1739 - 1799
Wethersfield, Connecticut
Early Marriage Records - 1800
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Wethersfield was one of the three settled towns of Connecticut. Sir Richard Saltonstall with his company settled at Watertown, Mass., but on account of the great number of immigrants from England, some of the people at Watertown left and settled Wethersfield.
Church organized 1635. Town settled 1635. Named 1637.
1739 - 1799 Wethersfield Connecticut Marriage Records
- ABRAHAM, Sampson and Dorcas HOPKINS, Aug. 29, 1799
- ADAMS, Amasa and Caroline DALIBE, Jan. 24, 1796
- ADAMS, James Camp and Sarah BARRETT, Dec. 23, 1790
- ADAMS, John and Martha CURTISS, Aug. 7, 1795
- ADAMS, John and Mary CRANE, Dec. 6, 1774
- ADAMS, Joseph and Mehetabel BARRETT, both of Stepney, Dec. 7, 1780
- ADAMS, Uzziel and Clarissa LUCAS, Sept. 14, 1795
- ADDAMS, Camp and Mehetabel BAXTER, Dec. 13, 1759
- ALEXANDER, Thomas of Wrentham, Mass. and Jemima COLE, Apr. 26, 1779
- AMES, Robert of Stepney and Sarah MORETON of Stepney, Feb. 20, 1765
- ANDREWS, Elijah and Sarah HURLBUT, Nov. 22, 1774
- ANDROSS, Samuel of Wintonbury and Rebekah TRYON, Apr. 7, 1763
- ANDRUS, Hezekiah of Farmington and Anne STEDMAN, ----
- ANDRUSS, Joseph of Chatham and Elizabeth WEAVER, Feb. 16, 1778
- ATWOOD, Oliver and Doraty CURTIS, Nov. 23, 1746
- AYRAULT, Daniel and Lucy WILLIAMS, ----
- AYRAULT, James and Abigail KILBORN, Jan. 2, 1755
- BACKUS, Azel of Norwich and Meliscent DEMING, Feb. 7, 1791
- BACON, Richard and Annar FOSDICK, Dec. 26, 1784
- BAKER, Martyn of New London and Mabel WEAVER of East Hatford, Oct. 4, 1792
- BALCH, Ebenezer and Sarah BELDING, June 28, 1750
- BALCH, Jonathan Belden of Hartford and Hopey HURLBUT, Dec. 8, 1776
- BALDWIN, Nathan and Mary DEMING, Dec. 7, 1783
- BALDWIN, Nathan of Stoningham and Esther DEMING, Dec. 23, 1777
- BARNARD, Ebenezer and Thankful NEKELS of Hartford, July 17, 1747
- BARNARD, Samuel and Mehetabel WELLES, July 6, 1786
- BARNSTABLE, William and Hannah PELTON, Oct. 3, 1779
- BARNUM, John of Danbury and Catharine KILBY, Aug. 27, 1782
- BARRELL, Joseph of Boston and Sarah SIMPSON, Nov. 18, 1778
- BARRETT, George of Hartford and Rebekah DIX, Apr. 2, 1794
- BARRETT, Selah and Lucy DICKENSON, Oct. 2, 1783
- BARTON, William of Farmington and Elizabeth HOPKINS, Aug. 19, 1781
- BEADLE, David and Jerusha HATCH, Apr. 24, 1776
- BEARDSLY, Hezekiah of Stratford and Mary ROACH, Sept. 6, 1789
- BECKWITH, Nathan of Hartford and Betsy RICH, Nov. 25, 1789
- BECKWITH, Phineas of Lyme and Betsey BROWN, Dec. 14, 1796
- BELDEN, Ezekiel Porter and Elizabeth WILLIAMS, Sept. 26, 1781
- BELDEN, Othniel and Sarah LINDSY of Stepney, Dec. 24, 1778
- BELDING, Aaron and Mercy BELDING, ----
- BELDING, John and Rebeckah RENALS, ----
- BELDING, Joseph and Lowis CURTISS, Sept. 21, 1758
- BELDING, Josiah and Mehetabel ROB----, Jan. 31, 1759
- BELDING, Josiah and Thankful NOT, Feb. 13, 1745-6
- BELDING, Nathaniel and Lowis DEMING, Mar. 1750
- BELDING, Reuben of Hatfield and Elizabeth PIERCE (?), Sept. 26, 1753
- BELDING, Rev. Mr. Joshua (?) and Mrs. Anna BELDING, Nov. 30, ----
- BELDING, Richard and Elizabeth HURLBUT, ----
- BELDING, Simeon and Martha LOCKWOOD, Nov. 3, 1765
- BELDING, Thomas and Abigail PORTER, Aug. 1, 1753
- BELDING, Timothy and Abigail ----, Mar. 1746
- BELDING, Toney (servant of Capt. Jonathan BELDING) and Cloe, Apr. 6, 1768
- BENTON, George and Hannah DICKENSON, Oct. 7, 1788
- BENTON, John and Mary BLIN, ----
- BENTON, John and Thankful KILBY, Dec. 28, 1788
- BENTON, Josiah of Hartford and Prudence WELLES, Mar. 9, 1783
- BENTON, Simeon of Wethersfield and Anne HUBBARD of Chatham, July 11, 1799
- BERRY, Peter and Mabel DEMING, Oct. 9, 1788
- BETTLEHISAR, Lewis and Mary ADAMS, Nov. 18, 1778
- BIGELOW, John of Hartford and Elizabeth CURTISS, Jan. 22, 1778
- BIGGELEO, Joseph of Hartford and Mary WELLS of Wethersfield, Mar. 12, 1745 (1744?)
