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District of Columbia Pensioners Of The United States, 1818

March 28, 1818

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List of United States Invalid Pensioners for the District of Columbia, paid at Washington City, with the annual allowance to each annexed, viz.

Archdeacon, John Private 32
Bond, William Ditto 96
Butler, John Ditto 96
Berry, Bayne S. Ditto 64
Barrett, Alexander Ditto 32
Brown, James D. Second Lieutenant 180
Barnes, Samuel Private 48
Bamover, George Ditto 96
Balch, Samuel Y. Second Lieutenant 180
Carberry, Henry Captain 240
Calhoun, John Private 48
Carv, John Ditto 32
Calligan, Richard Corporal 72
Creegan, Henry Private 96
Desnoyers, Louis Ditto 48
Dubois, Francis Ditto 32
Dyer, Walter Private 48
Evans, James Ditto 96
Evans, Robert Ditto 72
Eginton, Daniel Ditto 48
Ent, John Corporal 48
Gretton, George G. Private 31.92
Hamilton, William Ditto 24
Kelly, Charles Ditto 48
Lewis, Ambrose Ditto 72
Labranche, John B. Ditto 48
Lane, Samuel Major 300
M'Farland, Henly Private 38.4
Murphy, James Ditto 32
M'Kay, William R. Sergeant 48
Markley, Philip Private 48
Mills, Peter Captain 48
M'Dermott, Michael Private 48
Neil, Charles Ditto 76.8
Osborn, Richard Ditto 48
Pierre or Piars, John Musician 96
Perry, James Private 96
Pendel, Thomas Sergeant major 96
Pearce, Maurice Private 48
Piper, Robert Ditto 72
Ross, Samuel Ditto 48
Robb, Hugh Ditto 48
Raze, Antoine Musician 32
Rauth, John Private 48
Simmons, Thomas Ditto 96
Stevenson, Edmund Ditto 96
Sewall, Clement Ensign 124.8
Sliter, Titus V. Private 48
Scott, James Ditto 96
Welch, John Ditto 64

Making 50 Invalid pensioners for the District of Columbia

War Department,
Pension Office, March 5th, 1818
George Boyd

Hon. J. C. Calhown, Secretary of War.

List of half-pay Pensioners of the United States,, arising from relinquishments of bounty land, belonging to the District of Columbia, with the annual allowance annexed to each, viz.

Robertson, Sarah Guardian
of the heirs of
Joseph Robertson Corporal 60
Kelton, Ammi Ditto James F. Musingo Private 48
Bentley, Susan Ditto Jonas Bentley Ditto 48
Burch, Mary Ditto Theophilus Y. Burch Ditto 48
Medcalf, Catharine Ditto John D. Medcalf Ditto 48
Ford, Edward, widow Ditto John B. Dyer Ditto 48
Hughes, Elizabeth, widow Ditto Zachariah Hughes Ditto 48
Leech, Mary, widow Ditto Samuel Leech Ditto 48
Tuell, Tuell, widow Ditto Roderick Tuell Artificer 60
Sheckels, Richard Ditto Jacob Potts Private 48
Swallow, Hepsey, widow Ditto Zephaniah Swallow Ditto 48
Jackson, Susanna, widow Ditto George Jackson Ditto 48
Wheeler, Samuel, widow Ditto Sinclair Carroll Ditto 48
Collins, Alice, widow Ditto John Collins Ditto 48

Making 14 for the District of Columbia

Making 50 Invalid pensioners for the District of Columbia

War Department,
Pension Office, March 5th, 1818
George Boyd

Hon. J. C. Calhown, Secretary of War.

STATEMENT, showing the Widows and Orphans who are inscribed on the books of this office, as half-pay pensioners, for five years, conformably to the laws of the United States, especially the first section of the act of April the 16th, 1816. "the sum annually paid to each, and the states or territories in which the said pensioners are respectfully paid," made in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the United States, passed under date of February the 22d, 1818.

Names of decedents, &c.Rank or gradeOriginal
of pension.
Hicks, John, widow Private 24th Nov. 1814 $4.00 $48.00 -
Nutt, James, widow Private 10th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Nowland, Peter, widow Private 1st Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Nelson, James, widow Private 25th Jan. 1814 4 48 -
Richter, John G., widow Private 28th Nov. 1814 4 48 -
Sebastian, Benj., widow Private 30th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Skinner, Wm., widow Private 10th Oct. 1814 4 48 -
Taylor, John, widow Private 6th July, 1814 4 48 -

425 - Add this number of claims now on file in the office, belonging to the different States and territories, the examination
and establish of which is daily progressing, but they have not yet reached the books. Others are continually coming in.


Robert Brent, paymaster General

Paymaster General's Office, City of Washington, March 23d, 1818

District of Columbia Pension Records:

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