New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1835 State Census Index
Town of Vernon
Oneida County, New York

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Head of household	Page
Abrams, Daniel		3
Adams, George		11
Adams, Isaac		3
Adams, Silas		3
Adams, Williams		5
Allen, Augustus		9
Allen, Benjamin		9
Allen, Edward		6
Allen, Enos		8
Allen, George		15
Allen, Samuel		1
Andrews, Daniel B.	5
Anthony, Martin		3
Arkley, Jesse		4
Armstrong, Earl F.	10
Armstrong, John		6
Bailey, Clarke		4
Bailey, Stephen		4
Baker, Daniel		11
Baker, Henry		5
Baker, Horace		2
Baker, Stephen		5
Benning, James		14
Barber, Elihu		7
Barber, Thomas		5
Bard, Pelatiah		5
Barnes, Eli		15
Baron, George		16
Barnes, Thomas		4
Barry, Caroline		9
Bartholomew, James	8
Bates, Isaac		10
Beebee, William N.	6
Benedict, Allen		15
Bennett, Israel		1
Bennett, William	6
Betts, John		4
Betts, Justus		5
Bingham, Simon		13
Bissell, Henry		10
Blain, Enos		4
Bond, John W.		12
Bond, Jonathan		15
Bogue, Horace T.	1
Bortick, Canfield	16
Brewer, Morris		4
Briggs, Andrew		13
Briggs, Gardner		3
Brigham, Abijah		12
Brigham, George		9
Brigham, Stephen, Jr.	2
Brockway, Betsey	2
Bronson, Abijah		16
Bronson, Ashel		4
Bronson, David		9
Bronson, Lenas		1
Brooking, Mr.		16
Brookins, David		4
Brookins, Thadeus	4
Brooks, Horace		2
Brooks, Shadrack	2
Brown, George		2
Brown, Henry		11
Brown, Ira		12
Brown, Jabez		8
Bryant, Oliver		14
Burnam, Benjamin	13
Burt, Joel		8
Bushnell, Ephraim	14
Buswell, Auville	1
Cacnet, Thomas		5
Cady, Chester		5
Cady, Hiram		10
Cady, John		7
Cady, Pitt		10
Cady, Samuel		1
Camp, James		7
Campbell, Alanson	1
Campbell, Stephen	1
Campbell, Willcox	1
Car, Salmon		15
Carpenter, Charles B.	4
Carpenter, Isaiah	4
Carrington, Rice	8
Carter, Arna		13
Carter, Franklin	11
Castle, Raymond		5
Carver, John		2
Chapin, Marvin		1
Chapin, Simeon		2
Childs, William P.	8
Church, Caleb		12
Church, Daniel		14
Church, Eli		10
Church, Russel		13
Church, Samuel H.	3
Clarke, Adna		13
Clarke, Alanson		3
Clarke, Sophia		3
Cody, Rudolphin		4
Coe, Elmer		9
Coleman, Asa		10
Comstock, E.		3
Cook, John		1
Cook, John W.		10
Cowan, Nathaniel	13
Crandall, William	8
Cranston, Henry		1
Crocker, Silas		4
Crocker, Silas		14
Crocker, Silas B.	11
Crocker, Sylvester	9
Cronkrite, William	10
Croff, John		14
Cummings, William	11
Cushman, Morris		2
Dalrad, John		13
Darling, Barber		12
Darling, Chester	5
Darling, John		15
Davie, Isaac		13
Davis, Romilla		10
Davis, Solomon		13
Daymouth, Daniel	11
Dayton, Erastus		10
Devotes, James		2
Demming, Davis		2
Dix, Charles		9
Dix, Charles, 2nd	6
Dix, Erastus		12
Dodge, Alvan		2
Dudley, Ira G.		6
Dunlap, John		11
Dyer, Nicholas		12
Eastman, Luther		6
Eaton, Josiah		9
Eddy, John D.		14
Edson, Eben		11
Ellis, Jacob		4
Eltar, John		13
Ethridge, William	6
Everett, John C.	9
Fernell, Timothy	15
Ferry, Orlanda		9
Ferry, Sanndus		9
Filley, Barnabas	12
Fletcher, Ira		8
Fletcher, John		12
Foot, Adonijah		3
Foot, Morgan		10
Foot, Ruth		10
Foot, Sarah T.		2
Foot, Zilpha		3
Forbes, Samuel		15
Ford, Lewis		5
Forman, Jonathan	6
Fox, John M.		5
Freeman, Isaac		6
Frink, Silas		6
Frisbie, Chester	13
Frisbie, Medad		2
