Wenham Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1849
Surnames A-E
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Wenham, Essex County Massachusetts marriage records extracted from the "Vital Records of Middleton Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849."
Wenham Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1849 - Surnames A-E
- ABBIE (see also Abby)
- ABBIE, John, and Marah Gooldsmith, Nov. 25, 1674. CT.R.
- ABBOT, Hannah F., of Andover, and Rev. Daniel Mansfield, int. July 6, 1838.
- ABBY (see also Abbie, Abbye)
- ABBY, Samuell, and Mary Knowlton, Oct. 12, 1672. CT.R.
- ABBY, Thomas, and Sarah Fairfield, at Marblehead, Dec. 16, 1683.
- ABBYE (see also Abby)
- ABBYE, Rebecka, and Richard Kimball, 13: 3 m: 1667. CT.R.
- ADAMS (see also Addams)
- ADAMS, Abigail, of Ipswich, and Thomas Brown, int. June 25, 1727.
- ADAMS, Bethia, of Ipswich, and Samuell Brown, Mar. 7, 1775.
- ADAMS, Caleb, of Ipswich, and Margaret Davidson, int. Dec. 21, 1757.
- ADAMS, Prissilla, and Nathan Chapman of Ipswich, Dec. 26, 1734.
- ADDAMS (see also Adams)
- ADDAMS, Charls, of Ipswich, and Mary Perkins, int. Oct. 14, 1733.
- ADDAMS, Elizabeth, and James Moulton, Feb. 10, 1662. CT.R.
- ADDAMS, Judith [Mrs. int.]„ of Ipswich, and William Brown, at Ipswich, May 10, 1787.
- AKERMAN, Charlotte S., of Hampton Falls, N.H., and Nicholas Dodge, jr., int. Apr. 10, 1842.
- AKERMAN, John C., a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Joseph and Ruth, and Charlotte A. Williams, a. 18 y., d. Hamden and Mary C., May 4, 1846.
- ALLEN, Andrew, of Manchester, and Mrs. Elisabeth Killam, May 31, 1767.
- ALLEN, Charles B., of Essex, and Joanna G. Low, Dec. 30, 1840.
- ALLEN, Davis, of Beverly, and Betsey Porter, Nov. 27, 1798.
- ALLEN, Hannah, of Manchester, and Samuel Fiske, sr., int. Apr. 26, 1697.
- ALLEN, Jacob, of Beverly, and Lucy Gallop, Jan. 29, 1809.
- ALLEN, James, of Lynn, and Clarrisa Perkins, Oct. 4, 1818. C.R.
- ALLEN, John, and Lydia Osment, both of Manchester, Feb. 26, 1744-5.
- ALLEN, John, of Beverly, and Lidia Wyatt, int. June 1, 1805.
- ALLEN, Josiah, and Mary Warren, both of Manchester [at Manchester. C.R.], Apr. 25, 1744.
- ALLISON, Catherine, and James Worster of Danvers, int. Nov. 7, 1824.
- ANDREW (see also Andrews)
- ANDREW, Betsey, and Billy Knowlton, int. Dec. 17, 1803.
- ANDREW, Eleazar Craft, and Mary Dodge, int. Sept. 13, 1800.
- ANDREW, Lucy, of Ipswich, and John Shappon, June 1, 1798.
- ANDREW, Sarah, of Salem, and Humphrey Peirce [jr. int.], at Salem, Dec. 15, 1748.
- ANDREWS (see also Andrew, Andross, Andrue)
- ANDREWS, Eliza, and Theodore Dodge, Apr. 12, 1830.
- ANDREWS, Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Benjamin Osment, Sept. 5, 1739.
- ANDREWS, Ginger, of Danvers, and Jonah [Josiah. int.] Herrick, at Danvers, Dec. 16, 1756.
- ANDREWS, Lucy, of Ipswich, and Thomas Masury, int. Apr. 15, 1818.
- ANDREWS, Mary, of Gloucester, and John Bolton, at Gloucester, Oct. 2, 1744.
- ANDREWS, Mary, of Beverly, and Samuel Preston, Jan. 25, 1827.
- ANDREWS, Nancy, and Israel Batchelder, Apr. 3, 1828.
- ANDREWS, Rachell, and James Linsay, int. Nov. 23, 1727.
- ANDREWS, Rebecca, and John Davis, int. Apr. 16, 1843.
- ANDREWS, Samuel, and Anna Rankins, Nov. 1, 1739.
- ANDROSS (see also Andrews)
- ANDROSS, Margarett, of Ipswich, and Samuel Gott, int. June 26, 1697.
- ANDRUE (see also Andrews)
- ANDRUE, Hannah [Andrews. C.R.], of Salem, and Samuell Gott, Dec. 16, 1723.
- ANNABLE, Jacob, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Elisabeth Patch, Dec. 30, 1755.
- ANNABLE, Robert, of Ipswich, and Bethiah Knowlton, Nov. 17, 1729.
- APPELTON (see also Appleton)
- APPELTON, Elisabeth, of Ipswich, and Josiah Faierfild, int. June 7, 1731.
- APPELTON, Priscilla, of Ipswich, and Rev. Robert Ward, int. Apr. 27, 1722.
- APPLETON (see also Appelton)
- APPLETON, Daniel [jr. int.], of Beverly, and Mehitable Cleaves, Apr. 10, 1832.
- APPLETON, Hooper A., of Beverly, a. 27 y., yeoman, b. Beverly, s. Daniel and Mary, and Hannah Corning of Beverly, a 20 y., b. Beverly, d. Peter and Mary, Apr. 5, 1849.
- APPLETON, Rebecca, of Ipswich, and William Dodge, at Ipswich, Jan. 9, 1728.
- APPLETON, Sarah, of Hamilton, and Joshua Herrick, 2d, int. Dec. 1, 1810.
- ARCHER, William, of Salem, and Mrs. Rebecca Ober, Aug. 23, 1790.
- ARRIS, Charles, of Lisbon, and Sarah M. Ford of Lewiston, Nov. 11, 1849.
- ASH, Mary [Mrs. C.R.], and Jacob Boardman of Ipswich, Sept. 20, 1742.
- ASHBY, Betsey C., of Salem, and Stephin Cree, int. Apr. 1, 1827.
- ASHBY, David, jr., of Salem, and Mrs. Abigail Smith, int. Apr. 14, 1804.
- AUSTIN, John, and Mrs. Deborah Knowlton, Sept. 24, 1754. [Sept. 4. C.R.]
- AVERELL (see also Averill)
- AVERELL, Elizabeth, of Boston, and Dr. John Porter, int. Oct. 12, 1834.
- AVERELL, Paul, of Middleton, and [wid. int.] Mary Symonds, Feb. 3, 1736-7.
- AVERELL, Phebe [Mrs. int.], of Topsfield, and Isaac Dodge, at Topsfield, Nov. 13, 1753.
- AVERILL (see also Averell)
- AVERILL, Amos, of Topsfield, and Mrs. Lydia Batcheller, Nov. 6, 1774.
- AVERILL, Cyrus, and Lavina Dickerson of Ipswich, int. Nov. 2, 1828.
- AVERY, Abigail, Mrs., and Samuel Carter of Manchester, May 30, 1790.
- AYER (see also Ayers, Ayre)
- AYER, George Washington, and Prissilla Hobbs, int. Mar. 10, 1803.
- AYERS (see also Ayer)
- AYERS, Abigail, Mrs., of Haverhill, and Mathew Fairfield, int. Apr. 11, 1767.
- AYERS, Joseph, of Ipswich, and Hannah Moulton, May 9, 1738.
- AYRE (see also Ayer)
- AYRE, Mary, of Rowley, and Dr. Isaac Spofford, at Rowley, Nov. 3, 1774.
- BABCOCK (see also Babcok)
- BABCOCK, Matilda, and Levi Dodge, Nov. 15, 1838.
- BABCOK (see also Babcock)
- BABCOK, George [jr. int.], of Manchester, and Mrs. Martha Dodge, June 30, 1828.
- BABSON, Isaac, of Topsfield, and Mehitabel Cue, at Topsfield, Jan. 2, 1748-9.
- BABSON, James, and [Mrs. int.] Eleanor Conant of Beverly, at Beverly, May 23, 1771.
- BABSON, Mehitable, and John Killam, int. Feb. 21, 1778.
- BABSON, Sarah, Mrs., and John Francis of Beverly, July 23, 1772.
- BACHELDER (see also Batchelder)
- BACHELDER, John, and Marah Dennis, July 12, 1661. CT.R.
- BACHELOUR (see also Batchelder)
- BACHELOUR, John, and Sarah Goodale, May 4, 1666. CT.R.
- BAILEY (see also Baily, Baley, Baly, Bayley)
- BAILEY, Abigail J., of Beverly, and Paul Hall of Beverly, shoemaker, Feb. 8, 1848.
- BAILEY, Amanda, and Henry Nutter, Oct. 3, 1833.
- BAILEY, Ann, and Henry P. Potter, of Beverly, Aug. 5, 1838.
- BAILEY, Anna, and Benjamin Potter, int. Aug. 16, 1817.
- BAILEY, Henry A., and Abigail I. [J. int.] Lennon, Oct. 4, 1840.
- BAILEY, John, of Rowley, and Mrs. Charity Dodge, int. Nov. 12, 1768.
- BAILY (see also Bailey)
- BAILY, Matilda A[nn. C.R.], and John Hale of Boxford, Nov. 24, 1825.
- BAKER, Abigail, Mrs., and James Smith [jr. int.] of Beverly Nov. 21, 1752.
- BAKER, Anna, and Benjamin Edwards, jr., Oct. 26, 1748. C.R.
- BAKER, Cornelius, of Grafton, and Mrs. Rachel Patch, int. July 4, 1761.
- BAKER, Cornelius, and [Mrs. int.] Molly Elliott of Beverly, at Beverly, Mar. 19, 1765.
- BAKER, John, of Salem, and Sarah Herrick, Nov. 21, 1723.
- BAKER, John, 3d, of Topsfield, and Mrs. Mehitabel Cole, int. Mar. 12, 1784.
- BAKER, Mary, Mrs., and William Dodge [jr. int.] of Beverly, Nov. 14, 1752.
- BAKER, Mary, Mrs., and William Taylor of Beverly, Apr. 8, 1756.
- BAKER, Mary, and Henry Potter of Salem, int. June 13, 1819.
- BAKER, Mehitible, and John Fairfield of New Boston, int. Oct. 12, 1799.
- BAKER, Molly, Mrs., and Jonathan Conant, jr., of Beverly, Mar. 12, 1787.
- BAKER, Thomas, and Hannah Poland, at Beverly, Apr. 13, 1678.
- BALCH (see also Balsh)
- BALCH, Abigail, of Beverly, and Israel Porter, int. Sept. 26, 1741.
- BALCH, Benjamin, of Beverly, and Mercy Leach, at Beverly, June 28, 1705.
- BALCH, Coburn, of Dorchester, and Patty Patch, int. Sept. 8, 1804.
- BALCH, Hannah, of Beverly, and Richard Leach, at Beverly, Mar. 7, 1703-4.
- BALCH, Israel, of Beverly, and Anna Cue, at Beverly, Aug. 22, 1727.
- BALCH, Joshua, of Beverly, and Mrs. Patience Halfpenny, Nov. 7, 1769.
- BALCH, Roger, and Ann Kettell of Charlestown, at Charlestown, Feb. 23, 1742.
- BALCH, Susanna, of Beverly, and Richard Kimball, at Beverly, Apr. 6, 1737.
- BALEY (see also Bailey)
- BALEY, Asa, of Rowley, and Mrs. Sally Dodge, int. Oct. 16, 1785.
- BALEY, Mary, Mrs., and Daniel Poland, Aug. 25, 1771.
- BALEY, Molly, of Rowley, and Capt. John Moulton, int. July 2, 1808.
- BALSH (see also Balch)
- BALSH, Miriam, of Beverly, and Richard Fowler, int. Feb. 22, 1704-5.
- BALY (see also Bailey)
- BALY, Elisabeth, Mrs., and Caleb Knowlton, Dec. 21, 1775.
- BAND, Edward [Bond. int], of Beverly, and Elisabeth Coy, at Beverly, Jan. 26, 1709-10.
- BANE, Dudley, of Salem, and Lydia Batchelder, Mar. 9, 1806.
