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Church Membership ca. 1830
Congregational Church of Bristol, Connecticut

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Congregational Church, Town of Bristol, Hartford County, Connecticut, Membership ca. 1830, Extracted from Bristol, Connecticut ("In the Olden Time New Cambridge" Which Includes Forestville) Hartford, Conn., City Printing Company, 1907.

Congregational Church Membership ca. 1830

The following is the detail of the Congregational Church Dignification* of about the year 1830 [exact date not known]. The spelling of the original has been followed. In the case of many of the women's names, it is impossible to tell if the title is Wid. (widow) or Mrs. Each group of names represents the occupants of one pew or seat as indicated.

"One important function of the old church that has been entirely dropped in our modern democratic days was the dignification of the meeting-house, and the seating based on that dignification. The committee to dignify the meeting-house was appointed as soon as the building was complete and annually reappointed. The determined the relative dignity of each pew; and then the seating committee had the infinitely more delciate task of determining the dignity of each family, or rather of each adult person, for the entire family did not sit together, and of assigning the most worthy person to the most worthy pew, and so on in regular order down to the pews under the stairs, which were the lowest in rank."