Wenham Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1849
Surnames F-N
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Wenham, Essex County Massachusetts marriage records extracted from the "Vital Records of Middleton Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849."
Wenham Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1849 - Surnames F-N
- FAIERFEILD (see also Fairfield)
- FAIERFEILD, Josiah, and Unise Cogswell of Ipswich, int. Nov. 22, 1724.
- FAIERFEILD, Natthanill, and "Ms." Mary Steephens of Salem, Apr. 25, 1734.
- FAIERFEILD, Tabitha, and John Gidings of Chebacco Precinct, Ipswich, Mar. 16, 1725-6.
- FAIERFIELD (see also Fairfield)
- FAIERFIELD, Abigail, and John Parkman of Boston, July 24, 1718.
- FAIERFIELD, Elijah, and Lois Loverill of Ipswich, int. Nov. 5, 1737.
- FAIERFIELD, Mary, and John Wipple of Ipswich, Mar. 29, 1711.
- FAIERFIELD, Nathaniell, and Hannah Frost, Mar. 29, 1732.
- FAIERFIELD, Stephen, of Ipswich, and Hannah Larcom, int. Oct. 27, 1731.
- FAIERFILD (see also Fairfield)
- FAIERFILD, Benjamin, and Lidia Lamson, jr. of Ipswich, int. Oct. 11, 1731.
- FAIERFILD, Josiah, and Elisabeth Appelton of Ipswich, int. June 7, 1731.
- FAIERFILD, William, and [Mrs. C.R.] Rebeckah Gott, Oct. 14, 1723.
- FAIREFIELD (see also Fairfield)
- FAIREFIELD, John, and Sarah Geare, Mar. 26, 1666. CT.R.
- FAIREFIELD, Sarah, and Daniell Killam, Apr. 13, 1673.
- FAIRFIELD (see also Faierfeild, Faierfield, Faierfild, Fairefield, Fayrefield)
- FAIRFIELD, Benjamin, and Martha Hale of Newbury, at Newbury, Sept. 3, 1754.
- FAIRFIELD, Benjamin, and Sally Fairfield of New Boston, int. Apr. 3, 1803.
- FAIRFIELD, Daniel, and Remember Stevens, Sept. 11, 1723.
- FAIRFIELD, Elizabeth [Mrs. int.], and Rev. John Fairfield, Nov. 16, 1809.
- FAIRFIELD, Hester, and John Wheatly of Boston, at Beverly, Sept. 28, 1713.
- FAIRFIELD, John, of New Boston, and Mehitible Baker, int. Oct. 12, 1799.
- FAIRFIELD, John, Rev., and [Mrs. int.] Elizabeth Fairfield, Nov. 16, 1809.
- FAIRFIELD, Joseph, and Elizabeth Sweetser of Reading, at Wakefield, Jan. 1, 1782.
- FAIRFIELD, Lydia, see Kimball, Lydia.
- FAIRFIELD, Mathew, and Mrs. Abigail Ayers of Haverhill, int. Apr. 11, 1767.
- FAIRFIELD, Nathaniel, and Tabatha Dodge, July 2, 1764.
- FAIRFIELD, Nathaniell, jr., and Mrs. Elisa Bartlett of Marblehead, int. Jan. 15, 1763.
- FAIRFIELD, Patty [Mrs. int.], and Jonathan Porter, at Hamilton, Nov. 4, 1792.
- FAIRFIELD, Sally, of New Boston, and Benjamin Fairfield, int. Apr. 3, 1803.
- FAIRFIELD, Samuel, of Danvers, and [Mrs. int.] Anna Hutchinson, at Danvers, May 23, 1771.
- FAIRFIELD, Sarah, and Thomas Abby, at Marblehead, Dec. 17, 1683.
- FAIRFIELD, Sarah, and Nathaniel Killum, at Ipswich, Jan. 8, 1734.
- FAIRFIELD, Sarah, Mrs., and William Bowers, Mar. 17, 1765.
- FAIRFIELD, Tabitha, and John Woods of Marblehead, at Marblehead, Oct. 27, 1687.
- FAIRFIELD, William, Dr., of Haverhill, and Mrs. Sarah White [at Haverhill. dup.], Oct. 14, 1755.
- FARNUM, Nathan, of Salem, and Lydia Hobbs, Nov. 3, 1818. C.R.
- FARR, Elizabeth, and Joseph Dennise, int. July 18, 1702.
- FARRINGTON, Nancy, Mrs., and Ezra Shattuck, Apr. 30, 1833.
- FAYREFIELD (see also Fairfield)
- FAYREFIELD, Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and Peter Leegroe, int. Apr. 12, 1701.
- FAYREFIELD, Prudence, and William Dodge, int. July 27, 1699.
- FELTON, Sarah, and John Derby, 3d of Salem, at Salem, May 26, 1796.
- FIELD, Cynthia A., and Joseph Glidden, int. July 30, 1843.
- FIFIELD, Ruamy, of Hampton Falls, N.H., and Benjamin Dodge, int. Feb. 18, 1809.
- FISHER, Hannah, of Salem, and Franklin Friend, int. Mar. 31, 1839.
- FISK (see also Fiske)
- FISK, Daniel, and Sarah Fuler of Salem, at Beverly, July 2, 1717.
- FISK, Ebenezer, and Elisabeth Fuler of Salem, at Beverly, May 24, 1710.
- FISK, Elizabeth, and Micall Dwinell of Topsfield, Dec. 10, 1724.
- FISK, Elizebeth, and John Broadstreet of Topsfield, Dec. 23, 1742.
- FISK, Jonathan, and Mrs. Mary Bragg, Nov. 26, 1772.
- FISK, Lucy, Mrs., and Thomas White, Jan. 4, 1757.
- FISK, Mary, Mrs., and John Perkins of Topsfield, Feb. 20, 1750-51.
- FISK, Mehitable, and Robert Rust of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Oct. 21, 1762.
