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"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing
Albany County, New York

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The Honor List of Dead and Missing for the State of New York is published by the War Department for the information of public officials, the press, the radio and interested organizations. It contains the latest and most complete data available on all military personnel who were killed or died, or became and remained missing, between the President's declaration of unlimited national emergency on May 27, 1941, and the cut-off data of this report, January 31, 1946, and includes both battle and non-battle dead or missing. The complete work, of which this volume is a part, contains about 300,000 names of men and women who gave their lives while serving in the Army of the United States.


NameSerial NumberGradeType of Casualty
NameSerial NumberRankStatus
Adams, Alonzo P. III0-7912711 LTFOD
Adams, William C.32098600SGTKIA
Ahearn, James E.32747536PFCKIA
Aiezza, Patsy A. Jr.32739686PFCDOW
Albert, Stephen E.32576212SGTDOW
Alexander, Harry S. Jr.12174864CPLDNB
Allegra, Joseph A.32373703S SGKIA
Allen, Robert N.0-7281542 LTDNB
Alston, James W.32666944S SGKIA
Anderson, Lawrence M.32943377PVTKIA
Andrews, John F.32046429PFCKIA
August, Francis A.32576989PFCKIA
Austin, Louis M.42123207PVTKIA
Austin, Paul J.6983562PVTKIA
Austin, Thomas S.0-4420151 LTDNB
Aviza, Edward A.32852557PVTDNB
Aviza, John J.0-8765922 LTDNB
Babcock, Alford J.0-6867151 LTKIA
Baillargeon, Vela P.32370813SGTKIA
Barbour, Wiliam J.32043322TEC5KIA
Basmajian, Alex M.32858311PVTKIA
Bauman, Louis12079249TEC5KIA
Beagle, Jack P.10150811 LTKIA
Bekaert, Gerard J.12035149S SGKIA
Benjamin, Jack T.13005832 LTKIA
Bennett, Clifford E.32662458PVTKIA
Bennett, George H.20269476CPLDOW
Bergstein, Louis32289900PVTFOD
Bigelow, Roland32042773TEC4DNB
Bigley, Charles A.12174551PVTKIA
Bingham, Robert S.0-7229432 LTDNB
Bishop, Philip C.32226929PFCKIA
Blake, Gilman D. Jr.0-8281002 LTDNB
Blankenhorn C. W. Jr.32852729PVTDOW
Bolaski, James32947209PVTKIA
Bond, Halbert G.32850865PFCDOW
Borell, Frank J.11998501S SGDNB
Borst, Howard J.11998501S SGDNB
Bourassa, Clarence A.12174477PFCKIA
Bowen, Charles T. Jr.0-7913792 LTDNB
Bowen, Earl P.32855535PVTKIA
Bowen, George J.32289746PVTFOD
Bradt, Louis H.32662878PFCKIA
Bremm, Harry32941243PVTKIA
Brennan, Edward D.32852208SGTDOW
Bresee, Theodore F. Jr.12171543CPLKIA
Bronk, Arthur D.32289912SGTDNB
Brooks, William F.T-129074FLOKIA
Brower, Vincent J.20281886SGTDNB
Brown, George L.32040963PFCDOW
Brown, Paul M.12914082 LTDNB
Brownsey, David B.42120480PVTKIA
Brundage, Donald E.12167598S SGFOD
Bryk, Milton M.32213652SGTKIA
Bucci, William J.20269303PFCKIA