- BARBER, Jonathan, of Haverhill, and Mrs. Nancy Patch, int. May 12, 1786.
- BARN (see also Burn)
- BARN, Mary [Burn. int.], and Benjamin Clark, jr. of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Feb. 20, 1755.
- BARNARD, Edward, Dr., of Salem, and Judith Herbert, int. Nov. 17, 1780.
- BARNES (see also Barns)
- BARNES, Aaron, and Mary Brewer of Hamilton, int. Dec. 11, 1825.
- BARNES, Esther D[odge. C.R.], and Rufus A[nderson. C.R.] Dodge, Sept. 29, 1831.
- BARNES, Israel D., and Mary S. Foster, Apr. 15, 1833.
- BARNES, Sarah, and Frances Urselton, Nov. 25, 1655. CT.R.
- BARNES, Thomas, jr., of Salem, and isther Dodge, int. Aug. 4, 1804.
- BARNS (see also Barnes)
- BARNS, Rebecca D., a. 22 y., and Henry Williams of Boston, a. 25 y., upholsterer, Nov. 25, 1849. [Nov. 26. C.R.]
- BARRY, Margaret, and John H. Gifford, int. Nov. 18, 1838.
- BARTLET (see also Bartlett)
- BARTLET, Dorcas, of Amesbury, and Mark Batcheller, int. May 13, 1738.
- BARTLET, Hannah, Mrs., of Marblehead, and Samuel Rogers, int. Mar. 4, 1753.
- BARTLETT (see also Bartlet, Bartlit)
- BARTLETT, Elisa, Mrs., of Marblehead, and Nathaniell Fairfield, jr., int. Jan. 15, 1763.
- BARTLIT (see also Bartlett)
- BARTLIT, Hannah, of Newbury, and Nathanill Brown, int. Dec. 15, 1732.
- BATCHALDER (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHALDER, Ebenezer, and Elisabath Sherrill, Jan. 23, 1779.
- BATCHALOR (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHALOR, Lydia, and Amos Dodge, int. Apr. 3, 1778.
- BATCHELDOR (see also Bachelder, Bachelour, Batchalder, Batchalor, Batcheldor, Batcheler, Batchellar, Batcheller, Batchellor, Batchelour)
- BATCHELDOR, Betsy, and Caleb S. Gage, Aug. 9, 1838.
- BATCHELDOR, Edmond, and Lydia Kimball, int. June 28, 1817.
- BATCHELDOR, Elizabeth, a. 20 y., d. Henry and Lucy, and Charles Woodberry of Beverly, a. 20 y., shoemaker, s. Dixy and Susanna, Oct. 17, 1847.
- BATCHELDOR, Gording, and Mary Edwards, int. Sept. 26, 1830.
- BATCHELDOR, Henry, and Lucy S. Foster [both of Salem. C.R.], June 10, 1822.
- BATCHELDOR, Israel, and Nancy Andrews, Apr. 3, 1828.
- BATCHELDOR, Jerusha, and Bartholomew Dodge of Amherst [N.H. int.], Aug. 7, 1793.
- BATCHELDOR, Joseph, and Nancy Kimball, May 23, 1830.
- BATCHELDOR, Lydia, and Dudley Bane of Salem, Mar. 9, 1806.zz Mary Ann, and George Dennis, June 21, 1838.
- BATCHELDOR, Mary C., wid., a. 47 y., d. Benjamin and Hannah Edwards, and George Turner of Salem, a. 37 y., laborer, s. George and Mary, Mar. 18, 1847.
- BATCHELDOR, Ruth, Mrs., of Salem, and [Ens. int.] Benjamin Kimball, at Beverly, Nov. 18, 1747.
- BATCHELDOR, Sarah A., and Rufus Ridley, Oct. 17, 1836.
- BATCHELDOR, Susannah, and William Fisk, at Beverly, Jan. 25, 1749.
- BATCHELDOR (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHELDOR, Betsy, and John Batcheldor, int. Apr. 2, 1780.
- BATCHELDOR, John, and Betsy Batcheldor, int. Apr. 2, 1780.
- BATCHELER (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHELER, Ebenezer, and Sarah Tarbox, int. Dec. 15, 1699.
- BATCHELER, Elizabeth, and Thomas Millett, jr. of Gloucester, int. May 30, 1696.
- BATCHELER, Ester, and Joseph Wipple of Ipswich, Jan. 5, 1730-31.
- BATCHELER, John, and Hannah Tarbox, int. Nov. 28, 1702.
- BATCHELER, Joseph, and Mary Perley of Boxford, int. Jan. 7, 1737-8.
- BATCHELER, Mary, and Samuell Gould of Dunstable [d. Joseph. int.], July 28, 1720.
- BATCHELER, Mary, and Israel Porter of Salem, Dec. 28, 1737.
- BATCHELLAR (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHELLAR, David, and Susannah Whipell of Ipswich, int. May 7, 1709.
- BATCHELLAR, Elisabeth, and Zacheos Spalden of Dunstable, int. May 21, 1728.
- BATCHELLAR, Experience, and Samuell Porter, int. Mar. 25, 1732-3.
- BATCHELLAR, Mary, and Benjamin Patch, of Ipswich, June 1, 1726.
- BATCHELLER (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHELLER, Abigail, and Jonathan Piper of Ipswich, June 10, 1724.
- BATCHELLER, Amos, and Mrs. Lydia Kimball, Dec. 18, 1752.
- BATCHELLER, Anna, Mrs., and Thomas Wildes of Topsfield, May 21, 1761.
- BATCHELLER, Anna, Mrs., and Jacob Dodge, jr. of Beverly, int. Sept. 26, 1772.
- BATCHELLER, Anna, Mrs., and Jacob Dodge of Beverly, int. Dec. 3, 1774.
- BATCHELLER, Benjamin, and Hannah Hale of Boxford, int. Dec. 29, 1738.
- BATCHELLER, Bethiah, and Humphrey Perce, Feb. 2, 1748-9. C.R.
- BATCHELLER, Ebenezer, and Jerusha Kimball, Oct. 9, 1740.
- BATCHELLER, Edmond, and Mrs. Elisabath Kimball, int. Nov. 25, 1786.
- BATCHELLER, Elisabeth, Mrs., of Beverly, and Peter Dodge, int. Dec. 19, 1761.
- BATCHELLER, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Porter, May 5, 1737.
- BATCHELLER, Eunice, Mrs., and John Wells, June 1, 1769.
- BATCHELLER, Hannah, and Petor Woodbery of Beverly, Mar. 19, 1729-30.
- BATCHELLER, John, and Sarah Grant, int. Oct. 8, 1749.
- BATCHELLER, Josiah, and Hannah Kimball, Nov. 6, 1740.
- BATCHELLER, Lydia, Mrs., and Amos Averill of Topsfield, Nov. 6, 1774.
- BATCHELLER, Mark, and Sarah Freind, Dec. 28, 1727.
- BATCHELLER, Mark, and Dorcas Bartlet of Amesbury, int. May 13, 1738.
- BATCHELLER, Mehitabel, and Joseph Lamson of Exeter, Nov. 4, 1740.
- BATCHELLER, Molly, Mrs., of Salem, and Asa Porter, Apr. 14, 1768.
- BATCHELLER, Samuell, and Hannah White, Feb. 19, 1729-30.
- BATCHELLER, Samuell, jr., and Mrs. Mary Killam, Aug. 31, 1755.
- BATCHELLOR (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHELLOR, Amos, jr., and Mrs. Huldah Kimball, int. June 9, 1786.
- BATCHELLOR, Israel, and Mrs. Abigail Porter, May 25, 1773.
- BATCHELLOR, Margaret, Mrs., and Joseph Hendley of Marblehead, June 1, 1773.
- BATCHELOUR (see also Batchelder)
- BATCHELOUR, John, and Anne Peabody of Topsfield, at Ipswich, Dec. 13, 1727.
- BATTIS, see Bettes.
- BAYLEY (see also Bailey)
- BAYLEY, Anna [Mrs. int.], and James Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 19, 1775.
- BAYLEY, Sarah, Mrs., and Nathaniell Dodge of Beverly, int. Mar. 12, 1774.
- BEAN, Lydia, Mrs., and Obadiah Dodge, int. July 22, 1815.
- BEAN, Mary, Mrs., and Osmond Trask [jr. int.] of Beverly, Mar. 26, 1767.
- BEAN, Samuel, of Beverly, and Mrs. Mehitabell Porter, Feb. z9, 1765.
- BECK, Samuel, and Mrs. Mary Poland, int. Nov. 25, 1827.
- BECKFORD (see also Bickford)
- BECKFORD, Sarah J[ane. C.R.], a. 18 y., d. Joseph and Sally, and Solomon Stillman, a. 22 y., shoemaker, s. Daniel and Betsy, June 14, 1846.
- BENNET (see also Bennett)
- BENNET, Lydia, of Beverly, and Matthew Coy, at Ipswich, Dec. 14, 1730.
- BENNETT (see also Bennet)
- BENNETT, Joanna, a. 19 y., b. Sanford, Me., d. Dr. and Nancy, of Sanford, Me., and Ebenezer L. Hobbs, a. 21 y., cordwainer, b. Sanford, Me., s. William and Mary, deceased, Sept. 22, 1844.
- BERDSTEAD (see also Burchstead)
- BERDSTEAD, Allin, of Beverly, and Elisa Wyatt, Jan. 24, 1822.
- BERRY, William N., of Danvers, a. 24 y., mechanic, s. Michael and Nancy N., of Danvers, and Caroline F. Langmaid of Danvers, a. 18 y., d. William and Mary P., of Ipswich, Jan. 13, 1847.
- BEST, David, of Salem, and Lidy Kemball, int. Dec. 20, 1719.
- BETTES, Thomas, and Mary Dike of Ipswich, at Topsfield, Apr. 3, 1696.
- BICKFORD (see also Beckford)
- BICKFORD, Dolly, a. 20 y., b. Topsfield, d. Joseph and Sarah, and Jason Clark, a. 25 y., wheelwright, b. Rockport, s. Moses P. and Rhoda, Aug. 26, 1847.
- BICKFORD, Mary E. a. 18 y., d. Joseph and Sarah, and William Rowe, a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Robert and Mary, Oct. 31, 1847.
- BIGGS, Robert, "a Forreigner" [of Salem. int.], and Mrs. Ruth Presson, Feb. 25, 1752.
- BILES, Jonathan, and Sarah Gouldsmith, Sept. 29, 1667. CT.R.
- BINGHAM, John, of Windham, and Mary Moulton, Dec. ----, 1721.
- BIRCHSTEAD (see also Burchstead)
- BIRCHSTEAD, Fanny, and Henry Wyatt, int. Oct. 3, 1841.
- BISHOP, John, of Marblehead, and "Ms." Elisabeth Burn, int. May 5, 1764.
- BIXBY, Lucinda, of Topsfield, and Adoniram J. Dodge, int. May 23, 1841.
- BLAKE, John, of Marblehead, and Deborah Nolton, at Marblehead, June 8, 1685.
- BLANCHARD, Daniel, "otherwise called Daniel Dodge," and Mary Dennis, Sept. [15. C.R.], 1835.
- BLANCHARD, Lucy, and Charles Henry Orne of Salem, int. Feb. 15, 1814.
- BLANCHARD, Samuell, Dr., and Betsy Gardner, int. Apr. 21, 1781.
- BOARDMAN, Jacob, of Ipswich, and [Mrs. C.R.] Mary Ash, Sept. 20, 1742.
- BOLTON, John, and Mary Andrews of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Oct. 2, 1744.
- BONER, Abigail A., and Augustus Putnam of Danvers, at Danvers, ----, [after 1800.]
- BONER, Almira M., and Edward [T. int.] Waldron of Salem, Oct. 25, 1837.
- BONER, John Simson, and Abigail Friend, Nov. 26, 1802.
- BONER, William, and Harriet Matilda Woodberry, at Danvers, ----, 1836.
- BOND, see Band.
- BOOTMAN (see also Butman)
- BOOTMAN, Betsy [Mrs. Betsy Butman. int.], and Caleb Friend, at Beverly, May 13, 1792.
- BOOTMAN, Daniel, and [Mrs. int.] Sally Prat Freind, Mar. 16, 1790.
