New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Poweshiek County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Poweshiek County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
153250Adams, Lucy AnnGrinnellwidow $8.00 Aug. 1871
184943Adkins, Chas. IMontezumachronic diarrhea $2.00 Mar. 1881
69244Aine, ChristianSearsboroughg.s.wd. rt. knee $6.00 -
26289Allen, MarthaForest Homewidow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1879
169280Applegate, Thomas SSearsboroughg.s.wd. lt. ankle $1.00 June 1880
10870Baugham, ChristinaMontezumawidow $8.00 Jan. 1867
83608Bennett, Leonidas MBrooklyninjury to abdomen $6.00 -
208350Bernard, William HMontezumadis. of eyes $6.00 May 1882
12167Blanchard, SilasMontezumawd. lft. arm $18.00 -
180614Blaton, WilliamGrinnelldis. of throat $6.00 Jan. 1881
44972Bone, ThomasMontezumaloss rt. arm $24.00 -
15814Booze, Sarah AForest Homewidow $8.00 Mar. 1867
147875Borren, William NMontezumag.s.wd. rt. side and result. part. paralysis $8.00 Aug. 1877
30956Bryan, Andrew AMontezumag.s.wd. left leg $4.00 -
39392Bungar, George WSearsboroughg.s.wd. lt. arm and shoul $12.00 -
101978Bunnell, JesseBrooklyninj. to l. leg $12.00 -
71300Buxton, William LDeep Rivers. wd. l. foot & back $4.00 -
218582Cain, Milligin JBrooklynchronic rheumatism $8.50 Sept. 1882
168956Caldwell, Hugh MDeep Riverdis. of stomach $4.00 June 1880
140479Casteel, Jeremiah KBrooklyng.s.wd. both thighs $8.00 -
8447Chadsey, Rob't NMontezuma- $8.00 Nov. 1871
157934Chapin, James PSheridan Centreg.s.wd. rt. thigh $2.00 Mar. 1879
23659Cole, Margaret ADeep Riverwidow $8.00 -
96379Condit, NancyGrinnelldep. mother $15.00 Jan. 1867
209536Connell, Hiram HBrooklyntyphoid & result. part. deaf. & part. paral. l. leg, foot & c $6.00 May 1882
166108Cork, Christopher CBrooklyndis. of eyes $4.00 Mar. 1880
126246Dans, Nathan EMalcolmg.s.w. lft. hand, rheum & injury to abdomen $4.00 Jan. 1874
5740Davis, CatharineGrinnellwidow 1812 $8.00 Oct. 1873
144709Day, Henry M.H.Grinnellg.s.w.l. arm $4.00 -
145702Dean, Daniel RMontezumachronic diarrhea $3.00 -
188056Delescaille, PeterMontezumag.s.wd. rt. Shoul $2.00 May 1881
194151Devinney, Elisha MGrinnellg.s.wd. l. leg $2.00 Aug. 1881
49701Dryden, John FMontezumadislocation l. hip joint $6.00 -
217913Evans, William RBrooklyng.s.wd. left leg $4.00 Sept. 1882
193958Faircloth, Martin VGrinnelldis. of feet and ankles $4.00 Aug. 1881
93612Frizzill, AllenGrinnellchr. diarrhea $4.00 -
213845Gardner, James MBrooklynsunstroke, result. nerv. debil $6.00 June 1882
20099Garing, JohnShermanloss of left arm $24.00 -
207871Garnett, James ABrooklyndis. of heart $2.00 May 1882
180182Goodenough, SylvanusBrooklynlumbago $4.00 Dec. 1880
188395Gorsuch, Thomas BMontezumachr. diarr., scurvy & rheum $8.00 May 1881
91323Gregory, Wm. TBrooklynwd. left jaw $6.00 -
83856Griffith, Benjamin BMontezumabronchitis and diarrhea $4.00 -
59915Griffith, EmilyMontezumadep. mother $8.00 Nov. 1865
194956Grimes, Martin LBrooklyng.s.wd. of head $2.00 Aug. 1881
47158Griswald, Geo. BGrinnellloss of rt. arm $24.00 -
100267Harmon, Stanfield PMontezumawd. rt. thigh $8.00 -
179081Harriman, James TGrinnelldis. of eyes and ch. di. $8.00 Nov. 1880
165935Harriman, Oliver TGrinnelldep. mother $8.00 Aug. 1874
165202Harrington, Katie JGrinnellwidow $8.00 June 1874
25090Hartley, Samuel MDeep Riverdis. left shoulder $5.00 -
10323Henry, Wm. WGrinnell- $8.00 -
201528Herter, MatthiasMontezumainjury to abdomen $6.00 Jan. 1882
188803Hildebrand, FrancesForest Homedep. mother $8.00 June 1880
182680Hogan, PeggyMontezumawidow $8.00 Dec. 1878
64783Hughes, AmeliaGrinnellwidow $8.00 May 1867
191363Ingham, JamesBrooklynrheum., ch. di., & dis. abd. vis. $12.00 June 1881
64706Inman, ParleyGrinnellloss of left leg $24.00 -
57539James, Sarah JMontezumawidow $8.00 -
219210Johnson, SylvesterMontezumachr. diar. and part deafness $8.00 Oct. 1882
171426Knowles, SethSearsboroughscurvy $4.00 July 1880
149907Lantz, John WBrooklynlumbago, result of typhoid $4.00 Dec. 1877
67940Latcham, Samuel LMontezumag.s.w. rt. wrist $5.00 -
148062Law, SamuelGrinnellg.s.wds. l. arm & rt. leg style='mso-spacerun:yes' $4.00 Sept. 1877