Bullis, George V.6711231PFCDOW
Bullis, James J.12004863PFCKIA
Bulson, John C.32100340SGTKIA
Burchett, Lambert F.35808855PVTKIA
Burgner, Melvin L.20269671S SGKIA
Burns, Hugh R.32446765S SGDNB
Busone, Anthony D.32666128PFCKIA
Cady, Edward J. B.12004525PFCDNB
Campanella, Silvio C.32739715PFCDOW
Campbell, William B.32373777SGTDNB
Candlyn, Donald S.32943839SGTKIA
Card, William R.32665770PVTDNB
Cardullo, Paul N.32293119PVTDOW
Carey, Peter P.6903422PVTKIA
Carhart, Edward42120058PFCKIA
Carlino, Paul P.13150271 LTKIA
Carr, Leo T.0-7477392 LTDNB
Catman, Ulysses J.32858792PVTKIA
Cavallaro, Joseph32949525PVTKIA
Cerone, Frank32094014TEC4KIA
Charbonneau, Ernest E.32371151PVTDNB
Cherry, Robert S.32576436PFCDOW
Christian, James E.32851402PFCKIA
Christian, John A.32852866PVTKIA
Church, Albert F.10631512 LTKIA
Cioffi, Dominick P.32852556PFCKIA
Cipollo, Robert A.32739576PVTKIA
Clapper, Drexel J.3660699PFCdOW
Clark, John J.12172204T SGKIA
Cleary, Cornelius J.32040045TEC5KIA
Cleary, Joseph W.32669542PFCKIA
Cline, Glem H.20269535S SGKIA
Coan, Raymond J.32665247PVTKIA
Coffey, James W.32040072T SGKIA
Coleman, Charles W.32372194PFCDNB
Collar, Claude E. Jr.12025290PVTKIA
Comi, Patrick A.32046102SGTKIA
Comtois, Halsey G.32043059T SGDOW
Conley, Joseph F.32293106PVTKIA
Conners, Robert J.12096758S SGKIA
Consola, Anthony T.20203818PVTKIA
Contento, Louis W.36048518PVTKIA
Coons, Donald12170753PFCKIA
Cooper, Harry G.32234479CPLKIA
Corr, Edward C. Jr.0-8356112 LTM
Coughlin, C. J. Jr.32577910PVTKIA
Cowin, Raymond T.32945799PVTKIA
Coy, Edward C. Jr.32289718TEC5KIA
Crandall, William F.32370814PVTDNB
Crocker, Thomas G.32739713TEC4DNB
Cummins, Joseph M. Jr.0-019486LT CKIA
Cunningham, Richard N.0-7364822 LTDNB
Dalton, Charles32213177PFCKIA
Daly, Edward B.32293706PFCKIA
Damm, Eugene C.0-8006882 LTDNB
Danielczyk, Sigmund J.32213533SGTKIA
Day, Sigmund E.32945492PVTKIA
Day, Walter N.32447507S SGFOD
De Bie, Harry20269502PVTFOD
De Marco, Alfil12172218PVTKIA
De Marco, Michael L.32746793SGTKIA
Deane, Lawrence H.32748251PFCKIA
Deladurantaye, C. V.33005992TEC4DNB
Delehanty, William J.32289739PVTKIA
Denn, Robert F.32948249PVTDOW
Denue, George E.20203821PFCKIA
Detel, Howard0-7122591 LTKIA
Devaney, Dennis J.32224791SGTDOW
Devine, John E.0-8230402 LTDNB
Di Mura, Philip32944119PFCKIA
Di Pace, Anthony32858847PFCKIA
Di Pierro, Leo F.32850871PVTKIA
Dinovo, August0-7352881 LTKIA
Dobies, Theodore R.32445171PVTKIA
Doe, Warner T.6677145S SGDNB
Dorsman, William B.0-8213641 LTKIA
Dover, John B.10675378S SGKIA
Dresster, William C.12053445AV CDNB
Droogan, Paul J.32370553PVTKIA
Dubuc, Marcel32048669SGTKIA
Duchesne, George L.32855554PFCKIA
Dudey, Robert H.20269276S SGKIA
Duffek, Imrich C.32043232T SGKIA
Duncan, John H.32371227PVTDOW
Dyer, William A.12067623CPLDNB
