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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Saunders County, Nebraska

January 1, 1883

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1883 Saunders County, Nebraska List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
124,280Balford, Wm.Ashlandwd.l.arm$18.00 -
179,006Bell, Leonard K.Ashlandchr. Diarr.$7.50 Nov 1880
211,058Brooks, John P.Ashlandscurvy and dis. Throat$4.00 Jun 1882
5,830Brown, Henry C.Ashlandloss l. arm$24.00 -
172,541Decks, Josiah J.Ashlandulcoration toe r. foot$4.00 Aug 1880
179,421Dutcheson, Edward W.Ashlandinjury to abdomen$8.00 Dec 1880
28,218Egleston, Charles IIIAshlandg.s.r.hand$5.00 -
178,643Fenton, Samuel L.Ashlandg.s.w.l.thigh$4.00 Nov 1880
41,908Hall, Samuel B.Ashlandw.r.arm & Shoul$4.00 -
208,285Hindman, JamesAshlandchr. diarr. $4.00 May 1882
57,824Hindman, WmAshlandloss r. forearm$18.00 -
124,416Johnson, Wm. A.Ashlandheart dis.$10.00 -
-Mackey, Lewis J.Ashlandimpaired vision$8.00 -
53,659McReynolds, John W.Ashlandw.r.thigh$6.00 -
157,870McVitty,. JosephAshlandg.s.w.r.arm$4.00 Mar 1879
194,101Mills, Joseph T.Ashlandchr. Rheum$4.00 Aug 1881
168,414Moore, Wm. F.Ashlandchr. Diarr.$8.00 May 1880
32,680Murphy, SarahAshlandwidow 1812$8.00 Dec 1881
125,259Pancost, EdwardAshlandchr. Diarr.$4.00 -
288,509Perrine, Wm. H.Ashlandchr. Diarr.$8.00 May 1882
186,498Pointer, JustusAshlandchr. Diarr.$4.00 Apr 1881
58,148Prks, James L.Ashlandwd.l.hand$18.00 -
192,341Rose, Caleb H.Ashlanddis. Lungs$8.00 Jul 1881
198,202Scott, Wm.Ashlandpartial deafness$4.00 Nov 1881
221,169Sherman, Raustef'd M.Ashlanddis. Lungs$4.00 Mar 1882
35,638Smith, Eugene E.Ashlandchr.diarr.$4.25 Dec. 1864
108,549Spink, Charlotte V.Ashlandwidow$8.00 -
173,454Summit, SmithAshlandg.s.w.l.hand$2.00 Sep 1880
69,219Tansey, Vuriln G.Ashlandvaricose veind leg$18.00 -
172,669Taylor, James S.Ashlandchr. diarr.$4.00 Aug 1880
138,964Vance, James N.Ashlandchr. diarr. & asth$12.00 -
93,186Ward, JohnAshlanddis. Eyes$4.00 -
150,167Whipple, EdmondAshlandg.s.w.r.arm$4.00 Dec 1877
135,431Will, George A.Ashlandg.s.w.r.ankle$6.00 -
182,713Wood, AmyAshlandwidow$8.00 Dec 1878
136,125Woodruff, Wm. D.Ashlandw.l.thigh$4.00 -

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