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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Jo Daviess County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Jo Daviess County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
51,446Banman, JohnGalenawd.of r.shr.& lungs$6.00 -
20,751Barnes, Abby MGalenawidow$17.00 -
93,780Barnes, Allen l.thumb$4.25 -
186,943Barnes, EllenElizabethwidow$8.00 Feb., 1880
23,905Barton, SusanElizabethwidow$8.00 -
94,647Bastian, JohnGalenachr.diarr$8.00 -
79,847Bateman, James HElizabethwd.near r.hip$6.00 -
114,595Beck, GottliebEast Dubuquewd.of lower left jaw$2.00 Sept., 1880
173,987Bell, DianaGalenawidow$8.00 -
75,321Bennett, EllenHanoverwidow$8.00 -
91,853Bennett, HowardHanoverloss of sight of l.eye$4.00 -
210,193Bird, Jesse WWarrenrheumatism$4.00 June, 1882
215,879Bourn, Sam'l JNorapartial deafness of both ears$2.00 July, 1882
75,792Boyle, PatrickElizabethwd.of r.shr.& r.eye$12.00 -
184,543Bridge, John WWarrenminor$10.00 June, 1879
92,112Brininger, JohnWillowwd.of head$18.00 -
187,509Brininger, Mary AWillowmother$8.00 Mar., 1880
174,678Brininger, PeterWillowdis.of abdominal viscera$12.00 -
63,057Brunes, Mathias MApple Riverwd.of r.arm and breast$12.00 -
121,820Bucher, JacobPleasant Valleysevere deafness in both ears$6.00 -
10,139Buck, Nancy EElizabethwidow$8.00 -
217,638Burbridge, Wm. HWarrench.rheum.and epilepsy$8.00 Sept., 1882
162,778Burn, Richard AWarrenminor$10.00 -
206,449Burnett, AlexisWarrench.bronchitis and resulting partial loss of voice.$20.00 Apr., 1882
80,694Bush, John AApple Riverwd.of l.leg & side & r.foot.$12.00 -
79,276Butler, David head$18.00 -
99,754Bythell, JaneGalenawidow$8.00 -
57,577Calvert, MaryHanoverwidow$8.00 Mar., 1868
81,944Calvert, RichardHanoverinj.of l.side$2.00 -
197,356Calvin, JamesApple Riverwd.of r.arm$6.00 -
37,292Campbell, AugustusEast Dubuqueloss of sight of l.eye$12.50 -
45,783Casey, BridgetGalenamother$8.00 Apr., 1865
126,831Chambers, Derby AnnNorwichmother$8.00 Mar., 1869
163,564Chapman, AndersonHanoverchr.diarr$4.00 Nov., 1879
24,764Chapman, Wm. HHanoverloss of l.arm$24.00 -
134,221Chown, Richard BPlum Riversunstroke and results5.33 1/3-
-Christian, WillGalenawidow$8.00 -
-Cloud, MaryWinterswidow$8.00 -
39,143Conner, JuliaGalenawidow$8.00 -
203,110Cooper, Royal JNorag.s.w.of l.foot, l.hip, & shr$4.00 Feb., 1882
-Copair, AugustusEast Dubuquedis.of eyes$8.00 July, 1882
17,859Cowan, HarrietWarrenwidow$25.00 -
192,596Cowan, Sallie MariaNoramother$8.00 June, 1881
37,851Crummer, Wilbur FGalenawd.of r.lung$14.00 -
42,068Dairymple, Sam'l LWarrenparal.and atrophy of muscles of r.arm$10.00 -
63,435Delhabella, FrancisGalenaloss of r.leg typhoid fever.$18.00 -
182,485Deniken, legs & abdomen$12.00 Feb., 1881
22,669Dick, Alex'r CWarrench.diarr$4.00 -
193,912Dillmar, ErhardDerinda Centreg.s.w.of left thigh and resulting var.veins.$8.00 Aug., 1881
109,491Dreher, Sophia AGalenawidow$8.00 -
157,952Drink, HenryScales Moundwd.of l.thigh$4.00 Mar., 1879
145,561Eastman, Benjamin FElizabethdis.of eyes$8.00 -
97,677Edwards, Ellen RPleasant Valleymother$8.00 July, 1867
198,161Einsweiler, JohnGalenag.s.w.of r.thigh$4.00 Nov., 1881