Enright, James D. III32945500SGTKIA
Erickson, John E.42120296PVTKIA
Evans, Harold T.32043549T SGDNB
Farone, Paul R.T-129078FL OKIA
Farrell, Thomas F. Jr.0-024712CAPTKIA
Fay, Harold W.32294463PVTKIA
Fenner, Arthur B.12004138T SGKIA
Filkins, Ellsworth G.32851098PFCKIA
Fiset, Joseph e.32491115SGTDNB
Flaherty, Michael R.32289749PVTDNB
Flanagan, Robert F.42087413T SGKIA
Fleming, Thomas H.12169969SGTFOD
Fleshman, Lewis J.12035273S SGKIA
Flynn, Kenneth F.1289814CAPTKIA
Fogle, Dean O.20268812S SGKIA
Forbes, George R.0-7936031 LTDNB
Ford, John E.0-8337282 LTDNB
Forezzi, Charles A.42073376PVTDNB
Forth, Peter M. Jr.42123105PVTKIA
Foster, Edward W.32949289CPLDNB
Fournier, Louis C.42085891PVTKIA
Friedman, Charles L.10604512 LTDOW
Gabriel, Nicholas A.6130759S SGDNB
Gagnon, Roland J.13233062 LTKIA
Gallucci, Joseph A.32048255PVTKIA
Gardner, Walter F.0-2400121 LTDNB
Garrett, Edward F.0-6896012 LTFOD
Garvey, William J.12032730PVTDNB
Gaston, Richard P.42089203PVTKIA
Gates, Floyd E.32048671S SGKIA
Gertzberg, Nathan I.12034994SGTDNB
Gibson, Jack A.32742804PVTKIA
Gifford, Earl D.32851374PVTKIA
Gill, Charles H.32043539CPLKIA
Ginsburg, Jack16907712 LTDOI
Ginsburg, Jack32858358PFCKIA
Gleason, John E.6977613PVTDNB
Glick, Edward J.6950197S SGDNB
Glynn, William H.32046000TEC5KIA
Gnat, John J.32293061TEC4DNB
Gongoleski, Philip R.20201593S SGKIA
Gordon, William W.32748093TEC5KIA
Gorka, John G.32447079PVTDNB
Gorko, Aloysius C.12137932PFCKIA
Graves, John J.32660870SGTKIA
Gray, John A.32948441TEC5KIA
Gray, Joseph32942650PVTKIA
Green, Eugene D.42121820S SGKIA
Greschiak, John32858754PVTKIA
Griffeth, Donald L.32941310PVTKIA
Grindrod, John W.12173991PVTKIA
Groat, Darwin L.20269506PVTDNB
Guba, John G.32045012CPLKIA
Guiluault, Henry J.32490977PVTKIA
Guynup, Paul R.42087196PVTDOW
Hahn, Carl A.0-4332411 LTDNB
Hambidge, Elmer S.32665665PVTDOW
Hamilton, F. W. Jr.32666127PFCKIA
Hammann, Kenneth S.32048266PVTKIA
Hanlon, John J.32575708SGTFOD
Hansbury, Francis J.32666752S SGKIA
Harden, Michael6230151 SGDNB
Harding, Edgar M.13006411 LTKIA
Harzynski, Anthony F.10390251 LTKIA
Haskins, Earl R.20242283SGTKIA
Haskins, James D.32941526TEC4KIA
Hathaway, Robert I.0-7307242 LTKIA
Hatkoff, Nathan M.0-8238532 LTKIA
Hayden, Timothy J.42089191PFCKIA
Heffernan, Joseph A.42085872PVTKIA
Heidelmark, F. E.32858130TEC5KIA
Heminway, Joseph J.13001671 LTKIA
Heminway, William T.0-394214CAPTKIA
Hempel, Raymond F.12004472TEC5DNB
Henderson, Lawrence G.32851385PVTDOW
Henkel, Richard C.16332702 LTDNB
Herrman, Ryanold J.32947403PFCKIA
Herrmann, Theodore W.32040831SGTDOW
Hicks, Robert C.12067626PFCDNB
Hildreth, Carl32098606PVTKIA
Hodson, Thomas E.32948256PFCKIA
Hogan, Edward E.32447839PVTDNB
Hohenstein, John Jr.32575430PVTDNB
Holdridge, Edward L.12079618SGTKIA