Frisbie, Norman		4
Frisbie, William	15
Fuller, Erastus		12
Fuller, James R.	2
Fuller, Orlando A.	4
Galpin, Josiah		10
Gardner, Dorothy	1
Gardner, Isaac		10
Garlock, John		12
Gaylord, Bryman		2
Gerry, Elbridge		15
Gibson, Matthew		8
Gifford, Asa		12
Gilbert			14
Goodwin, Hiram		7
Gordon, William		5
Gould, Joseph		5
Granger, Charles	1
Granger, Nathan		7
Granger, Oscar		1
Grant, Candan		12
Grant, Gerry		10
Graves, Morris C.	1
Green, David		9
Green, Dennison		14
Green, Ezra I.		9
Green, Nathan T.	10
Green, Simeon		8
Gridley, Chloe		4
Gridley, Leander	1
Gridly, Lot		8
Griswold, Martin	13
Griswold, Thilo		1
Griswold, Norris	7
Halbert, Horace		2
Hale, Jesse		7
Hall, Gilbert		16
Hand, Eben		8
Harison, William	11
Harrick, Loyal B.	15
Haxton, Daniel		3
Benman, Timothy		8
Henry, Alden		7
Hills, Huet O.		2
Hills, Ira		9
Hills, Lester		5
Hills, Miles		9
Hinkley, Melatiah	13
Hills, William		7
Hitchcock, Aurelius	5
Hitchcock, Ira		7
Hitchcock, Luke		15
Hodgeson, Richard	5
Holmes, Seth		10
Holmes, Henry		6
Hotchkiss, Eliphalet	15
Hotchkiss, Sophia	15
Hough, Alfred		10
Howard, Barzilla	3
Howe, Arnasa		15
Howe, Nancy		6
Howes, Fitch		10
Hubbard, Noadiah	15
Hubbard, Perry		3
Hubbard, Russel		5
Huett, Charles		11
Huett, Josiah		11
Huett, Josiah, Jr.	11
Hungerford, Newell	12
Hungerford, Celinda	9
Hungerford, Rollin	8
Hungerford, Sexten	9
Hunter, William		8
Hurband, James D.	7
Hutchinson, Benjamin	5
Hyde, James		14
Ingersol, Luther	13
Ives, Shillurne		7
Ives, William		7
Jackson, John J.	10
Jacobs, Ozias		11
Jeffrian, James		2
Jenkins, Harriot A.	14
Jenkins, Horatio	14
Jenkins, Timothy	15
Jennings, Reuben	13
Jewell, Myron		6
Jewell, Oliver		6
Jewett, Briggs		7
Fohnson, Fyler		11
Johnson, Henry		11
Johnson, Nicholas	11
Johnson, Rufus		3
Jones, Isaac I.		8
Jones, John		1
Jonson, Jardner		15
Kent, Nathaniel		13
Keys, Shoebal		9
Keyzinger, Frederick	3
Keyzinger, Philip	3
Kimball, Jared		12
King, Albert P.		13
King, Judith		7
Kirkland, Charles	15
Mabeel, Henry		6
Laird, Morris		3
Laird, Orville P.	14
Lamphear, Hiram		3
Lampheare		14
Lampman, Jacob		2
Lancy, Alexander	7
Laurence, Grave		2
Lee, Alanson		12
Leland, Charles		15
Letson, John		4
Lewis, Warren		15
Lindsley, Benjamin	8
Lindsley, Eldad		8
Linman, Peter		12
Little, Jerusha		6
Loomis, Adam		13
Loper, Philo		8
Loyd, Alva		3
McAllister, Leander	1
McEwen, Charles		9
McEwen, Ezra		4
McEwen, Leuas (Zenas)	4
McGregor, Peter		6
McIntosh		11
McMurphy, Daniel	3
Maine, Arthur		13
Mahan, William		9
Mansfield, Richard	13
Maron, John		15
Marshal, Levi T.	9
Marshall, Raphael	2
May, Clinton		12
Mayer, John		11
Mayer, John, Jr.	11
Mekeel, Caleb		14
Melen, Jared		9
Merrell, Abagail	15
Merrill, Harvey F.	2
Merrell, Horatio O.	2
Merwin, Isaac		8
Miller, John		1
Miller, Lans		4
Miller, Lester C.	11
Miller, Levi		4
Miller, William		7
Moore, Elizur		4
Moore, Horace		9
Moore, Jacob		15
Moore, James		7
Moore, Jarvis		7
Morrison, John		14
Morrison, Norman	12
Morrison, Oran		12
Morse, Stephen		4
Murray, David		4
Murray, George		9
Munroe, Almira		7
Ney, Charles		5
Ney, Jonathan		1
Ney, Nathan B.		12
Ney, Sylvanus		6
Ney, Thomas		12
Norton, Ariel		6
Norton, Florris		10
