1840 Census of Pensioners
Kent County, Rhode Island
June 1, 1840
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The 1840 Kent County Rhode Island Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the act for taking the sixth census.
Kent County, Rhode Island
Head of family, Name Age with whom residingCoventry
Benjamin Greene 80 Benjamin Greene Mary Gorton 79 Mary Gorton Orpah Stafford 87 Jared Stafford Lucy Matteson 79 Henry A. Matteson Olive Peck 82 Olive Peck Caleb Whitman 86 Caleb Whitman James Capevill 84 James Capewell Betty Blanchard 85 Oliver Greene Abigail Briggs 83 Joseph Hart Reuben Potter 81 Charles Griffiths Mary Healy - Asahel Matteson David Reynolds - David Reynolds George Andrews 86 George Andrews Abel Wickes 85 Abel Wickes Rhoda Matteson 87 Benjamin A. Matteson Ezekiel Johnson 80 Ezekiel Johnson Jerusha Whaley 89 Raymond P. Goff William Waterman 77 Jonathan Whaley Robert Harnes 84 William Harris Mary Nichols 78 Mary Nichols John Hammond 84 John Hammond Susanna Matteson 89 Peleg Brown Stephen Matteson 81 Stephen Matteson Phebe Matteson 91 Rufus Matteson James Stafford 90 Daniel Tiffany Richard Arnold 78 Richard Arnold Dorcas Matteson 93 Cory Matteson Thomas Cruff 86 Thomas Cruff Elias Young 77 Hazard Champlin Sarah Spencer 83 Orrin Spencer Sarah Mitchell 87 John Wilcox Elizabeth Knight 88 Catherine Lindsey Sarah Potter 82 Loury C. PotterEast Greenwich
Jonathan Andros 78 Jonathan Andros Oliver Wickes 82 Oliver Wickes Daniel Updike 79 Daniel Updike Eunice Miller 91 Waity Sweet Anna Whitmash 82 Mary Spencer Dute Weaver 82 Thomas A. Howland Peleg Weden 83 Peleg Weden Benedict Remington 80 Benedict Remington Benjamin Gardner 84 Betsey Tanner Wanton Casey 81 Wanton Casey James Miller 86 James Miller Anthony Spencer 78 Ezra Spencer James Sweet 87 James Sweet John Carpenter 90 Colonel A. Carpenter John Spencer 80 Richard Spencer Peleg Whitman 78 Peleg Whitman Greene Capron 82 Greene Capron Andrew Fry 77 Andrew Fry Jeremiah Place 83 Jeremiah Place Joseph Briggs 83 Joseph BriggsWest Greenwich
Job Whitford 84 Job Whitford Phebe James 72 Phebe James Mary Bennet 84 Mary Bennet Mary Allen 95 Mary Allen Nathan Straight 85 Nathan Straight Joseph Bailey 84 Joseph Bailey Olive Weaver 90 Robert Hall Desiah Ellis 86 Desiah Ellis Job Harrington 80 Job Harrington Abiah Watson 84 Abiah WatsonWarwick
Nathan Miller 88 Joseph Arnold 84 Anna Budlong 80 Susanna Browning 81 Caleb Arnold 86 Phebe Levally 78 Anna Clapp 94 Betsey Baker 88 Mary Bennett 87 Phebe Corton 87 Catharine Rhodes 86 Mary Rhodes 85 Mary A. Budlong 86 James Greene 83 Phebe Phillips 83 Mary Potter 82 Hannah Arnold 81 Martha Pearce 81 Elizabeth Arnold 81 Matthew Price 80 Martha Potter 80 Remington Arnold 79 Remington Sherman 78 James Rhodes 76 Stephen Budlong 78 Dorcas Clanning 76 Waity Gardner 76 Festus L. Rhompson 52 Ruth Whipple 64