Holsapple, Edward P.32740277PVTKIA
Hook, William J.0-7909591 LTFOD
Hotaling, Kenneth V.6879321S SGKIA
Hotaling, Wesley H.32855273PFCKIA
Houck, Raymond J.32374523PFCKIA
Houle, Henry A.12005532CPLKIA
Hover, James E.32661774TEC5KIA
Howe, Walter F.20242284SGTDNB
Hudson, Henry D.0-4277371 LTDNB
Hudson, Raymond0-308781MAJDNB
Hulbert, Dudley K.32446895S SGFOD
Huneau, Armand J.20201381SGTDOW
Hurley, George M. H.0-7225831 LTKIA
Hurley, Robert E.32943829PVTKIA
Hutchinson, Martin C.12171711S SGKIA
Hutton, Arthur13185481 LTKIA
Iozzo, Anthony J.12975391 LTKIA
Jablonski, Leo A.32944482PVTDNB
Jackson, Charles E.32294303T SGKIA
Jacobsen, Edwin S.0-6841142 LTFOD
Jennings, Edward32662937T SGKIA
Job, George C. Jr.1699302CAPTKIA
Jones, Donald N.32294470SGTDOW
Jones, Edward H.32372326S SGFOD
Jones, Edward B.0-7282781 LTKIA
Kalnitsky, Arthur32741682TEC4DNB
Kane, Martin F.T-001491FLODNB
Kanser, Albert J.12004783PVTKIA
Karius, George B.32227703PFCKIA
Katz, Murray32966790PVTKIA
Kearney, Edward J. Jr.0-8022362 LTFOD
Kelly, Francis W.12079656S SGKIA
Kelsch, Joseph B.12004127PVTDNB
Kempisty, Edmund C.32851200PVTKIA
Kennedy, William Jr.32851548CPLKIA
Kestenbaum, Stuart D.0-8254562 LTDNB
Ketler, George H.0-318048CAPTDNB
Kiernan, Charles P.20269282S SGKIA
King, Alfred H.32666266SGTKIA
King, Eugene W.12174690SGTKIA
Kingston, Richard L.32743144PFCDNB
Klapp, George M. Jr.32192283SGTDNB
Knapp, Walter F. Jr.32371361PFCKIA
Knauf, Robert J.0-7864132 LtKIA
Koonz, Henry W.42121829PVTDNB
Kopsa, Andrew J.20201382T SGKIA
Kott, Bernard A.32587588PFCKIA
Krauch, Arthur F.32040058S SGKIA
Kriechbaum, Clayton H.0-68737791 LTDOW
Krill, Peter P.32373985CPLDNB
Kucskar, Joseph J.32045120PVTDNB
Lack, Joseph H.12034892PFCKIA
Lacy, Thomas S.12890981 LTKIA
Ladouceur, Raymond O.42120314PVTKIA
Lamb, William H.42122277PFCKIA
Landor, Michael P.20201388S SGKIA
Lapp, Fredrick J.12002264PVTKIA
Lavenia, Angelo J.12004226TEC5DNB
Lawyer, Allan B.6978228PFCKIA
Le Maire, Edward A.32045010PVTKIA
Lee, Thomas32094003PFCKIA
Lefebvre, Raymond D.20201392T SGKIA
Leming, James J.10116471 LTKIA
Lessard, Gerard E.42089314TEC5DNB
Levitan, Milton18222902 LTDNB
Lindskoog, Arthur H.0-8177152 LTKIA
Linett, Harry12079843CPLKIA
Livermore, Armon H. Jr.12216191PFCKIA
Lockwood, John A.12172397T SGFOD
Lockwood, Richard E.12079135S SGDOW
Loguidice, Carmen A.32213671CPLKIA
Loguidice, Anthony C.32291122CPLDNB
Lolos, Bernard J.32047118S SGDNB
Ludwig, Jacob C.0-395880MAJKIA
Lyngard, John W.6903920PVTKIA
Mabeus, Neville I.32224775PFCKIA
Mac Kinnon, Malcom B.0-3892701 LTFOD
Mace, George W.0-7928491 LTDOI
Magee, John H. Jr.32577932S SGFOD
Majewski, John A.32289870PVTKIA
Maleski, John J.32044745TEC3KIA
Malm, John L.12079742AV CDNB
Maloney, James A. Jr.18228121 LTKIA
Mandeville, Paul W.32371228SGTDNB
