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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
St. Clair County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 St. Clair County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
71,242 Auffinger, Gertraub Belleville widow $8.00 -
196,666 Babb, Catherine Belleville dep. mother $8.00 June, 1882
94,656 Barber, Addison D. East Saint Louis wd. r. thumb $4.00 -
101,703 Bard, Louisia East Saint Louis widow $8.00 Oct., 1867
35,722 Bauman, Morand Belleville loss l. eye $18.00 -
150,719 Becherer, John F. East Saint Louis g. s. w. rt. side of face $4.00 Jan., 1878
10,718 Becker, Charles Belleville loss r. leg $24.00 -
192,819 Bennett, Lucretia East Saint Louis widow $8.00 July, 1881
118,183 Berger, John Summerfield wd. r. leg $4.00 -
103,742 Bevirt, Hezekiah B. Belleville malarial poison $8.00 Mar., 1882
54,709 Bickel, John Belleville wd. l. leg $8.00 -
32,371 Boyers, Emma J. East Saint Louis widow $8.00 -
206,733 Breining, Andrew East Saint Louis ch. diarr. and dis. of abd. vis. $6.00 Apr., 1882
121,817 Brendle, John Belleville wd. l. arm $4.00 -
4,484 Bridges, Chas. F O'Fallon Depot g. s. w. l. leg $4.00 -
36,357 Brown, Henry Belleville wd. l. hand $8.00 -
160,007 Buckley, Adelaide East Saint Louis dep. mother $8.00 Oct., 1872
135,361 Buettuer, Margaretha Summerfield widow $8.00 Oct., 1869
69,094 Butler, Wm. East Saint Louis wd. l. hip $6.00 -
38,844 Butz, John Mascontah wd. r. foot $6.00 -
121,221 Cabel, Elizabeth Mascontah dep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1868
105,190 Card, Barton J. Belleville g. s. w. rt. thigh & amp $24.00 -
9,038 Carey, Sarah A Belleville dep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1863
40,362 Carter, Edward W Belleville wd. abd., r. thumb, & l. thigh $24.00 Mar., 1865
104,731 Challenor, Thomas Belleville wd. r. hip and thi. $10.00 -
74,834 Cogar, Charles L. Belleville g. s. w. rt. arm $16.00 -
17,338 Colby, Hannah V. East Saint Louis widow $20.00 Oct., 1873
119,506 Coulter, James R Marissa dis. eyes $6.00 -
195,976 Davis, Alvina J. East Saint Louis widow $12.00 June, 1882
73,005 Davis, Philip F. O'Fallon Depot wd. l. foot $4.00 -
6,266 Davis, Wm. East Carondelet broken arm and wd. r. leg $8.00 -
70,165 Dernmit, Francis Belleville widow $8.00 -
10,027 Dietz, Joseph Belleville wd. abdomen and r. hip $24.00 -
43,908 Donner, Albert Mascontah wd. r. buttock $8.00 -
14,430 Dressler, Louis Mascontah wd. r. eye & hd., and epilepsy $18.00 -
20,878 Ehrhard, Wm. Belleville wd. r. hip $13.33 1/3 -
35,701 Eisele, Peter East Saint Louis wd. r. arm $18.00 -
121,071 Eldridge, William H. East Saint Louis shell wd. l. leg $4.00 -
3,349 Engelman, Adolph Shiloh wd. r. sh'r $15.00 -
146,920 Ensor, James H East Saint Louis wd. l. leg $8.00 -
18,712 Entz, Frederick Belleville wd. l. shoulder $6.00 Oct., 1863
128,905 Ewing, Catherine Lebanon widow $8.00 May, 1869
94,199 Fairbrother, Henry C. East Saint Louis wd. r. arm $6.00 -
204,018 Ferguson, David L. Nat'l Stock Yds injury to abdomen $4.00 Mar., 1882
61,466 Fisher, Christoph Floraville wd. l. shr $8.00 -
122,199 Fitzmorris, Patrick East Saint Louis wd. left thigh $4.00 Oct., 1873
182,646 Foster, Helen B. East Saint Louis widow $19.00 Dec., 1878
162,265 Fritz, John Lebanon wd. r. leg, and inj. to r. arm and side $10.00 Aug., 1879
119,630 Frost, Leopold Belleville shell wd. r. side $8.00 -
9,467 Gaertner, Henry East Saint Louis chr. dysentery $4.00 -
221,529 Gartner, Andrew East Saint Louis g. s. wd. l. thigh $4.00 Dec., 1882
199,063 Gaukrodger, Hartley East Saint Louis g. s. w. l. shoulder $2.00 Dec., 1881
