New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Buchanan County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Buchanan County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
54,722Allen ThomasSaint Josephwd. of left side$4.00 -
126,198Atkinson, WilliamSaint Josephg.s.w. rt. hand & left arm$12.00 -
125,594Aubuchon, AugustSaint Josephg.s.w. of right hand$6.00 -
176,052Bass, ZarildaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Jan. 1877
122,916Beatty Samuel OSaint Josephg.s.w. left groin$6.00 Apr. 1873
135,447Bell, MarySaint Josephwidow$8.00 Oct. 1869
Bemm, BrunoSaint Josephdisease of eyes$18.00 -
184,115Berris, William WSaint Josephdis. of abdominal viscera$17.00 Mar. 1881
101,261Bittick, MaryEastonwidow$8.00 -
128,881Blagg, James HSaint Josephg.s.w. of left hand$8.00 June 1874
73,548Blair, AndrewFrazerwd. of left shoulder & head$4.00 -
24,296Blanton, Annie BSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
34,743Bonham, JohnSaint Josephg.s.w. of left hand$8.00 -
14,203Booth, Lucius CSaint Josephloss 1st finger rt. hand $2.66 2/3-
95,582Boyer, Benjamin FEastonwd. of left groin$4.00 Feb. 1869
50,710Bradley, Lyman CSaint Josephg.s.w. of right thigh$6.00 -
67,288Bradshaw, Robert CSaint Josephwd. sh'ld'r, thigh & c$30.00 July 1866
43,664Branson, RuthSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
2,075Brown, ElizabethRushvillewidow (act June 3, 1858)$8.00 -
49,485Bumeson, LydiaSaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 June 1865
80,032Butler, FranklinSaint Josephg.s.w. rt. Shoulder$8.00 -
128,227Butler, LinzySaint Josephchron. diarr.$14.00 -
197,566Cameron, Sarah JSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Oct. 1882
126,425Carpenter, William HSaint Josephg.s.w. of right thigh$6.00 Jan. 1874
29,864Casey, AnnSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
43,667Castle, Elizabeth ASaint Josephwidow$20.00 -
29,186Chaney, MarthaStanleywidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1880
213,153Cline, James LSaint Josephg.s.w. of left thigh$6.00 June 1882
180,343Cogdell, Mary ASaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 Mar. 1868
26,968Cogdell, PriscillaHalleckwidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 1879
63,487Crawford, Charles CSaint Josephwd. of right hip$4.25 -
137,290Crocker, NancySaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 Dec. 1860
106,466Cross, JohnSaint Josephg.s.w. of rt. thigh  $8.00 -
113,495Crumpacker, ZoloraDeKalbg.s.w. rt. breast & shoulder$10.00 -
11,871Cushing, Mary BSaint Josephdep. mother $17.00 Jan. 1864
180,465Dail, Charles CWallacedisease of the lungs$2.00 Jan. 1881
119,128Daniels, William MEastoninj. to right knee$10.00 -
26,086Davis, HannahSaint Josephwidow 1812$8.00 July 1879
165,199Day, WilliamSaint Josephinj. to right hip & both hds$18.00 Mar. 1880
68,131Deakine, William RSaint Josephg.s.w. l. hand & loss of thumb$8.00 -
44,308Decker, Burnham MSaint Josephloss of rt. forearm $18.00 -
110,783Dinneby, HonoraSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Mar. 1868
25,773Doebelin, Frederick GSaint Josephdisease of heart$8.00 -
3,497Donnelly, George KSaint Josephwd. chest, rt. shldr. & left side$20.00 -
30,001Dunning, AnnieSaint Josephwidow 1812$8.00 July 1880
95,829Dutton, PeterSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$14.00 -
118,297Eddy, Benjamin CSaint Josephg.s.w. of right arm$8.00 Aug. 1872
220,488Elliott, AlfredSaint Josephg.s.w. of right should$4.00 Nov. 1882
80,904Folche, ConradSaint Josephg.s.w. of rt. shoulder, both thights & legs$18.00 -
208,382Foote, IsaacHalleckrheu. & dis. of heart$24.00 May 1882
105,444Frailey, FrancesWinthropwidow$8.00 -
85,080Francis, LauraSaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 Oct. 1865
181,231Frank, JohnSaint Josephg.s.w. of right leg$1.00 Jan. 1881
54,527Frendenthal, DavidSaint Josephinjury right leg$12.00 -
108,348Friend, Margaret FSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Feb. 1865
21,176Garner, SarahSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
197,468Garsting, CatharineSaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 Oct. 1882
77,346Gellottly, JohnSaint Josephw.r. thigh, left arm & chest$6.00 -