Mansfield, Carroll A.20269478SGTFOD
Markos, John T. Jr.32741382PVTKIA
Marois, Roy E.32576295PVTKIA
Mars, John A.0-8161382 LTKIA
Marsett, Charles R.32660442PVTKIA
Martin, Elmer Jr.32748272PVTKIA
Martin, John J.32739569PFCDNB
Mazur, Joseph Z.12174007T SGDNB
McCall, JohnA.0-7395652 LTKIA
McCarthy, Timothy P.12079498PVTKIA
McConville, John J.32746821S SGKIA
McCormack, John J.12034826T SGFOD
McDaniel, Richard A.12172689SGTKIA
McDermott, Edward B.32943043PFCKIA
McGuire, John P.20269732PVTKIA
McLean, James T.12067143PVTKIA
McMahon, Earl W.20201398PFCFOD
McMahon, Matthew Jr.32492927TEC4KIA
McMullen, Raymond A.32213187S SGKIA
McTague, Robert E.32289938TEC4DOW
Melia, Anthony R.32942728PVTKIA
Meyer, Kenneth F.32947395TEC5KIA
Michaud, Marcil R.32947497PVTKIA
Midura, Michael J.32575171PFCKIA
Miggans, Gustave N.32941326PFCKIA
Mignolo, Joseph P.32739597SGTKIA
Miller, Arthur L.32949377PVTKIA
Miller, Henry F.20203811S SGKIA
Miller, William F.32042764S SGKIA
Mokay, Alexander32943962PVTKIA
Mollela, Joseph T.32446893TEC5DOI
Moore, Nelson K.32293551PFCKIA
Morris, Edward G.32043328PVTKIA
Muir, Robert B.42057277PVTDOW
Mullens, John J.0-316330CAPTDNB
Munroe, John R.32665725PVTKIA
Murphy, Jeremiah C.T-062092FL ODNB
Myers, Francis H. Jr.32945736PVTKIA
Narosky, Edward32293350PFCKIA
Neil, Joseph32748923PVTDOW
Nichols, Ivan G.32943042SGTFOD
Noble, Raymond J.12171018S SGKIA
Noble, Vito C.42140428PFCKIA
Normandin, Richard H.32370794PVTKIA
Northrup, Raymond S.32289574TEC5KIA
Obrien, John G. Jr.0-6987572 LTFOD
Odell, Nelson A.13234702 LTKIA
Odonovan, James J.0-294421MAJDNB
Ohearn, Edward J.32491843SGTDNB
Okeefe, James W.32447695S SGKIA
Okeefe, Joseph H.32660477PVTDNB
Oneill, James H.32041165TEC4KIA
Oneill, Thomas F.42115834PVTKIA
Onufer, George32660222TEC5DNB
Ormsbee, John R.32944144PVTKIA
Otoole, Austin E.12035088SGTKIA
Owocki, Stanley S.32447650CPLDNB
Pagano, Pasquale J.32748409PFCKIA
Paquet, Leo C.0-012316LT CKIA
Pascetta, Frank J32576297PFCKIA
Patnode, David A.12034801PVTDNB
Paul, James32447984T SGFOD
Perkins, John L.10153391 LTKIA
Peseka, Peter J.32947174PFCKIA
Pettograssia, Fred J.32855417PVTKIA
Pflieger, Martin J.32947407PVTKIA
Picard, Gaspard O.13160851 LTKIA
Polgreen, Waldron M.42113391PFCKIA
Pomellitto, Carmino A.32660021PFCKIA
Portanova, Vito12173751S SGFOD
Postupak, Francis P.12171378PFCKIA
Potaski, Jacob S.32944488PVTKIA
Poulin, Wilfred A.32047111S SGKIA
Price, Robert L.32944401PVTKIA
Putman, Fred R.32945664PVTKIA
Putnam, L. C. Jr.33464253PFCKIA
Quackenbush, F. V. Jr.32225481SGTKIA
Quaglieri, Henry A.12004942SGTKIA
Quayle, Howard B.33753432PVTKIA
Quinn, James L.32373700S SGKIA
Rahilly, Donald F.32373784T SGKIA
Ramsay, Frank A. Jr.32040007PFCKIA
Randio, Patsy T.32748254PVTDNB
Reddish, William H.32044423T SGDOW