135,696 Gehue, Elizabeth Summerfield widow $8.00 Oct., 1869
35,465 Grieser, Louis Belleville wd. r. thigh $18.00 -
224 Grimm, Minna D. E. F. Belleville widow $20.00 -
51,832 Gull, John New Athens g. s. wd. l. sh'r $8.00 -
68,080 Guy, Louis Centreville Sta'n wd. r. hip $12.00 -
174,320 Haegle, Joseph Mascontah dep. father $8.00 July, 1876
137,165 Hageman, Geo. West Belleville injury to abdomen $4.00 -
33,128 Haly, Michael East Saint Louis wd. l. hip & l. side of head $8.00 Oct., 1864
31,213 Hardin, Rebecca A. East Saint Louis widow $8.00 -
115,591 Harttman, Charles Belleville wd. l. arm $4.00 -
128,801 Hawes, Hester Belleville dep. mother $8.00 May, 1869
33,126 Heberkorn, Jacob Mascontah wd. l. arm $4.00 -
84,045 Hebner, Mary Lebanon widow $8.00 -
137,475 Hecker, Frederick Summerfield wd. l. thigh $22.50 -
38,409 Heely, Theodore West Belleville wd. l. sh'r j'nt $8.00 -
182,382 Heinernan, Martin Belleville g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 Feb., 1881
157,645 Heinzelman, John Belleville wd. r. arm $4.00 Mar., 1879
221,839 Hellmuth, Conrad Lebanon shell wd. r. sh'r, & heart dis. $8.00 Dec., 1882
81,623 Hender, Wm. E Nat'l Stock Yds wd. l. leg $6.00 -
73,672 Herbert, John O'Fallon Depot wd. r. hip $8.00 -
14,493 Herbstman, Clemens Summerfield hemplegia $72.00 -
130,799 Herman, Catherine Belleville widow $8.00 -
93,346 Herpin, Jacob Heinrickstown wd. r. leg $4.00 -
40,960 Heser, Wm. Freeburgh wd. l. side neck $6.00 -
111,556 Hess, Jacob Belleville wd. l. arm $3.00 -
184,042 Heuer, Maria Ann Belleville dep. mother $8.00 May, 1871
11,326 Hill, David Freeburgh surv. 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1882
36,081 Hinterberger, Christ. East Saint Louis wd. breast $6.00 Dec., 1864
193,196 Hoecklin, Simon Belleville g. s. w. both thighs $6.00 July, 1881
161,561 Hoenny, Chas. Belleville effects sunstroke $20.00 July, 1879
202,235 Hoftherr, Frederick Mascontah inj. of l. foot $4.00 Jan., 1882
172,687 Hood, James Lenzburgh inj. lft. shoulder $6.00 -
180,576 Hood, Jane West Belleville widow $8.00 Mar., 1878
200,595 Hopke, August Marissa dis. eyes $8.00 Jan., 1882
180,243 Hughes, Margaret J Belleville dep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1878
67,187 Irwin, George Lenzburgh anch. lft. wrist $8.00 -
222,778 Jung, Jacob Belleville g. s. wd. l. thigh $4.00 Dec., 1882
95,501 Karch, John Mascontah wd. r. thorax & l. arm $8.00 -
18,290 Kastrier, Daniel Belleville injury to abdomen $6.00 -
33,125 Keller, Reinhard Mascontah wd. l. arm $4.00 -
131,627 Kessler, Elizabeth East Saint Louis widow $8.00 -
9,596 Ketchum, Catharine Belleville mother $8.00 Dec., 1863
140,842 Kinnah, Joseph Belleville injury to abdomen $4.00 -
186,687 Kirby, Polly Summerfield widow $8.00 Jan., 1880
36,243 Kircher, Henry A. Belleville loss r. arm and l. leg $36.00 -
90,211 Kneffner, Wm. C. Belleville wd. thorax $20.00 -
11,123 Krieger, August Belleville loss l. leg $18.00 -
28,306 Lehr, Appelonia Fayetteville widow $8.00 Aug., 1864
16,520 Lloyd, Henry L. Reutchler g. s. w. l. shoulder $6.00 -
185,819 Lohberg, Louisa East Carondelet widow $8.00 Oct., 1879
23,697 Louth, Jacob Floraville stiff l. arm $4.00 -
168,136 Lyth, Francis W. Lebanon dis. heart $12.50 May, 1880
192,427 Maedel, Catherine Smithton widow $14.00 May, 1818
56,260 Maloney, Patrick East Saint Louis wd. r. leg & ankle $8.00 -
23,458 Marks, Geo. B. New Athens wd. l. thigh $8.00 -
159,193 Marshall, Sumner B. East Saint Louis wd. r. leg $4.00 Apr., 1879
17,656 Mayes, Francis M Lebanon widow $8.00 -
189,297 McFarland, Amanda O'Fallon Depot widow $20.00 Aug., 1880
81,074 McIntyre, George E. East Saint Louis ulcer rt. leg $8.00 -
