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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Boulder County, Colorado

January 1, 1883

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1883 Boulder County, Colorado List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
87,490Adams, Jacob B. Boulderw.r. arm$6.00 Dec. 1867
208,103Angus, David B. Longmontw.r. thigh$2.00 May 1882
222,138Bills, Albert Boulderw.l. arm$2.00 Dec. 1882
140,522Blanchard, Timot'y W. Boulderw.r. shr$2.00 Aug. 1876
55,589Cady, Adelma Longmontwidow$8.00 Sept. 1863
171,964Campbell, Edward Longmontw.l. side neck$1.00 Aug. 1880
49,505Carr, Byron L. Longmontloss r. arm$24.00 -
138,148Cochran, Wesley M. Boulderdiarr$8.00 Feb. 1876
100,657Coffin, Henry M. Boulderw.l. foot$2.00 Oct. 1869
170,035Crees, Jacob W. Boulderw.l. hand$12.00 June 1880
57,334Daniels, Jos. W. Longmontw.r. shr$4.00 Feb. 1866
34,418Devine, Wm. Longmontw.r. shr$18.00 -
223,445Dodge, Franklin Longmontpart. deaf$4.00 Dec. 1882
73,201Doolittle, Lucky Caribonw.r. leg$8.00 Oct. 1866
162,826Duane, Daniel J. Boulderw.r. thigh$4.00 Oct. 1879
24,866Eldred, Martin M. Boulderw.r. arm$4.00 Mar. 1864
44,189Green, Oscar F.A. Boulderw. arm & side$8.00 June 1865
100,814Heuyck, Mary A. Longmontdep. mother$8.00 Oct. 1867
176,049Hilton, Thos Longmontg.s.w. left hip$2.00 Oct. 1880
212,201House, Lucius O. Gold Hillw.l. hand$2.00 June 1882
64,290Howard, Chas. P. Longmontw.r. arm$14.00 May 1866
134,480Jenkins, Chas. G. Longmontw.r. hand$4.00 July 1875
160,921Jones, Wm. H. Boulderloss sight l. eye$4.00 June 1879
91,048Keef, Michael Louisvillew. face$10.00 May 1868
183,274Livingston, Esther Boulderdep. mother$8.00 Mar. 1879
40,622Lucas, James C. Boulderw.r. hip$6.00 Apr. 1865
79,106Mann, Wm. M. Longmontloss middle fing$4.00 Mar. 1867
205,500Millice, Amos Longmontw.l. leg$2.00 Mar. 1882
123,972Minger, Rosanna Boulderwidow$8.00 Jan. 1869
222,188Morgridge, Wm. O. Boulderdis. lungs$6.00 Dec. 1882
158,189Moyn, Amzi E. Longmontw. both thighs, loss r. thumb$6.00 Mar. 1879
219,462Reed, John Longmontrheum$4.00 Oct. 1882
10,212Rollins, Mary E. Boulderwidow$8.00 -
170,541Rowley, Albert S. Jamestowndiarr$4.00 June 1880
175,814Runyon, Aaron Longmontw.r. arm$12.00 Oct. 1880
38,338Russell, Loomis W. Boulderinj. back$10.00 Feb. 1865
100,726Sallada, Francis Longmontw.l. leg$10.00 Nov. 1869
39,471Sayler, Davis N. Salinaw. jaw$4.00 Mar. 1865
194,380Shull, Martin L. Longmontdis. eyes$12.00 July 1870
186,454Sibley, Isaac D. Gold Hilldis. heart & lungs$17.00 Apr. 1881
152,547Sipe, Jacob Springdalew.r. leg$6.00 Apr. 1878
29,543Squires, Phineas L. Boulderw.r. shr$8.00 June 1864
43,627St. Clair, Joel H.T. Gold Hillw.r. thigh$6.00 June 1865
29,179Steele, Mary H. Longmontwidow 1812$8.00 Apr. 1880
34,695Stewart, Jas. C. Valmontw.r. shr$5.33 1/3Nov. 1864
70,882Stoddard, Lyman B. Crismanw. both hips, inj. to ab., & c$6.00 Spet. 1866
166,120Stoner, Peter Longmontvar. veins r. leg & ulcers$4.00 Mar. 1880
176,856Stults, Jas. H. Longmontdiarr. & dis. of abd. Vis$8.00 Oct. 1880
81,060Teters, Wilbert B. Boulderw.l. wrist, knee & r. shr$18.00 -
119,459Thompson, Geo. Longmontw.r. arm$4.00 Oct. 1872
160,939Tiffany, Betsey M. Longmontwidow$8.00 Feb. 1873
41,637Weaver, Dewitt C. Boulderw.l. thigh$6.00 Apr. 1865
164,121Wells, Morris B. Longmontw.l. forearm$4.00 June 1879
15,884Whitehead, Nancy C. Boulderwidow$8.00 Mar. 1864
10,360Wise, Andrew Boulderw. jaw$18.00 -
140,109Zain, Miles Boulderw.r. breast$2.00 July 1876

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