New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1851 - 1882 Marriage Records
By Rev. Adam Van Vranken
First Protestant Dutch Reformed Church
Town of Glen
Montgomery County, New York

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Register of Marriages by Rev. Adam Van Vranken

Note. All of Mr. Van Vranken's fees were written in pencil.

Mr. Van Vranken's marriages were recorded in the style of the entries that appear on p. 63. The style adopted by the copyist makes it impossible to indicate that both parties came from the same town, without repeating the name of the town beneath the bride's name. Cf. note on p. 88.

The reader can obtain a better idea as to how this marriage record was actually written, by referring to p. 84. Cf. note on p. 88.

In the absence of the Pastor the ceremony was performed by Rev. F. M. Kipp of the Reformed church of Fultonville.

22 blank pgs. follow in the original record, to the back part of the volume, where the marriages recorded by Rev. Peter Van Buren begin; cf. p. 52.

Note Concerning Certification. This brings to a close the Register of Baptisms and Marriages of the Charleston-Glen church. In the preparation of this copy, Miss Cohen transcribed pgs. 2 to 57 and 69 to 88. Mr. Vosburgh transcribed pgs. 1, 58 to 68 and 89 to 121. Mr. Vosburgh made all the corrections and added all the footnotes, and for this reason has sworn to the Certification.