- BIGGELOW, Josiah of Hartford and Elizabeth WELLS, 1753
- BLIN, Elisha and Abigail RHODES, Jan. 8, 1789
- BLIN, Samuel and Anne BARRETT, Nov. 16, 1786
- BLIN, William and Nancy LUCAS, Nov. 7, 1782
- BLISS, Hosea, Jr., and Mehetabel WOLCOTT, Apr. 15, 1798
- BOARDMAN, Charles and Abigail STILMAN, Aug. 8, 1753
- BOARDMAN, George and Mary HANMER, Nov. 27, 1788
- BOARDMAN, Israel and Rebecca MEEKINS, Aug. 4, 1746
- BOARDMAN, John and Abigail GOODRICH, Jan. 29, 1794
- BOARDMAN, Jonathan of Stepney and Martha COLE of Newington, ----
- BOARDMAN, Leonard and Experience PELTON, ----
- BOARDMAN, Samuel and Anne WRIGHT, Dec. 14, 1769
- BOARDMAN, Samuel and Naomi BUTLER, Dec. 7, 1775
- BORDMAN, Levi and Sarah BORDMAN, Apr. 23, 1761
- BORMAN, Elisha and Hannah DIX (?), Aug. 2, 1739
- BOSTWICK, Elijah of New Canaan and Sarah BULKLEY, Oct. 11, 1793
- BRACE, Samuel and Sibil ANDRUSS, Apr. 1, 1784
- BRATTLE, William, Jr., of Pittsfield and Hannah WELLS, Feb. 5, 1793
- BREWER, John of East Hartford and Hannah CURTISS, Oct. 22, 1797
- BREWSTER, Elisha, Jr., of Middletown and Margaret CURTISS, Apr. 16, 1777
- BRIGDEN, Jonathan and Elizabeth BORDMAN, Mar. 2, 1761
- BRIGDEN, Thomas and Martha BORDMAN, Mar. 24, 1768
- BROOKS, Jonathan and Hannah CLARK, Sept. 12, 1749
- BROWN, John and Sarah MCDOONAM, Jan. 20, 1778
- BUCK, Isaac of Farmington and Lydia FORBES, July 16, 1788
- BUCK, John and Sarah HURLBUT, Feb. 10, 1757
- BUCK, Josiah and Sarah RILEY, Dec. 30, 1776
- BUCK, Josiah, Jr., and Hannah DEANE, Jan. 26, 1775
- BUCK, Samuel and Elizabeth BLIN, Apr. 22, 1762
- BUCK, Samuel and Hannah WRIGHT, Mar. 22, 1758
- BUCK, Samuel of Wethersfield and Eunice FOX of Glastenbury, Dec. 7, 1788
- BULKLEY, Benjamin and Elizabeth BROWNELL, Feb. 6, 1777
- BULKLEY, Charles and Mary GRISWOLD, Mar. 10, 1760
- BULKLEY, David and Elizabeth FLINT, May 6, 1789
- BULKLEY, Edward and Dinah BUNCE, July 9, 1795
- BULKLEY, Edward and Prudence WELLES, Mar. 24, 1782
- BULKLEY, Francis and Elizabeth FOSDICK, Jan. 5, 1797
- BULKLEY, Francis and Rhoda GRISWOLD, Jan. 18, 1781
- BULKLEY, John and Honor FRANCIS, July 17, 1750
- BULKLEY, Rev. Gersham of Middletown and Hopey WARNER of Stepney, Sept. 30, 1778
- BULL, Jonathan of Farmington and Mary SMITH, Aug. 10, 1794
- BUNCE, Jonathan and Elizabeth RANNEY (?), Nov. 21, 1765
- BUNCE, Jonathan, Jr., and Marelas BALDWIN, Apr. 13, 1788
- BUNCE, Richard and Olive MONTAGUE, Sept. 12, 1790
- BUNCE, William and Elizabeth LLOYD, July 4, 1779
- BUNCE, Zechariah and Sarah BOWIN, June 13, 1753
- BURGEE, John (?) and Hannah FLOWERS, Oct. 17, 1769
- BURNHAM, James and Martha SANDBURNE, Jan. 29, 1778
- BUSHNEL, ---- and Prudence WELLS, Oct. 25, 1748
- BUTLER, Frederick of Hartford and Mary BELDEN, Jan. 11, 1787
- BUTLER, James and Hannah WRIGHT, Apr. 8, 1770
- BUTLER, John and Love SMITH, Feb. 9, 1777
- BUTLER, Joseph and Abigail BOARDMAN, Oct. 27, 1767
- BUTLER, Levi and Eunice BULKLEY, Dec. 18, 1796
- BUTLER, Roger and Hannah HANMAR, 1769
- BUTLER, Samuel and Abagail ADAMS, June 24, 1755
- BUTLER, Theodore of Wethersfield and Nancy BALDWIN of Saybrook, Dec. 3, 1786
- BUTLER, William of Wethersfield and Sarah BALDWIN of Saybrook, Dec. 12, 1774
- CADWELL, Timothy of Westfield and Catharine BULKLEY, May 19, 1756
- CALIS, John and Elizabeth NED (colored), Jan. 3, 1760
- CARTER, John of Hartford and Sarah MINER, Nov. 18, 1779
- CHADWICK, William and Mehetabel SMITH, Mar. 25, 1790
- CHAMBERLAIN, Elisha of Pittsfield and Ruth HURLBUT, Nov. 12, 1797
- CHAPMAN, Peleg of Chatham and Lucy BENJAMIN of East Hartford, Feb. 2, 1797
- CHESTER, Asher (servant to Col. CHESTER) and Bridget (a negro), Dec. 12, 1790
- CHESTER, Dick, servant of Col. and Abigal SAMPSON (negroes), Sept. 21, 1777
- CHESTER, Stephen and Elizabeth MITCHELL, Nov. 5, 1788
- CHESTER, Thomas and Esther Margaret BULL, Mar. 26, 1795
- CHURCHILL, Ithamar of Hubbardtown, Vt., and Sarah BLISS, Dec. 12, 1797
- CHURCHILL, Jesse, Jr., and Hannah BOARDMAN, Nov. 22, 1786
- CHURCHILL, Levi and Hannah BELDEN, Jan. 12, 1785
- CHURCHILL, Samuel of Wallingford and Rebekah WOODRUFF, Dec. 9, 1779
- CLAP, Norman of Hartford and Huldah WRIGHT, Aug. 3, 1783
- CLARK, Ambrose of Middletown and Mary KILBORN, Aug. 2, 1750
- CLARKE, Moses and Mary HURLBUT, Aug. 28, 1786
- CLARKE, Roger and Eunice LATIMER, Feb. 8, 1781
- CLARKE, William of Wethersfield and Eunice WEATHERBY or WEATHERLY of Glastenbury, Mar. 13, 1781
- COLE, Daniel and ---- RHODES, Apr. 25, 1765
- COLE, Samuel and Jemima CLARK, Feb. 9, 1769
- COLEMAN, Nat. and Comfort LOVEMAN, Nov. 23, 1752
- COLEMAN, Nathaniel and Ruth BEADLE, Jan. 19, 1744
- COLEMAN, Peleg and Rebeckah DICKINSON, Dec. 6, 1761
- COLEMAN, Thomas and Salome KILBY, Nov. 6, 1782
- COLLINS, Levi and Mehetabel BOARDMAN, both of Stepney, Jan. 4, 1781
- COLTON, Daniel of Watertown and Ruth RICH of Middletown, Dec. 9, 1790
- COLTON, George of Springfield and Mary WELLES, Dec. 11, 1783
- CONE, Daniel of East Haddam and Abigail GRISWOLD, ----
- CONE, Jared of Bolton and Elizabeth WELLES, Jan. 15, 1784
- CONE, Joshua and Mehetabel BLIN, Feb. 20, 1781
- COOKE, Nathan of Salisbury and Anna GRIMES, July 8, 1784
- COOMBS, Joseph and Elizabeth RHODES, Oct. 18, 1789
- COOMBS, Josiah and Hannah PHELPS, Apr. 21, 1778
- COOMBS, Solomon and Molly GRISWOLD, Oct. 18, 1797
- COREY, Oliver and Hannah ADAMS, Nov. 27, 1788
- COTTON, Samuel and Mable BIBBUD (?), ----