Reid, George W.12067554TEC5FOD
Rettinger, Harry W.20201406PFCKIA
Reynolds, James F.32576579PFCKIA
Riccitelli, Frank J.32040793PVTKIA
Rice, Stanley F.0-4264272 LTFOD
Rich, William F.42111750PVTDOW
Richter, F. M. Jr.32946172PVTKIA
Riley, Wiliam E.32491124PVTDNB
Rivenburgh, Owen L.32858721PVTDNB
Rivette, David J.12067262PFCDOW
Robataille, Shirley G.42121827PVTKIA
Roberts, Albert J.32746603TEC5KIA
Roberts, Joseph L.32225517TEC5DNB
Robinson, Frederick A.12171724S SGFOD
Rochon, Thomas32739624SGTKIA
Rodgers, Harry L.0-490252CAPTDNB
Romano, Albert L.20201570CPLKIA
Roney, Malcolm L.12067072T SGDNB
Rooney, William B.0-924031MAjDNB
Roor, Dirk32949291SGTKIA
Rose, LeRoy F.12170036SGTKIA
Rosenberger, James H.32226861PFCKIA
Rosenberger, Merlin J.32100342S SGKIA
Rossi, William A.32940231PFCKIA
Rowe, Walter W.12174004S SGKIA
Rupinski, Stephen J.32661613PFCDNB
Russell, Edward W. Jr.0-400165CAPTDOW
Ryan, Charles J. Jr.32941667PFCKIA
Ryan, George J.32577945PVTDNB
Sabatino, Martin T.32949352PVTKIA
Sala, Stanley J.12174002SGTDNB
Sanchez, John B.6977467PFCDNB
Sand, Neal E.42085642PVTKIA
Sanford, Frederick A.12051850AV CDNB
Sarris, Steve J.32661781PFCKIA
Sauer, Allen C.6977317PVTKIA
Sausville, Robert C.42121983PVTDNB
Saxe, Walter E.32852941CPLKIA
Scambelluri, M. A.32225165PFCDOW
Scarsi, Orlando A.32850838PFCDNB
Schilling, Gunter W.32856310T SGFOD
Schilling, William F.32226962PFCKIA
Scholz, William J.32858145TEC4DNB
Scott, Harry W.32290766S SGDNB
Searles, Walter E.32939817SGTDNB
Selkirk, Richard A.1293661CAPTKIA
Sharp, John L.0-8635841 LTKIA
Sharpe, ElmiraA-210181DNB
Shaughnessy, W. J.20201610CPLKIA
Shaw, Donald H.13112172 LtKIA
Shay, Everett A.12172142PFCKIA
Sheehan, Robert J.12170247PFCKIA
Sheehy, Donald J.12096523SGTKIA
Sheehy, John J.13022091 LTKIA
Shelley, Charles D.10363752 LTDNB
Shepard, Milton F.20201412PFCKIA
Shufelt, Charles D.11175312 LTDOW
Shutter, Robert H.32373483CPLKIA
Shutter, William J.32046224S SGKIA
Siddon, Desmond A.42123121PVTKIA
Simmons, Conrad G.0-170928LT GKIA
Simpkin, Wallace R.12172615S SGKIA
Skovronsky, Joseph B.32667301PVTDNB
Slater, Joseph J.0-7488191 LTFOD
Slater, Michael J.0-8180712 LTKIA
Slattery, Thomas S.32372290S SGKIA
Slingerland, William20269266S SGKIA
Smi, John32741424PFCDNB
Smith, Edward G.32943824PFCKIA
Smith, Harry W.32225486SGTKIA
Smith, Robert A.0-7030702 LTKIA
Smith, Stuart F.32747846PVTKIA
Smythe, James A.32044896PFCKIA
Snyder, John42085632CPLKIA
Squadere, Lawrence A.42087201PVTKIA
St. Louis, Robert W.13108941 LTDOW
Stanczak, William D.20201416S SGKIA
Stein, Arthur H.12096074AV CDNA
Steinbach, William T.32445151PFCDOW
Stella, George F.32587425SGTFOD
Stevenson, Robert L.0-7139012 LTKIA
Stewart, Raymond J.42088772PFCKIA
Stopera, Barney S.20201417SGTKIA