- FISK, Mercy, Mrs., and David Perkins of Topsfield, Mar. 10, 1752.
- FISK, Paulina, and Elbridge Peabody, May 16, 1841.
- FISK, Phebe, and Jesse Mainard of Westboro, Sept. 27, 1737.
- FISK, Samuel B., and Frances H. Dodge, July 24, 1834. C.R.
- FISK, Samuell [jr. int.], and Elizabeth Brown of Reading, at Wakefield, Dec. 5, 1699.
- FISK, Samuell, jr., and Sally Patch of Hamilton, Oct. 17, 1795.
- FISK, Sarah, and Samuel Moulton of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Mar. 13, 1733.
- FISK, Theophilus, and Mehetable Wilkins, at Topsfield, July 26, 1756.
- FISK, Thomas, and Sarah Burch, at Salem, Dec. 8, 1748.
- FISK, Thomas, and Mrs. Peggy Daniels of Ipswich, int. Jan. 19, 1760.
- FISK, William, and Susannah Batchelder, at Beverly, Jan. 25, 1749.
- FISKE (see also Fisk)
- FISKE, Benjamin, and Mary Quarles of Ipswich, int. Dec. 31, 1698.
- FISKE, Ebenezur, and "Ms." Martha Kimball, Dec. 27, 1733.
- FISKE, Finias, and Elizabeth Eastwick, Apr. 4, 1660. CT.R.
- FISKE, Hannah, and Andrew Dodge of Beverly, int. Apr. 4, 1696.
- FISKE, Hannah, and Ebenezer Ober, July 6, 1742.
- FISKE, Jacob, and Elizabeth Lambson of Ipswich, int. Nov. 5, 1743.
- FISKE, Jerusha, and Caleb Moulton of Ipswich, Nov. 8, 1734.
- FISKE, Martha, and George Dodge of Ipswich, Jan. 13, 1742-3.
- FISKE, Mary, and Nathaniel Low, Mar. 9, 1741-2.
- FISKE, Samuel, sr., and Hannah Allen of Manchester, int. Apr. 26, 1697.
- FISKE, Samuell, and Phebie Bragg, 6: 9 m: 1679. CT.R.
- FISKE, Theophilus, and Phebee Lampson of Ipswich, int. July 19, 1700.
- FISKE, Theophilus [jr. int.], and Jemima Goldsmith, Jan. 11, 1737-8.
- FISKE, Thomas, and Rebecka Pickring, 4: 4 m: 1679. CT.R.
- FISKE, William, and Sarah Killim, Jan. 15, 1662. CT.R.
- FLANDERS, Mahala Ann, and Samuel Dorman Conant, at Georgetown, Apr. 17, 1845. P.R.5.
- FLINT (see also Flynt)
- FLINT, Joseph, of Danvers, and Sarah Webber, int. May 26, 1781.
- FLOOD, Josiah M. [Hood. int.], and Sally Dodge, at Hamilton, Dec. 26, 1799.
- FLOYD, Charles J. P., shoemaker, s. J[ohn. int.] P. and S[usan. int.], and Elizabeth C. Lummus, d. G[eorge. int.] A. and E[lizabeth. int.], Sept. 6, 1849.
- FLYNT (see also Flint)
- FLYNT, Mehitable, and John Lovering of Ipswich, Nov. 3, 1743.
- FOLSON (see also Fulsom)
- FOLSON, John T. D., and Asenath D. Whipple, Apr. 14, 1842.
- FOLSON, Levi, jr. [Ens. int.] of Tamworth [N.H. int.], and Lydia Dodge, Jan. 10, 1813.
- FORD, Rebeckah, of Newbury, and Rice Edwards, int. Mar. 4, 1709-10.
- FORD, Sarah M., of Lewiston, and Charles Arris of Lisbon, Nov. 11, 1849.
- FORSTER (see also Foster)
- FORSTER, Sarah, and Elisha Dodge of Beverly, Mar. 30, 1748. C.R.
- FOSS, George H., and Harriet N. Roberts, June 10, 1841.
- FOSS, Lemuel S., of Hamilton, farmer, b. Strafford, N.H., and Sally P. Dodge, Jan. 16, 1845.
- FOSTER (see also Forster, Fostor)
- FOSTER, Aaron, a. 25 y., mariner, s. Moses and Abigail, and Virgia [Virginia. dup.] Shaw, a. 18 y., b. Tamworth, N.H., d. Samuel and Ruth, deceased, Feb. 7, 1844.
- FOSTER, Abagail, of Manchester, and Benjamin Edwards, Apr. 25, 1744.
- FOSTER, Abigail, Mrs., of Andover, and Capt. Samuel Kimball, at Andover, Dec. 27, 1737.
- FOSTER, Abigail S., and Dr. Samuel H. Gould, Nov. 26, 1840.
- FOSTER, Anne, of Manchester, and Benjamin Ober, at Manchester, Sept. 20, 1750.
- FOSTER, Elsa A., of Beverly, a. 19 y., b. Beverly, d. Jonathan and Abigail, deceased, and Richard D. Gently, a. 25 y., cordwainer, s. Downing and Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1844.
- FOSTER, Harriet N., and Alexander Haskell of Gloucester, Nov. 28, 1837.
- FOSTER, Israel, 3d, of Beverly, a. 26 y., shoemaker, s. Israel and Anna, and Elizabeth P. Gentlee, a. 23 y., d. Downing and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1846.
- FOSTER, Issacher, and Mary L. Edwards, both of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 17, 1842.
- FOSTER, Jeremiah, of Marblehead, and "Mrs." Abigail Presson, Feb. 9, 1758.
- FOSTER, Jeremiah, of Beverly, and Joanna Edwards, Dec. 24, 1838.
- FOSTER, Lucy S., and Henry Batchelder [both of Salem. C.R.], June 10, 1822.