- COUNEY, Michael of Waterbury and Mehetabel WILLIAMS, Apr. 10, 1783
- CRANE, Abraham, Jr., and Huldah HANMER, Feb. 9, 1797
- CRANE, Benjamin and Sally LOCKWOOD, Sept. 7, 1794
- CRANE, Elizah, Jr., of Sandisfield and Honor ADAMS, May 20, 1798
- CRANE, Joseph and Abigail DIX, Dec. 3, 1778
- CRANE, Samuel and Dorothy BENTON, Apr. 9, 1799
- CURTIS, James and Elizabeth KILBORN, May 18, 1749
- CURTIS, Josiah and Mabel BULKLEY of Stepney, Jan. 2, 1777
- CURTISS, James, Jr., and Sarah FOSDICK, Apr. 6, 1788
- CURTISS, Joseph and Abiah SEELY, June 17, 1798
- CURTISS, Josiah and Rebeckah MARSH, both of Stepney, Oct. 3, 1793
- CURTISS, Thomas and Elizabeth WOODHOUSE, Feb. 7, 1793
- DANA, Rev. Dr. James of New Haven and Mrs. Abigail BELDEN, Oct. 10, 1796
- DANIELSON, Frederick of Lake Sago and Abigail GAYLORD of Danvil, Vt., May 3, 1797
- DEAN, Silas and Mehetibel WEBB (she was the widow of Joseph WEBB, Sr., and daughter of Capt. Gersham NOTT and mother of Gen. Samuel B. WEBB), Nov. 8, 1763
- DEMING, Abel and Mary BENTON, Sept. 27, 1770
- DEMING, Allyn and Prudence WOODHOUSE, May 28, 1791
- DEMING, Asahel and Lucy MORETON, Feb. 14, 1792
- DEMING, Daniel and Judith DEMING, Oct. 1, 1778
- DEMING, Daniel and Olly MARK, Oct. 19, 1783
- DEMING, David and Elizabeth ROBBINS, Mar. 21, 1754
- DEMING, Ebenezer, Jr., and Mabel DEMING, Jan. 5, 1769
- DEMING, Eleazer and Hannah WOODHOUSE, Dec., ----
- DEMING, Elisha and Elizabeth WILLIAMS, Mar. 13, 1745
- DEMING, Elizur and Martha DEMING, July 6, 1786
- DEMING, Elizur and Sarah DEMING, Dec. 16, 1762
- DEMING, James and Olive BULKLEY, ----
- DEMING, John and Elizabeth WELLS, Dec. 18, 1777
- DEMING, John and Prudence TREAT, Aug.(?) 31, 1767
- DEMING, Joseph and Azubah TURNER, Nov. 15, 1796
- DEMING, Joseph and Honor BAXTER, Sept. 17, 1794
- DEMING, Josiah and Susannah SEYMOUR, Nov. 5, 1783
- DEMING, Moses and Martha WELLS, Nov. 10, 1748
- DEMING, Peter and Jerusha WELLES, Feb. 6, 1765
- DEMING, Peter and Mehetabel STILLMAN, Nov. 10, 1793
- DEMING, Simeon and Elizabeth DEMING, May 21, 1797
- DEMING, Simeon and Mary CURTISS, Apr. 1, 1778
- DEMING, Soloman and Sarah KIRKUM, Oct. 27, 1748
- DEMING, William, Jr., and Elizabeth GRISWOLD, July 14, 1774
- DENNIS, John Charles and Abigail FOX, Nov. 15, 1787
- DEWITT, Abraham Van Horn of Milford and Martha BELDING, Aug. 22, 1792
- DICKENSON, Hervey and Hannah GRIMES, both of Stepney, Oct. 7, 1792
- DICKINSON, Ebenezer and Lucy or Mabel, JUly 12, 1762
- DICKINSON, Obadiah and May COLLINS, ----
- DIX, Benjamin and Anna BECKLEY, Mar. 28, 1782
- DIX, Charles and Martha BAXTER, Jan. 25, 1753
- DIX, Jacob, Jr., and Sarah HANMER, Jan. 21, 1790
- DIX, Leonard and Mary FORBES, Sept. 4, 1788
- DIX, Leonard and Mary GOODRICH, Oct. 19, 1780
- DIX, Leonard of Wethersfield and Susannah HOLISTER of East Haddam, June 14, 1787
- DIX, Moses, Jr., and Ruth CRANE, Nov. 7, 1792
- DIX, Samuel, Jr., and Sarah PALMER, May 15, 1775
- DODGE, Calvin and Huldah ROBBINS, Feb. 26, 1799
- DODGE, Joseph and Elizabeth FLOWERS, Jan. 23, 1777
- DOGAN, Dennis and Mary WELLES, July 3, 1774
- DORR, Samuel and Abigail BULKLEY, Dec. 12, 1793
- DRAPER, Aaron of Ruxbury and Ruth BEADLE, Aug. 19, 1779
- DUDLEY, Asahel of Middletown and Hannah WOODHOUSE, Mar. 5, 1781
- DUDLEY, Isaac of Middletown and Anne WOODHOUSE, Jan. 19, 1785
- DUN (?) or DEEN (?), Samuel and Susannah CURTIS, Oct. 25, 1767
- DUNHAM, David of Sheffield and Lucretia ADAMS, Aug. 5, 1779
- DUPEE, Simeon and Jemima GOODRICH, Dec. 21, 1783
- DUPEE, Simeon and Lucretia GRISWOLD, Apr. 26, 1777
- DWIGHT, Nathanel of Hartford and Rebecca ROBBINS, June 24, 1798
- EDWARDS, John and Lydia COLLINS of Stepney, Nov. 20, 1777
- EDWARDS, Jonathan Walter of Hartford and Betsey TRYON, Nov. 29, 1797
- EELLS, Rev. John of Glastenbury and Sarah WELLES, Dec. 24, 1776
- ELMER, Timothy of Windsor and Mary MARSH, Nov. 19, 1767
- FARNSWORTH, Dr. Joseph and Honor WILLIAMS, Jan. 7, 1762
- FISH, Eliakim and Sarah LANCELOT, Oct. 18, 1769
- FISK, Benjamin of Middletown and Mary DEMING, Jan. 30, 1766
- FLAGG, Abijah of Hartford and Thankful WOODHOUSE, Nov. 20, 1791
- FLINT, Ray and Mary KILBY, Feb. 3, 1774
- FLOWER, George Gardiner and Rebekah DEMING, Apr. 21, 1795
- FLOWER, Joseph, Jr., and Mehetabel CURTISS, Nov. 19, 1783
- FLOWER, Simeon and Honor MONTAGUE, Jan. 3, 1788
- FLOWER, Warren of West Springfield and Lois BELDEN, Feb. 6, 1797
- FOOT, Daniel of Wintonbury and Martha STILMAN, Jan. 14, 1747-8
- FORBES, Daniel and Lydia HURLBUT, Dec. 14, 1775
- FORBES, John and Mary HATCH, Apr. 19, 1784
- FORTUNE, James and Betsey RILEY, Nov. 5, 1797
- FORTUNE, Luke and Prudence BUCK, Jan. 18, 1776
- FOSDICK, Ezekiel and Annah WELLES (?), Sept. 22, 1756
- FOSDICK, William and Anna ROBBINS, Mar. 8, 1781
- FOX, Amos and Jerusha KILBY, Mar. 14, 1779
- FOX, Amos and Susanna DICKINSON, Mar. 12, 1761
- FRANCIS, Asa of Hartford and Prudence WARNER, Mar. 8, 1781
- FRANCIS, Charles and Sarah ADAMS, June 16, 1799
- FRANCIS, Daniel and Mehetabel GOODRICH, June 5, 1799
- FRANCIS, James and Pamela WELLS, Jan. 31, 1793
- FRANCIS, John and Rhoda WRIGHT, Sept. 20, 1764
- FRANCIS, John, Jr., and Huldah BULKLEY, Nov. 7, 1792
- FRANCIS, Joseph and Sarah BUCK, Oct. 11, 1750
- FRANCIS, Josiah and Millesset STODDERD, ----
- FRANCIS, Josiah, Jr., of Pittsfield and Sarah BOARDMAN, Feb. 6, 1797
- FRANCIS, Matthew and Hannah DEMING, July 7, 1799