59,722Fablinger, JohnHanoverg.s.w.left shoulder$12.00 -
137,014Fawcett, JacobGalenawd.of l.thigh$2.00 -
133,868Felix, AlbertGalenavar.veins$8.00 -
190,931Flack, SusanDerindadept.mother$8.00 Jan., 1881
195,648Ford, Wm. AWarrenfather$8.00 May, 1882
36,765Francisco, John AWarrenwd.of r.leg$6.00 -
208,743Franke, LudwigWarrenrheum. & disease of heart$18.00 May, 1882
132,029Gahn, JohnGalenawd.of r.hip$8.00 -
86,087Garvin, JosephGalenawd.of l.thigh$4.00 -
168,922Gerner, JohnPleasant l.leg & l.hip$6.00 June, 1880
75,822Gill, John MScales Moundwd.left breast$12.00 -
146,582Greenwald, TheodoraEast Dubuquewd.of head$6.00 -
216,641Greenwood, Thos. JWarrench.diarr.& dis.of abd.vis$6.00 Aug., 1882
119,808Hamilton, LucindaWarrenwidow$8.00 -
190,486Harwick, NicholasScales Moundfather$8.00 Dec., 1880
77,739Haskell, Sarah PNoramother$8.00 Sept., 1869
23,895Healy, MaryGalenawidow$8.00 June, 1864
145,024Heckelsmiller, PeterGalenawd.of r.hand & dis.of eyes$14.00 -
189,017Helsby, Solomon SGalenafather$8.00 July, 1880
210,272Hicks, JamesWarreng.s.w.r.hand, injuring ring & little finger.$2.00 June, 1882
191,237Hill, JamesEast Dubuquedept.father$8.00 Feb., 1881
37,650Hill, WmApple Riverwd.l.knee$10.00 -
85,621Hillman, MichaelWarrenchr.bronchitis, rheum., & asthma, from scurvy.$18.00 -
9,975Hitt, RebeccaElizabethwidow$8.00 Oct., 1878
152,673Hobwood, ThosElizabethwd.r.leg$4.00 Apr., 1878
51,956Hocking, JohnScales Moundwd.of l.hip & resulting partial paral.l.leg.$8.00 -
191,721Holtkaiup, ClementineGalenawidow$8.00 Apr., 1881
175,762Hopkins, Wm. TPitchervillewd.of r.thigh$4.00 Oct., 1880
147,465Hoppe, TheodoreHoughtonloss part of 2 fingers l.hand.$1.00 -
88,592Hudson, JamesGalenawd.& fracture of l.clavicle$7.00 -
86,986Hutchinson, JamesElizabethwd.l.side$2.00 -
170,546Johnson, AnnWarrenmother$8.00 Aug., 1875
173,043Jones, ElizaGalenawidow$8.00 -
-King, Wm. WWarrendis.of kidneys$4.00 June, 1881
54,044Kraemer, spine and head$4.00 -
39,602Krockling, LouisGalenadis.of eyes$18.00 -
183,786Leekly, John TGalenaloss of 2 fings.from g.s.w.& partial paral.of r.leg from$8.00 Mar., 1881
13,184Lepper, WmNorainjury to abdomen$6.00 -
-Lieurance, Esther EWarrenwidow$10.00 May, 1880
205,147Logan, Henry MGalena-$4.00 Mar., 1882
55,124Longhorn, JamesCouncil Hill Stationamp.of r.arm$20.00 -
102,781Lutz, Charles HWarrenwd.of r.forearm$4.00 -
10,416Mahood, JohnGalenawd.of l.arm$4.00 -
31,649Malier, MaryGalenawidow$8.00 Sept., 1864
3,056Marfield, Geo. WGalenadis.of lungs$10.00 Jan., 1881
32,573Mathews, Irene SWarrenwidow$8.00 July, 1882
13,457Matson, JaneApple Riverwidow$8.00 Dec., 1878
131,976Mayer, CharlesEast Dubuqueg.s.w.thigh, l.cheek, back, rt.leg.$8.00 -
211,015McAllison, AnthonyHanoverdis.brain, res.of sunstroke$8.00 June, 1882
186,813McArdle, EustaceWarrendis.of heart$8.00 Apr., 1881
169,099McKigan, JamesGalenafrac.left clavicle$4.00 June, 1880
59,828McManus, CathinEast Dubuquedept.mother$8.00 Nov., 1865
100,148McMarchead, RobertPleasant Valleywd.of l.hip$24.00 -
77,814Meredith, Mary JElizabethdept.mother$8.00 July, 1866
25,572Metzger, JohnGalenafrac.of l.leg$4.00 -