- FOSTER, Mary S., and Israel D. Barnes, Apr. 15, 1833.
- FOSTER, Mehitabel, Mrs., and Benjamin Dodge, Apr. 18, 1756. [Apr. 15. C.R.]
- FOSTER, Ruth S[mith. int.], and Franklin Hadly, Apr. 27, 1826.
- FOSTOR (see also Foster)
- FOSTOR, Hannah, of Boxford, and Theophilus Rix, int. Feb. 18, 1709-10.
- FOWLER (see also Fowller)
- FOWLER, Abigail, and Josiah White, Aug. 19, 1729.
- FOWLER, Caroline, and George P. Channell, May ----, 1833.
- FOWLER, Dorcas, and [John. int.] Brown, at Ipswich, Oct. 17, 1732.
- FOWLER, Elizabeth, and Samuel Kemball, jr., int. Dec. 23, 1698.
- FOWLER, Elizabeth, and Thomas Perkins of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Feb. 8, 1730.
- FOWLER, James, of Newburyport, and Abigail Perkins, Dec. 3, 1809.
- FOWLER, Joseph, and Susanna Dennis, Nov. 23, 1720.
- FOWLER, Joseph, and Elizabeth Perkins of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Jan. 20, 1741.
- FOWLER, Miriam, and Ezecell Day of Nuffield, bit. Nov. ----, 1719.
- FOWLER, Richard, and Miriam Balsh of Beverly, int. Feb. 22, 1704-5.
- FOWLER, Susannah, and Samuel Smith, jr. of Ipswich, Apr. 5, 1726.
- FOWLLER (see also Fowler)
- FOWLLER, Josiph, of Ipswich, and Hannah Sedon, int. Oct. 29, 1730.
- FRANCIS, John, of Beverly, and Mrs. Sarah Babson, July 23, 1772.
- FRANCIS, Ruth, of Beverly, and Joseph Perkins, int. May 6, 1820.
- FREEMAN (see also Freman)
- FREEMAN, Fortune, and Mrs. Phillis Bryent, int. Sept. 4, 1813.
- FREIND (see also Friend)
- FREIND, Ester, and Jonathan Dodge, jr. of Beverly, int. Dec. 27, 1701.
- FREIND, James, and Marah Moulton, Dec. 12, 1662. CT.R.
- FREIND, John, and Sarah Dodg of Beverly, int. Mar. 26, 1708.
- FREIND, Mary, Mrs., and Benjamin Hobbes of Topsfield, int. Nov. 6, 1777.
- FREIND, Sally Prat [Mrs. int.], and Daniel Bootman, Mar. 16, 1790.
- FREIND, Sarah, and Mark Batcheller, Dec. 28, 1727.
- FREMAN (see also Freeman)
- FREMAN, Nicholas, of Ipswich, and Jane Todd, Oct. 21, 1745. C.R.
- FRIE (see also Frye)
- FRIE, Phebe, of Andover, and Benjamin Kimball, at Andover, Mar. 21, 1739.
- FRIEND (see also Freind, Frind)
- FRIEND, Abigail, and John Simpson Bomer, Nov. 26, 1802.
- FRIEND, Benjamin, and [Mrs. int.] Martha Dodge of Rowley, at Rowley, Jan. 27, 1769.
- FRIEND, Caleb, and Betsy Bootman [Mrs. Betsy Butman. int.], at Beverly, May 13, 1792.
- FRIEND, Franklin, and Hannah Fisher of Salem, int. Mar. 31, 1839.
- FRIEND, Israel, and Sally Friend, Dec. 15, 1794.
- FRIEND, James, and Edies Ober, May 19, 1737.
- FRIEND, James, jr., and Mrs. Anna Pratt, Nov. 3, 1762.
- FRIEND, James, and Mrs. Susanna Trow of Beverly, Jan. 27, 1818. C.R.
- FRIEND, John, jr., and Mrs. Sarah Wallace of Ipswich, int. Feb. 20, 1763.
- FRIEND, John, jr., and Mrs. Hannah Wells of Ipswich, int. Dec. 11, 1766.
- FRIEND, Joseph, and Sally Brown, int. June 7, 1800.
- FRIEND, Martha, Mrs., and John Palmer of Rowley, Sept. 28, 1775.
- FRIEND, Nathaniel, and Anna Kimball, Apr. 27, 1797.
- FRIEND, Neathaniel, and "Ms." Foley Bootman, int. Apr. 18, 1788.
- FRIEND, Richard, and Mrs. Hannah Ober, May 9, 1765.
- FRIEND, Richard, jr., and Mrs. Martha Kimball, int. Aug. 5, 1786.
- FRIEND, Sally, and Israel Friend, Dec. 15, 1794.
- FRIEND, Samuel, and Mrs. Margaret Dodge, Feb. 27, 1770.
- FRIEND, Sarah, Mrs., and Thomas Merril, jr. of Rowley, Mar. 25, 1762.
- FRIEND, Seth, of Beverly, and Elizabeth D. Low, Dec. 6, 1840.
- FRIEND, Simeon, and Hannah Palmer of Rowley, int. Apr. 14, 1810.
- FRIND (see also Friend)
- FRIND, Sarah, and Jonah Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Mar. 28, 1707.
- FROST, Hannah, and Nathaniell Faierfield, Mar. 29, 1732.
- FROST, Rebecca, of Ipswich, and Daniel Killum, jr., at Ipswich, Apr. 5, 1726.
- FROST, Ruth, Mrs., and Job Dodge of Littleton, Nov. 16, 1758.
- FRYE (see also Frie)
- FRYE, Isaac, and Charlotte Cook, both of Topsfield, Oct. 2, 1836.
- FULER (see also Fuller)
- FULER, Elisabeth, of Salem, and Ebenezer Fisk, at Beverly, May 24, 1710.
- FULER, Sarah, of Salem, and Daniel Fisk, at Beverly, July 2, 1717.
