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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Otoe County, Nebraska

January 1, 1883

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1883 Otoe County, Nebraska List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
152, 397Ferguson, Jessie JSyracuseg.s.w neck$4.00 Apr., 1878
158, 956Fischner, Chas GNebraska Citysh'l w r arm$2.00 Apr., 1879
206, 848Leserve, Wm APalmyrashl w knee$6.00 Apr., 1882
53, 454Bohn, AnnNebraska Citymother$8.00 Aug., 1865
174, 853Kinnaman, Susan TSyracusewidow$8.00 Aug., 1876
193, 988Beasley, Geo WSyracuseg.s.w knee$2.00 Aug., 1881
217, 196McCormick, J Ander'nNebraska Citypartl paralysis$8.00 Aug., 1882
216, 668Slade, Geo EPalmyraulcers r leg$6.00 Aug., 1882
137, 787Helvey, ElizabethNebraska City-$8.00 Dec., 1869
198, 896Blair, Sam'l EDresdeng.s.w arm$4.00 Dec., 1881
167, 447Patterson, Elizabeth ENebraska Citywidow$22.00 Feb., 1875
183, 407Schafer, HenryNebraska Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00 Feb., 1881
194, 364Halladay, Lydia VSyracusemother$8.00 Feb., 1882
154, 321Dunkle, Geo MPalmyrag.s.w side$4.00 July, 1878
154, 057Payton, Presley MSyracuseinjury to abdomen$4.00 June, 1878
161, 109Smith, BartletDunbarg.s.w side$4.00 June, 1879
177, 908James, ElizaNebraska Citywidow$8.00 June, 1880
191, 072Lawrence, Francis NNebraska Cityg.s.w breast, var v'ns$12.00 June, 1881
191, 030Bird, Jas TNebraska Citychr diarr$4.00 June, 1881
189, 622McNeil, Wm ESyracuseg.s.w shoul$4.00 June, 1881
211, 687Ready, Wm HNebraska Citychr diarr$4.00 June, 1882
42, 012Mason, ElizabethOsagewidow$17.00 Mar., 1865
14, 315Davis, IsaacNebraska City-$8.00 Mar., 1872
184, 817Lowe, JasNebraska Citychr rheum$2.00 Mar., 1881
184, 031Milter, Philo HPalmyraheart dis$10.00 Mar., 1881
183, 099Barney, Allen BSyracuseinjury to abdomen$8.00 Mar., 1881
159, 593Banman, JnoNebraska Citypartl loss finger$2.00 May, 1879
208, 076Peterson, Geo WPalmyrag.s.w head$4.00 May, 1882
120, 015Bloomer, DanielSyracuseg.s.w shoul$4.00 Nov., 1872
11, 438Southard, LouisaNebraska CityWidow 1812$8.00 Nov., 1878
198, 158Delozier, Geo SDresdeng.s.w hip$2.00 Nov., 1881
46, 110Myers, MaryNebraska Citywidow$8.00 Oct., 1867
175, 749Rose, Henry NSyracuseg.s.w thigh$4.00 Oct., 1880
176, 883Gravatt, JohnsonTalmagechr diarr$6.00 Oct., 1880
177, 250Foster, MartinUnadillag.s.w abd$2.00 Oct., 1880
218, 447Johnson, Albert HSyracusechr diarr$6.00 Sept., 1882
26, 256Brink, JnoDunbarg.s.w foot$8.00 -
68, 346Ready, JesseNebraska Cityg.s.w hip$8.00 -
78, 227Koppenhafer, Jerem'hNebraska Cityg.s.w ankle$6.00 -
110, 957Harding, Thos DNebraska Cityinjury to abdomen$12.00 -
7, 188Hinks, Jno CNebraska Citychr diarr$12.00 -
25, 305Burgess, Lorenza SNebraska Cityg.s.w r side$8.00 -
62, 182Knowlton, Jno MNebraska Cityw l foot$5.00 -
4, 240Crosby, ThosNebraska Cityg.s.w$7.00 -
101, 132Roads, DavidNebraska Cityw ster$3.00 -
109, 581Langley, Geo LNebraska Citydropsy$4.00 -
145, 403Hepley, Fred'kNebraska Cityg.s.w arm, side$14.00 -
117, 316Schwinke, JnoNebraska Cityg.s.w shoul, dis eyes$14.00 -
106, 284Pallister, JnoNebraska Cityg.s.w l leg$4.00 -
146, 774Overton, Samuel CNebraska Cityg.s.w shoul$6.00 -
63, 620Morrison, Sam'l HNebraska Cityw leg$10.00 -
131, 812Swank, SamuelPalmyradis eyes$8.00 -
51, 444Coons, Wm HPalmyrag.s.w l side$10.00 -
121, 507McFarland, Wm BSyracusew l leg$6.00 -
124, 570Hurd, Henry MSyracuseg.s.w thigh$6.00 -
127, 194Shull, David ASyracusediarr, dis abd vis$12.00 -
88, 276Ashton, Wm WSyracuseconj'ness bth eyes$8.00 -
109, 902Allen, Jno SSyracusew leg$6.00 -
169, 744Clark, RebeccaSyracusewidow$8.00 -
18, 574Case, FranklinSyracusediarr$8.00 -
119, 827Diener, JnoSyracuseg.s.w face$10.00 -
91, 205Ried, JuliusSyracusew r leg$18.00 -
133, 645Cooper, Jas LTalmagefather$8.00 -
117, 236Steadman, Chas RUnadillachr diarr$8.00 -

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