Norton, Jabez		10
Norton, Samuel		7
Nute, Benjamin		5
Otis, Fredrick		13
Osgood, Sumner		8
Parkhurst, Stephen	14
Parmer, Henry		14
Parsons, Sarah		13
Patten, Albert		14
Patten, Franklin J.	14
Patten, Josiah		14
Peck, Edward		9
Peirson, David		7
Pepper, William		6
Percival, Arba		8
Pettibone, Daniel	16
Pettibone, Daniel, Jr.	8
Pettibone, Elisha	16
Phelps, Paul		5
Phillips, Jacob		14
Phinney, James		10
Pinkney, William	6
Pierce, David		13
Findar, JOhn		13
Pomroy, Joel		13
Pond, Horace P.		10
Porter, James		8
Prince, David		15
Printis, Samuel		5
Rawson, James		4
Raymont, Peter		10
Reese, Elmer		13
Rice, Jeremiah		1
Richardson, Joseph R.	8
Richardson, Martin	7
Risley, Eli		4
Rogers, Arunah		15
Rogers, Thomas		12
Root, Clarke		3
Root, Elihu		3
Root, Nathaniel		11
Root, Sheldon		11
Root, William		3
Root, Ward		15
Rufus, Joel		12
Russel, George		14
Sage, Elisha		14
Sailsbury, John		5
Samson, Eri		7
Sanford, Robert		3
Sayles, Welcome		7
Schoolcraft, Lawrence	3
Schuyler, Philip	13
Scovil, Sheldon		15
Scruley, Joseph		15
Seaber, Silas		3
Seaton, George		4
Sergeant, John, Jr.	11
Shekloworth, Charles	9
Sherdan, Allen		15
Sherman, Willet H.	14
Sherwin, John		12
Sherwood, John P.	7
Simonds, William	8
Skinner, Gideon		8
Skinner, Levi		9
Smith, John		14
Smith, Matthew		4
Smith, Nathan		15
Smith, Trumbull		11
Snell, Asa F.		8
Snow, Cyrus		4
Snow, Libeon		4
Snow, Shepherd		5
Soans, Durang		11
Southworth		14
Spavin, John		2
Spencer, Lucy		3
Spriggs, George		1
Stevens, Horatio	14
Stevenson, Hannah	13
Stevenson, John L.	14
Stilson, Leman		10
Stinger, Lewis		3
Stoddard, Erastus	15
Stone, Joseph		13
Stone, William		13
Stone, William R.	1
Streeter, Ezra		14
Strong, Johnathan	6
Sturges, Horace		2
Sutton, Calvin		1
Sykes, Channly		12
Taft, Timothy		8
Tallman, David		1
Ten Eyc, Cornelus	6
Thomas, Jeremiah	15
Thomas, John		12
Tiber, John		11
Tilden, Lucinda		6
Tillden, Nahum		7
Tillotson, John		2
Tillotson, Samuel H.	2
Toana, Robert		11
Tomlinson, Enshby	15
Tryon, Jesse		8
Torry, Hiram		10
Treadwell, Alanson	3
Townley, Sherman	13
Trowbridge, Calvin	13
Truman, Martin		5
Tucker, David		6
Tuttle, Hiram D.	11
Tyler, James		5
Van Ess, Abraham	14
Vaughan, John		9
Veness, James		11
Walter, Charles		11
Ward, Ehphalet		11
Ward, Jabez		7
Ward, Elizabeth		6
Ward, Lemuel		11
Warner, Andrew, Jr.	8
Warren, John		7
Watterman, John E.	9
Vatterson, Robert	3
Weatherbee, David	6
Webber, Austin B.	5
Webber, Edward		13
Webber, Elijah		15
Webster, Asahel		14
Webster, Stephen	1
Webster, Truman		1
Weed, Marvey		15
Walls, Joseph		14
Vessel, Richard		4
Vest, Smith		13
Wetmore, Calvary	10
Wetmore, Hannah		6
Wetmore, Lemen		1
Weygaint, Tobias	4
Whitney, Joseph		15
Wilder, Joel		6
Williams, Benjamin	13
Williams, David		2
Williams, Joseph L.	12
Williams, Stephen	7
Williams, Thomas	14
Williams, William	2
Williamson, William	1
Willis, Wendell		10
Willson, Elijah		14
Willson, Suran		6
Willson, Stephen S.	11
Willsox, Asahel		14
Wood, Jeremiah		10
Woodbury, William	3
Woodruff, Mrs.		14
Wooster, Isaac		8
Wright, David		14
Wright, Nathaniel L.	9
Wright, Orinda		1
Wright, William		9
Yale, Joseph C.		10
Young, John B.		4