- FRANCIS, Robert and Anne FRANCIS, May 8, 1788
- FRANCIS, Selah and Roxa BULKLEY of Stepney, Feb. 25, 1793
- FRANCIS, Simeon and Mary Ann ADAMS, May 26, 1793
- FRANCIS, Timothy and Elizabeth HANMER, Mar. 10, 1762
- FRANCIS, William and Phebe WOODHOUSE, Oct. 1, 1753
- FRASIER, Simeon of New City, State of New York, and Anne LOVELAND, Jan. 11, 1784
- FREEMAN, Cato of Chatham and Rebecca MODEE, Nov. 12, 1789
- FULLER, Frederick and Anne BARRETT, Sept. 17, 1782
- GAINES, James of Glastenbury and Lydia LOVELAND, Jan. 7, 1790
- GALPIN, Daniel of Berlin and Mehetabel DORR, Dec. 7, 1797
- GARNSEY, Seth of Westfield and Mehetabel JENNINGS, Apr. 1, 1787
- GAYLORD, Stephen of Bristol and Anne RHODES, July 19, 1796
- GILES, Samuel and Prudence SMITH, Apr. 4, 1790
- GOODRICH, David and Hannah BOARDMAN, May 1, 1755
- GOODRICH, Elizur and Abigail DEMING, Sept. 25, 1760
- GOODRICH, Elizur and Abigail GRIMES of Stepney, Aug. 13, 1778
- GOODRICH, Ephraim and Rebeckah (?) GOODRICH, Nov. 17, 1748
- GOODRICH, Ezekiel and Eunice GOODRICH, both of Stepney, Oct. 4, 1780
- GOODRICH, George and Esther HATCH, Mar. 19, 1792
- GOODRICH, Gideon and Mary DEMING, both of Stepney, Aug. 15, 1793
- GOODRICH, Hosea of Wethersfield and Elizabeth WATERMAN of New London, Nov. 8, 1784
- GOODRICH, James and Betsey BULKLEY, July 17, 1799
- GOODRICH, Jared and Deborah GRISWOLD, both of Stepney, Sept. 15, 1793
- GOODRICH, John and Mary HALE, ----
- GOODRICH, Jonathan and Widow Abigail ----, Nov. 25, 1740
- GOODRICH, Joseph and Rhoda WOLCOTT, Dec. 1, 1785
- GOODRICH, Josiah and Abigail WRIGHT, Feb. 25, 1779
- GOODRICH, Nathaniel and Lucy HANMER, Apr. 21, 1765
- GOODRICH, Samuel and Elizabeth WHITING, June 10, 1747
- GOODRICH, Simeon and Hannah WELLES, Jan. 10, 1788
- GOODRICH, Wait, Jr., of Glastenbury and Lucy BALCH, Dec. 17, 1789
- GOODRIDGE, Levi and Clarissa COOMBS, Oct. 7, 1798
- GRAHAM, Daniel of Suffield and Lydia GOODRICH, May 10, 1790
- GRANT, Rosewell and Fluvia WOLCOTT, both of East Windsor, Aug. 20, 1783
- GREENWOOD, Parsons and Mary WILSON, Jan. 14, 1789
- GREENWOOD, Parsons and Sarah LATIMER, Feb. 27, 1777
- GRISWOLD, Caleb and Lucy FRANCIS, Oct. 18, 1787
- GRISWOLD, Daniel and Hetty HANMER, Sept. 25, 1797
- GRISWOLD, Frederick and Mary DICKENSON, Sept. 11, 1775
- GRISWOLD, Jannah of Harwinton and Martha GRISWOLD, ----
- GRISWOLD, Jonathan and Huldah FRANCIS, Oct. 7, 1790
- GRISWOLD, Jonathan and Melicent FRANCIS, Mar. 31, 1799
- GRISWOLD, Josiah and Abigail HARRIS, Feb. 21, 1793
- GRISWOLD, Josiah and Charlotte ADAMS, Jan. 14, 1798
- GRISWOLD, Josiah and Deborah WILLIAMS, May 21, 1750
- GRISWOLD, Josiah, Jr. and Mercy MILLER, Oct. 7, 1764
- GRISWOLD, Justus and Prudence WELLS, Dec. 29, 1791
- GRISWOLD, Moses and Martha DIX, Apr. 3, 1782
- GRISWOLD, Reuben (negro servant of Widow GRISWOLD) and Lemon GRISWOLD (negro servant of Daniel GRISWOLD), Mar. 23, 1779
- GRISWOLD, Silvanus of Windsor and Hannah WEBB, Jan. 22, 1778
- GRISWOLD, Simeon and Joanna RILEY, Oct. 27, 1799
- GRISWOLD, Simeon and Mary Anne AYRAULT, May 4, 1769
- GRISWOLD, Thomas and Lucretia TALCOTT, both of Glastenbury, Jan. 25, 1792
- GRISWOLD, Thomas and Mary WOLCOTT, Jan. 22, 1799
- GRISWOLD, Timothy and Hannah TRYON, Jan. 17, 1765
- GRISWOLD, William and Elizabeth MACCLOUD, a London lady, Oct. 18, 1759
- GRISWOLD, William and Lucy DEMING, Apr. 10, 1788
- HALE, Daniel and Huldah RILEY, July 8, 1792
- HALE, Daniel of East Hartford and Abigail BUNCE, May 22, 1770
- HALE, Hezekiah and Abigail HANMAR, Jan. 15, 1756
- HALE, Justus and Martha WRIGHT, Feb. 28, 1749-50
- HALE, Theodore and Sarah FORBES, Oct. 20, 1779
- HAMMOND, John of Boston and Lucy DILLENS, Mar. 30, 1793
- HANMAR, John and Prudence WRIGHT, ----
- HANMAR, Samuel and Sarah WELLES, Dec. 10, 1767
- HANMER, Francis, Jr. and Rhoda BOARDMAN, Sept. 13, 1762
- HANMER, Francis, Jr., and Huldah DICKENSON, Jan. 11, 1798
- HANMER, James and Abigail WELLS, Feb. 19, 1795
- HANMER, James and Elizabeth AYRAULT, May 5, 1767
- HANMER, Samuel, Jr., and Lucy CRANE, Mar. 15, 1798
- HANMER, Simeon and Mary CRANE, May 17, 1798
- HARRINGTON, Samuel of Farmington and Hannah BUTLER, Mar. 10, 1785
- HARRIS, Hosea and Eunice ----, Dec. 11, ----
- HARRIS, John and Martha RUSSELL, Nov. 21, 1790
- HARRIS, Thomas and Sarah CRANE, Feb. 8, 1797
- HARRIS, Thomas, Jr., and ---- Robbins, Jan. 26, 1770
- HARRISON, Theodore of Saybrook and Cloe WRIGHT, Apr. 17, 1780
- HARRISON, Timothy of Branford and Clorinda FOSDICK, Mar. 14, 1776
- HART, Dr. Josiah and Abigail HARRIS, Mar. 27, 1778
- HART, William and Sarah Waterhouse WOLCOTT, Sept. 5, 1797
- HATCH, James and Mehetabel ADAMS, Mar. 16, 1780
- HATCH, Levi and Mary CRANE, Dec. 7, 1794
- HATCH, Moses and Abigail LOVELAND, July 21, 1785
- HATCH, Simeon and Rebecca KILBORN, Apr. 4, 1790
- HATCH, William Chamberlain of Colchester and Jerusha DEMING, Sept. 16, 1799
- HAVENS, Thomas and Lucinda ADAMS, Jan. 30, 1783
- HAYFORD, Samuel of Farmington and Thankful ADAMS, Mar. 22, 1791
- HEMPSTED, Joshua and Anne BUCK, Dec. 12, 1758
- HENSHAW (?), Benjamin of Middletown and Hulda SUMNER (?), July 2, 1761
- HILLS, Ashbel of East Hartford and Hannah WRIGHT, Aug. 18, 1791
- HILLS, Cabel of East Hartford and Martha GOODRICH, Nov. 24, 1785
- HOBBY, Jonathan of Boston and Sarah WALKER, Apr. 24, 1781
- HOLLISTER, Thomas of Berlin and Sarah HURLBUT, Mar. 9, 1786
- HOLMS, Daniel and Eunice BOARDMAN of Stepney, Oct. 17, 1787