61,036Moore, HazenApple Riverwd.of l.leg$8.00 -
101,972Morse, Edgar LGalenadis.of abdominal viscera$20.00 -
14,729Nash, Wm. SPlum Riversunstroke & wd.of l. lower jaw & shoulder.$5.00 -
38,285Otten, HenryHanoverwd.of r.side of head$8.00 -
138,103Parkinson, Isaac WWillowlung.dis$12.00 -
34,871Pogne/Pogue, Frank MGalenawd.of l.thigh$6.00 -
636Pogne/Pogue, Sarah PElizabethwidow$8.00 Feb., 1869
211,589Polker, CharlesWintersg.s.w.r.arm$4.00 June, 1882
86,194Pool, RobertGalenafracture of r.leg$12.00 -
80,588Pooley, John HGalenawd.of l.thigh$8.00 -
27,022Pritchard, WmWarrentotal blindness$72.00 -
217,564Pulfrey, CharlesRushch.diarr$4.00 Aug., 1882
160,765Pulfrey, WestonWintersloss of 1st & 2d fingers at 2d joint of r.hand.$6.00 June, 1879
219,173Richards, WmWarreng.s.w.r.thigh$4.00 Oct., 1882
117,607Richeson, NathanHanoverwd.of both thighs$4.00 -
176,951Richeson, WmHanovercontusion of l.breast & resulting dis.of lungs.$8.00 Oct., 1880
53,796Rippen, WilliamGalenaloss left arm$24.00 -
192,447Robail, VincentGalenaasthma$12.00 July, 1881
64,659Robins, Wm. HApple Riverwd.l.arm and chest$12.00 -
119,651Robinson, ChasPlum Riverwd.of r.leg$4.00 -
115,846Rochan, RebeccaNoramother$8.00 July, 1868
171,040Rockey, Richard MNoratyphoid fever and resulting var.veins of r.leg.$12.00 June, 1880
-Rockwell, Phebe LWarrenwidow$8.00 Mar., 1879
147,235Salzer, John GGalenawd.l.forearm$4.00 -
148,291Sample, Andrew JExcelsior Millswd.rt.arm$4.00 -
9,215Sampson, James HGalenadis.of lungs and diarr$10.00 -
74,651Scott, SarahGalenawidow$8.00 June, 1866
46,745Serviss, BeeriApple Riveramp.r.leg$18.00 -
-Shafer, James AWarreninjury to abdomen$8.00 -
70,203Shannon, ThomasGalenawd.of r.arm and leg$8.00 -
11,774Simms, MaryGalenawidow$17.00 -
37,305Smith, FrederikaGalenawidow$8.00 -
203,901Solt, DanielWillowspr.of back & resulting lameness of back.$4.00 Mar., 1882
140,478Spencer, Amza LRushg.s.w.rt.arm$4.00 -
210,366Spiers, Fergus MWarrench.diarr$6.00 June, 1882
89,989Starr, Sam'lGalenawd.of r.thigh$8.00 -
129,121Steele, HesterGalenawidow$8.00 -
181,052Stidworthy, WmApple Riverrheumatism$8.00 Jan., 1881
215,418Switzer, Washington HNorainjury to abdomen$6.00 July, 1882
86,701Tilton, William ENorawound of abdomen$8.00 -
24,485Trefy, HelenGalenawidow$8.00 -
54,074Vandervort, HezekiahWarrenwd.of l.shoulder & r.leg$6.00 -
108,414Vick, Joseph TWarrenpartial paralysis$6.00 -
64,914Vincent, WmGalenawd.of l.leg, result of inj$17.00 -
131,142Waldo, Violetta EPlum Riverwidow$8.00 July, 1869
125,140Ward, Edwin TWarrenloss of 3d finger r.hand$2.00 -
79,071Weston, CarolineGalenamother$8.00 July, 1866
136,490Whippon, WmGalenainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
55,585White, ElizabethWarrenwidow$8.00 -
190,246Wichman, MariaGalenamother$8.00 Oct., 1880
10,211Williams, MargaretPleasant Valleywidow$8.00 -
104,331Williams, Russell ARushwd.of r.hand$2.00 -
158,257Winans, LewisApple Riverwds.of l.arm and breast$4.00 Mar., 1879
39,940Winter, HenryHanoverwd: of head$10.00 -
60,961Woodworth, Wm. HWarrench.rheumatism$4.00 -
208,023Wurster, AlbertWintersg.s.w.of l.thigh$4.00 May, 1882

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