New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hamilton County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Hamilton County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
105611Adams, JosephWebster CityBright's dis. & ch. nephritis$8.00-
217220Black, Geo. WEllsworthindigestion$4.00Aug., 1882
123195Blakely, Edm'd CWilliamsg. s. w. lft. shoulder$8.00-
179567Bone, JosephWebster Citydis. of rectum$4.25Dec., 1880
173479Bonner, William DEllsworthg. s. w. lft. thigh$6.00Sept., 1880
57212Clark, Elipha LEllsworthloss of rt. arm$24.00Feb., 1866
93120Clark, Sam'l GWebster Citywd. lft. hip$4.00-
214725Cutting, Henry CWebster Citylance wd. of head$2.00June, 1882
191309Dayton, JonathanHomerpart. deafness both ears$6.00June, 1881
117592Dingman, FrancisWebster Citywd. r. hip & thigh & l. side$10.00May, 1878
149006Diver, WilliamWebster Cityg. s. w. lft. arm, inj. rt. shoul$8.00Oct., 1877
32431Dulin, Anna MariaWebster Citywidow 1812$8.00June, 1882
91395Dutcher, JohnHomerfrac. lft leg$8.00-
196031Earl, NelllieWilliamswidow and 1 child$8.00June, 1882
177537Ely, ElisonWebster Cityg. s. w. rt. shoulder$4.00Oct., 1880
210839Ely, William HWebster Citych. rheum. & saber w. r. wrist$6.00June, 1882
194005Erickson, Augustus EStratforddis. of heart$8.00Aug., 1881
163861Erkstein, JohnWebster Cityfracture of lft. wrist$7.50Dec., 1879
150270Evans, William JStratfordg. s. w. lft. leg$2.00Dec., 1877
129117Franklin, Gitty AnnStratfordmother$8.00May, 1869
145034Garth, MaryWebster Citymother$8.00Sept., 1870
87003Gerthrie, Robert WWebster Cityg. s. w. lft. foot$4.00-
147372Golway, HughWebster Cityg. s. w. rt. ankle$4.00July, 1877
182992Haight, Jacob TJewellg. s. w. rt. arm & side$4.00Feb., 1881
160112Haney, MaryStanhopemother$8.00Nov., 1872
148105Haney, William JStanhopedis. of eyes$4.00Sept., 1877
173589Hannan, LewisWebster Citychr. bronchitis$4.00Sept., 1880
186013Hartman, SimonWebster Citydis. of chest$4.00Mar., 1881
5242Hawley, Nancy SKamrarwidow 1812$8.00May, 1873
211749Hazelton, Frazier CBlairsburgg. s. w. of rt. knee$2.00June, 1882
31384Heacock, Daniel BWebster Cityinjury to abdomen$12.00-
59667Hicks, Horation GStratfordg. s. w. lft. arm$18.00-
16812Hill, James AWebster Cityloss lft. arm$24.00-
123818Holt, Elias TWebster Citydebility from measles$10.00-
99348Hopkins, Willam HStratfordloss sight l. eye & g. s. w. r. arm.$6.00-
194407Howard, JosephineWebster Citywidow and 4 children$17.00Feb., 1882
30201Howard, William CWebster Cityfrac. rt. arm$6.00-
90681Howland, Marvin WWilliamschr. diarr$4.00-
18793Hunter, SarahHomerwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
189406Jameson, Samuel AWebster Citydislocation of lft. hip$12.00May, 1881
99988Jennings, David PWebster Cityfrac. rt. clavicle & chr. diarr$8.00-
170185Johnson, Hugh HWebster Citychr. bronchitis & sciatica$6.00June, 1880
5391Johnson, JohnWebster Citywidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1871
22844Kearns, John VWebster Cityloss rt. arm$18.00-
120910Kepler, JeromeWebster Citywd. rt. shoulder$8.00-
149401Knickerbocker, JasJewelldis. of eyes$24.00-
35686Knowles, PercivalWebster Citywd. rt. breast$17.00-