- BOOTMAN, Poley, "Ms," and Neathaniel Friend, int. Apr. 18, 1788.
- BOWERS, George A., of Beverly, yeoman, and Mary Roberts of Beverly, Nov. 8, 1849.
- BOWERS, Sarah, of the Hamlet, and Andrew Cole, at Hamilton, May 12, 1793.
- BOWERS, William, and Mrs. Sarah Fairfield, Mar. 17, 1765.
- BOWLES (see also Bowls)
- BOWLES, John, of Ipswich [Ipswich Hamlet. C.R.], and Deborah Killam, Nov. 14, 1727.
- BOWLS (see also Bowles)
- BOWLS, Samuel, and Ruth Porter, int. Jan. 1, 1742-3. [Mar. 19, 1743. dup. int.]
- BRADBURY, Daniel, a. 24 y., blacksmith, b. York, Me., s. George and Maria, deceased, and Sarah A. Herrick, a. 24 y., d. Joshua and Sarah A., Apr. 30, 1844.
- BRADSTREET (see also Broadstreet)
- BRADSTREET, Priscilla (Howe), wid. Capt. John [of Topsfield. int.], and Samuel Conant, sr., at Topsfield, Oct. 16, 1834. P.R.5.
- BRADSTREET, Sarah, and Samuel Porter, at Topsfield, May 20, 1707.
- BRAGDON, Olive, and William Hadley, Aug. 19, 1839.
- BRACE (see also Bragg)
- BRACE, Timothy, of Ipswich, and Martha Killem, int. Oct. 30, 1714.
- BRAGG (see also Brage)
- BRAGG, Edward, and Mary Bridges, at Beverly, May 21, 1715.
- BRAGG, Elizabeth, and Josiah Kimball, July 30, 1723.
- BRAGG, Lydia, Mrs., and James Meatham [jr. int.; Meacham. C.R.] of Beverly, Sept. 3, 1751.
- BRAGG, Mary, and Israel Herrick, Feb. 21, 1744-5.
- BRAGG, Mary, Mrs., and Jonathan Fiske, int. Sept. 5, 1772.
- BRAGG, Nathanael, and Mrs. Deborah Patch of Beverly, Dec. 5, 1751.
- BRAGG, Nathaniel, and [Mrs. int.] Ruth Meacham of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 27, 1757.
- BRAGG, Nathaniel, and Mary Trow, May 7, 1722.
- BRAGG, Phebie, and Samuell Fiske, 6: 9 m: 1679. CT.R.
- BRAGG, Sarah, and Ephraim Towne of Topsfield, Mar. 30, 1749. C.R.
- BREED, John, of Lynn, and Liddia Gott, at Lynn, Jan. 2, 1717-18.
- BRIDGE (see also Bridges)
- BRIDGE, Anna, and John Lampson, 3d of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Oct. 5, 1749.
- BRIDGE, John, of Lexington, and Anna Herrick, June 4, 1730.
- BRIDGES (see also Bridge)
- BRIDGES, Mary, and Edward Bragg, at Beverly, May 21, 1715.
- BRIGHAM, Sarah, Mrs., of Marlboro, and Dr. Nathaniel Gott, at Sudbury, Mar. 14, 1782.
- BROADSTREET (see also Bradstreet)
- BROADSTREET, John, of Topsfield, and Elizebeth Fisk, Dec. 23, 1742.
- BROWN (see also Browne)
- BROWN, Abigail, of Ipswich, and Edward Waldron, int. Apr. 8, 1749.
- BROWN, Abigail, Mrs., and Solomon Day of Manchester, Mar. 20, 1766.
- BROWN, Adam, of Ipswich, and Esther Parkman, Aug. 4, 1743.
- BROWN, Albert C., of Hamilton, a. 25 y., cordwainer, s. Belcher B. and Abigail, and Mary Ann Hawkins of Hamilton, a. 22 y., d.
- BROWN, Stephen and Olive, May 9, 1848.
- BROWN, Amos, of Danvers, and Mrs. Lucy Dodge, Aug. 2, 1835.
- BROWN, Anna, of Beverly, and John Herrick, at Beverly, Dec. 30, 1755.
- BROWN, Betsey, and William Macentire, int. Nov. 17, 1780.
- BROWN, Charles, of Beverly, and Maria [Marcia. C.R.] Dodge, Mar. 26, 1824.
- BROWN, Elizabeth, of Reading, and Samuell Fisk [jr. int.], at Wakefield, Dec. 5, 1699.
- BROWN, Elizabeth, a. 23 y., d. Nicholas and Mary, and Alfred Robinson, a. 23 y., pedler, s. Hulda, Jan. 4, 1846.
- BROWN, Elizebeth, Mrs., of Hamilton, and Capt. Palatiah Brown, int. Jan. 19, 1805.
- BROWN, Hannah [Millings. int.], and Jacob Hart of Beverly, June 11, 1809.
- BROWN, Israel, of Beverly, and Maria Dodge, int. Dec. 6, 1823.
- BROWN, Jacob, jr., and Ann Maria Lennon of Hamilton, Nov. 28, 1839.
- BROWN, [John. int.], and Dorcas Fowler, at Ipswich, Oct. 17, 1732.
- BROWN, John, of the Hamlet, and Elizabeth Killam, at Hamilton, Oct. 27, 1792.
- BROWN, Lucy W., Mrs., and Samuel S. Cook, Apr. 13, 1842.
- BROWN, Lydia [Thorndike. C.R.], and Jonathan Dodge, jr. of Hamilton, Sept. 8, 1794.
- BROWN, Margaret, Mrs., of Beverly, and Ebenezer Clark, Oct. 21, 1755.
- BROWN, Martha, of Groton, and Peter C. Edwards, int. July 2, 1814.
- BROWN, Mary, Mrs., and Israel Andrews Dodge, int. Mar. 31, 1770.
- BROWN, Mary, of Hamilton, and Abraham Rowe, int. June 17, 1832.
- BROWN, Moses, and Mrs. Lydia Ellingwood, int. Feb. 9, 1786.
- BROWN, Nathan, jr., and Mehetible Dodge, int. Aug. 23, 1800.
- BROWN, Nathaniel, of Salem, and Anna Porter, June 15, 1738.
- BROWN, Nathaniel, and Mrs. Lydia Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 21, 1750.
- BROWN, Nathanill, and Sarah White, June 15, 1727.
- BROWN, Nathanill, and Hannah Bartlit of Newbury, int. Dec. 15, 1732.
- BROWN, Palatiah, Capt., and Mrs. Elizabeth Brown of Hamilton, int. Jan. 19, 1805.
- BROWN, Relephy, Mrs., and William Homan of Ipswich, int. May 24, 1777.
- BROWN, Sally, and Joseph Friend, int. June 7, 1800.
- BROWN, Samuell, and Bethia Adams of Ipswich, Mar. 7, 1775.
- BROWN, Sarah, and Samuel Cole of Beverly, at Beverly, July 24, 1746.
- BROWN, Sarah, of Danvers, and Benjamin Porter, at Danvers, Mar. 27, 1755.
- BROWN, Stephen, of Ipswich [of Ipswich Hamlet. C.R], and Mrs. Betty Dodge, Dec. 17, 1761.
- BROWN, Thomas, and Abigel Kimbell, Dec. 14, 1720.
- BROWN, Thomas, and Abigail Adams of Ipswich, int. June 25, 1727.
- BROWN, Wallis, and [Mrs. int.] Hannah Cole, at Beverly, Dec. 2, 1792.
- BROWN, William, and [Mrs. int.] Judith Addams of Ipswich, at Ipswich, May 10, 1787.
- BROWN, William, of Chester, N.H., and Anna Tafford, int. June 22, 1799.
- BROWN, William, of Antrim, N.H., and Mrs. Sally Hooker, int. June 19, 1815.
- BROWNE (see also Brown)
- BROWNE, Elisabeth, and Thomas Kemball, Nov. 26, 1723.
- BROWNE, Hanah, and Ebenezer Waldren, May 14, 1730.
- BROWNE, Mary [Marah. int.] and John White, Nov. 26, 1735.
- BRYENT, Phillis, Mrs., and Fortune Freeman, int. Sept. 4, 1813.
- BUCKMAN, Dannill, of Ipswich, and Elisabeth Edwards, int. Dec. 7, 1720.
- BUCKMAN, Josiph, of Ipswich, and Mary Legro, int. Nov. 29, 1724.
- BURBANK, William, of Beverly [formerly of Newbury Fall. int.], and Abigail Reed, at Beverly, Nov. 28, 1799.
- BURCH, Sarah, and Thomas Fiske, at Salem, Dec. 8, 1748.
- BURCHSTEAD (see also Berdstead, Birchstead)
- BURCHSTEAD, George, of Beverly, and Fanny Wyatt, June 1, 1823.
- BURKE, Thomas, and Susan [Lucy. int.] Low, Sept. 13, 1835.
- BURLEY, Jonathan, of Wakefield, N.H., and Charlotte Wyatt, int. Sept. 7, 1816.
- BURN (see also Barn, Burne)
- BURN, Elisabeth, "Ms.," and John Bishop of Marblehead, int. May 5, 1764.
- BURN, Joseph, and Anna Williams of Beverly, int. July 26, 1777.
- BURNAM (see also Burnham)
- BURNAM, Phebe, Mrs., and Nathaniel Poland of Beverly, Dec. 27, 1770.
- BURNE (see also Burn)
- BURNE, Patrick, and Jane Le Briton, Apr. 3, 1730.
- BURNHAM (see also Burnam, Burnum)
- BURNHAM, Elsie Jane, of Essex, and Daniel Perkins, Nov. 26, 1846. P.R.8.
- BURNHAM, Joshua, and Hannah Crampesy of Beverly, int. July 12, 1811.
- BURNHAM, Lydia, of Essex, and Richard Tucker, int. Dec. 1, 1831.
- BURNHAM, Mary, of Essex, and John Perkins, 2d, May 8, 1838.
- BURNHAM, William C. [E. C.R.], of Essex, a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Abner and Anna, and Elizabeth P. Langmaid, a. 20 y., d. William and Mary, Feb. 14, 1846.
- BURNUM (see also Burnham)
- BURNUM, Joanah, "Ms.," of Ipswich, and Daniell Dodg, int. May 19, 1706.
- BURROUGHS (see also Burrows)
- BURROUGHS, Symond, of Windsor, and Lydia Porter, Oct. 30, 1745.
- BURROWS (see also Burroughs)
- BURROWS, William, of Ipswich, and Mary Wheeler, at Ipswich, Oct. 28, 1728.
- BUTLER, Lyman, and Cynthia Webber of Beverly, int. July 25, 1841.
- BUTMAN (see also Bootman)
- BUTMAN, Elizabeth, and Samuel Odell of Beverly, May 7, 1828.
- BUTMAN, James, and Abigail Standley of Beverly, int. Sept. 14, 1828.
- BUTMAN, Sally, a. 49 y., d. Daniel and Sally, and Ezekiel Goodell, widr., a. 49 y., shoemaker, s. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, June 1, 1846.
- CALDEWELL (see also Caldwell)
- CALDEWELL, John, of Worcester, and Elizabath Rankins, Jan. 8, 1740-41.
- CALDWELL (see also Caldewell)
- CALDWELL, Mary, and Oliver Woodbury of Hamilton, int. Mar. 26, 1814.
- CAMPELON, Mary, of Ipswich, and Thomas Senter, int. Apr. 6, 1734.
- CARTER, James and Mary Maxwel, Dec. 8, 1742.
- CARTER, John, of Manchester, and Mrs. Ruth Ober, Mar. 28, 1773.
- CARTER, Mercy, Mrs., and Edmund Kimball, Sept. 6, 1759.
- CARTER, Ruth, Mrs., and Josiah Poland of Ossipee, N.H., Feb. 14, 1789.
- CARTER, Samuel, of Manchester, and Mrs. Abigail Avery, May 30, 1790.
- CASWELL, Joseph D., and Eliza Hull, int. Mar. 19, 1843.
- CASWELL, Sarah, and William Langmaid, Nov. 2, 1837.
- CASWELL, Simon, of Salem, and Betsey Lee, Nov. 8, 1803.
- CASWELL, Thomas, and Sallay Porter, Nov. 27, 1798.