60,164Gibson, James MSaint Josephwd. of right hand$10.00 Mar. 1866
29,646Gibson, MargaretSaint Josephwidow 1812$8.00 June 1880
121,284Haas, RudolfSaint Josephg.s.w. of rt. knee$8.00 Jan. 1873
1,612Hamilton, AnnaSaint Josephwidow$17.00 -
166,739Hanlin, John SSaint Josephg.s.w. l. hip$4.00 Apr. 1880
64,417Hansen, JosephSaint Josephbayonet wd. rt. Hand$6.00 May 1866
112,173Harris, Joseph RSaint Josephamp. R. thigh$24.00 -
125,073Harvey, RobertSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$4.00 Sept. 1873
121,559Heaston, SenoSaint Josephg.s.w. of left side$6.00 -
Hemstreet, Richard BSaint Josephdisease of eyes$8.00 -
157,336Hill, AndersonSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
208,393Hill, Egbert OSaint Josephg.s.w. of r. thigh & chr. diar.$15.00 May 1882
174,666Hinds, Francis MSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$4.00 Oct. 1880
81,766Holcomb, EvaleenSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
172,420Honisher, DanielSaint Josephinjury of abdomen$8.00 Aug. 1880
214,095Horrigan, Richard Saint Josephg.s.w. rt. groin $4.00 June 1882
111,797House, Charles HSaint Josephg.s.w. right leg$6.00 -
2,062Hudson, ElizabethFrazerwidow$8.00 -
63,000Hull, George Saint Josephg.s.w. of rt. leg $20.00 -
190,813Hunt, PeninaSaint Josephwidow$17.00 Jan. 1881
69,042Hyde, Seril PSaint Josephbronchitis$20.00 Aug. 1866
79,520Inman, CharlotteSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
129,608Jones, AmandaSaint Josephwidow$8 May 1869
81,936Kemper, William BSaint Josephwd. of right thigh & c$15.00 -
132,996Kerner, JosephSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$8.00 Apr. 1875
181,229Kessler, MargaretSaint Josephwidow and minor$12.00 May 1878
28,186Kiger, Anna JSaxtonwidow 1812$8.00 Mar. 1880
22,150Killen, RobertSaint Josephg.s.w. of right thigh$2.00 -
49,145Kingsburg, Calvin PSaint Josephg.s.w. of left leg$6.00 Sept. 1865
192,866Lancaseter, Sarah ASaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 July 1881
51,547Lane, CharityFrazerdep. mother $8.00 July 1865
44,693Lee, ThomasSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
98,393Lewis, Dallas SSaint Josephg.s.w. r. arm$6.00 -
10,695Loomis, George MEastoninjury to abdomen$4.00 -
135,026Lucas, Wilson PSaint Josephg.s.w. left side of abdomen$8.00 July 1878
140,367Ludwig, FrederickSaint Josephdisease of eyes$6.00 Aug. 1876
169,979Lushbaugh, Anna MSaint Josephmother$8.00 July 1875
113,205Mack, PhilipSaint Josephchr. rhen. of back & limbs$4.00 -
123,971Mantler, HermanSaint Josephwd. left breast & chest$8.00 -
118,459McClurg, AustinSaint Josephg.s.w.r. side   $10.00 -
125,741McClurg, LucindaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Mar. 1869
25,878McCray, Mary AAgencywidow 1812$8.00 July 1879
50,947McDaniel, George WSaint Josephg.s.w. of throat & breast$12.75 Oct. 1877
17,985McDowell, RebeccaPlatte Riverwidow 1812$8.00 Feb. 1879
94,027McGaughey, AngelineAgencywidow$8.00 May 1867
57,746McIninch, Amos ASaint Josephg.s.w.r. side of face & shldr.$24.00 -
51, 584McKinney, EstherRushvilledep. mother $8.00 July 1865
49,876McKinnie, ThomasSaint Josephg.s.w. rt. arm $11.33 1/3Sept. 1865
39,748Mears, PatrickSaint Josephwd. of rt. thigh$2.00 -
67,940Mollett, Maria AnnSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
2,917Moore, Geo. HSaint Josephnenralgia (Navy)$4.00 -
31,888Moore, James PSaint Josephhypertrophy of heart$8.00 June 1874
118,432Nay, Joseph WSaint Josephg.s.w. l. thigh & r. leg$10.00 -
54,514Newcomb, George TSaint Josephulcers of rt. leg $10.00 -
11,031Noyes, Frederick KSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
83,221Ogelsby, John DSaint Josephg.s.w. of left hand$6.00 -
118,601Oliver, William RDeKalbg.s.w. of left hand$8.00 Aug. 1872
212,224Palmer, AlbertSaint Josephsunstroke & result paralysis$24.00 June 1865
43,584Parnell, Parmelia EDeKalbwidow$8.00 -
180,712Peabody, David BSaint Josephg.s.w. of left thigh$2.00 Jan. 1881
49,867Pelham, William BEastong.s.w. of rt. thigh & hip$4.00 -
121,967Phelps, AmandaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Dec. 1868
19,196Phildius, AdolphSaint Josephg.s.w. of left leg$8.00 Sept. 1863
13,019Pollock, JohnRushvillewd. rt. Leg$4.00 -
