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Mower County Minnesota Obituaries Extracted From The Mower County Transcript, Lansing, Minnesota, 1890-1894

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1890-1894 Obituaries from the Mower County Transcript, in Lansing, Mower County Kansas.

BAKER, Mrs., Obituary

At the home of her daughter, in Albert Lea, Saturday morning, Nov. 24, 1894, of internal cancer, Mrs. Baker, of Austin, aged 86 years.

The deceased was born in Catherine, Schuyler county, New York, Sept 23, 1808. Her maiden name was Beardsley. Feb. 19, 1829, she was married to Isaac Baker, of Sullivan, Tioga county, Penn., where they lived until 1843 when they moved to Shirland, Winnebago county, Ill. In 1857 they came to Riceland, Freeborn county, Minn., and lived on their farm until they moved to Austin in the fall of 1870, building a residence in the west part of this city. Here Deacon Baker died Nov. 21, 1879, just fifteen years ago. Their golden wedding was fittingly observed Feb. 19, 1879. Since Mr. Baker's death the widow has lived with her children mostly. For the past three years she has suffered almost constantly, but was confined to the bed only about six weeks. The deceased was a most devoted Christian woman, uniting with a church at the age of 16 years, and living a Godly life for 70 years. In 1839, on account of a change of religious views, she was baptized with her husband, both becoming members of the Baptist denomination. They were two of the six constituent members of the Shell Rock Baptist church in Freeborn county, of which Mr. Baker was afterwards deacon. They were both zealous and honored in good works. Five children remain: Mr. J. C. Kaiser, of this city, Mrs. Amy Waylaski, of Geneva, Mrs. Rhoda A. Lowe, of Albert lea, William H. Baker, of Riceland and Charles E. Baker of Austin. The remains were brought to this city Monday for burial. Funeral services at the Central Presbyterian church were conducted by her pastor, Rev. F. C. Whitney. Sermon by Rev. C. D. Belden. There was a large attendance of friends, including the old settlers of Austin and Oakland. We sympathize with the children in the loss of their devoted and pious mother. [Mower County transcript, (Lansing, Minn.), November 28, 1894]