- FULLER (see also Fuler)
- FULLER, Elisabeth, Mrs., of Middleton, and Ebenezer Kimball, int. Oct. 11, 1765.
- FULLER, Thomas, and Elizabeth Mastes, int. July 16, 1737.
- FULSOM (see also Folsom)
- FULSOM, Abraham, of Tamworth, N.H., and Elizabeth S. Dodge, June 28, 1836.
- GAGE, Caleb S., and Betsey Batchelder, Aug. 9, 1838.
- GAGE, William, and Mehitteble Batchallor, int. Sept. 30, 1778.
- GALLOP, Eunice, and Jonathan Patch, int. Mar. 15, 1817.
- GALLOP, Lucy, and Jacob Allen of Beverly, Jan. 29, 1809.
- GALLOP, Smith, and Hannah Dodge, May 18, 1806.
- GALLOP, William, and Mrs. Anna Kimball, int. Mar. 14, 1777.
- GAMES, Martha, and Benjamin Edwards, 14: 5 m: 1681. CT.R.
- GAMMON, Mary Ann B., and Richard Dodge, Oct. 16, 1823. [Oct. 6. C.R.]
- GARDNER, Betsy, and Dr. Samuell Blanchard, int. Apr. 21, 1781.
- GAY, Ebenezer, F., widr., of Dedham, a. 29 y., merchant, s. O. and M., of Dedham, and Esther P. Todd, a. 30 y., d. S. and L., of Topsfield, Sept. 5, 1849.
- GEARE, Sarah, and John Fairefield, Mar. 26, 1666. CT.R.
- GENTLEE (see also Gently)
- GENTLEE, Benjamin, and Joanna Standley of Beverly, int. Nov. 20, 1819.
- GENTLEE, Downing, and Elizabeth Preston, int. June 30, 1815.
- GENTLEE, Elizabeth P., a. 23 y., d. Downing and Elizabeth, and Israel Foster, 3d of Beverly, a. 26 y., shoemaker, s. Israel and Anna, Aug. 6, 1846.
- GENTLEE, John, and Nabby Woodbury of Beverly, int. June 14, 1798.
- GENTLEE, Polly, and John Stanley of Beverly, Mar. 10, 1796.
- GENTLEE, Thomas, and Betsy Standley of Beverly, at Beverly, May 29, 1794.
- GENTLY (see also Gentlee)
- GENTLY, Richard D., a. 25 y., cordwainer, s. Downing and Elizabeth, and Elsa A. Foster of Beverly, a. 19 y., b. Beverly, d. Jonathan and Abigail, deceased, Apr. 4, 1844.
- GERRISH, Anne, Mrs., and Ames Cheever of Manchester, int. Sept. 6, 1716.
- GERRISH, Elizabeth, Mrs., and Joseph Green of Salem, int. Feb. 18, 1698-9.
- GIBBS, Theodore, and Sukey Patch of Hamilion, int. Nov. 10, 1818.
- GIDDINGS (see also Gidings)
- GIDDINGS, Abigail, and Eli Dodge, int. Mar. 21, 1740-41.
- GIDDINGS, Abigal, Mrs., of Ipswich, and [Lt. int.] William Dodge, Feb. 28, 1737-8.
- GIDDINGS, Bethyah, and Jeremiah Dodge, Dec. 8, 1740.
- GIDDINGS, Isaac, and Elizabeth Goldsmith, Dec. 26, 1743.
- GIDDINGS, John, and Mrs. Abigail Webber, Oct. 10, 1768.
- GIDDINGS, Marcy, and Mathew Whipple of Danvers, int. June 10, 1775.
- GIDINGS (see also Giddings)
- GIDINGS, John, of Chebacco Precinct, Ipswich, and Tabitha Faierfeild, Mar. 16, 1725-6.
- GIFFORD, John H., and Margaret Barry, int. Nov. 18, 1838.
- GILBERT (see also Gilbirb, Gilbird, Gilbirt)
- GILBERT, Benjamin, of Ipswich, and Ester Perkins, int. July 21, 1716.
- GILBERT, Mary, of Ipswich, and Ebenezer Killum, int. Sept. 12, 1741.
- GILBIRB (see also Gilbert)
- GILBIRB, Mary, of Ipswich, and Isack Hull, int. Nov. 9, 1706.
- GILBIRD (see also Gilbert)
- GILBIRD, Danill, of Ipswich, and Elizabeth Porter, int. Dec. 1, 1710.
- GILBIRD, Sarah, of Ipswich, and Nathanill Gott, int. Oct. 28, 1708.
- GILBIRT (see also Gilbert)
- GILBIRT, Lydia, of Ipswich, and Edmond Kimball, int. Mar. 21, 1723-4.
- GILES, Matthew S., of Rockport, and Mrs. Lydia Clefford, Mar. 22, 1841.
- GLIDDEN, Joseph, and Cynthia A. Field, int. July 30, 1843.
- GOLDSMITH (see also Gooldsmith, Gouldsmith)
- GOLDSMITH, Elisabeth, and Francis Quarles of Ipswich, int. Jan. 22, 1714-15.
- GOLDSMITH, Elizabeth, and Isaac Giddings, Dec. 26, 1743.
- GOLDSMITH, Hannah, of Andover, and William Dodge, at Andover, Nov. 23, 1780.
- GOLDSMITH, Hutten, and Miriam Kemball, int. Dec. 11, 1714.
- GOLDSMITH, Jemima, and Theophilus Fiske [jr. int.], Jan. 11, 1737-8.
- GOLDSMITH, Margaret, Mrs., and John Langdell of Beverly, Feb. 26, 1789.
- GOLDSMITH, Martha, and Simon Patch, int. May 4, 1712.
- GOLDSMITH, Mary, and John Woodward of Brooklyn [Brookline. int.], Nov. 30, 1722.