- HOOKER, Noadiah of Farmington and Rebeckah GRISWOLD, Jan. 2, 1765
- HOOKER, Roger of Farmington and Anne KELLOGG of Newington, July 30, 1747
- HOPKINS, Edward and Elizabeth BEADLE, Aug. 17, 1768
- HORSFORD, Elisha of Farmington and Martha COLE of Newington, Apr. 8, 1778
- HORSFORD, Othniel and Sarah WILLARD of Stepney, Jan. 15, 1778
- HORTON, Timothy, Jr., of West Springfield and Betsey HANMER, Feb. 2, 1794
- HOSKINS, Roswell of Winchester and Hannah WELLS, Dec. 1, 1791
- HOWARD, Rev. Bezaleel of Springfield and Prudence WILLIAMS, May 12, 1790
- HOWE, Joshua of East Haven and Phebe WEAVER, Jan. 12, 1778
- HUBBARD, George of Berlin and Lydia WRIGHT, Jan. 18, 1786
- HUDSON, John and Elizabeth LATIMER, Oct. 9, 1783
- HUNT, Jacob of N. Y. State and Catharine HUNT, Jan. 2, 1780
- HUNTER, Benjamin of Glastenbury and Annah PALMER, July 8, 1789
- HUNTINGTON, Capt. Simeon of Norwich and Patience KENEE, Jan. 15, 1788
- HUNTINGTON, Jonathan of Haddam and Mary MAY, Mar. 8, 1790
- HURLBUT, Christopher and Mary DEMING, Jan. 19, 1764
- HURLBUT, Elizur and Mary DEMING, Jan. 3, 1798
- HURLBUT, John and Anne WRIGHT, Aug. 25, 1799
- HURLBUT, Josiah and Mabel DEMING, Oct. 29, 1767
- HURLBUT, Josiah, Jr., and Prudence CURTISS, Oct. 23, 1796
- HURLBUT, Phineas of Hartford and Honor GOODRIDGE, Jan. 21, 1796
- HURLBUT, Silas and Sarah KILBY, Nov. 16, 1792
- HURLBUT, Simeon and May FURBS, Oct. 3, 1768
- HURLBUT, Timothy and Sarah CLERK, Oct. 5, 1757
- HURLBUT, William and Catharine DEMING, Mar. 21, 1759
- HURLIBUT, Thomas and ----, Aug. 27, 1740
- JENNINGS, Simeon and Elizabeth KILBY, Dec. 13, 1764
- JOHNSON, Alexander, from the North of Scotland, and Lydia HURLBUT, July 20, 1797
- JOHNSON, Charles and Cloe FRISBY (negroes), May 1, 1796
- JOHNSON, Isaac of Windsor and Lucy HANMER, Feb. 12, 1789
- JOHNSON, James of Middletown and Sarah MONTAGUE, Feb. 28, 1782
- JOHNSON, Wilford and Anne GIFFEN, Apr. 11, 1796
- JUD, Simeon of Farmington and Damaris FRASIER, Sept. 20, 1759
- KANE, Richard of Frankfort, Pa., and Fanny SCOTT of New Lebanon, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1794
- KELLOGG, Joseph of Newington and Sarah WILLARD, Dec. 31, 1789
- KELLOGG, Stephen and Elizabeth RUSSELL, ----
- KELLSEY, Israel of Kensington and Mary SAMBORN, Dec. 29, 1768
- KENT, Elijah and Jemima KELLOGG, Oct. 25, 1748
- KILBORN, Elisha and Sarah ROBBINS, June 8, 1749
- KILBORN, Geo. and Rebeckah BELDING, Nov. 1, 1753
- KILBORN, George and ---- ----, Nov. 10, 1763
- KILBURN, Charles of Sandisfield and Susannah FOSDICK, Oct. 20, 1784
- KILBY, John and Mary BLAIR, Sept. 30, 1782
- KILBY, Thomas and Hannah CRANE, Aug. 23, 1764
- KILBY, William of Wethersfield and Rhoda MORGAN of New London, Aug. 15, 1790
- KILLBY, William and Dority DEMING, Mar. 23, 1758
- KING, David and Mary BULKLEY, Apr. 28, 1782
- KING, David of Number 4, (Sandisfield), Mass., and Eunice BOARDMAN, Aug. 22, 1754
- KINGSMAN, Mitchel and Keturah LATTIMER, 1770
- KNOTT, John and Sarah ROBBINS, Apr. 22, 1778
- KNOWLES, Samuel of Hartford and Mary MCCLOUD, Oct. 16, 1757
- KNOWLS, James and Prudence BENTON, Apr. 3, 1768
- LAKEING, John and Rosannah MCFEE, Jan. 14, 1779
- LANCELOT, Samuel and Sarah STILMAN, Sept. 22, 1763
- LANSELOT, Samuel and Hannah BELDING, Aug. 30, 1753
- LARKIN, Isaac of Charlestown, Mass., and Abigail WARNER, Dec. 15, 1791
- LATIMER, Bezaleel and Rhoda MAY, Dec. 17, 1797
- LATIMER, Bezaleel, Jr., and Nancy RILEY, Sept. 23, 1795
- LATIMER, Solomon and Rebekah CRANE, June 6, 1782
- LATTIMER, Samuel and Elizabeth BUNCE, Oct. 12, 1752
- LEE, Theodore of New Britain and Olive BOARDMAN, Nov. 10, 1768
- LEEDS, Carey of Stamford and Anne HARRIS, May 15, 1798
- LEONARD, David of Richmond and Rhoda TRYON, Feb. 24, 1785
- LEWIS, Abel of Wethersfield and Joanna BIDWELL of Glastenbury, Oct. 27, 1785
- LEWIS, Joseph and Esther BURNHAM, Aug. 24, 1778
- LEWIS, Pop and Nancy STEEL (negroes), Mar. 9, 1769
- LEWIS, Rev. John and Eunice WILLIAMS, Oct. 5, 1788
- LOCKWOOD, Rev. Samuel of Andove and ---- MAY of Wethersfield, Apr. 24, 1749
- LOMIS, Soloman of Colchester and ---- ----, ----
- LOMISS, Silas and Jerusha TREAT, Jan. 26, 1758
- LOVELAND, Comfort and Prudence BUCK, Apr. 16, 1799
- LOVELAND, John, Jr., and Rebekah DEMING, Apr. 12, 1797
- LOVEMAN, William and Abigail ADAMS, Jan. 12, 1758
- MARKHAM, Israel and Penelope BEMENT, June 23, 1757
- MARKS, Asahel and Susannah CARTER, Apr. 12, 1790
- MARKUM, Jeremiah of Middletown and Anna DEMING, Apr. 20, 1769
- MARSH (?), Daniel of New Hartford and Jerusha TREAT, Nov. 8, 1770
- MARSH, Chester of Dalton and Hannah BURNHAM, Jan. 30, 1785
- MARSH, James of Hanover and Polly WELLS, May 14, 1795
- MARSH, John, Jr., and Pollicena GOODRICH, both of Stepney, July 20, 1780
- MARVEN, Joseph and ---- ----, Jan. 28, 1768
- MAY, James of Wethersfield and Hannah STILLMAN of Saybrook, Aug. 22, 1790
- MAY, John and Abigail BOARDMAN, Sept. 4, 1781
- MAY, Lemuel and Huldah DEMING, June 17, 1792
- MAY, William and Martha Woolcott TREAT, Apr. 28, 1774
- MCPHERSON, Joseph of ---- and Sarah ROBERTS of Westfield, Oct. 7, 1789
- MEARS, Stephen (?) of Windsor and Lydia WELLES, Jan. 16, 1766
- MEARS, Stephen and Sarah BRADFORD, Dec. 23, 1767
- MILLER, William of Glassenbury and Elizabeth LOVELAND, Feb. 18, 1768
- MILLOR, Aaron of Pantoosuck and Elizabeth BREWER, Mar. 13, 1754