- CENTER (see also Senter)
- CENTER, John I., and Lucy [A. C.R.] Healy, both of Salem, Sept. 17, 1837.
- CHANNEL, George P., and Caroline Fowler, May ----, 1833.
- CHANNEL, William, and Mary Stillman of Newburyport, July 11, 1832.
- CHAPMAN, Antony, of Ipswich, and Sarah Patch, Sept. 25, 1735.
- CHAPMAN, Margret, and John Peirce, Aug. 12, 1740.
- CHAPMAN, Nathan, of Ipswich, and Prissilla Adams, Dec. 26, 1734.
- CHEVER, Ames, of Manchester, and Mrs. Anne Gerrish, int. Sept. 6, 1716.
- CHICK, Esther, and Alvon D. Stanton, int. Oct. 29, 1837.
- CHIPMAN, Elisabeth [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and Rev. John Warren, at Beverly, Apr. 21, 1737.
- CHOATE, Addison, of Gloucester, and Lydia Clifford, Dec. 30, 1832. C.R.
- CHOATE, Jonathan, [formerly of Sandwich. int.], and Batsey Patch, May 9, 1806.
- CLAFLIN, Daniel, and Sarah Edwards, int. Mar. 1, 1700-1.
- CLARK (see also Clarke, Clerk, Clerke)
- CLARK, Benjamin, jr., of Gloucester, and Mary Barn [Burn. int.], at Gloucester, Feb. 20, 1755.
- CLARK, Deborah, of Lancaster, and Neathaniell Gott, int. Mar. 15, 1778.
- CLARK, Ebenezer, and Mrs. Margaret Brown of Beverly, Oct. 21, 1755.
- CLARK, Edmund, of Gloucester, and Mrs. Hannah Payton, Apr. 16, 1758.
- CLARK, Erastus, and Dolly Perkins of Topsfield, int. Oct. 9, 1824.
- CLARK, Humphrey S. a. 22 y., cordwainer, s. Samuel and Ann, and Mercy B. Ridley [of Beverly. int.], a. 17 y., d. Joseph and Phebe Ann, Nov. 28, 1848.
- CLARK, Jason, a. 25 y., wheelwright, b. Rockport, s. Moses P. and Rhoda, and Dolly Bickford, a. 20 y., b. Topsfield, d. Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 26, 1847.
- CLARK, Judith M., and David Tibbets, int. June 25, 1843.
- CLARK, Samuell, of Danvers, and Mrs. Hannah Gott, Feb. 12, 1756.
- CLARK, Thomas H., a. 19 y., cordwainer, b. Gloucester, s. Thomas and Judith, of Gloucester, and Sarah J. Hoyt, a. 16 y., b. Salem, d. Stephen and Sally, deceased, Nov. 28, 1843.
- CLARKE (see also Clark)
- CLARKE, Lidea, and Charles Gott, Dec. 25, 1665. CT.R.
- CLARKE, Solomon, of Beverly, and Hannah M. Cleaves, int. Mar. 19, 1831.
- CLEAVES, Benjamin, 3d, of Beverly, and Betsey Edwards, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
- CLEAVES, Hannah M., and Solomon Clarke of Beverly, int. Mar. 19, 1831.
- CLEAVES, Jerusha [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and William Dodge, at Beverly, Jan. 18, 1791.
- CLEAVES, Joanna, Mrs., and Joseph Worley of Gloucester, June 9, 1773.
- CLEAVES, John, and Hannah Knowlton, May 3, 1798.
- CLEAVES, Joshua, and Sarah F. Standley of Beverly, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
- CLEAVES, Lydia, of Beverly, and Nicholas Dodge, int. May 23, 1801.
- CLEAVES, Mary, of Beverly, and Nathaniel Porter, at Beverly, Sept. 13, 1792.
- CLEAVES, Mary H., and Nehemiah Preston of Beverly, Oct. 29, 1829.
- CLEAVES, Mehitable, and Daniel Appleton [jr. int.] of Beverly, Apr. 10, 1832.
- CLEAVES, Rebeccah, and Billy Elliot of Beverly, Feb. 12, 1829.
- CLEAVES, Sarah T., and Benjamin Spiller, int. Aug. 30, 1835.
- CLEAVES, William, of Beverly, and Joanna Coy, June 28, 1747. [June 23. C.R.]
- CLEAVES, William, and Hannah Perkins of Ipswich, at Ipswich, June 27, 1782.
- CLEFFORD (see also Clifford)
- CLEFFORD, Lydia, Mrs., and Matthew S. Giles of Rockport, Mar. 22, 1841.
- CLERK (see also Clark)
- CLERK, Ebenezer, of Ipswich, and Margery Patch, Oct. 3, 1745.
- CLERKE (see also Clark)
- CLERKE, Jeams, and Elisabeth Haggit, int. Apr. 13, 1717.
- CLIFFORD (see also Clefford)
- CLIFFORD, Lydia, and Addison Choate of Gloucester, Dec. 30, 1832. C.R.
- CLIFFORD, Samuell, of Salem, and Lydia Lee, Aug. 10, 1806.
- COGSWELL, Albert, of Essex, a. 39 y., yeoman, b. Essex, s. A. and L., and Elizabeth Edwards, a. 29 y., d. B. and A., Dec. 26, 1849.
- COGSWELL, Eppes, jr., of Salem, and Martha R. Hammond, wid., of Salem, Sept. 9, 1847.
- COGSWELL, Margaret, of Ipswich, and William Goldsmith, at Ipswich, Chebacco Parish, Apr. 11, 1745.
- COGSWELL, Sarah, of Ipswich, and Skipper Dodge, at Ipswich, Chebacco Parish, Apr. 11, 1745.
- COGSWELL, Unise, of Ipswich, and Josiah Faierfeild, int. Nov. 22, 1724.
- COLE, Andrew, of Beverly, and Mrs. Rebecca Killam, July 21, 1751.
- COLE, Andrew, and Sarah Bowers of the Hamlet, at Hamilton, May 12, 1793.
- COLE, Hannah [Mrs. int.], and Wallis Brown, at Beverly, Dec. 2, 1792.
- COLE, Lucy, of Ipswich, and Nicholas Dodge, at Hamilton, Mar. 27, 1788.
- COLE, Lydia, Mrs., and John Hilyard of Salem, Feb. 21, 1775.
- COLE, Mehitabel, Mrs., and John Baker, 3d of Topsfield, int. Mar. 12, 1784.
- COLE, Miriam, of Beverly, and Abraham Knolton, at Beverly, Dec. 31, 1745.
- COLE, Polly, and William Kimball of Salem, int. Nov. 16, 1793.
- COLE, Samuel, of Beverly, and Sarah Brown, at Beverly, July 24, 1746.
- COLE, Sarah [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and Jacob Edwards, at Beverly, Nov. 3, 1770.
- COLE, Sarah, of Beverly, and Nicholas Dodge, int. Mar. 25, 1775.
- COLE, Zachariah [M. int.], of Beverly, and Anna Edwards, June 28, 1810.
- CONANT (see also Connant)
- CONANT, Daniel, jr., of Beverly, and Mrs. Anna Tarbox, July 8, 1767.
- CONANT, Eleanor [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and James Babson, at Beverly, May 23, 1771.
- CONANT, Ezra, of Beverly, and Sally E. Dodge, Apr. 27, 1848.
- CONANT, Jane, of Beverly, and William Moulton, at Salem, July 4, 1695.
- CONANT, Jerusha, b. Beverly, and Jacob Dodge, Jan. 2, 1820. P.R.2.
- CONANT, John, jr., of Beverly, and Mrs. Emma Thorndike, Feb. 21, 1764.
- CONANT, John, 4th, of Beverly, a. 28 y., carpenter, s. Ezra and Mary, and Anna Edwards, a. 28 y., d. Benjamin and Susan, Nov. 22, 1846.
- CONANT, Jonathan, jr., of Beverly, and Mrs. Molly Baker, Mar. 12, 1787.
- CONANT, Martha, of Beverly, and Francis R. Edwards, at Beverly, May 17, 1840.
- CONANT, Nancy, of Beverly, and William Dodge, jr., int. Dec. 31, 1807.
- CONANT, Nathaniel, of Topsfield, and Elisabeth K. Dodge, int. Sept. 11, 1819.
- CONANT, Samuel, and Joanna Remick of New Salem, at Lynn or Boston, ----, 1817. P.R.5.
- CONANT, Samuel, sr., and Priscilla (Howe) Bradstreet, wid. Capt. John [of Topsfield. int.], at Topsfield, Oct. 16, 1834. P.R.5.
- CONANT, Samuel Dorman, and Mahala Ann Flanders, at Georgetown, Apr. 17, 1845. P.R.5.
- CONANT, Sarah, Mrs., of Beverly, and Ebenezer Waldron, at Beverly, Mar. 8, 1749.
- CONKEY, Emily S., a. 20 y., d. T. [Israel. int.] and E[mily. int.], and William H. Eldridge, a. 24 y., plasterer, s. E[lnathan. int.] and S[ophia. int.], May 27, 1849.
- CONNANT (see also Conant)
- CONNANT, Bethiah, of Ipswich, and John Dodge, Nov. 17, 1737. [Nov. 15. C.R.]
- COOK, Abigail, of Beverly, and Simon Dodge, int. Oct. 8, 1774.
- COOK, Charlotte, and Isaac Frye, both of Topsfield, Oct. 2, 1836.
- COOK, James [of Salem. P.R.1.], and Polly [Mary. P.R.1.] Williams [of Beverly. P.R.1.], May 29, 1806.
- COOK, Joseph, and Mary D. Peabody, June 12, 1833.
- COOK, Sally, and Nathaniel Shattuck, Nov. 23, 1832.
- COOK, Samuel S., and Mrs. Lucy W. Brown, Apr. 13, 1842.
- COOK, Stephen, and [Mrs. int.] Mary Spitler, Nov. 22, 1807.
- COOK, Stephen, and Livona P. Davis, Dec. 21, 1842.
- COOK, William C., and Ruth A. Dudley of Hamilton, Dec. 31, 1837.
- CORNING, Daniel, of Beverly, and Abigell Walderen, Jan. 2, 1710-11.
- CORNING, Hannah, of Beverly, and Benjamin Edwards, jr., int. Oct. 26, 1782.
- CORNING, Hannah, of Beverly, a. 20 y., b. Beverly, d. Peter and Mary, and Hooper A. Appleton of Beverly, a. 27 y., yeoman, b. Beverly, s. Daniel and Mary, Apr. 5, 1849.
- CORNING, Mary [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and Jacob Dodge, jr., at Beverly, Apr. 24, 1788.
- CORNING, Samuel, jr., of Beverly, and Mary Dodge, at Beverly, Oct. 23, 1717.
- COWEL (see also Crowell)
- COWEL, Benjamin, and Margreat Harskill, both of Manchester, May 2, 1745.
- COX, Richard, of Beverly, and Mary White, at Beverly, July 8, 1756.
- COY (see also Coye)
- COY, Caleb, and Hannah Thistle of Beverly, at Beverly, Oct. 24, 1750.
- COY, Caleb, and Mrs. Martha Ireland, int. Aug. 17, 1765.
- COY, Elisabeth, and Edward Band [Bond. int.], of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 26, 1709-10.
- COY, Joanna, and William Cleaves of Beverly, June 28, 1747. [June 23. C.R.]
- COY, Mary, and Thomas Loviss of Marblehead, Jan. 25, 1739-40.
- COY, Matthew, and Bridget Hiberd of Beverly, at Beverly, May 22, 1712.
- COY, Matthew, and Lydia Bennet of Beverly, at Ipswich, Dec. 14, 1730.
- COYE (see also Coy)
- COYE, Caleb, jr., and Mary Welmon of Beverly, int. Nov. 24, 1717.
- COYE, Caleb, and Joanna Lovit of Beverly, at Beverly, Feb. 25, 1719-20.
- COYE, Sarah, Mrs., and Rice Knowlton, July 28, 1757.
- CRAMPASEY (see also Crampesy)
- CRAMPASEY, Hannah, of Beverly, and Hazen Merrill, int. May 1, 1836.
- CRAMPESY (see also Crampasey)
- CRAMPESY, Hannah, and Joshua Burnham, int. July 12, 1811.
- CREE, Stephin, and Betsey C. Ashby of Salem, int. Apr. 1, 1827.