- GOLDSMITH, Mary, and Solomon Goodwin of Hampstead, N.H., int. Mar. 23, 1754.
- GOLDSMITH, Mary, Mrs., and Solomon Goodwin, Feb. 18, 1756.
- GOLDSMITH, Richard, and Hanah Dodge, June 23, 1731.
- GOLDSMITH, William, and Margaret Cogswell of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Chebacco Parish, Apr. 11, 1745.
- GOODALE (see also Goodell)
- GOODALE, Bethiah, of Salem, and Amos F. Hobbs, int. Mar. 12, 1819.
- GOODALE, Hanah, and Lot Killim, May 21, 1666. CT.R.
- GOODALE, Howard, and Hannah P. Preston, Dec. 6, 1827.
- GOODALE, Sarah, and John Bachelour, May 4, 1666. CT.R.
- GOODELL (see also Goodale)
- GOODELL, Ezekiel, widr., a. 49 y., shoemaker„ s. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, and Sally Butman, a. 49 y., d. Daniel and Sally, June 1, 1846.
- GOODRIDGE, Robert, and Mrs. Mehitabel Lovet, both of Beverly, Mar. 22, 1789.
- GOODRIDGE, Samuel, and Lydia Cue, May 6, 1742.
- GOODWIN, Jane, of Danvers, and Peter Dodge of Salem, Nov. 10, 1842.
- GOODWIN, Solomon, of Hampstead, N.H., and Mary Goldsmith, int. Mar. 23, 1754.
- GOODWIN, Solomon, and Mrs. Mary Goldsmith, Feb. 18, 1756.
- GOOLDSMITH (see also Goldsmith)
- GOOLDSMITH, Marah, and John Abbie, Nov. 25, 1674. CT.R.
- GOTT, Charles, and Sarah Dennis, Nov. 12, 1659. CT.R.
- GOTT, Charles, and Lidea Clark, Dec. 25, 1665. CT.R.
- GOTT, Charles, and Mary Dodg, int. Mar. 5, 1708-9.
- GOTT, Daniel, and Mary Morice, Jan. 2, 1665. CT.R.
- GOTT, Daniel, and Mary Rogers, Nov. 24, 1743.
- GOTT, Elisabeth, and Joseph Skellen of Marblehead, int. Apr. 12, 1712-13.
- GOTT, Hannah, wid., and Benjamin Kimball, Nov. 26, 1754.
- GOTT, Hannah, Mrs., and and Samuell Clark of Danvers, Feb. 12, 1756.
- GOTT, John, and Martha Kemball, int. Oct. 16, 1715.
- GOTT, John, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball, Dec. 16, 1750.
- GOTT, Liddia, and John Breed of Lynn, at Lynn, Jan. 2, 1717-18.
- GOTT, Lydia, Mrs., and Capt. John Holton of Salem, Sept. 25, 1751.
- GOTT, Martha, Mrs., and Francis Porter of Danvers, Apr. 12, 1772.
- GOTT, Mary, wid., and William Harris of Ipswich, Sept. 21, 1733. [Sept. 20. C.R.]
- GOTT, Mary, Mrs., and Dr. Amos Putnam of Danvers, July 2, 1760.
- GOTT, Nathaniel, Dr., and Mrs. Sarah Brigham of Marlboro, at Sudbury, Mar. 14, 1782.
- GOTT, Nathaniell, and Deborah Clark of Lancaster, int. Mar. 15, 1778.
- GOTT, Nathanill, and Sarah Gilbird of Ipswich, int. Oct. 28, 1708.
- GOTT, Rebecca, Mrs., and Arthur Jeffery of Salem, Jan. 13, 1757.
- GOTT, Rebeckah [Mrs. C.R.], and William Faierfild, Oct. 14, 1723.
- GOTT, Samuel, and Margarett Andross of Ipswich, int. June 26, 1697.
- GOTT, Samuell, and Hannah Andrue [Andrews. C.R.] of Salem, Dec. 16, 1723.
- GOULD, Amos, and Angeline Porter, Nov. 2, 1835.
- GOULD, Caroline A., and Abram Rogers, widr. of West Claremont, N.H., Apr. 19, 1849.
- GOULD, Hitty, of Topsfield, and Peter Dodge, int. Dec. 12, 1824.
- GOULD, Mary A[nn. C.R.], a. 20 y., d. Amos and Lavina, and Henry L. Eaton of South Reading, a. 22 y., surveyor, s. Lilley and Eliza, Nov. 30, 1848.
- GOULD, Nathaniel S., a. 24 y., cordwainer, s. Amos and Lavina, and Sophronia Mildram of Boston, a. 20 y., d. Thomas and Margaret, May 16, 1848.
- GOULD, Samuel H., Dr., and Abigail S. Foster, Nov. 26, 1840.
- GOULD, Samuell, of Dunstable, and Mary Batcheler [d. Joseph int.], July 28, 1720.
- GOULDSMITH (see also Goldsmith)
- GOULDSMITH, Sarah, and Jonathan Biles, Sept. 29, 1667. CT.R.
- GOULDSMITH, Zaccheus, and Tabitha Dodg, Dec. 14, 1724.
- GOULDSMITH, Zacheus, jr., and Mehittabell Kimball, May 15, 1729.
- GRANDY, Eliezur, of Beverly, and Hannah Haggitt, int. Oct. 12, 1728.
- GRANT, Caroline E., of Beverly, b. Beverly, and Tristram C. Jeffs of Salem, July 23, 1849.
- GRANT, Mary, and Elisha Porter of Hamilton, May 24, 1812.
- GRANT, Sally, and Stephen Dodge, int. Oct. 26, 1816.
- GRANT, Sarah, and John Batcheller, int. Oct. 8, 1749.
- GREDLEY, John, of Beverly, and Joanna Dodge, at Beverly, Dec. 19, 1717.
- GREEN, Joseph, of Salem, and Mrs. Elizabeth Gerrish, int. Feb. 18, 1698-9.