128,052Randall, FrankSaint Josephg.s.w. rt. arm $4.00 May 1874
178,097Rapp, Mary AEastonwidow & minor child$10.00 July 1877
12,089Register, John CSaint Josephsurv. 1812$8.00 Feb. 1872
158,731Reynolds, NathanSaint Josephminor$10.00 Oct. 1877
125,931Roberts, Thomas FSaint Josephg.s.w. of left wrist-joint$8.00 Dec. 1873
15,188Rodde, Wilhelmina MariaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
84,827Rose, George FSaint Josephwd. of left breast$4.00 -
83,307Roth, ChalresSaint Josephfrac. of ribs$18.00 -
144,354Ruberson, JohnSaint Josephg.s.w. of abdomen$4.00 Mar. 1877
102,843Saare, WilliamSaint Josephg.s.w. of forearm$8.00 -
28,611Sage, LucindaSaint Josephwidow 1812$8.00 Jan. 1880
103,569Schoeneck, Charles FSaint Josephchron. diarr. & debility$4.00 -
117,487Schreiber, ChristopherSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$8.00 -
210,096Scott, John WSaint Josephdisease of lungs$8.00 May 1882
187,765Scull, William VSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$12.00 May 1881
125,219Shadrick, VinaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Feb. 1869
129,158Skeed, Thomas FSaint Josephloss finger l. hand $2.00 -
78,754Smith, SarahSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
144,135Smuth, Mary JSaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 Aug. 1870
172,950Sommer, ElizabethSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Apr. 1876
Stearnes, Waldo ASaint Josephinj. rt. molar bone $4.00 -
88,746Steever, FrankSaint Josephinj. to left ribs$4.00 -
197,598Sterling, Mary LSaint Josephwidow & minors$12.00 Nov. 1882
59,326Stewart, James MAgencyinj. r. leg$2.00 Aug. 1881
148,932Stewart, RobertSaint Josephchr. rheum.$6.00 -
17,883Stinsman, Anna HSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
59,022Stratton, William HSaint Josephloss of rt. arm ab. elbow $24.00 -
107,323Striblen, WilliamSaint Josephg.s.w. of right foot$15.00 Jan. 1871
36,474Sutler, RosinaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
196,002Taylor, RobertSaint Josephheart disease$6.00 Sept. 1881
144,799Thomas, Charles R.B.Saint Josephwd. of left wrist$6.00 -
197,001Thomas, Jacob BRushvilleg.s.w. of l. shoulder & l. leg$6.00 Oct. 1881
17,173Thomas, John NSaint Josephamp. rt. arm ab. Elbow$24.00 -
17,613Timerson, EliasSaint Josephinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
30,383Todd, Lucy BushSaint Josephwidow 1812$8.00 Sept. 1880
18,310Tracy, Frank MSaint Josephg.s.w. & disease$11.33 1/3Oct. 1863
121,633Tuck NelsonEastondisease of eyes$24.00 -
104,181Tuck William TEastoncurv. of spine, par. loss of hearing & debility$18.00 -
29,741Uhl, CarolineSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
152,562VanVolkenburgh, Pet'rSaint Josephg.s.w. of back & l'ft thigh$4.00 Apr. 1878
15,190Vaughn, SindrillaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
182,537Vigus, Martin LSaint Josephminor$10.00 Nov. 1878
31,733Wanger, AntonSaint Josephfracture of 3 ribs$12.00 -
197,655Warburton, John TSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Feb. 1881
38,473Warburton, MarySaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
107,240Warhurst, Enoch GSaint Josephg.s.w. of head$8.00 -
122,736Washington, WilliamSaint Josephg.s.w. of right knee$5.00 -
121,315Weipert, GenovezaSaint Josephwidow$8.00 -
92,982Wheeler, John ASaint Josephg.s.w. of rt. sh'ld'r & chest$4.00 -
29,674Whitson, ElizabethGarrettsburgwidow 1812$8.00 June 1880
52,475Wiehl, JosephSaint Josephloss 2d finger rt. Hand$4.00 -
64,965Williams, ReubenSaint Josephdisease of eyes$24.00 -
23,739Wilson, George WSaint Josephgoitre$2.00 Nov. 1881
187,592Wilson, MiriamSaint Josephdep. mother $8.00 Mar. 1880
68,972Wise, Pembroke VSaint Josephg.s.w. of right leg$17.00 -
156,869Witten, Martha JSaint Josephwidow$8.00 Mar. 1872
52,657Wolfer, PeterSaint Josephg.s.w. of face$8.00 Nov. 1865
189,760Wolverton, Nancy ASaint Josephwidow & minors$12.00 Sept. 1880
140,534Workman, Mary AFrazerwidow$8.00 Mar. 1870
192,654Young, James GSaint Josephpartial deafness both eyes$4.00 July 1881
111,898Young, JohnSaint Josephshell wd. left arm$8.00 -
147,786Zunkel, GustavSaint Josephg.s.w. of right arm$2.00 Sept. 1877

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