197522Lakin, CharlesEllsworthfever sore left leg$4.00Nov., 1___
31804Landers, Frank EWebster Citychron. diarr$4.00Aug., 1864
210051Lee, Henry SWebster Citydis. of heart$6.00May, 1882
173987Loder, JohnEllsworthchron. diarr$8.00Sept., 18__
95709Marsh, Joel EWebster Citywd. rt. foot$4.00-
94674Martin, Chas. EWebster Citywd. lft arm$4.00-
180393McFarland, JoshuaStratfordg. s. w. lft. leg$2.00Dec., 1880
46412McMiller, JohnWebster Cityg. s. w. of head$18.00-
180366Medbery, Joseph NWebster Citychr. diarr$4.00Dec., 1880
59321Meissner, Geo. HWebster Cityloss rt. leg$18.00-
30021Merrill, GeoWebster Citywd. lft. side$12.00-
164858Minard, Abraham SWebster Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00Feb., 1880
144840Moffit, Apollas WWebster Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00-
169045Morris, Philip HWebster Citydis. of kidneys$4.00June, 1880
155908Mott, Malcolm CHomerdis. of eyes$18.00Oct., 1878
155797Murphy, Thos. JWebster Cityg. s. w. rt. thigh$4.00Oct., 1878
173998Neil, George SKamrarg. s. w. lft foot$2.00Sept., 1880
28308Palmer, GeorgeWebster Citydis. of kidneys$8.00-
184625Payne, Joseph TWebster Citydis. of eyes$6.00Mar., 1881
56578Powell, LeanderWebster Citydeafness & lung hepatized$10.00-
147952Reynolds, Silas WWebster Cityg. s. w. lft arm & dis. of eyes$8.00Aug., 1877
33723Ribbey, Margaret AWebster Citywidow$8.00July, 1868
169186Rice, Moses WWebster Cityg. s. w. lft. thigh$2.00June, 1880
124560Richardson, JerryWilliamsg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00-
195456Rick, John GWilliamschr. rheum$4.00Sept., 1881
69928Ripley, Andrew JWilliamswd. rt. shoulder$18.00-
25049Ripley, MargaretWilliamswidow 1812$8.00June, 1879
101099Robie, Benj. FWebster Cityg. s. w. lft hip$6.00-
175321Schaller, John CWebster Citydis. of lungs$6.00Oct., 1880
176866Servis, Aron EWebster Citychr. diarr. & scurvy$8.00Oct., 1880
44570Severson, KnudEllsworthloss lft. arm$18.00-
199563Shea, JasKamrarchr. rheum$6.00Dec., 1881
134887Slatterly, Charles HStratfordg. s. w. rt. foot$4.00-
207810Spangler, William AWebster Cityg. s. w. of head$4.00Apr., 1882
213672Spicer, ArnoldHomerchr. diarr. & catarrh$6.00June, 1882
64817Stone, BartlettWebster Cityg. s. w. of head$18.00-
-Strong, Henry FWilliamsloss rt. arm$24.00-
179714Studley, EuniceWebster Citywidow$8.00Jan., 1878
73390Symons, Oliver EWebster Citywd. lft. thigh$10.00-
165848Thompson, Francis EWebster Cityg. s. w. lft hand$4.00Mar., 1880
88838Vibbard, JamesWebster Cityg. s. lft. arm$12.00-
219013Vignesney, Jules AWebster Citychr. rheum$4.00Oct., 1882
17040Walrath, GeorgeBlairsburgchr. opthalmia$4.00-
212023Walters, Fred. GWebster Cityg. s. w. lft arm & thigh$8.00June, 1882
213407Weston, Chas. FWebster Cityg. s. w. rt. thigh$8.50June, 1882
74295Wicks, Albert AWebster Cityg. s. w. rt. shoulder$18.00-
216406Wicks, Geo. WKamrarchr. diarr$2.00Aug., 1882
64777Wickware, CharlesWebster Cityampt. lft. arm above elbow$24.00-
178369Wille, Henry FWilliamsinj. to rt. leg$4.00Oct., 1880
205597Wills, AlvahWebster Citydis. of lung tissue$4.00Mar., 1882
108411Wyatt, Catharine AWilliamswidow$8.00Feb., 1868

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