New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Windham County Connecticut Genealogy and History

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Search Free Windham County, Connecticut Genealogy and Family History Records Online including census, cemetery, vital, military and other genealogical and historical records that can be used for your family history research.

Windham County, Connecticut genealogy and family history page is a place where you can come in and research your genealogy and family history. We also do our best to provide a history of the area, to provide you with an overview of the time in which your ancestors lived.

We regret that we are unable to do personal research for you. All genealogical and family history records we come across are being added to this website. Please keep checking back.

Early History of Windham County, Connecticut

Windham County was created from Hartford and New London counties on 12 May 1726

In May 1749, the town of Woodstock, formerly New Roxbury, Worcester County Massachusetts, was unilaterally annexed by Connecticut and assigned to Windham County. In 1785, the town of Union (incorporated in 1734) was transferred to the newly formed Tolland County. Over the next century, Windham County would lose several towns to Tolland and New London counties: Coventry to Tolland in 1786, Lebanon to New London in 1824, Columbia and Mansfield to Tolland in 1827, and Voluntown to New London in 1881. The final boundary adjustment occurred on April 7, 1885, when the boundary dispute between the towns of Windham and Mansfield was resolved.

Windham County Connecticut Genealogy Records


Cemetery Records

Census Records

Church Records

Cities & Towns

County Records

Family Bibles

History Topics

Military Records

Miscellaneous Data



School Records

Vital Records

Includes birth, marriage and death records.

Wills/Probate Records

Genealogy Research in Windham County

Connecticut Counties do not have a county government, the government is at the town level.

Town Clerks have birth, marriage, death and land records

Clerk of the Superior Court has divorce and court records from 1800

Probate Court has probate records.

Adjacent counties

[ Connecticut Genealogy ]