4.00 Dec., 1881
133,889 Laughlin, James Brimfield sprain r.ankle $6.00 -
192,847 Lawson, Mary Jane Princeville widow $8.00 July, 1881
93,484 Lechthaler, Conrad Peoria g.s.w.rt.shoulder $8.00 Oct., 1868
12,814 Lee, Dennis Peoria loss r.leg $18.00 -
109,674 Leslie, John Peoria dis.spine $6.00 -
217,548 Leslie, Samuel A Summerville ch.diarr $4.00 Aug., 1882
64,450 Lines, Charles E Peoria phth.pul $18.00 -
125,110 Long, Rachel Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Feb., 1869
193,256 Lookenbill, Nancy A Brimfield dep.mother $8.00 Sept., 1881
126,136 Loudstrom, John C Chillicothe wd.r.shr $4.00 -
21,923 Lousdale, Jane Peoria widow $8.00 July, 1873
94,670 Love, Thomas J Peoria wd.face $6.00 -
208,299 Lynch, Richard Peoria dis.lungs $12.00 Dec., 1882
188,423 Magill, Wm. H. H Mapleton wd.l.arm $2.00 May, 1881
49,153 Mann, Wm. H Peoria loss l.hand $18.00 -
155,287 Manshelbaugh, Henry Princeville chr.diarr $4.00 Sept., 1878
99,425 Markle, Wm Peoria wd.r.breast $12.00 -
29,252 Martin, Margaret Orchard Mines widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1880
36,601 Mathews, Lemuel F Elmwood wd.r.arm $8.00 -
182,677 Mathias, John P Peoria g.s.w.r.shr $2.00 Feb., 1881
192,145 McChesney, Jennie L Peoria widow $10.00 May, 1881
68,124 McConnell, Nancy French Grove dep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1866
136,213 McCullough, Thos. H Trivoli dis.eyes $12.00 -
51,921 McDermott, Sarah Ann Peoria widow $8.00 July, 1865
39,897 McDonald, James B Peoria wd.l.hand $10.00 -
2,134 McFarland, James Peoria surv. 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1876
147,121 McFarland, Jas. A Elmwood wd.l.elbow $4.00 -
154,773 McHenry, Mary Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Dec., 1871
16,476 McLean, Wm Peoria wd.r.arm and leg $12.00 -
214,459 McMains, James J Peoria inj.breast $2.00 June, 1882
14,738 McStravick, Eliz'th A Smithville widow $8.00 -
100,120 Millard, Emery J Peoria wd.l.thigh $5.00 -
188,741 Miller, James M Edward's Station dis.of abd.vis.and rheum $10.00 May, 1881
26,688 Miller, Mary Chillicothe widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
58,771 Minges, Theresa Peoria widow $8.00 -
51,926 Mitchell, Elizth Peoria widow $8.00 July, 1865
165,730 Mitchell, Jane Glasford widow $8.00 -
206,201 Molineaux, Gouldsmith D. Peoria ch.diarr. & dis.of abd.vis $8.00 Apr., 1882
135,340 Muller, Fred'k W Peoria dis.eyes $8.00 -
28,497 Murphy, Jane Peoria widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1880
15,619 Nace, Susannah Princeville widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1879
143,550 Naef, Lena Princeville widow $8.00 Sept., 1870
185,528 Nelson, Edwin B Chillicothe g.s.w.l.thigh & sh.w.head $4.00 Mar., 1881
222,069 Niglas, John N Peoria ch.rheum $25.00 Dec., 1882
152,166 Noble, Enoch Peoria ch.diarr $6.00 Apr., 1878
176,594 Nourse, Mary J Peoria widow $8.00 Mar., 1877
87,748 Nurse, Henry H Hallock loss l.leg $24.00 -
72,273 O'Brien, Honora Brimfield dep.mother $20.00 May, 1866
196,212 Oertley, Leonard Akron minors of $10.00 June, 1882
60,154 Orton, Jane E Elmwood widow $8.00 -
193,775 Ostrander, Cathn. M Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Dec., 1881
2,485 Palmer, Archibald S Peoria g.s.w.l.hand $14.00 Mar., 1878
45,567 Parkins, Mary Alta widow $8.00 -
16,863 Parsons, Joseph Peoria total blindness $72.00 Sept., 1863
50,169 Patterson, Caster Elmwood g.s.w.and loss r.leg $24.00 -