- CREECEY, Hannah, of Salem, and Ebenezer Porter, int. Sept. 20, 1740.
- CROKER, Mary, of Topsfield, and Josiph Saveret, int. July 13, 1712.
- CROSS, Elizabeth, of Manchester, and Simon Wyatt, at Manchester, Oct. 16, 1783.
- CROSS, Lucy, of Manchester, and William Wiat, at Manchester, Sept. 22, 1791.
- CROSS, Martha, of Ipswich, and Nathanel Kimbell, int. Apr. 10, 1746.
- CROSS, Mary, of Ipswich, and Thomas Kimball, int. Dec. 30, 1750.
- CROSS, William, and Mary Hobs, int. Feb. 21, 1712-13.
- CROW (see also Crowell)
- CROW, Abigail, and John Jones, Oct. 25, 1739.
- CROW, Christopher, and Abbigall Knoulton, both of Ipswich, int. Feb. 17, 1699-1700.
- CROWEL (see also Crowell)
- CROWEL, Sarah, and Ebenezer Stone, June 21, 1742.
- CROWELL (see also Cowel, Crow, Crowd)
- CROWELL, Elizabeth, Mrs., and Jacob Dodge, June 22, 1752.
- CUE, Anna, and Israel Balch of Beverly, at Beverly, Aug. 22, 1727.
- CUE, Anna, and Israel Huchason, Jan. 30, 1749. C.R.
- CUE, Elisabeth, and James Meacham, at Beverly, Jan. 20, 1702-3.
- CUE, Elizabeth, and John Day of Ipswich, at Ipswich, June 26, 1704.
- CUE, Eunice, and Daniel Porter, Apr. 17, 1745.
- CUE, Huldah, Mrs., and Caleb Kimball, Nov. 1, 1762.
- CUE, Lydia, and Samuel Goodridge, May 6, 1742.
- CUE, Mary, and Samuel Tarbox, Apr. 20, 1737.
- CUE, Mehitabel, and Isaac Babson of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Jan. 2, 1748-9.
- CUE, Robert, and Mary Porter, int. Jan. 18, 1717-18.
- CUMMING (see also Cummings)
- CUMMING, Jonathan, of Topsfield, and Lidia Kimball, Dec. 20, 1798.
- CUMMINGS (see also Cumming, Cummins)
- CUMMINGS, Mary, Mrs., of Topsfield, and Zebulon Smith of Ipswich, Aug. 29, 1776.
- CUMMINGS, Pelatiah, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Sarah Kimball, Sept. 17, 1754.
- CUMMINS (see also Cummings)
- CUMMINS, John, of Topsfield, and Sarah Tinney, int. May 24, 1777.
- CURBY, Elisabeth, and Joseph Knowlton, int. Sept. 30, 1778.
- CURBY, John, and Hannah Porter, Nov. 12, 1795.
- CURRIER, Samuel of Beverly, a. 29 y., mariner, s. Daniel and Annis, and Mary Ann Standly, a. 22 y., d. Andrew and Eliza, Jan. 26, 1847.
- CURTIS, John, of Beverly, and Lydia C. Dodge, int. Dec. 25, 1847.
- CURTIS, Mary D., a. 20 y., d. Harley and Mary, and Samuel White, a. 25 y., farmer, s. Jacob and Amy, Apr. 15, 1846.
- DAME, William, cordwainer, b. Dover, N.H., and Emeline Wilkins of Danvers, b. Danvers, Oct. 15, 1844.
- DAMREL, Samuell Hale [formerly of Portsmouth, N.H. int.], and Sally Searls, Nov. 23, 1806.
- DANFORTH, Pamelia S., wid., of Beverly, d. L[evi. int.] and M[artha. int.] Dodge, and Philip S. Young, widr., a. 31 y., shoemaker, b. Beverly, s. W[illiam. int.] and [Abby. int.], May 20, 1849.
- DANFORTH, Samuel, and Pamelia Dodge, June 10, 1840.
- DANIELS, Peggy, Mrs., of Ipswich, and Thomas Fisk, int. Jan. 19, 1760.
- DARBY (see also Derby)
- DARBY, John, of Ipswich, and Rebeckah Tarbox, May 16, 1728.
- DAVIDSON (see also Davison)
- DAVIDSON, Margaret, and Caleb Adams of Ipswich, int. Dec. 21, 1757.
- DAVIS, Elisabeth, Mrs., and Jonathan Killam, Aug. 19, 1768.
- DAVIS, Henry [jr. int.], of Gloucester, and Mrs. Anna Herrick, Dec. 7, 1762.
- DAVIS, John, and Rebecca Andrews, int. Apr. 16, 1843.
- DAVIS, Livona P., and Stephen Cook, Dec. 21, 1842.
- DAVIS, Selvenus, and Mary Harris of Beverly, int. Feb. 13, 1706-7.
- DAVIS, Thomasin, Mrs., and John Davidson, Feb. 19, 1761.
- DAVIS, Tomasin, Mrs., of Gloucester, and Timothy Patch, int. June 16, 1759.
- DAVISON (see also Davidson)
- DAVISON, Abigail, Mrs., and Isaac Patch, Nov. 4, 1762.
- DAVISON, John, and Mrs. Thomasin Davis, Feb. 19, 1761.
- DAVISON, Newal, and Mrs. Patience Webber, Apr. 15, 1762.
- DAVISON, Sarah, of Beverly, and Daniell Kimball, int. Nov. 27, 1708.
- DAVISON, Sarah, Mrs., and John Moulton, int. June 4, 1785.
- DAY, Betty, and Benjamin Piggeon, jr. of Newburyport, int. Jan. 12, 1782.
- DAY, Ezecell, of Nuffield, and Miriam Fowler, int. Nov. ----, 1719.
- DAY, John, of Ipswich, and Elizabeth Cue, at Ipswich, June 26, 1704.
- DAY, John, jr., of Gloucester, and Sarah Moulton, int. Jan. 21, 1737-8.
- DAY, John, and Elizabeth Harsham, both of Manchester, Nov. 20, 1744.
- DAY, Mary, and Jacob Lindall, at Beverly, Mar. 22, 1749.
- DAY, Rhoda, of Salem [of Ipswich. dup.], a. 52 y., b. Ipswich, d. Abner and Elizabeth, deceased
- DAY, Nathaniel Kimball, widr., a. 74 y., farmer, s. Thomas and Mary, deceased, Dec. 17, 1843.
- DAY, Sarah, of Beverly, a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Lydia, and Edward L. Kimball, a. 23 y., yeoman, s. Paul and Sally, Oct. 26, 1848.
- DAY, Solomon, of Manchester, and Mrs. Abigail Brown, Mar. 20, 1766.
- DEEN, Nathanill, of Ipswich, and Ester Kemball, int. Oct. 16, 1732.
- DENNIS (see also Dennise)
- DENNIS, George, and Mary Ann Batchelder, June 21, 1838.
- DENNIS, John, and Ruth White, 12: 4 m: 1679. CT.R.
- DENNIS, John, and Susannah Knowlton, at Salem, Feb. 10, 1706.
- DENNIS, John, and Mary E. Herrick, both of Beverly, Oct. 25, 1842.
- DENNIS, Joseph, and Susannah Lucas of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 16, 1710.
- DENNIS, Lucy, of Beverly, and William Lakeman, at Manchester, June 15, 1835.
- DENNIS, Marah, and John Bachelder, July 12, 1661. CT.R.
- DENNIS, Mary, and Daniel Blanchard, "otherwise called Daniel Dodge," Sept. [15. C.R.], 1835.
- DENNIS, Sarah, and Charles Gott, Nov. 12, 1659. CT.R.
- DENNIS, Sarah, and Nehemiah Dodg, Nov. 12, 1724.
- DENNIS, Susanna, and Joseph Fowler, Nov. 23, 1720.
- DENNISE (see also Dennis)
- DENNISE, Joseph, and Elisabeth Farr, int. July 18, 1702.
- DERBY (see also Darby)
- DERBY, John, 3d, of Salem, and Sarah Felton, at Salem, May 26, 1796.
- DICKERSON, Lavina, of Ipswich, and Cyrus Averill, int. Nov. 2, 1828.
- DIKE, Mary, of Ipswich, and Thomas Bettes, at Topsfield, Apr. 3, 1696.
- DODG (see also Dodge)
- DODG, Daniel, and "Ms" Joanah Beurnum of Ipswich, int. May 19, 1706.
- DODG, Elisha, of Beverly, and Mary Kemball, Dec. 23, 1709.
- DODG, Elizabeth, Mrs., and Nathaniel Knowlton of Hamilton, May 17, 1829.
- DODG, Jacob, of Beverly, and Abigail Edwards, Jan. 1, 1740.
- DODG, Johana, Mrs., and Capt. Samuel Kimball, June 30, 1741.
- DODG, Mary, and Charles Gott, int. Mar. 5, 1708-9.
- DODG, Nehemiah, and Sarah Dennis, Nov. 12, 1724.
- DODG, Richard, and Mary Thorn of Ipswich, Nov. 16, 1724.
- DODG, Sarah, of Beverly, and John Freind, int. Mar. 26, 1708.
- DODG, Sarah, and Peter Urin of Gloucester, Nov. 4, 1724.
- DODG, Tabitha, and Zaccheus Gouldsmith [Goldsmith. C.R.], Dec. 14, 1724.
- DODG, Thomas, and Sarah Porter, June 23, 1724.
- DODGE (see also Dodg)
- DODGE, Abel, and Lucy Whitridge, int. Aug. 12, 1832.
- DODGE, Abigail, Mrs., of Beverly, and John Perkins, Dec. 26, 1751.
- DODGE, Abigail [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and Simon Dodge, at Beverly, Nov. 16, 1769.
- DODGE, Abraham, and Mrs. Elisabeth Warren, Mar. 27, 1754.
- DODGE, Abraham, and Patty Dodge, Aug. 23, 1795.
- DODGE, Abraham, 2d, and Augusta Edwards of Beverly, int. Aug. 28, 1829.
- DODGE, Abraham, and Lydia Murray of Manchester, int. Oct. 3, 1830.
- DODGE, Abraham, 2d, and Susan Ham of Shapleigh, Me., int. Jan. 3, 1835.
- DODGE, Abraham, 4th, and Elizabeth C. Dodge, Mar. 25, 1839.
- DODGE, Adaline F., and Asa W. Trowt, Apr. 24, 1842.
- DODGE, Adoniram J[udson. C.R.], and Julia Perley of Danvers [of Ipswich. int.], Aug. 25, 1829.
- DODGE, Adoniram J., and Lucinda Bixby of Topsfield, int. May 23, 1841.
- DODGE, Alethea, of Hamilton, and Josiah [M. int] Kimball, Jan. 14, 1813.
- DODGE, Ammi, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Lucy Dodge, Dec. 11, 1776.
- DODGE, Amos, and Mrs. Sarah Dodge, Dec. 17, 1752.
- DODGE, Amos, of Beverly, and Mrs. Hepzabeth Dodge, Oct. 29, 1775.
- DODGE, Amos, and Lydia Batchalor, int. Apr. 3, 1778.
- DODGE, Amos, and Patty White, int. Nov. 19, 1814.
- DODGE, Andrew, of Beverly, and Hannah Fiske, int. Apr. 4, 1696.
- DODGE, Andrew, of Beverly, and Mrs. Eleaner Edwards, Jan. 14, 1735-6.
- DODGE, Anna, and Andrew Patch, Apr. 26, 1753.
- DODGE, Anna, Mrs., and John Killam, Apr. 23, 1771.
- DODGE, Anna, and Nathaniell Porter, int. Oct. 25, 1783.
- DODGE, Anna, and Elzaphan Dodge, int. May 27, 1815.
- DODGE, Anna Baker, and Jacob Symonds, int. Mar. 13, 1814.
- DODGE, Annah, of Ipswich, and John Edwards, int. Apr. 1, 1698.
- DODGE, Aretas, of Beverly, and Nancy Dodge, Jan. 26, 1812. C.R.
- DODGE, Asa, and Hanah Symonds, int. Oct. 24, 1778.
- DODGE, Asenath, and Thomas D. Pousland of Beverly, Jan. 6, 1822.
- DODGE, Augustus, and Martha L. Knowlton of Hamilton, Nov. 27, 1834.
- DODGE, Bamabas, and Lydia Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 31, 1764.