191,420 McManus, Michael East Saint Louis g. s. w. l. shoulder $6.00 June, 1881
216,264 McNamara, Patrick East Saint Louis varicose veins l. leg $4.00 Aug., 1882
21,565 Meinhardt, John Lebanon loss l. leg $18.00 -
117,310 Meteer, John T. East Saint Louis wd. l. leg $4.00 -
87,631 Micke, Conrad East Carondelet wd. thorax $10.00 -
212,733 Miller, Charles Belleville g. s. w. r. arm & side $6.00 June, 1882
201,555 Miller, James F. Lebanon inj. r. side & breast $4.00 Jan., 1882
31,047 Miller, Margaret Belleville widow 1812 $8.00 Jan., 1881
152,610 Miller, Wilson East Saint Louis partial blindness r. eye $8.00 Apr., 1878
184,421 Millward, Hannah East Saint Louis dep. mother $8.00 June, 1879
198,264 Mitchell, Elchany T. Marissa shell wd. r. elbow $4.00 Nov., 1881
138,644 Moore, Agnes Freeburgh dep. mother $8.00 Jan., 1870
267,293 Moore, Lewis W. Belleville injury to abdomen $20.00 Apr., 1880
144,571 Murray, Samuel East Saint Louis wd. l. hand $2.00 -
179,185 Myers, William J. East Saint Louis g. s. w. of right shoulder $2.00 Nov., 1880
124,313 Neitzling, Albert West Belleville wd. l. thigh $3.00 -
60,614 O'Brien, Henry D. East Saint Louis wd. r. shr. $18.00 -
116,295 Oliver, Maria Belleville widow $8.00 -
83,832 O'Neill, Hugh H. East Saint Louis injury to abdomen $4.00 -
15,740 Orr, Joseph P. Lenzburgh wd. r. arm $5.00 -
131,897 Orton, Clarissa Summerfield widow $8.00 -
2,305 Owen, Sarah Jane Belleville widow $30.00 -
9,972 Padfield, Catherine Belleville widow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1878
9,052 Perry, John Belleville loss both eyes $72.00 -
186,464 Pierson, Charlotte O'Fallon Depot dep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1879
72,524 Pobst, Caspar New Athens injury to abdomen $6.00 -
175,296 Pope, Richard Belleville dis. of abdominal viscera $18.00 Oct., 1880
140,216 Powell, William H. Belleville g. s. w. rt. shoulder $7.50 Aug., 1876
218,465 Quick, Geo. C. Belleville dis. of feet $8.00 Sept., 1882
145,795 Raban, Geo. Caseyville wd. l. leg $1.00 -
27,306 Raffel, John O'Fallon Depot wd. r. arm $6.00 -
180,864 Rector, Geo. W. Marissa chr. diarr. $6.00 Jan., 1881
166,614 Reese, John West Belleville minors of $12.00 Dec., 1874
148,196 Reinbold, Mathias Summerfield wd. r. thigh $4.00 -
63,475 Renner, Maria A Belleville dep. mother $8.00 Jan., 1866
150,353 Reynolds, John B East Saint Louis wd. l. arm $4.00 -
140,651 Riedel, John Smithton wd. r. hip $4.00 -
34,310 Riegel, Valentine Shiloh wd. r. chest $8.00 -
28,965 Ripley, Elizabeth Belleville widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1880
221,688 Roberts, Edgar A. East Saint Louis inj. r. ankle $8.00 Dec., 1882
185,583 Roth, Chas. V. Roffy New Athens g. s. wd. l. chest, aff. lung $8.00 Mar., 1881
40,103 Roth, John Belleville loss l. leg $24.00 -
217,949 Russ, Frederick Belleville insanity $24.00 Sept., 1882
217,678 Rusz, Hermann Belleville g. s. wd. l. thigh $4.00 Sept., 1882
87,880 Sanders, William R East Saint Louis scurvy, diarr. $8.00 -
108,473 Sauer, Bernard Belleville paral. or rheum. $18.00 -
190,496 Sayers, John East Saint Louis g. s. w. l. arm $4.00 June, 1881
60,840 Scheel, Frederick E. Belleville wd. r. ankle $15.00 -
10,521 Scheid, Charles Freeburgh wd. l. shoulder $4.00 -
34,827 Scheve, Charles Mascontah anch. r. hip joint $18.00 -
171,219 Scheve, Fred'k J. Mascontah wd. r. hip $4.00 Aug., 1880
188,847 Schmidt, Anna Maria Summerfield widow $8.00 June, 1880
86,674 Schmidt, Carl East Saint Louis wd. l. arm, scurvy $8.00 -
86,859 Schneider, Frederick Belleville dis. eyes $8.00 -
58,768 Schnittker, Charlotte Belleville widow $8.00 Nov., 1865