100344Leisure, William SGrinnellchronic opthalmia $8.00 -
207990Levake, Thomas JMontezumainj. l. leg and resulting var. veins $8.00 May 1882
65170Loyde, Charles J. DelaMalcolmg.s.wd. l. foot $8.00 -
139917Maddy, James WBrooklynchronic diarrhea $2.00 -
91505Mason, Daniel SGrinnellgen'l debil. from chr. diar. and ch. irritation of bowels $12.00 -
193829McCall, GeorgeBrooklynliver dis. & dyspepsia $4.00 Aug. 1881
103559McCormick, ElizabethMontezumawidow $8.00 Nov. 1867
20366McDaniel, JaneGrinnellwidow $8.00 -
201871McDonald, ClarkGrinnellg.s.wd. l. thigh $4.00 Jan. 1882
149745McLaughlin, And'w JBrooklyng.s.wd. left foot $4.00 Dec. 1877
109898McMickle, William HSearsboroughinj. to back and sore eyes $8.00 -
213885Miller, Morris SBrooklynchronic diarrhea $4.00 June 1882
26957Morrison, Sarah EMontezumawidow $17.00 July 1864
89906Mosman, AbigailGrinnelldep. mother $8.00 Feb. 1867
190295Mullikin, Mary MMontezumawidow $8.00 Nov. 1880
16055Muntz, HenryMontezumawd. face nearly closing mouth $6.00 -
136565Myers, John AMontezumag.s.wd. left arm $8.00 -
168520Nelson, Mary MGrinnellwidow and minor children $15.00 Aug. 1875
3562Nesmith, HenryDeep Riversurv. 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1871
158589Norris, John NBrooklyndis. of eyes $4.00 Apr. 1879
66094Parker, William TMontezumaloss left leg $24.00 -
151672Pells, Cynthia MGrinnellwidow $8.00 July 1871
54852Perris, Wm. DGrinnellwound l. thigh $6.00 -
24449Pflaum, AndrewGrinnellloss of lt. arm $24.00 -
145852Pierce, JamesDeep Riverwd. lt. foot $6.00 -
147715Pollock, SusanDeep Riverwidow $8.00 Feb. 1881
108326Reams, James CSheridan Centredis. of heart $8.00 -
32100Redman, CatharineMontezumawidow 1812 $8.00 Dec. 1881
149330Reed, MaryGrinnellwidow $8.00 Apr. 1871
161311Resser, Charles UGrinnellg.s.wd. l. wrist $2.00 July 1879
163858Rice, Edgar LMontezumachronic rheumatism $4.00 Dec. 1870
147409Rich, SarahMalcolmdep. mother $8.00 June 1864
29634Robinson, Charles MMontezumainjury to abdomen $17.00 -
11141Roman, IsaacDeep Riverg.s.wd. abdomen $8.00 -
152473Russell, HenryOak Groveg.s.wd. rt. shoul $4.00 Apr. 1878
58519Samlerson, BenjaminGrinnellwound of chest $4.00 -
175324Sanders, WilliamMontezumadyspepsia and nephritis $4.00 Oct. 1880
16694Sanders, ZimShermandep. mother $8.00 Mar. 1864
134369Sargeant, Daniel KDeep Riverdis. of liver & spine $6.00 -
183569Sargood, James DDeep Riverg.s.wd. r. knee, res. var. v'ns $4.00 Mar. 1881
23402Seaton, John ADeep Riverloss left leg $18.00 -
10720Shahan, AngelineGrinnellwidow $8.00 Feb. 1868
187979Skeels, Jane MGrinnelldep. mother $8.00 Apr. 1880
-Smith, JemetteMontezumadep. mother $8.00 -
132078Smoke, Dewitt CGrinnellg.s.wd. l. leg $8.00 -
157842Sterrett, PerryDeep Riverg.s.wd. lt. thigh $2.00 Mar. 1879
174715Stewart, Charles SMontezumaepilepsy and g.s.wd. l. leg and shoulder $8.00 Oct. 1880
158073Stober, JacobBrooklyng.s.wd. rt. arm $2.00 Mar. 1879
223491Stocking, Zelotes GGrinnellg.s.w.l. arm $4.00 Dec. 1882
133515Story, Caleb WChester Centreg.s.w. lft. lung & should. j't $12.00 -
181546Swangel, Benjamin FForest Homech. rheum. & g.s.wd. of br'st $6.00 Jan. 1881
51860Talbott, Basil MBrooklyng.s.wd. left hand $18.00 -
182787Taylor, MathewSearsboroughlung dis $4.00 Feb. 1881
100086Triplitt, LinMalcolmg.s.wd. l. thigh & result var. veins $6.00 -
153329Turner, James KForest Homeg.s.wd. of abdomen $6.00 May 1878
214688Walter, Michael MDeep Riversunstroke, result. nerv. debil $8.00 June 1882
176641Walton, John EMontezumag.s.wd. rt. leg $4.00 Oct. 1880
140472Whitehead, EdwardShermanloss lt. eye affecting r $8.00 -
102174Wiley, William FBrooklyng.s. fracture r. tibia $4.00 -
71275Williams, ElizabethGrinnellwidow $8.00 June 1869
23172Williams, JohnBrooklynwd. rt. wrist $18.00 -
11248Winslow, Olive JGrinnellwidow $8.00 Nov. 1878
192710Wiscarver, JacobGrinnellg.s.wd. l. hip and arm $2.00 July 1881
62690Wisner, Polly AMontezumadep. mother $8.00 Jan. 1866
108175Wyatt, FrankGrinnelllung dis $8.00 -
172933Yarnall, ZibaMontezumainj. to back $24.00 Aug. 1880
214063Yates, ElisaGrinnellg.s.wd. r. leg and result. varicose veins $4.00 June 1882

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