- GREEN, Margret, of Boston, and Daniel Killum, jr., int. Dec. 3, 1748.
- GREEN, Sarah, of Boston, and Lovice Marten, int. Dec. 3, 1748.
- GREENSLITT, Sarah, and Caleb Poland, Nov. 19, 1724.
- GROCE, Isaac C., of Beverly, and Lydia Standley, Apr. 12, 1821.
- GROVER, Abigail, Mrs., of Beverly, and Timothy Patch, Apr. 30, 1751.
- GROVER, Ruth, jr., of Beverly, and John Dodge, at Beverly, Apr. 11, 1698.
- GYE, Abigail, of Marblehead, and Andrew Senter, jr., int. Aug. 20, 1737.
- HACKER, Anne, and Nathaniell Wood of Salem, int. Nov. 18, 1716.
- HADLEY (see also Hadly)
- HADLEY, William, and Olive Bragdon, Aug. 19, 1839.
- HADLY (see also Hadley)
- HADLY, Franklin, and Ruth S[mith. int.] Foster, Apr. 27, 1826.
- HAGGETT (see also Haggit, Haggite, Haggitt)
- HAGGETT, Abner, and Mary Tuttle of Lynn, at Lynn, Feb. 12, 1782.
- HAGGETT, Benjamin, and Martha Maning, May 9, 1748. C.R.
- HAGGETT, Hanah, and Phillip Wells, ----, 1666. CT.R.
- HAGGIT (see also Haggett)
- HAGGIT, Elisabeth, and Jeams Clerke, int. Apr. 13, 1717.
- HAGGIT, Margerit, and Joseph Killem of Ipswich, int. Nov. 11, 1717.
- HAGGIT, Martha, Mrs., and John Dodge of Beverly, Sept. 9, 1773.
- HAGGITE (see also Haggett)
- HAGGITE, Hennery, and Lydia Sechell of Ipswich, int. Dec. 1, 1711.
- HAGGITT (see also Haggett)
- HAGGITT, Hannah, and Eliezur Grandy of Beverly, int. Oct. 12, 1728.
- HAGGITT, Josiph, and Mary [Martha. int.] Dodge, June 1, 1727.
- HAGGITT, Susannah, and Benjeman Rogers of Ipswich, int. Oct. 30, 1714.
- HALE, Hannah, of Boxford, and Benjamin Batcheller, int. Dec. 29, 1738.
- HALE, John, of Boxford, and Matilda A[nn. C.R.] Baily, Nov. 24, 1825.
- HALE, Martha, of Newbury, and Benjamin Fairfield, at Newbury, Sept. 3, 1754.
- HALEY (see also Healy)
- HALEY, Sarah, and John Riggs of Hamilton, May 26, 1842.
- HALFPENNY, Patience, Mrs., and Joshua Balch of Beverly, Nov. 7, 1769.
- HALL, Paul, of Beverly, shoemaker, and Abigail J. Bailey of Beverly, Feb. 8, 1848.
- HAM, Adah, of Shapleigh, Me., and Abraham Smith, int. Aug. 5, 1832.
- HAM, Susan, of Shapleigh, Me., and Abraham Dodge, 2d., int. Jan. 3, 1835.
- HAMMON (see also Hammond)
- HAMMON, John, and Elizabeth Peach, both of Marblehead, June 7, 1775.
- HAMMOND (see also Hammon)
- HAMMOND, Martha R., wid., of Salem, and Eppes Cogswell, jr. of Salem, Sept. 9, 1847.
- HAMMOND, Oliver, of Rowley, and Mrs. Sarah White, Mar. 18, 1756.
- HARRES (see also Harris)
- HARRES, Hannah, of Ipswich, and Thomas Dodge, int. Feb. 27, 1746-7.
- HARRICK (see also Herrick)
- HARRICK, Abiel, and Josiph Knight of Kittery, Me., int. Feb. 7, 1712-13.
- HARRIS (see also Harres)
- HARRIS, Mary, of Beverly, and Selvenus Davis, int. Feb. 13, 1706-7.
- HARRIS, William, of Ipswich, and wid. Mary Gott, Sept. 21, 1733. [Sept. 20. C.R.]
- HARSHAM (see also Hassam)
- HARSHAM, Elizabeth, and John Day, both of Manchester, Nov. 20, 1744.
- HARSHAM, Sarah, of Manchester, and Nathaniel Waldon, at Manchester, May 14, 1735.
- HARSKILL (see also Haskell)
- HARSKILL, Margreat, and Benjamin Cowel, both of Manchester, May 2, 1745.
- HART, Jacob, of Beverly, and Hannah [Millings. int.] Brown, June 11, 1809.
- HARTSHORN, Elizabeth, wid., and Rev. Joseph Swain, at Wakefield, Sept. 8, 1774.
- HASKEL (see also Haskell)
- HASKEL, Hannah, Mrs., and Josiah Ober, June 1, 1752.
- HASKELL (see also Harskill, Haskel)
- HASKELL, Alexander, of Gloucester, and Harriet N. Foster, Nov. 28, 1837.
- HASKELL, Hubbard, of Cleveland, O., and Agness Woodberry, int. Apr. 24, 1836.
- HASSAM, see Harsham.
- HAWKINS, Benjamin, of Hamilton, and Eliza Ann Dodge, Aug. 16, 1840.
- HAWKINS, Charles N., of Hamilton, a. 23 y., cordwainer, s. Stephen and Olive, of Hamilton, and Ednah Woodberry of Beverly, a. 23 y., d. Jeremiah and Nancy, of Beverly, May 1, 1844.
- HAWKINS, Mary Ann, of Hamilton, a. 22 y., d. Stephen and Olive, and Albert C. Brown of Hamilton, a. 25 y., cordwainer, s. Belcher B. and Abigail, May 9, 1848.