- MILLS, Rev. Samuel of Chester and Rebekah BELDEN, Feb. 27, 1798
- MITCHEL, David and Mary WOLCOT, June 11, 1761
- MONTAGUE, Alvin and Anne ALLEN of Berlin, Apr. 15, 1790
- MONTAGUE, Ezekiel and Lucy WELLS, Dec. 19, 1799
- MONTAGUE, George and Sarah ROBBINS, Dec. 7, 1786
- MONTAGUE, John and Persis ADAMS, Feb. 18, 1795
- MONTAGUE, Justus and Sarah GRISWOLD, Oct. 18, 1795
- MONTAGUE, Moses and Eunice HARRIS, Aug. 23, 1786
- MONTAGUE, Richard and Olive NOTT, Apr. 16, 1752
- MONTAGUE, Samuel and Polly WOLCOTT, Sept. 19, 1793
- MONTAGUE, Seth and Sybil LATIMER, July 8, 1782
- MORETON, Benjamin and Lucy EDWARDS, both of Stepney, Mar. 21, 1780
- MORGAN, Elias of Hartford and Sarah WEBB, Mar. 6, 1796
- MORRISON, William of N. Y. State and Hannah WARE, Jan. 16, 1779
- MORTON, David of Hatfield and ---- SMITH, May 3, 1750
- MOSELEY, Joseph of Glassenbury and Hopeful ROBBINS, Dec. 10, 1761
- MUNSON, Stephen of New Haven and Lucy RILEY, Oct. 16, 1755
- MYGATT, Thomas and Lucy OAKES, May 23, 1797
- NEWBURY, Benjamin and Abigail DICKENSON, Dec. 23, 1790
- NEWCOMB, Daniel of Andover and Elizabeth MAY, ----
- NOBLE, Gideon, Jr., of Willington and Lucy WELLES, Feb. 18, 1787
- NOOSON (Newson), Thomas and Sarah DIX, ----
- NORTON, Thomas of Farmington and Elizabeth ----, Oct. 5, 1753
- OLMSTEAD, Jonathan of Hartford and Sabra STANLEY, Oct. 25, 1767
- PALMER, Isaac and Hannah FLINT, Feb. 22, 1781
- PARSONS, Rev. David of Amherst and Harriet WILLIAMS, Nov. 24, 1785
- PARSONS, Thomas, Jr., of Farmington and Elizabeth COLLINS of Stepney, Nov. 6, 1777
- PHELPS, Ebenezer of Windsor and Dolly ROBBINS, Feb. 19, 1795
- PHELPS, Elihu and Hannah WEBB, Nov. 18, 1753
- PIERCE, Joseph of Ellington and Mary BENTON, Oct. 3, 1790
- PIERCE, Samuel and Mary WILLARD, Feb. 6, 1766
- PORTER, Amos of Tolland and Lucy WELLES, Jan. 5, 1779
- PORTER, Jonathan and Honor HURLBUT, Oct. 22, 1753
- PRENTISS, Perez of Stoningham and Rebekah BENTON, Sept. 17, 1797
- PRICE, Richard and Abigail BOARDMAN, both of Stepney, Aug. 24, 1780
- PUTNAM, John, from Gloucester, Great Britain, and Hannah DILLENS, Sept. 11, 1788
- RANGER, Cyrus of Sudbury, Vt., and Sarah CHURCHILL, Jan. 18, 1798
- RAYNOLDS, John of Enfield and Mary LOCKWOOD, Nov. 30, 1768
- RHODES, Samuel and May DIX, June 27, 1797
- RHODES, William and Rhoda DIX, Dec. 19, 1764
- RHODES, William, Jr., and Sarah COLEMAN, Dec. 6, 1787
- RICE, Ches. and Anna SMITH, Nov. 20, 1791
- RICH, Peter and Phebe CLARKE, Apr. 7, 1791
- RICHARDSON, Stephen of Stonington and Sarah TREAT, Aug. 20, 1765
- RILEY, Aclee and Lucretia MORETON of Stepney, May 4, 1779
- RILEY, David and Lois GRISWOLD, Mar. 28, 1765
- RILEY, Ebenezer of Berlin and Anne WILLARD, Sept. 30, 1794
- RILEY, Frederick and Rachel WILLIAMS, Apr. 23, 1794
- RILEY, Jacob and Abigail WILLIAMS of Stepney, Dec. 12, 1764
- RILEY, John Stillman and Sarah DIX, Nov. 15, 1797
- RILEY, Justus and Mabel BUCK, Nov. 10, 1774
- RILEY, Justus and Martha KILBORN, Jan. 19, 1764
- RILEY, Roger and Comfort LOVELAND, Feb. 12, 1761
- RILEY, Samuel and Elizabeth HOWARD, Apr. 22, 1788
- RILEY, Samuel, Jr. and Sarah EGGLESTON, May 21, 1769
- RILEY, Simeon, Jr., and Eunice WELLS, Nov. 27, 1794
- RISSLY, Joshua of East Hartford and Sarah (Maitland?), Feb. 17, 1765
- ROBBINS, Appleton and ---- ----, Nov. 17, 1763
- ROBBINS, Asa and Hannah COLEMAN, Mar. 16, 1780
- ROBBINS, Daniel, Jr. and Mary ROBBINS, July 13, 1756
- ROBBINS, Elisha and Sarah GOODRICH, Aug. 19, 1787
- ROBBINS, Elisha and Sarah HARRIS, Sept. 8, 1755
- ROBBINS, Frederick and Mehetabel WOLCOTT, Apr. 12, 1781
- ROBBINS, Hezekiah and Mehitabel (B?), Oct. 14, 1756
- ROBBINS, Joshua and ---- ----, Dec. 21, 1758
- ROBBINS, Joshua, Jr., and Hannah HART, Aug. 17, 1788
- ROBBINS, Josiah and Anna FRANCIS, Jan. 12, 1786
- ROBBINS, Josiah and Judah WELLS, Dec. 21, ----
- ROBBINS, Josiah and Mary WRIGHT, July 4, 1782
- ROBBINS, Levi and Abigail KILBURN, Nov. 12, 1778
- ROBBINS, Robert and Abigail HANMER, June 1, 1796
- ROBBINS, Robert and Cynthia WOOD, June 22, 1793
- ROBBINS, Robert and Mary WELLS, Nov. 19, 1789
- ROBBINS, Roger and Abigail BEADLE, June 19, 1759
- ROBBINS, Samuel and Ester WELLS, Feb. 25, 1745
- ROBBINS, Zebulon and Lucretia GOODRICH, both of Stepney, Oct. 19, 1780
- ROBERTS, Benjamin of East Hartford and Sarah DIX, July 26, 1798
- ROCKWELL, Oswald and Sarah WETHEREL, Dec. 16, 1784
- ROCKWELL, Samuel and Rebiner COLLINS, 1779
- ROMANS, Bernard (a native of Holland) and Elizabeth WHITING, Jan. 28, 1779
- ROSE, John and Mary WARNER, Sept. 9, 1779
- ROWLANDSON, Phineas and Mabel BERRY, Aug. 7, 1791
- ROWLISON (ROWLANDSON), Wilson and Anne BUNCE, July 6, 1757
- RUSSEL, John and Elizabeth PETTIBON, Sept. (?) 18, ----
- RUSSELL, Timothy and Martha DEMING, 1769
- RUSSELL, Timothy, Jr., and Betsey DEMING, July 17, 1799
- SAGE, Samuel of Middletown and ---- HURLBUT, Apr. 10, 1755
- SALTONSTAL, Nathaniel of New London and Rebeckah YOUNG, Sept. 4, 1755
- SAVAGE, William of Middletown and Hannah RHODES, Apr. 19, 1797
- SAXE, Timothy of Middletown and Anne MONTAGUE, Jan. 18, 1753
- SEELY, Joshua of Stratford and Martha CURTIS, Aug. 21, 1791
- SELDEN, Ezra, Esq., of Lyme and Hannah MERIAM of Stepney, Apr. 13, 1780
- SEYMOUR, Daniel, Jr., and Elizabeth STEEL, both of Hartford, Jan. 2, 1797
- SHELDON, Henry of Hartford and Anne MAY, Oct. 16, 1796
- SHELDON, Joseph, Jr., of Hartford and Mary MAY, Nov. 3, 1787