- DODGE, Bartholomew, and Susanna Thistle of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 26, 1753.
- DODGE, Bartholomew, and wid. Martha Kimball, int. Jan. 28, 1779.
- DODGE, Bartholomew, of Amherst [N.H. int.], and Jerusha Batcheldor, Aug. 7, 1793.
- DODGE, Benjamin, and Mrs. Mehitabel Foster, Apr. 18, 1756. [Apr. 15. C.R.]
- DODGE, Benjamin, of Amherst, N.H., and Mrs. Esther Perkins, May 30, 1775.
- DODGE, Benjamin, and Ruamy Fifield of Hampton Falls, N.H., int. Feb. 18, 1809.
- DODGE, Benjamin, and Mehitable Herrick, May 27, 1813.
- DODGE, Betsey, and Josiah Taylor of Beverly, Apr. 14, 1796.
- DODGE, Betsey, and Capt. George Rapell of Newburyport, int. Jan. 4, 1800.
- DODGE, Betsey, and Abraham Lord of Beverly, Aug. 17, 1806.
- DODGE, Betsy, and Edwin Dodge, July 17, 1825.
- DODGE, Betty, Mrs., and Stephen Brown of Ipswich [of Ipswich Hamlet. C.R.], Dec. 17, 1761.
- DODGE, Charity, of Beverly, and John Kimball, at Beverly, Dec. 22, 1711.
- DODGE, Charity, Mrs., and John Bailey of Rowley, int. Nov. 12, 1768.
- DODGE, Charles, and Mrs. Abigail Porter, July 18, 1762.
- DODGE, Daniel, of Beverly, and Mrs. Anna Hooker, Feb. 11, 1756.
- DODGE, Daniel, see Blanchard, Daniel.
- DODGE, Daniell, and Mrs. Mary Woodbery of Beverly, int. June 22, 1705.
- DODGE, Danill, jr., and Jerusha Herrick, Sept. 15, 1731.
- DODGE, David, and Anna Low of Ipswich, int. Dec. 5, 1741.
- DODGE, David, of Beverly [of Lexington. int.], and Elizabeth Cummings Dodge, Apr. 4, 1836.
- DODGE, Dudley, of Beverly, and Sophronia Dodge, int. Oct. 19, 1816.
- DODGE, Ebenezer, and Mary Dodge, Mar. 7, 1750-51.
- DODGE, Edwin, and Betsy Dodge, July 17, 1825.
- DODGE, Eli, and Abigail Giddings, int. Mar. 21, 1740-41.
- DODGE, Elijah, of Beverly, and Elisabeth Moulton, Nov. 22, 1728.
- DODGE, Elisabeth, Mrs., and John T. Dodge, int. Aug. 27, 1786.
- DODGE, Elisabeth, of Hamilton, and Asa Lamson of Beverly, int. Jan. 23, 1808.
- DODGE, Elisabeth K., and Nathaniel Conant of Topsfield, int. Sept. 11, 1819.
- DODGE, Elisha, of Beverly and Sarah Forster, Mar. 30, 1748. C.R.
- DODGE, Eliza Ann, and Benjamin Hawkins of Hamilton, Aug. 16, 1840.
- DODGE, Elizabeth, Mrs., and John Thorndike of Beverly, Jan. 17, 1750-51.
- DODGE, Elizabeth C., and Abraham Dodge, 4th, Mar. 25, 1839.
- DODGE, Elizabeth Cummings, and David Dodge of Beverly [of Lexington. int.], Apr. 4, 1836.
- DODGE, Elizabeth S., and Abraham Fulsom of Tamworth, N.H., June 28, 1836.
- DODGE, Elzaphan, and Anna Dodge, int. May 27, 1815.
- DODGE, Emme, Mrs., of Beverly, and Joseph Perkins, May 12, 1761.
- DODGE, Ephraim [P. int.], and Lucy M. Peabody, Dec. 1, 1836.
- DODGE, Esther, and Thomas Barnes, jr. of Salem, int. Aug. 4, 1804.
- DODGE, Ezra, and Sophia Herrick of Beverly [Dec. 4, 1818. int.]. C.R.
- DODGE, Frances H., and Samuel B. Fisk, July 24, 1834. C.R.
- DODGE, George, of Ipswich, and Martha Fiske, Jan. 13, 1742-3.
- DODGE, George, of Beverly, and Lydia Herrick, Aug. 25, 1746.
- DODGE, George W., of Salem, a. 27 y., farmer, b. Salem, s. Piam and Lucy, of Salem, and Mary Ann Dodge, a. 25 y., b. Beverly, d. Andrew and Anna, Dec. 14, 1843.
- DODGE, Hanah, and Richard Goldsmith, June 23, 1731.
- DODGE, Hannah, of Beverly, and Solomon Dodge, int. Dec. 4, 1742.
- DODGE, Hannah, of Beverly, and Daniel Killam [jr. int.], at Beverly, Jan. 30, 1752.
- DODGE, Hannah, and Adam Reddington, May 15, 1793.
- DODGE, Hannah, and John Dodge of Hampton Falls, Sept. 14, 1794.
- DODGE, Hannah, and John Edwards [jr. int.] of Beverly, Dec. 10, 1805.
- DODGE, Hannah, and Smith Gallop, May 18, 1806.
- DODGE, Hannah, and Joseph Trask, int. Mar. 17, 1821.
- DODGE, Hannah G., a. 25 y., d. Jacob and Rebecca, and Augustus R. Hutchinson of Middleton, a. 24 y., shoemaker, s. David and Fanny, Mar. 2, 1846.
- DODGE, Hannah Perkins, of the Hamlet, and John Dodge, at Hamilton, Mar. 12, 1789.
- DODGE, Henery, jr., of Hamilton, and Ann Knowlton, Oct. 20, 1831.
- DODGE, Hepzabeth, Mrs., and Amos Dodge of Beverly, Oct. 29, 1775.
- DODGE, Herbert, and Marthe Dodge, both of Hamilton, Jan. 8, 1824. C.R.
- DODGE, Ichobud, and Mehitable Swett, May 23, 1794.
- DODGE, Isaac, of Beverly, and Lois Herrick, at Beverly, Oct. 12, 1732.
- DODGE, Isaac, and [Mrs. int.] Phebe Averell of Topsfield, at Topsfield, Nov. 13, 1753.
- DODGE, Isaac [Israel. int.], and Hannah Whipple of Ipswich Hamlet, at Hamilton, Feb. 22, 1781.
- DODGE, Isaac, Capt., and Mrs. Elizabeth Lummus, Jan. 30, 1814.
- DODGE, Isac, and Mehittable Tyler of Boxford, Apr. 1, 1730.
- DODGE, Israel, and Mrs. Abigail Larcum of Beverly, Mar. 27, 1758.
- DODGE, Israel, and Abigail Edwards, int. Nov. 22, 1783.
- DODGE, Israel [jr. int.], and Hannah Driver of Salem, Nov. 7, 1809.
- DODGE, Israel Andrews, and Mrs. Mary Brown of Ipswich, int. Mar. 31, 1770.
- DODGE, Jacob, and Sarah Hubbard of Ipswich, int. Mar. 6, 1735-6.
- DODGE, Jacob, and Mrs. Martha Dodge of Ipswich, int. Mar. 21, 1740-41.
- DODGE, Jacob, and Mrs. Elizabeth Crowell, June 22, 1752.
- DODGE, Jacob, of Beverly, and Mrs. Anna Batcheller, int. Dec. 3, 1774.
- DODGE, Jacob, jr., and [Mrs. int.] Mary Corning of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 24, 1788.
- DODGE, Jacob, jr., and [Mrs. int.] Rebecca Lee, Aug. 12, 1807.
- DODGE, Jacob, and Jerusha Conant, b. Beverly, Jan. 2, 1820. P.R.2.
- DODGE, Jacob, and Mrs. Salome Morgan of Manchester, int. Aug. 9, 1829.
- DODGE, Jacob, Capt., and Joanna Dodge of Beverly, int. Sept. 9, 1832.
- DODGE, James, of Beverly, and Jemima Patch, May 14, 1741.
- DODGE, James, and Mrs. Rebecca Ober, Nov. 7, 1752.
- DODGE, James, and Mrs. Penelope Varney, Jan. 14, 1762.
- DODGE, James, of Beverly, and [Mrs. int.] Anna Bayley, at Beverly, Apr. 19, 1775.
- DODGE, Jeremiah and Bethyah Giddings, Dec. 8, 1740.
- DODGE, Jerusha, Mrs., and Dudley Masters, July 24, 1768.
- DODGE, Jesse, of Beverly, and Mrs. Bethiah Thorndike, Nov. 6, 1766.
- DODGE, Joanna, and John Gredley of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 19, 1717.
- DODGE, Joanna, and Josiah Herick, Nov. 2, 1725.
- DODGE, Joanna, and Capt. Jacob Dodge, int. Sept. 9, 1832.
- DODGE, Job, of Littleton, and Mrs. Ruth Frost, Nov. 16, 1758.
- DODGE, John, and Ruth Grover, jr. of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 11, 1698.
- DODGE, John, and Ruth White, Apr. 16, 1717.
- DODGE, John, jr., and Hannah Webstor of Ipswich, int. Dec. 22, 1734.
- DODGE, John, and Bethiah Conant of Ipswich, Nov. 17, 1737. [Nov. 15. C.R.]
- DODGE, John [3d. int.], and Rachel Edwards, Dec. 11, 1744.
- DODGE, John, jr., and Mrs. Anna Porter, May 15, 1760.
- DODGE, John, of Beverly, and Mrs. Martha Haggit, Sept. 9, 1773.
- DODGE, John, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Mary Dodge, int. Nov. 24, 1788.
- DODGE, John, and Hannah Perkins Dodge of the Hamlet, at Hamilton, Mar. 12, 1789.
- DODGE, John, Lt., and Mrs. Sarah Raymond of Beverly, int. July 2, 1791.
- DODGE, John, of Hampton Falls, and Hannah Dodge, Sept. 14, 1794.
- DODGE, John, of Hampton Falls, and Polly Dodge, Mar. 17, 1796.
- DODGE, John T., and Mrs. Elisabeth Dodge, int. Aug. 27, 1786.
- DODGE, John T. [jr. int.], and Harriet S. Porter, Apr. 9, 1812. C.R.
- DODGE, Jonah, of Beverly, and Sarah Frind, at Beverly, Mar. 28, 1707.
- DODGE, Jonah, jr., of Beverly, and Mary Edwards, at Beverly, Feb. 22, 1737-8.
- DODGE, Jonathan, jr., of Beverly, and Ester Freind, int. Dec. 27, 1701.
- DODGE, Jonathan, jr., of the Hamlet, and Rebecca Killam of Hamilton, Aug. 30, 1793. [Apr. 30. dup.]
- DODGE, Jonathan, jr., of Hamilton, and Lydia [Thorndike. C.R.] Brown, Sept. 8, 1794.
- DODGE, Josiah, and Prudence Dodge, at Beverly, Jan. 27, 1717-18.
- DODGE, Josiah [jr. int.], and Susannah Knolton of Ipswich, Mar. 30, 1739.
- DODGE, Josiah, of Beverly, and Mrs. Elenor Edwards, May 14, 1771.
- DODGE, Judith E., and Robert Whipple of Sanbornton, N.H., int. Aug. 31, 1817.
- DODGE, Leonard, a. 26 y., cordwainer, and Mary E. Holden, a. 19 y., June 30, 1844.
- DODGE, Levi, and Patty Dodge, May 9, 1813.
- DODGE, Levi, and Matilda Babcock, Nov. 15, 1838.
- DODGE, Lucy, and Josiah Snow, int. Apr. 17, 1756.
- DODGE, Lucy, Mrs., and Ammi Dodge of Ipswich, Dec. 11, 1776.
- DODGE, Lucy, and Nehemiah Stanly of Beverly, Nov. 7, 1793.
- DODGE, Lucy, Mrs., and Amos Brown of Danvers, Aug. 2, 1835.
- DODGE, Luke, of Groton, and Polly Ellingwood of Hamilton, Jan. 31, 1799.
- DODGE, Lydia, Mrs., and Richard Dodge, jr., Nov. 17, 1757.
- DODGE, Lydia, and Obediah Dodge, Mar. 4, 1809. [July 1. C.R.]