- HAWKINS, Olive B., a. 18 y., d. Stephen and Olive, of Hamilton, and Charles Monroe, a. 22 y., cordwainer, May 7, 1845.
- HAWLEY, Grace, and Thomas Piper, at Marblehead, Nov. 21, 1692.
- HAYWARD, Ruth [Howard. int.], of Beverly, and Edward Walden, at Beverly, Dec. 14, 1725.
- HEALY (see also Haley)
- HEALY, Lucy [A. C.R.], and John I. Center, both of Salem, Sept. 17, 1837.
- HENDLEY, Joseph, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Margaret Batchellor, June 1, 1773.
- HERBERT, Judith, and Dr. Edward Barnard of Salem, int. Nov. 17, 1780.
- HERICK (see also Herrick)
- HERICK, Henry, Capt., of Beverly, and Mrs. Joanna Kimball, Sept. 17, 1747.
- HERICK, Josiah, and Joanna Dodge, Nov. 2, 1725.
- HERICK, William, and Betsy Killam, Apr. 26, 1797. C.R.
- HERRICK (see also Harrick, Herick)
- HERRICK, Abigal, and James Wilson of Salem, June 15, 1795.
- HERRICK, Adams, and Mary Perkins of Topsfield, int. July 20, 1809.
- HERRICK, Anna, and John Bridge of Lexington, June 4, 1730.
- HERRICK, Anna, Mrs., and Henry Davis of Gloucester, Dec. 7, 1762.
- HERRICK, Edward, and Mary Kimbell, Oct. 9, 1744.
- HERRICK, Elizabeth, and Nicholas Lamb [formerly of Ireland. int.], Sept. 22, 1805.
- HERRICK, Eunia A., a. 32 y., d. J[oshua. int.] and S[arah. int.], and Ethan Stone, widr. of Danvers, a. 33 y., tanner, s. S[amuel. int.] and P[helenia. int.], May 17, 1849.
- HERRICK, Israel, and Mary Bragg, Feb. 21, 1744-5.
- HERRICK, Jerusha, and Danill Dodge, jr., Sept. 15, 1731.
- HERRICK, Joanna [Mrs. C.R.],and Richard Hubberd Dodge, Mar. 15, 1758. C.R.
- HERRICK, Joanna, of Boxford, and Dea. William Dodge, int. May 31, 1806.
- HERRICK, John, of Beverly, and Sarah Kemball, int. Dec. 26, 1696.
- HERRICK, John, of Beverly, and Mahetable Tarbox, Dec. 8, 1720.
- HERRICK, John, and Rachel Driver, both of Manchester, Nov. 20, 1744.
- HERRICK, John, and Anna Brown of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 30, 1755.
- HERRICK, Jonah [Josiah. int.], and Ginger Andrews of Danvers, at Danvers, Dec. 16, 1756.
- HERRICK, Joshua, 2d, and Sarah Appleton of Hamilton, int. Dec. 1, 1810.
- HERRICK, Lois, and Isaac Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Oct. 12, 1732.
- HERRICK, Lydia, and George Dodge of Beverly, Aug. 25, 1746.
- HERRICK, Mary, and Benony Maxey, int. Mar. 8, 1706-7.
- HERRICK, Mary E., and John Dennis, both of Beverly, Oct. 25, 1842.
- HERRICK, Mehitable, and Benjamin Dodge, May 27, 1813.
- HERRICK, Polly, and Samuell Putnam of Danvers, Apr. 3, 1808.
- HERRICK, Rachel, and Thomas Meady, jr. of Ipswich, July 24, 1808.
- HERRICK, Robart, of Beverly, and Mary Edwards, Oct. 16, 1722.
- HERRICK, Sarah, of Salem, and Jonathan Moulton, at Salem, Jan. 5, 1699.
- HERRICK, Sarah, and John Baker of Salem, Nov. 21, 1723.
- HERRICK, Sarah A., a. 24 y., d. Joshua and Sarah A., and Daniel Bradbury, a. 24 y., blacksmith, b. York, Me., s. George and Maria, deceased, Apr. 30, 1844.
- HERRICK, Sophia, of Beverly, and Ezra Dodge [Dec. 4, 1818. int.]. C.R.
- HIBBERT (see also Hiberd)
- HIBBERT, John, and Ruth Walderne, 16: 9 m: 1679. CT.R.
- HIBERD (see also Hibbert)
- HIBERD, Bridget, of Beverly, and Matthew Coy, at Beverly, May 22, 1712.
- HIGGINGS (see also Higgins)
- HIGGINGS, Mary, of Ipswich, and Abraham Wyert, at Hamiliton, Mar. 18, 1779.
- HIGGINS (see also Higgings)
- HIGGINS, William, and Mary Kent of Beverly, int. Oct. 19, 1834.
- HIGHLANDS, Sarah, of Derry, N.H., and Stillman Dodge, int. Oct. 19, 1816.
- HILL, Elisabeth, of Manchester, and Nathaniel Rogers, at Manchester, Oct. 10, 1752.
- HILYARD, John, of Salem, and Mrs. Lydia Cole, Feb. 21, 1775.
- HOBBES (see also Hobbs)
- HOBBES, Benjamin, of Topsfield, and Mrs. Mary Freind, int. Nov. 6, 1777.
- HOBBS (see also Hobbes, Hobs)
- HOBBS, Amos F., and Bethiah Goodale of Salem, int. Mar. 12, 1819.
- HOBBS, Ebenezer L., a. 21 y., cordwainer, b. Sanford, Me., s. William and Mary, deceased, and Joanna Bennett, a. 19 y., b. Sanford, Me., d. Dr. and Nancy, of Sanford, Me., Sept. 22, 1844.
- HOBBS, Lydia, and Nathan Farnum of Salem, Nov. 3, 1818. C.R.
- HOBBS, Patienc, and Edward Webber, int. Apr. 16, 1703.
