New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Orleans County Vermont Genealogy

Orleans County, Vermont genealogy and family history page is a place where you can come in and research your genealogy and family history. We also do our best to provide a history of the area, to provide you with an overview of the time in which your ancestors lived.

We regret that we are unable to do personal research for you. All genealogical and family history records we come across are being added to this website. Please keep checking back.

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Orleans County Genealogy Records

Genealogy Research in Orleans County Vermont

The Orleans County, Vermont Town Clerk generally keeps the town records that include: records of births, marriages, deaths, burials, cemeteries, appointments, earmarks, estrays (records of stray animals), freemen’s oaths (men eligible to vote), land records, mortgages, name changes, care of the poor, school records, surveys, tax lists, town meeting minutes, voter registrations, and warnings out (of town).

Orleans County Clerk
247 Main Street
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 334-4461 or 334-3344

Overview of Vermont public records law

If you know of a Orleans County Genealogy link that should be added to this list, please Contact us

[ Vermont Genealogy ]