30,534 Schonder, Margaretha Belleville widow $15.00 -
43,983 Schroeder, Jacob Lebanon loss l. leg $18.00 -
43,184 Schwartz, William East Saint Louis wd. face $4.00 May, 1865
135,913 Schweighardt, Henry Belleville injury to abdomen $4.00 -
31,284 Seibert, Franz Belleville wd. l. hip $4.00 -
110,412 Sharum, Thomas J. East Saint Louis g. s. w. right shoulder $6.00 -
110,674 Shaw, Lucetta C. Lebanon widow $8.00 -
123,823 Shelton, Daniel D Belleville diarr., &c $6.00 July, 1873
16,808 Siegrist, Charles Belleville wd. thorax $18.00 -
107,707 Simon, Frederick East Saint Louis ch. diarr. $4.00 Feb., 1871
184,795 Sinclair, Elizabeth East Carondelet widow $8.00 -
102,904 Singer, Mary A O'Fallon Depot dep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1867
59,887 Smith, Mary Fayetteville dep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1865
187,125 Soner, Jacob Belleville g. s. w. l. hand $2.00 Apr., 1881
72,465 Sorg, Catherine Belleville dep. mother $8.00 May, 1866
21,426 Speigelburg, Samuel Belleville wd. r. thigh $6.00 -
29,753 Spindler, Anna M Belleville dep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1864
13,787 Spoenemarm, Anna M Belleville widow $15.00 -
134,809 Stark, Wm. J Lebanon chr. diarr. $4.00 -
36,436 Steitle, Frank Lebanon wd. l. knee & thigh $8.00 -
78,357 Stepham, Charles Ridge Prairie wd. r. hip $13.33 1/3 -
193,510 Stieff, Caroline East Saint Louis widow $8.00 Oct., 1881
113,481 Straubinger, Benedict Fayetteville wd. r. sh'r, aff. lung $4.00 -
18,480 Suemnicht, Herman Freeburgh wd. l. arm $4.00 -
3,296 Sutherland, George Nat'l Stock Yds g. s. w. rt. leg $15.00 -
80,261 Taff, George Belleville wd. l. hip $12.00 -
21,076 Teter, David W. Lenzburgh wd. lft. hand $6.00 -
164,780 Thoen, Philip Belleville inj. to abdomen, dis. lungs $16.00 Feb., 1880
190,338 Thoene, Henry East Saint Louis ch. rheum. $4.00 June, 1881
88,570 Thompson, John Centreville Sta'n amaurosis r. eye, left eye st. impaired $18.00 -
95,927 Thriving, Mary E Belleville widow $8.00 -
160,093 Trabaud, Henry Lebanon inj. l. hip $8.00 May, 1879
97,253 Triplett, Wm. G. Freeburgh wd. back $4.00 -
183,446 Truthman, Joseph Belleville dep. father $8.00 Mar., 1879
147,149 Tyler, Erastus J. East Saint Louis g. s. w. finger, affect hand $4.00 July, 1877
66,347 Voegli, Helena Belleville widow $8.00 Dec., 1867
2,372 Wakefield, Mahala Belleville widow 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1872
187,600 Walsh, Mary East Saint Louis widow $8.00 -
183,413 Warnock, Joseph East Saint Louis inj. back $6.00 Feb., 1881
121,922 Washler, Anna M. Millstadt dep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1868
39,604 Waugelin, Hugo Belleville loss r. arm $30.00 -
66,025 Waugelin, William E. Belleville wd. r. hand $8.50 -
179,011 Wetzlaw, Gustav Belleville minors of $19.00 -
171,634 White, James East Saint Louis inj. spine and dis. heart $4.00 July, 1880
17,098 Whittington, Wm. C. Lebanon g. s. wd. r. arm $2.00 -
140,736 Wiegand, Herman Belleville wd. r. arm $4.00 -
188,695 Wieland, Barbara Belleville widow $8.00 June, 1880
148,711 Wild, George Belleville wd. l. shoulder $2.00 -
80,808 Wolf, Henry Marissa inj. r. sh'r j'nt. anch. from g. s. w. $12.00 -
43,981 Wolz, John Mascontah loss finger and wd. r. hd $4.00 -
110,115 Woods, Wm. I. Lebanon injury to abdomen $4.00 -
70,202 Wright, Thomas Belleville wd. chest and thigh $8.00 -
200,511 Wright, Wardeman East Saint Louis ch. diarr. $4.00 Jan., 1882
38,411 Zierrath, Carl New Athens wd. r. thigh $4.00 -
91,487 Zimmerman, Cath'n Mascontah dep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1867

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