- SIAS, Nathaniel of Durham, N. H., and Rebecca RISLEY of East Hartford, Feb. 28, 1793
- SIBLEY, Ezekiel of Ashford and Mehetabel HURLBUT, Oct. 18, 1787
- SKINNER, Nathanael of Hartford and Margaret HUNT, Dec. 13, 1781
- SKINNER, Stephen of Hartford and Polly DORR, Apr. 22, 1779
- SLEEPER, Benjamin of Concord, N. H., and Clarissa HURLBUT, Dec. 31, 1796
- SLINE, Robert of Wethersfield and Martha YOUNGS of Hebron, May 6, 1787
- SMITH, Cephas and Sarah BULKLEY, Aug. 5, 1756
- SMITH, Israel and Sarah ANDROSS, Dec. 30, 1754
- SMITH, James and Sarah HANMER, Nov. 21, 1781
- SMITH, Jonathan and Thankful WISE, Apr. 7, 1768
- SMITH, Noah of Hadley and Abigail ROBBINS, Dec. 18, 1777
- SMITH, Norman of Hartford and Mary BOARDMAN, Nov. 23, 1795
- SMITH, Obadiah and Lucy WRIGHT, July 26, 1787
- SMITH, Samuel, Jr., of Glastenbury and Abigail HALE, Jan. 29, 1798
- SMITH, William, Esq. of New York and Mrs. Rector Elizabeth or Elisha WILLIAMS, May 12, 1761
- ST. JOHN, Capt. of Norwalk and Mrs. Hannah WRIGHT, June 24, 1755
- STANDISH, Jeremiah and Hannah WISE, Dec. 22, 1767
- STANDISH, John and Eunice TRYON, May 21, 1786
- STANLEY, Jonathan of East Hartford and Sarah STILLMAN, Feb. 19, 1794
- STANLEY, Noah of Berlin and Experience WELLES, Oct. 26, 1786
- STANLEY, Thomas of Farmington and Anne FORDS, Nov. 27, 1783
- STANTLIFF, James of Chatham and Meribah WELLES, Dec. 6, 1787
- STEEL, Elizur of Kensington and Mary RHODES, Jan. 17, 1765
- STEVENS, Isaac and Sarah WRIGHT, Jan. 15, 1789
- STEVENS, Joseph and Mehetabel HALE, both of Glastenbury, Dec. 31, 1795
- STILLMAN, Allyn, 2nd, and Elizabeth DEMING, Dec. 23, 1784
- STILLMAN, David and Prudence HURLBUT, Jan. 11, 1787
- STILLMAN, Ebenezer and Rhoda FRANCIS, May 16, 1797
- STILLMAN, George and Martha DEMING, Mar. 22, 1797
- STILLMAN, James of Wethersfield and Elizabeth WEBSTER of East Hartford, Feb. 26, 1795
- STILLMAN, Joseph, Jr. and Rhoda BOARDMAN, Dec. 17, 1781
- STILLMAN, Nathaniel and Martha HANMER, Jan. 18, 1781
- STILLMAN, Simeon and Rebekah DEMING, Apr. 14, 1793
- STILLMAN, Timothy and Elizabeth DEMING, Jan. 3, 1790
- STILLWELL, Christopher Sheldon of Hartford and Sarah LOVELAND, Oct. 10, 1799
- STILLWILL, Stephen of Ransle---- Ville, N. Y. State, and Lydia TRYON of Wethersfield, Oct. 9, 1792
- STILMAN, Joseph and Sarah WRIGHT, ----
- STILMAN, Samuel and Millissent RILEY, Oct. 19, 1769
- STOCKING, Elisha of Glastenbury and Abigail RANNAY of Chatham, Mar. 15, 1789
- STODDARD, Ephraim of Glastenbury and Jerusha HURLBUT, Mar. 18, 1794
- STODDARD, Joshua and Martha DEMING, Mar. 13, 1757
- STORRS, Prince of Windsor and Hephzebah BELDEN, Sept. 2, 1786
- STOUGHTON, John and Ruth BELDING, Jan. 22, 1765
- SUTTON, William and Abigail RUSSELL, Aug. 3, 1777
- SWEATLAND, Eleazar of East Hartford and Polly HANMER, Apr. 12, 1791
- TALCOT, Moses and Elizabeth GRISWOLD, May 8, 1781
- TALCOT, Oliver of Glastenbury and Lois BALCH, Oct. 11, 1787
- TALCOT, Samuel and Molly HURLBUT, Dec. 25, 1788
- THAYER, Jonathan and Abigail COLLINS, both of Stepney, Aug. 2, 1775
- THOMPSON, Epaphias of Saybrook and Peggy HORNER, Jan. 11, 1779
- THRASHER, Asahel and Phebe CULVER, Mar. 8, 1780
- THRASHER, Bezaleel and Sarah WOODHOUSE, May 27, 1784
- TOOLEY or COOLEY, Andrew and Mary ASHCRAFT, May 15, 1755
- TOSA, Newport and Susanna FORTUNE (negroes), May 14, 1795
- TREAT, Charles and Hopey ROBBINS, May 1, 1788
- TREAT, James and Sarah TALCOTT, July 13, 1794
- TREAT, John and Elizabeth CANNING, Nov. 24, 1756
- TREAT, Joseph of East Hartford and Martha ADAMS, Jan. 4, 1787
- TRYAL, Abel of Middletown and Lament RISLEY, Jan. 12, 1757
- TRYON, Aaron and Sarah LAMBFEAR, May 17, 1770
- TRYON, Abijah and Charity DEMING, May 6, 1784
- TRYON, Abijah and Eunice FRANCIS, Nov. 3, 1762
- TRYON, Moses and Eunice TREAT, May 12, 1782
- TRYON, William and Anna HURLBUT, June 9, 1784
- TURNER, Hezekiah of Hartford and Azubah HURLIBUT, Jan. 26, 1769
- UNDERWOOD, John of Colebrook and Elizabeth WARNER, Dec. 8, 1793
- WADE, Amasa of Winchester and Anna HALE, Jan. 22, 1777
- WADSWORTH, Gurdon of Hartford and Mehetabel WRIGHT, Oct. 17, 1775
- WADSWORTH, James, Jr., of Hartford and Abigail MAY, Apr. 9, 1797
- WADSWORTH, Manna of Pittsfield and Anne DEMING, Jan. 9, 1792
- WADSWORTH, Solomon of East Hartford and Lucy KILBY, July 1, 1795
- WAKEFIELD, Utley of Pomfret and Hannah EELLS, July 17, 1799
- WALBRIDGE, John of Royalton, Vt., and Betsey CALLENDER, Jan. 26, 1796
- WALTON, Silas of Norwich and Elizabeth DEMING, June 14, 1779
- WARNER, Aaron and Abigail MONTAGUE, Jan. 31, 1782
- WARNER, Aaron and Rachel CURTISS, Feb. 4, 1796
- WARNER, Christopher and Elizabeth Adams, Oct. 28, 1770
- WARNER, Daniel and Hannah ADAMS, Jan. 14, 1768
- WARNER, Daniel, Jr., and Abigail WILLIAMS, both of Stepney, July 14, 1792
- WARNER, John, ye 2nd, and Abigail HALE, Dec. 22, 1784
- WARNER, Roger and Rhoda BUTLER of Stepney, Apr. 1, 1762
- WARNER, Thomas of New Canaan and Hannah TREAT, Feb. 15, 1780
- WARNER, William and Eunice WARNER, Oct. 21, 1762
- WARNER, William of New Canaan and Rhoda SMITH, Sept. 6, 1778
- WARNER, William, Jr., and Esther BOARDMAN, Nov. 11, 1784
- WARREN, Elisha and Rhoda ANDROS of Newington, May 9, 1747
- WATERBERRY, Joseph of Stanford and Mary ADAMS, Aug. 27, 1778
- WEAVER, Jonathan and Hopewell COLEMAN, Dec. 14, 1769
- WEBB, David and Mary BULKLEY, May 20, 1750
- WEBB, Ebenezer and Hannah WRIGHT, July 22, 1787