- DODGE, Lydia, and [Ens. int.] Levi Folsom, jr. of Tamworth [N.H. int], Jan. 10, 1813.
- DODGE, Lydia, Mrs., and Stephen Dodge of Hampton Falls, N.H., Dec. 1, 1829.
- DODGE, Lydia, and John Curtis of Beverly, int. Dec. 25, 1847.
- DODGE, Lydia C., and Perley Dodge, July 4, 1839.
- DODGE, Marcia, and Benjamin Sweat of Piermont, N.H., Oct. 12, 1813.
- DODGE, Marcy, Mrs., and Amos Lee of Manchester, int. Mar. 26, 1791.
- DODGE, Margaret, Mrs., and Samuel Friend, Feb. 27, 1770.
- DODGE, Maria, and Israel Brown of Beverly, int. Dec. 6, 1823.
- DODGE, Maria [Marcia. C.R.], and Charles Brown of Beverly, Mar. 26, 1824.
- DODGE, Mark, of Beverly, and Sarah Dodge, at Beverly, Nov. 29, 1717.
- DODGE, Mark [jr. int.], of Beverly, and Lucy Edwards, Dec. 21, 1742.
- DODGE, Martha, Mrs., of Ipswich, and Jacob Dodge, int. Mar. 21, 1740-41.
- DODGE, Martha [Mrs. int.], of Rowley, and Benjamin Friend, at Rowley, Jan. 27, 1769.
- DODGE, Martha, and Josiah Obear, Aug. 12, 1796.
- DODGE, Martha, Mrs., and George Babcok [jr. int.] of Manchester, June 30, 1828.
- DODGE, Martha C., a. 20 y., d. Levi and Martha, deceased, and Alonzo Young, a. 21 y., cordwainer, s. William and Abigail, May 28, 1844.
- DODGE, Marthe, and Herbert Dodge, both of Hamilton, Jan. 8, 1824. C.R.
- DODGE, Mary, of Ipswich, and Rice Knoulton, int. Nov. 5, 1698.
- DODGE, Mary, and Samuel Corning, jr. of Beverly, at Beverly, Oct. 23, 1717.
- DODGE, Mary [Martha. int.], and Josiph Haggitt, June 1, 1727.
- DODGE, Mary, Mrs., and Jonathan Perkins of Middleton, July 12, 1743.
- DODGE, Mary, and Ebenezer Dodge, Mar. 7, 1750-51.
- DODGE, Mary, Mrs., and Joshua Orne, Dec. 4, 1759.
- DODGE, Mary, Mrs., of Beverly, and John Knowlton of Ipswich, Sept. 5, 1776.
- DODGE, Mary, Mrs., and John Dodge of Ipswich, int. Nov. 24, 1788.
- DODGE, Mary, and Eleazar Craft Andrew, int. Sept. 13, 1800.
- DODGE, Mary, and Joseph Whitridge of Beverly, int. Apr. 6, 1805.
- DODGE, Mary, and William Dodge, 3d, Dec. 3, 1809. [Dec. 21. C.R.]
- DODGE, Mary Ann, and Timothy P. Dodge, June 13, 1838.
- DODGE, Mary Ann, of Beverly, and Thomas Lefavor of Marblehead, at Beverly, June 30, 1839.
- DODGE, Mary Ann, a. 25 y., b. Beverly, s. Andrew and Anna, and George W. Dodge of Salem, a. 27 y., farmer, b. Salem, s. Piam and Lucy, of Salem, Dec. 14, 1843.
- DODGE, Mary Annah [of New York City. int.], and Israel Perkins, July 21, 1836.
- DODGE, Mary Elizabeth, and Dinison Wallis of Hamilton, int. Nov. 1, 1835.
- DODGE, Mehetible, and Nathan Brown, jr., int. Aug. 23, 1800.
- DODGE, Mehitable, and Edward Langmaid, Dec. 30, 1810.
- DODGE, Mercy, of Beverly, and Caleb Kimball, at Beverly, Dec. 28, 1797.
- DODGE, Mical, jr., of Hamilton, and Betsey Quarls, Aug. 31, 1794.
- DODGE, Nancy, and Aretas Dodge of Beverly, Jan. 26, 1812. C.R.
- DODGE, Nancy, Mrs., and Sylvester Wilkins of Beverly, Dec. 8, 1817. C.R.
- DODGE, Nancy, and John Knowlton, jr. of Hamilton, Mar. 18, 1819. C.R.
- DODGE, Naomy, of Amherst, and Daniel Moulton, int. Jan. 7, 1797.
- DODGE, Nathaniell, of Beverly, and Mrs. Sarah Bayley, int. Mar. 12, 1774.
- DODGE, Nathaniell Hubbard, and Mrs. Sarah Dodge, Apr. 10, 1764.
- DODGE, Nicholas, and Sarah Cole of Beverly, int. Mar. 25, 1775.
- DODGE, Nicholas, and Lucy Cole of Ipswich, at Hamilton, Mar. 27, 1788.
- DODGE, Nicholas, and Lydia Cleaves of Beverly, int. May 23, 1801.
- DODGE, Nicholas [jr. C.R.], and Pruden Edwards, July 21, 1808.
- DODGE, Nicholas, jr., and Charlotte S. Akerman of Hampton Falls, N.H., int. Apr. 10, 1842.
- DODGE, Obadiah, and Lydia Dodge, int. May 12, 1809.
- DODGE, Obadiah, and Mrs. Lydia Bean, int. July 22, 1815.
- DODGE, Obediah, and Lydia Dodge, Mar. 4, 1809. [July 11. C.R.]
- DODGE, Oliver, and Sallay Springer, Jan. 2, 1799.
- DODGE, Pally, and William Curtis Woodbury of Beverly, int. Jan. 7, 1804.
- DODGE, Pamelia, and Samuel Danforth, June 10, 1840.
- DODGE, Patty, and Abraham Dodge, Aug. 23, 1795.
- DODGE, Patty, and Levi Dodge, May 9, 1813.
- DODGE, Perley, and Lydia C. Dodge, July 4, 1839.
- DODGE, Peter, and Mrs. Elisabeth Batcheller of Beverly, int. Dec. 19, 1761.
- DODGE, Peter, and Elizabeth Hutchinson of Beverly, at Danvers, Jan. 5, 1762.
- DODGE, Peter [jr. int.], and Mrs. Sarah Dodge, Aug. 8, 1790.
- DODGE, Peter, and Hitty Gould of Topsfield, int. Dec. 12, 1824.
- DODGE, Peter, of Salem, and Jane Goodwin of Danvers, Nov. 10, 1842.
- DODGE, Phenihes, and Martha Edwards, int. Nov. 15, 1712.
- DODGE, Phineas, and Sarah Whipple of Salem, at Salem, Sept. 21, 1726.
- DODGE, Polly, and Joseph Patch of Ipswich, int. Nov. 16, 1782.
- DODGE, Polly, and John Dodge of Hampton Falls, Mar. 17, 1796.
- DODGE, Polly, and Uzziel Dodge, int. Mar. 25, 1797.
- DODGE, Prudence, and Josiah Dodge, at Beverly, Jan. 27, 1717-18.
- DODGE, Prudence, Mrs., and Josiah Sweat of Hampton Falls, Jan. 10, 1765.
- DODGE, Prudence, Mrs., and Abraham Edwards, int. Jan. 11, 1777.
- DODGE, Prudence E., and Albert T. Roberts of Beverly, Apr. 8, 1841.
- DODGE, Rebekah, and Dr. Samuel Dodge, Apr. 30, 1826.
- DODGE, Richard, and Marsh Eaten, Feb. 23, 1667. CT.R.
- DODGE, Richard, jr., and Mrs. Lydia Dodge, Nov. 17, 1757.
- DODGE, Richard, and Mary Ann B. Gammon, Oct. 16, 1823. [Oct. 6. C.R.]
- DODGE, Richard Hubberd, and [Mrs. C.R.] Joanna Herrick, Mar. 15, 1758. C.R.
- DODGE, Robart, of Beverly, and Mary Tarbox, Dec. 17, 1745.
- DODGE, Ruben, and Ruth Perkins, Feb. 23, 1741-2.
- DODGE, Rufus A[nderson. C.R.], and Esther D[odge. C.R.] Barnes, Sept. 29, 1831.
- DODGE, Ruth, and Thomas Riggs of Gloucester, Sept. 12, 1727.
- DODGE, Salah, and Abijah Porter of Danvers, Jan. 30, 1798.
- DODGE, Sally, Mrs., and Asa Baley of Rowley, int. Oct. 16, 1785.
- DODGE, Sally, and Josiah M. Flood [Hood. int.], at Hamilton, Dec. 26, 1799.
- DODGE, Sally, and Abraham Patch of Hamilton, at Beverly, Apr. 1, 1820.
- DODGE, Sally, and Daniel Homan, May 15, 1839.
- DODGE, Sally E., and Ezra Conant of Beverly, Apr. 27, 1848.
- DODGE, Sally P., and Lemuel S. Foss of Hamilton, farmer, b. Strafford, N.H., Jan. 16, 1845.
- DODGE, Samuel, Dr., and Rebekah Dodge, Apr. 30, 1826.
- DODGE, Sara, and Samuel Poland of Ipswich, int. Sept. 17, 1718.
- DODGE, Sarah, and Mark Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 29, 1717.
- DODGE, Sarah [sr. int.], and Josiah Kent of Gloucester, Sept. 28, 1737.
- DODGE, Sarah, Mrs., and Solomon Persons of Gloucester, Aug. 13, 1741.
- DODGE, Sarah, Mrs., and Amos Dodge, Dec. 17, 1752.
- DODGE, Sarah, Mrs., and Nathaniell Hubbard Dodge, Apr. 10, 1764.
- DODGE, Sarah, Mrs., and Aaron Lee, jr. of Manchester, Feb. 16, 1775.
- DODGE, Sarah, of Beverly, and Eli Servey, at Beverly, Aug. 20, 1778.
- DODGE, Sarah, Mrs., and Edward Perkins, int. Jan. 15, 1785.
- DODGE, Sarah, Mrs., and Peter Dodge [jr. int.], Aug. 8, 1790.
- DODGE, Sarah, and Paul Kimball, Dec. 5, 1822.
- DODGE, Simon, and [Mrs. int.] Abigail Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 16, 1769.
- DODGE, Simon, and Abigail Cook of Beverly, int. Oct. 8, 1774.
- DODGE, Skipper, and Sarah Cogswell of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Chebacco Parish, Apr. 11, 1745.
- DODGE, Skipper, and Mrs. Anna Killiam, Oct. 3, 1776.
- DODGE, Solomon, and Hannah Dodge of Beverly, int. Dec. 4, 1742.
- DODGE, Sophronia, and Dudley Dodge of Beverly, int. Oct. 19, 1816.
- DODGE, Stephen, and Mrs. Rose Webber, May 12, 1757.
- DODGE, Stephen, and Sally Grant, int. Oct. 26, 1816.
- DODGE, Stephen, of Hampton Falls, N.H., and Mrs. Lydia Dodge, Dec. 1, 1829.
- DODGE, Stephen, and Mrs. Polly Standley of Beverly, int. Nov. 12, 1838.
- DODGE, Stillman, and Sarah Highlands of Derry, N.H., int. Oct. 19, 1816.
- DODGE, Susan, and Capt. Abraham Lord of Beverly, int. Aug. 20, 1825.
- DODGE, Tabatha, and Nathaniel Fairfield, July 2, 1764.
- DODGE, Theodore, and Sally Preston of Beverly, int. Dec. 20, 1818.
- DODGE, Theodore, and Eliza Andrews, Apr. 12, 1830.
- DODGE, Thomas, and Hannah Harres of Ipswich, int. Feb. 27, 1746-7.
- DODGE, Thomas, and Mrs. Lucy Edwards, int. Mar. 12, 1791.
- DODGE, Timothy P., and Mary Ann Dodge, June 13, 1838.
- DODGE, Uzziel, and Polly Dodge, int. Mar. 25, 1797.
- DODGE, William, and Prudence Fayrfield, int. July 27, 1699.
- DODGE, William, and Rebecca Appleton of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Jan. 9, 1728.
- DODGE, William [Lt. int.], and Mrs. Abigal Giddings of Ipswich, Feb. 28, 1737-8.