128,711 Pearce, Florence Peoria widow $17.00 May, 1869
18,794 Pennington, Elizabeth Peoria widow $8.00 Feb., 1879
138,010 Perkins, Phebe S Peoria widow $8.00 Jan., 1870
16,500 Perman, Jane Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Mar., 1864
105,704 Petty, Jacob Glasford inj.l.leg $6.00 -
129,584 Petty, John R Glasford $6.00 -
191,774 Powell, Cornelius Peoria g.s.w.r.side $4.00 June, 1881
25,259 Pratt, Elihu Peoria surv. 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1879
211,899 Pratt, Oliver S Princeville g.s.w.r.hip & dis.heart $4.00 June, 1882
129,371 Price, William R Peoria shell wd.l.foot $2.00 Aug., 1874
70,371 Prueller, Frank Kingston Mines loss r.leg $18.00 -
182,505 Pursell, Jesse J Brimfield g.s.w.l.thigh $2.00 Feb., 1881
50,557 Quirk, Jeremiah Peoria wd.l.thigh $8.00 -
181,588 Reed, Jacob C Trivoli inj.back & dis.kidneys & bladder. $6.00 Jan., 1881
4,891 Reiden, Julia Peoria widow $8.00 -
78,611 Reising, Josephine Peoria widow $8.00 -
197,138 Remrill, Henry C Peoria wd.l.knee and thigh $4.00 Oct., 1881
28,064 Reusis, Floris Peoria wd.r.ankle $4.00 -
106,084 Rhodes, Wm. H Peoria g.s.w.l.hand $4.00 Oct., 1870
205,544 Riesz, Geo Peoria dis.eyes $4.00 Mar., 1882
143,162 Robinson, Drusilla Kingston Mines dep.mother $8.00 June, 1870
171,145 Rogers, David Dunlap dis.heart $8.00 July, 1880
68,853 Rogers, Sarah E Peoria widow $8.00 Nov., 1881
46,997 Roney, Hugh Princeville wd.l.arm $8.00 -
189,053 Ross, Catharine Peoria widow $12.00 -
124,981 Rynearson, Erastus Brimfield ch.diarr $10.00 -
151,168 Sargent, Henry Glasford wd.back $6.00 -
97,736 Savage, Cyrus Brimfield inj.spine & ch.diarr $4.00 -
3,922 Saylor, Mary Glasford widow $8.00 -
194,277 Scanlon, John Peoria mal.pois., debil., & cur.spine $18.00 Aug., 1881
173,929 Schaerer, Theophilus Peoria frac.l.forearm $5.00 Sept., 1880
4,056 Schafer, Jacob Peoria wd.leg $8.00 -
110,519 Scheidner, Caroline Peoria widow $8.00 Mar., 1868
74,589 Schimpff, Albert L Peoria resection l.shr $18.00 -
156,196 Schleigh, Ellen P Peoria widow $8.00 -
171,144 Schnoor, Theresa K Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Nov., 1875
222,473 Schrader, Herman Hallock dis.eyes $8.00 Dec., 1882
181,298 Schwartz, Magdalen Peoria dep.mother $8.00 June, 1878
198,710 Scovil, John Glasford injury to abdomen $4.00 Dec., 1881
222,667 Secord, James K Elmwood asthma and ch.diarr $15.00 Dec., 1882
88,685 Sheffler, David Peoria wd.l.hand $4.00 -
123,186 Shipman, Martha A Peoria widow $8.00 -
63,021 Shockley, Thomas U Peoria wd.r.shr $8.00 -
185,666 Shofe, Henry Peoria rheum. & abdomen $6.00 Mar., 1881
113,298 Short, John Peoria ch.diarr $12.00 -
33,092 Sief ker, Adolph Peoria dis.glands $16.00 -
24,389 Sills, Mary Peoria widow $8.00 -
174,129 Simmons, Amos Princeville dis.of lungs & kidneys $12.00 Sept., 1880
189,893 Simms, Mary M Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Sept., 1880
20,560 Slough, Jacob Peoria surv. 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1873
74,677 Smith, Archibald Monica ophthalmia & pt.blindness $14.00 -
21,303 Smith, Austin Peoria surv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1874
195,418 Smith, Daniel H Brimfield scurvy and stiff joints & dis.heart. $8.00 Sept., 1881
104,145 Smith, Jerome B Peoria wd.r.thigh $3.00 -
82,602 Smith, Martha C Brimfield widow $8.00 -
210,595 Smith, Paul Peoria pleu.pneumonia, dis.lungs & heart. $6.00 June, 1882
