New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1837 - 1845 Death Records
Dutch Reformed Church
Town of Fonda
Montgomery County, New York

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Note. The heading which implies that all these people died in 1837, is preposterous. A congregation the size of this one would not have that number of deaths in a yr. with an epidemic of cholera. As far as the serial numbering extends, the list is in the handwriting of Rev. Jacob D. Fonda. In my opinion, up to No. 28, it is the entire death register for his pastorate from 1837 to 1842.

The last six names on the page are the names of persons that died after the close of Rev. Mr. Fonda's pastorate; three of the names also appear on original page 388, as deaths for the yr. 1845. John Booth died in 1845, at which time he was a Deacon and Treasurer of the Consistory; of. (?) Minutes of the Consistory, original page 304.

Died 1837
Members of the Church deceased since Jan. 1845
Apr. 13, 1845
May 7, 1845
May 22, 1845