Street, Harold R.0-5170591 LTDNB
Stuart, Malcolm G.32447641CPLDNB
Sullivan, Edward F.6978109PVTKIA
Swedick, John J.42112443PVTKIA
Sweeney, Walter R.32293687T SGDNB
Swint, James W.32660059PFCKIA
Szatalski, Louis A.32045126PVTKIA
Szmithkowski, S. M.32289804PFCKIA
Taft, Robert M.32373919PVTDNB
Tallman, Fletcher Jr.32659988PFCKIA
Tansey, Leonard V.32856336PFCKIA
Teegarden, John M.1699258CAPTFOD
Tessier, Oscar H.32576517PVTDNB
Thomas, Paul N.32944306CPLKIA
Thompson, Elbridge I.20281918PVTDNB
Thompson, Richard J.32289979SGTDOI
Tiberia, Lawrence G.32852756PFCKIA
Trela, Stanislaus P.32747514PFCKIA
Tryon, Leonard S.32043868S SGKIA
Tubbs, Charles F.32944199PVTKIA
Turton, Francis G.10142921 LTKIA
Ucosz, Felix12066995TEC5DNB
Uram, Michael32225484PFCDNB
Vadney, William J.12170468S SGFOD
Van Alstyne, Elwood F.32662448PVTFOD
Van-Wely, Gilbert Jr.32491909PFCDNB
Van Wely, Richard C.42111705PVTKIA
Vanace, Andrew W.0-8275482 LTKIA
Vanbuskirk, Fred32040042T SGDOW
Vandenbergh, Jasper20242300PVTKIA
Vanier, Earnest32575225PVTKIA
Verchereau, Joseph M.32041680SGTKIA
Vine, Arthur32226011PFCDNB
Volk, William32092580CPLKIA
Von Ende, William R.0-3752731 LTKIA
Vosburgh, Charles F.32856229PVTDOW
Wagner, Allen32289770PVTKIA
Wagner, Edward S.0-7074542 LTKIA
Waichunas, A. F. Jr.32740321S SGKIA
Walker, William J.32942898PFCKIA
Wall, Edward J. Jr.32748680TEC4DOW
Wallace, William H.6904011PFCKIA
Warner, Walter C. Jr.12137946PFCKIA
Warren, Harry A.32490680PVTDNB
Waterman, Richard T.0-396707CAPTDOW
Watkins, Fred A.32447522PFCDNB
Weaver, Leonard6903686PVTKIA
Weaver, Peter G.0-8100851 LTDNB
Webb, Maurice E.0-4546051 LTDNB
Weber, Arthur J.12017472PFCDOW
Weber, Charles P.32372226SGTDNB
Weingarden, John R.32855386SGTKIA
Wellisch, Nathan A.12035075PFCKIA
Whaley, Frank R.13167262 LTKIA
Wheeler, George L.14129953PVTKIA
White, Stephen F.32855806SGTKIA
Wickhan, Ernest32289587TEC5KIA
Wilber, Edward G.32225434PVTKIA
Wilber, Franklin J.32852119PVTKIA
Wilcox, Basil J.32293292S SGDNB
Wilcox, Leon J.12987941 LTKIA
Wilczacki, Michael32289810PVTDNB
Wilkolaski, Frank J.32944560PFCKIA
Willey, Clarence K.32289606S SGKIA
Williams, Harry W.0-280990CAPTDNB
Willams, W. H. Jr.32225287PVTKIA
Wilson, Alonzo H.32046223PVTKIA
Wilson, George G.13115771 LTKIA
Wilson, Lee W.32100842PVTKIA
Wilson, Warren W.32289864PFCDNB
Wlodkowski, Raymond A.32290248PFCKIA
Wojdak, Richard W.20301906PVTM
Wood, Charles H. Jr.11818042 LTKIA
Wright, Stanley A.32748300PVTDOW
Wroblewski, Stanley V.6905131TEC5KIA
Wullschleger, Robert32855409PVTKIA
Yachwak, Peter32576229PVTKIA
Zaloga, Edward J.42120307PVTKIA
Zavisky, Joseph12170398PFCKIA
Zech, Edward A.13058711 LTKIA
Ziembo, Henry J.6977383S SGDNB

Source: War Department Records from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).