144,630 Smith, Sarah Princeville dep.mother $8.00 Aug., 1870
28,701 Smith, Sarah Peoria widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1880
78,363 Smith, Wm. K Peoria frac.l.forearm $6.00 -
72,467 Snedacker, Martha C Princeville widow $8.00 May, 1866
1,032 Snowball, John Edward's Station dep.father $8.00 Oct., 1868
181,240 Somers, Mary E Peoria widow $8.00 -
140,969 Sommers, Andrew Peoria dis.lungs $12.00 -
177,549 Sommers, Leonard F Peoria lung dis $4.00 Oct., 1880
188,341 Sornberger, George Peoria inj.back and l.wrist $2.00 July, 1881
67,786 Specht, George Peoria wd.l.breast $18.00 -
207,808 Spong, Augustus Glasford ch.rheum $4.00 Apr., 1882
209,504 Steele, Wm. M Peoria rheum.back $2.00 Mar., 1882
23,189 Stephens, Elizth. G Peoria widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1879
49,296 Stewart, James T Peoria wd.r.hip $25.00 -
204,983 Stickler, John Peoria injury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1882
157,001 Stillwell, John H Peoria wd.r.arm $2.00 Dec., 1878
128,956 Sweat, Elizabeth Peoria widow $8.00 -
99,813 Tenfel, Isabella Peoria widow $8.00 -
105,041 Thomas, Joseph F Chillicothe wd.r.thigh $10.00 -
12,008 Thum, Anna M Peoria widow $8.00 Jan., 1864
187,500 Triplett, Wm Peoria injury to abdomen $8.00 Apr., 1881
134,675 Trunnell, David H Peoria wd.l.breast $8.00 -
204,801 Tryens, John Peoria g.s.w.l.shr.and rheum $4.00 Mar., 1882
64,907 Van Patten, Emerson Elmwood frac.l.leg $18.00 -
193,820 Varner, Geo. W Glasford minors of $12.00 -
206,669 Venters, Wm Bartonville g.s.w.r.elbow and l. thigh $4.00 Apr., 1882
8,679 Wade, Amelia Peoria widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
219,180 Walker, Austin E Brimfield g.s.w.l.arm and r.leg $4.00 Oct., 1882
91,914 Walsh, Maria Summerville widow $20.00 -
129,108 Ward, John P Peoria wd.r.side and hand $8.00 -
220,744 Wasson, Dan'l C. C Peoria chr.diarr $4.00 Nov., 1882
26,344 Watson, James Glasford inj.r.hip $8.00 -
172,514 Watson, John Peoria inj.back $4.00 Aug., 1880
69,569 Watson, Thomas Chillicothe wd.neck $6.00 -
87,656 Weaver, James Glasford wd.l.hand and loss fing $4.00 -
80,944 Welch, Mary Peoria widow $8.00 -
147,005 Welker, Isabella Elmwood widow $8.00 -
116,776 Werber, John C Peoria inj.r.hip $18.00 -
125,332 West, Robert Peoria wd.r.leg $4.00 -
12,313 White, Eliza Peoria widow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
182,329 Whitlow, Wm Glasford ch.bronch.& patulous, abdomen. $4.00 Feb., 1881
120,882 Wicks, Betsey Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Nov., 1868
186,436 Wiggins, Nancy Peoria dep.mother $8.00 Dec., 1879
191,091 Williams, Isabella E Peoria widow $12.00 -
43,773 Williamson, John Rosefield loss part r.foot $14.00 -
7,687 Wilson, Emily Peoria widow 1812 $8.00 Aug., 1878
67,671 Winter, Annie M Peoria widow $8.00 -
49,953 Wisenburg, Wm. H Princeville wd.l.arm $12.00 -
169,211 Wixon, Sarah Ann Peoria widow $8.00 -
174,976 Wolgamott, Jonathan Glasford loss r.thumb $4.00 Oct., 1880
58,169 Woodruff, Elsy J Elmwood widow $8.00 -
186,399 Woodruff, Hannah R Peoria widow $17.00 -
177,502 Worrall, Samuel J Peoria minors of $12.00 -
137,669 Wright, Isaac Peoria chr.diarr $4.00 -
42,384 Wrigly, Joseph Trivoli wd.l.arm $10.00 -
168,746 Yerby, Joseph Brimfield wd.r.chin $2.00 May, 1880
93,675 Zimmerman, Andrew Peoria wd.r.groin $14.00 -

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