- DODGE, William [jr. int.], of Beverly, and Mrs. Mary Baker, Nov. 14, 1752.
- DODGE, William, Lt., and Mrs. Elisabeth Knowlton of Ipswich, Apr. 24, 1754.
- DODGE, William, and Hannah Goldsmith of Andover, at Andover, Nov. 23, 1780.
- DODGE, William, and [Mrs. int.] Jerusha Cleaves of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 18, 1791.
- DODGE, William, Dea., and Joanna Herrick of Boxford, int. May 31, 1806.
- DODGE, William, jr., and Nancy Conant of Beverly, int. Dec. 31, 1807.
- DODGE, William, 3d, and Mary Dodge, Dec. 3, 1809. [Dec. 21. C.R.]
- DODGE, William, of Saugus, and Mary E. Morgan, June 6, 1836.
- DODGE, William P., and Rebekah Perkins of Beverly [of Topsfield. int.], Apr. 1, 1834.
- DORMAN, Deborah, of Topsfield, and William Rogers, jr., int. Mar. 28, 1729.
- DORSEY, Hammond, of Baltimore, Md., and Elizabeth Pickering, int. July 12, 1816.
- DOWNES, Elizabeth, of the Isles of Shoals, and Andrew Sentor, jr., at Ipswich, Mar. 23, 1737.
- DOWNING, Bathsheba, and Nathaniell Martin, int. Dec. 6, 1783.
- DRIVER, Hannah, of Salem, and Israel Dodge [jr. int.], Nov. 7, 1809.
- DRIVER, Rachel, and John Herrick, both of Manchester, Nov. 20, 1744.
- DUDLEY, John, and Rebecca P. [S. C.R.] Shattuck, Nov. 29, 1838.
- DUDLEY, Ruth A., of Hamilton, and William C. Cook, Dec. 31, 1837.
- DUNBAR, Jane [Joanna. int.], Mrs., and John Perkins [jr. int.], Sept. 13, 1789.
- DUNFED, Lydia Parce, and George Wyett, int. Dec. 15, 1807.
- DUNLAP, Sarah, and Ebenezer Worton of Gloucester, int. Aug. 11, 1822.
- DWINEL (see also Dwinell)
- DWINEL, Bartholomew, of Topsfield, and Mrs. Sarah Moulton, Mar. 19, 1752.
- DWINELL (see also Dwinel, Dwinill)
- DWINELL, Mary Ann, and Jabez Richards, Aug. 30, 1827.
- DWINELL, Micall, of Topsfield, and Elizabeth Fisk, Dec. 10, 1724.
- DWINILL (see also Dwinell)
- DWINILL, Micull, of Topsfield, and Elisabeth Rix, int. June 6, 1730.
- EASTWICK, Elizabeth, and Finias Fiske, Apr. 4, 1660. CT.R.
- EATEN (see also Eaton)
- EATEN, Marah, and Richard Dodge, Feb. 23, 1667. CT.R.
- EATON (see also Eaten)
- EATON, Henry L., of South Reading, a. 22 y., surveyor, s. Lilley and Eliza, and Mary A[nn. C.R.] Gould, a. 20 y., d. Amos and Lavina, Nov. 30, 1848.
- EDWARD (see also Edwards)
- EDWARD, Anna, and Samuell Houlton of Salem, Jan. 22, 1727-8.
- EDWARDS (see also Edward)
- EDWARDS, Abigail, and Jacob Dodg of Beverly, Jan. 1, 1740.
- EDWARDS, Abigail, and Israel Dodge, int. Nov. 22, 1783.
- EDWARDS, Abraham, and Mrs. Prudence Dodge, int. Jan. 1, 1777.
- EDWARDS, Anna, and Esra Lovett of Beverly, int. Feb. 22, 1783.
- EDWARDS, Anna, and Zachariah [M. int.] Cole of Beverly, June 28, 1810.
- EDWARDS, Anna, a. 28 y., d. Benjamin and Susan, and John Conant, 4th of Beverly, a. 28 y., carpenter, s. Ezra and Mary, Nov. 22, 1846.
- EDWARDS, Augusta, of Beverly, and Abraham Dodge, 2d, int. Aug. 28, 1829.
- EDWARDS, Benjamin, and Martha Games, 14; 5 m: 1681. CT.R.
- EDWARDS, Benjamin, and Abagail Foster of Manchester, Apr. 25, 1744.
- EDWARDS, Benjamin, jr., and Anna Baker, Oct. 26, 1748. C.R.
- EDWARDS, Benjamin, and Mrs. Abigail Thorndike of Beverly, at Beverly, June 17, 1756.
- EDWARDS, Benjamin, jr., and Hannah Corning of Beverly, int. Oct. 26, 1782.
- EDWARDS, Benjamin, 2d, and Sukey Roberts of Hamilton, int. Jan. 7, 1812.
- EDWARDS, Benjamin, and Abigail Roberts of Hamilton, int. May 25, 1834.
- EDWARDS, Benjemin, and Abbigall Lamson, of Ipswich, int. Dec. 15, 1717.
- EDWARDS, Betsey, and Benjamin Cleaves, 3d of Beverly, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
- EDWARDS, Easter, Mrs., and Richard Stanley of Beverly, Nov. 29, 1759.
- EDWARDS, Edith, and Isaac Patch, at Beverly, Mar. 10, 1708-9.
- EDWARDS, Eleaner, Mrs., and Androw Dodge of Beverly, Jan. 14, 1735-6.
- EDWARDS, Elenor, Mrs., and Josiah Dodge of Beverly, May 14, 1771.
- EDWARDS, Elisabeth, and Dannill Buckman of Ipswich, int. Dec. 7, 1720.
- EDWARDS, Elizabeth, a. 29 y., d. B. and A., and Albert Cogswell of Essex, a. 39 y., yeoman, b. Essex, s. A. and L., Dec. 26, 1849.
- EDWARDS, Ellen M., of Beverly, a. 25 y., d. Monam A., of Beverly, and William I. Smith, widr. of Beverly, a. 28 y., shoemaker, s.
- EDWARDS, Simeon, of Beverly, Aug. 17, 1845.
- EDWARDS, Francis R., and Martha Conant of Beverly, at Beverly, May 17, 1840.
- EDWARDS, Hannah, of Beverly, and John Porter, int. Mar. 7, 1812.
- EDWARDS, Hester [Ester. int.], and Thomas Tarbox, at Beverly, Mar. 13, 1706-7.
- EDWARDS, Hitty, and Samuel Smith of Beverly, int. Sept. 1, 1804.
- EDWARDS, Jacob, and [Mrs. int.] Sarah Cole of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 3, 1770.
- EDWARDS, Jerusha, of Beverly, and David Standley, Mar. ----, 1834.
- EDWARDS, Joanna, and Jeremiah Foster of Beverly, Dec. 24, 1838.
- EDWARDS, John, and Annah Dodge of Ipswich, int. Apr. 1, 1698.
- EDWARDS, John, jr., and Sarah Pierkins, Nov. 23, 1709.
- EDWARDS, John [jr. int.], of Beverly, and Hannah Dodge, Dec. 10, 1805.
- EDWARDS, Joshua, of Newbury, and Elisabeth Pulcifer, int. July 3, 1819.
- EDWARDS, Lucy, and Mark Dodge [jr. int.] of Beverly, Dec. 21, 1742.
- EDWARDS, Lucy, Mrs., and Thomas Dodge, int. Mar. 12, 1791.
- EDWARDS, Margery, and Benjamin Larcom of Beverly, May 10, 1738.
- EDWARDS, Martha, and Phenihes Dodge, int. Nov. 15, 1712.
- EDWARDS, Mary, and Samuell Lamson of Ipswich, Nov. 23, 1709.
- EDWARDS, Mary, and Robart Herrick of Beverly, Oct. 16, 1722.
- EDWARDS, Mary, and Jonah Dodge, jr. of Beverly, at Beverly, Feb. 22, 1737-8.
- EDWARDS, Mary, and Gording Batchelder, int. Sept. 26, 1830.
- EDWARDS, Mary, of Beverly, and James Lee, at Beverly, Dec. 23, 1841.
- EDWARDS, Mary L., and Issacher Foster, both of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 17, 1842.
- EDWARDS, Oliver, of Beverly, and Fanny W. Kimball, June 30, 1835.
- EDWARDS, Peter C., and Martha Brown of Groton, int. July 2, 1814.
- EDWARDS, Polly, and Asa Taylor of Beverly, Mar. 31, 1796.
- EDWARDS, Prudenc, and Nicholas Dodge [jr. C.R.], July 21, 1808.
- EDWARDS, Prudence, Mrs., and Joseph Langdell of Mt. Vernon [N.H. int.], Jan. 17, 1809.
- EDWARDS, Rachel, and John Dodge [3d. int.], Dec. 11, 1744.
- EDWARDS, Rebaka, and Thomas Edwards, jr., int. Mar. 18, 1731-2.
- EDWARDS, Reuben, of Beverly, a. 25 y., yeoman, s. Ezra and Miriam, of Beverly, and Lucy D. Standley of Beverly, a. 18 y., d. Nicholas and Lydia, of Beverly, Apr. 21, 1847.
- EDWARDS, Rice, and Rebeckah Ford of Newbury, int. Mar. 4, 1709-10.
- EDWARDS, Sarah, and Daniel Claflin, int. Mar. 1, 1700-1.
- EDWARDS, Sarah [Mrs. C.R.], and Benjamin Stone of Ipswich, Dec. 25, 1739.
- EDWARDS, Sarah, Mrs., and Joshua Orne, Oct. 27, 1789.
- EDWARDS, Thomas, and Dinah Marshall of Ipswich, int. Sept. 27, 1717.
- EDWARDS, Thomas, jr., and Rebaka Edwards, int. Mar. 18, 1731-2.
- ELDRIDGE, William H., a. 24 y., plasterer, s. E[lnathan. int.] and S[ophia. int.], and Emily S. Conkey, a. 20 y., d. T. [Israel int.] and E[mily. int.], May 27, 1849.
- ELENWOOD (see also Ellingwood)
- ELENWOOD, Elisha, of Beverly, and Lydia Kimball, certificate Dec. 9, 1779.
- ELIOT (see also Elliott)
- ELIOT, Israel Dodge, of Topsfield, and Mrs. Mary Porter Ranlet, June 25, 1820.
- ELLINGWOOD (see also Elenwood)
- ELLINGWOOD, Lydia, Mrs., and Moses Brown, int. Feb. 9, 1786.
- ELLINGWOOD, Polly, of Hamilton, and Luke Dodge of Groton, Jan. 31, 1799.
- ELLIOT (see also Elliott)
- ELLIOT, Billy, of Beverly, and Rebeccah Cleaves, Feb. 12, 1829.
- ELLIOTT (see also Eliot, Elliot)
- ELLIOTT, Charles, of Beverly, a. 21 y., cordwainer, s. John and Abigail, and Abby J. Osborne of Beverly, a. 19 y., d. John M. and Hannah, Dec. 29, 1848.
- ELLIOTT, Harriet M., wid., of Beverly and David P.Roberts of Beverly, Apr. 18, 1849.
- ELLIOTT, John, of Beverly, and Hannah Waldron, at Beverly, Apr. 20, 1720.
- ELLIOTT, Molly [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and Cornelius Baker at Beverly, Mar. 19, 1765.
- ELLIOTT, Stephen P., of Beverly, cordwainer, s. John and Abigail, of Beverly, and Hannah M. Osborne of Beverly, d. John M. and Hannah, of Beverly, May 25, 1847.
- ELWELL, Nancy, of Gloucester, and Thomas Kimball, int. Nov. 7, 1814.
- EMERSON, Darcas, of Topsfield, and [Dr. int.] Tyler Porter, at Topsfield, Nov. 9, 1760.
- EMERSON, Thomas, of Topsfield, and Lydia Porter, at Topsfield, Mar. 15, 1765.
- EMERY, Sally, and Samuell Lamson of Beverly, Dec. 11, 1806.
- EMERY, Stephen, and Mrs. Lydia Kimball, June 8, 1769.
- EVANS, Mary E., a. 18 y. [d. Theodore. int.], and George W. Kimball, a. 25 y., yeoman, s. J[osiah. int.] and A[lthea. int.], Nov. 29, 1849.