- WEBB, Ezra and Hannah NOTT, Aug. 30, 1763
- WEBB, Ezra and Mary BARRETT, June 17, 1789
- WEBB, Joseph and Abigail CHESTER, Nov. 22, 1774
- WEBB, Joseph and Mahitable NOT, Feb. 2, 1748-9
- WEBSTER, Daniel of Hartford and Elizabeth WATERBURY, Mar. 18, 1790
- WEBSTER, Elisha and Sarah WARNER, Mar. 8, 1749
- WEBSTER, Stephen of Hartford and Anne MCCLOUD, May 9, 1765
- WELLES, Billy and Cloe BUTLER, July 13, 1769
- WELLES, Chester and Hannah BELDING, Oct. 31, 1765
- WELLES, Chester and Mabel MITCHEL, Oct. 29, 1761
- WELLES, David and Lydie WILLIAMS, ----
- WELLES, David and Sarah WOODHOUSE, Jan. 13, 1757
- WELLES, Eli of Wethersfield and Hannah BALDWIN of Saybrook, May 1, 1782
- WELLES, Elisha and Lois WELLES, Nov. 24, 1774
- WELLES, Elisha and Sarah ROBBINS, Apr. 26, 1784
- WELLES, Elisha, 2nd, and Mary GRISWOLD, Dec. 16, 1784
- WELLES, Japhet (negro of Capt. Thomas WELLES) and Ann (a mulatto), Apr. 15, 1783
- WELLES, Jonathan and Elizabeth DEMING, May 4, 1769
- WELLES, Joseph, Jr. and Jerusha HURLBUT, Dec. 24, 1767
- WELLES, Josiah and Rebekah DEMING, Jan. 1, 1776
- WELLES, Thomas and Lucy BELDING, Jan. 20, 1765
- WELLS, Bille, Jr., and Martha WELLS, Sept. 16, 1790
- WELLS, Capt. Hezekiah and Hannah WELLS, May 8, 1788
- WELLS, Christopher and Sarah MONTAGUE, widow of Justus, Nov. 28, 1798
- WELLS, Daniel and Honor FRANCIS, Mar. 26, 1799
- WELLS, Ebenezer of Wethersfield and Margery STOCKING of Middletown, Apr. 29, 1779
- WELLS, Gideon and Emily HART, Feb. 28, 1790
- WELLS, Hezekiah and Mary BOARDMAN, Dec. 17, 1747
- WELLS, Hezekiah, Jr., and Hannah WELLS, Oct. 18, 1798
- WELLS, James and Prudence WRIGHT, Feb. 1, 1753
- WELLS, John and Rebeckah BUTLER, Oct. 12, 1755
- WELLS, Joshua, Jr., and Judith WELLS, Nov. 13, 1788
- WELLS, Joshua, ye 2nd and Eunice GOFFE, Mar. 23, 1779
- WELLS, Levi and Sarah DEMING, May 21, 1789
- WELLS, Samuel, 2nd, and Annar GRISWOLD, Apr. 19, 1787
- WELLS, Samuel, 3rd, and Eunice HURLBUT, Mar. 27, 1788
- WELLS, Thomas, the 2nd, and Abigail HART, Aug. 18, 1785
- WELLS, Thomas, the 3rd, and Mary HARRIS, Sept. 22, 1785
- WESTON, Benjamin of Middletown and Mary WOODHOUSE, Aug. 30, 1774
- WESTON, Nehemiah and Elizabeth KILBY, Apr. 3, 1791
- WHEELER, Amos of Hartford and Lucy BAXTER, Oct. 10, 1790
- WHITE, John of Hartford and Honor BAXTER, Dec. 7, 1752
- WHITE, Joseph of Middletown and Lucy BULKLEY, Apr. 4, 1782
- WHITING, Charles and Honor PERRIN---- GOODRICH, not Perrin, May 18, 1749
- WILL, Noah and Hannah SAMPSON, Apr. 30, 1787
- WILLARD, Ephraim and Lucy GRISWOLD, May 11, 1797
- WILLARD, Josiah and Rhoda WELLES, Aug. 9, 1787
- WILLARD, Stephen and Anne HARRIS, Mar. 24, 1768
- WILLARD, Stephen, Jr., and Martha ROBBINS, June 20, 1793
- WILLCOCKS, Samuel of Killingworth and Hopeful WILLIAMS of Stepney, Jan. 19, 1769
- WILLCOX, Abner of Killingworth and Lucy AYRAULT, July 22, 1782
- WILLIAMS, Elias and Christian WILLIAMS, both of Stepney, Oct. 1, 1792
- WILLIAMS, Elisha and Mehetabel BURNHAM, Aug. 24, 1749
- WILLIAMS, Elisha and Sarah NEWSON, Oct. 25, 1787
- WILLIAMS, Jacob and Elizabeth BUTLER, both of Stepney, Mar. 3, 1777
- WILLIAMS, Othniel and Catharine WILLIAMS, Feb. 21, 1760
- WILLIAMS, Othniel and Hannah RENELS (REYNOLDS), Jan. 3, 1763
- WILLIAMS, Samuel Wm., Esq., and Emily WILLIAMS, Nov. 23, 1785
- WILLIAMS, Solomon and Eunice ROBBINS, Nov. 6, 1777
- WILLIAMS, Solomon and Lydie FRANCIS, Nov. 21, 1754
- WINN, John of Philadelphia and Rebecca KILBY, Feb. 17, 1783
- WINSHIP, Joseph of Hartford and Mehetabel RHODES, Jan. 5, 1796
- WISE, Thomas of Middletown and ---- of Wethersfield, Oct. 14, 1756
- WOLCOT, Samuel and Lucy WRIGHT, Mar. 29, 1750
- WOLCOTT, Elisha, Jr., and Mary WELLES, Jan. 19, 1775
- WOLCOTT, Gershom and Eunice WILLARD, June 14, 1798
- WOLCOTT, Nathanel and Abigail GOODRICH, Apr. 15, 1798
- WOLCOTT, Roger and Mary ADAMS, Apr. 11, 1799
- WOLCOTT, William and Huldah WELLS, Mar. 18, 1790
- WOLF, John and Susanna FOX, Aug. 17, 1786
- WOODBRIDGE, John of East Hartford and Lydia GRISWOLD, Aug. 29, 1793
- WOODHOUSE, Abigail and Jane JAMES, Nov. 25, 1782
- WOODHOUSE, Daniel and Lucy DIX, Mar. 27, 1788
- WOODHOUSE, John, Jr., and Sarah BUCK, Mar. 11, 1779
- WOODHOUSE, Samuel and Thankful BLIN, Oct. 24, 1754
- WOODHOUSE, Samuel, Jr. and Abigail GOODRICH, Mar. 14, 1781
- WOODHOUSE, William and Mercy DIX, Apr. 13, 1786
- WOODRUFF, Daniel of Farmington and Rebeckah BELDEN, Feb. 28, 1775
- WOODRUFF, Ichabod of Milford and Sally BELDEN, Nov. 17, 1797
- WRIGHT, Asa and Lucy GRISWOLD, Apr. 12, 1796
- WRIGHT, Ashbel and Abigail DEMING, Oct. 25, 1790
- WRIGHT, David and Jerusha DIX, Nov. 9, 1786
- WRIGHT, Ebenezer and Grace BUTLER, Nov. 13, 1768
- WRIGHT, Ebenezer and Mary DIX, Aug. 26, 1789
- WRIGHT, Elijah and Penelope WELLES, Apr. 22, 1784
- WRIGHT, Elisha and Mary BUCK, Oct. 24, 1764
- WRIGHT, Elizur and Hannah WRIGHT, Feb. 11, 1792
- WRIGHT, Elizur of Canaan and ---- BOARDMAN, Jan. 11, 1759
- WRIGHT, Elizur of Canaan and Rhoda HANMER, Oct. 28, 1784
- WRIGHT, Elizur, Jr., and Ruth CURTISS, Mar. 22, 1780
- WRIGHT, Gideon and Elizabeth BUCK, July 8, 1756
- WRIGHT, Joseph Allyn and Abigail BOSTWICK, Jan. 14, 1781
- WRIGHT, Josiah and Polly McCLEAN, Jan. 14, 1798
- WRIGHT, Josiah, Jr., and Elizabeth ROBBINS, Feb. 9, 1779
- WRIGHT, Nathaniel and Martha GOODRICH, May 13, 1750
- WRIGHT, Simeon and Lois CURTIS, Aug. 24, 1789
- YOUNG, Ebenzer and Rebekah FLOWERS, Nov. 8, 1750