- HOBBS, Prissilla, and George Washington Ayer, int. Mar. 10, 1803.
- HOBBS, Sally, and Moses Horn of Beverly, Oct. 3, 1808.
- HOBS (see also Hobbs)
- HOBS, Mary, and William Cross, int. Feb. 21, 1712-13.
- HOBS, Mary, and William Pateen, int. Apr. 18, 1714.
- HOLDEN, Mary E., a. 19 y., and Leonard Dodge, a. 26 y., cordwainer, June 30, 1844.
- HOLMAN, Mary, and Jonathan Howe of Danvers, at Salem, Sept. 26, 1784.
- HOLMES, Sally, Mrs., and Ezra Kimball, Aug. 21, 1768.
- HOLTON (see also Houlton)
- HOLTON, John, Capt., of Salem, and Mrs. Lydia Gott, Sept. 25, 1751.
- HOMAN, Daniel, and Sally Dodge, May 15, 1839.
- HOMAN, William, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Relephy Brown, int. May 24, 1777.
- HOMAN, William, of Marblehead, and Mary Orne, int. May 22, 1780.
- HOOD, John, and Rebekah Standley, Nov. 29, 1827.
- HOOD, Josiah M., see Flood, Josiah M.
- HOOD, Polly, and Peter Pousland of Beverly, July 19, 1804.
- HOOD, Richard, see Wood, Richard.
- HOOD, Sally, and William Story, July 10, 1825.
- HOOD, Samuel, and Phebe Wood of Boxford, int. Nov. 27, 1814.
- HOOKER, Anna, Mrs., and Daniel Dodge of Beverly, Feb. 11, 1756.
- HOOKER, John, and Sallay Shappon, May 29, 1798.
- HOOKER, Josiph [Hacker. C.R.], and Jane Rankins, Mar. 29, 1726.
- HOOKER, Lydia, and Israel Morgan, jr. of Manchester, int. May 1, 1799.
- HOOKER, Sally, Mrs., and William Brown of Antrim, N.H., int. June 19, 1815.
- HOOPER (see also Hoopper)
- HOOPER, William, and Elizabeth Vickery of Marblehead, at Marblehead, Oct. 18, 1787.
- HOOPPER (see also Hooper)
- HOOPPER, Mary, of Boston, and John Pierkins, int. Apr. 1711.
- HORN (see also Orne)
- HORN, Moses, of Beverly, and Sally Hobbs, Oct. 3, 1808.
- HORSOM, Hannah, and Thomas Senter, Nov. 9, 1736.
- HOULTON (see also Holton)
- HOULTON, Elisabeth, of Salem, and Abraham Kimball, int. Apr. 26, 1729.
- HOULTON, Samuell, of Salem, and Anna Edward, Jan. 22, 1727-8.
- HOVEY, Elisabeth [of Boxford. int.], and Benjamin Kimball, Dec. 27, 1727.
- HOW (see also Howe)
- HOW, Thomas, jr., of Marlboro, and Rebackah Perkins, int. Apr. 3, 1715.
- HOWARD, Ruth, see Hayward, Ruth.
- HOWARD, Tabitha, of Ipswich, and Benjamin Moulton, int. Jan. 31, 1740-41.
- HOWE (see also How)
- HOWE, Jonathan, of Danvers, and Mary Holman, at Salem, Sept. 26, 1784.
- HOYT, Sarah J., a. 16 y., b. Salem, d. Stephen and Sally, deceased, and Thomas H. Clark, a. 19 y., cordwainer, b. Gloucester, s. Thomas and Judith, of Gloucester, Nov. 28, 1843.
- HUBBARD, Sarah, of Ipswich, and Jacob Dodge, int. Mar. 6, 1735-6.
- HUCHASON (see also Hutchinson)
- HUCHASON, Israel, and Anna Cue, Jan. 30, 1749. C.R.
- HUGGINS, Samuel, of Wakefield, N.H., and Sally Wyatt, int. Apr. 4, 1817.
- HULL, Eliza, and Joseph P. Caswell, int. Mar. 19, 1843.
- HULL, Isack, and Mary Gilbirb of Ipswich, int. Nov. 9, 1706.
- HULL, Mary, and Robert Simonds, int. Mar. 7, 1713-14.
- HULL, Ruth, and Simon Lovett, jr. of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 3, 1720.
- HULL, Sarah, and Ebenezer Tarbox of Lynn, int. Feb. 5, 1718-19.
- HULL, William, and Betsey Kent, Oct. 18, 1818. C.R.
- HURLBERT, Sarah, Mrs., and Asa Larcom of Beverly, Dec. 17, 1767.
- HUTCHINSON (see also Huchason)
- HUTCHINSON, Anna [Mrs. int.], and Samuel Fairfield of Danvers, at Danvers, May 23, 1771.
- HUTCHINSON, Augustus R., of Middleton, a. 24 y., shoemaker, s. David and Fanny, and Hannah G. Dodge, a. 25 y., d. Jacob and Rebecca, Mar. 2, 1846.
- HUTCHINSON, Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Peter Dodge, at Danvers, Jan. 5, 1762.
- HUTTEN, Susanna, and John Knowlton of Ipswich, int. Apr. 11, 1714.
- INGALLS, Francis, of Bridgetown, and Betsey White, Jan. 17, 1809.
- IRELAND, Martha, Mrs., and Caleb Coy, int. Aug. 17, 1765.
- IVES, Elizabeth, and Hezekiah Lovett, both of Beverly, Nov. 12, 1793. C.R.
- JEFFERSON, Angeline, and William Lovering of Hamilton, Oct. 15, 1833.
- JEFFREY, Arthur, of Salem, and Mrs. Rebecca Gott, Jan. 13, 1757.
- JEFFS, Tristram C., of Salem, and Caroline E. Grant of Beverly, b. Beverly, July 23, 1849.
- JENNISON, Samuel, of Sutton, and Mrs. Hannah Perkins, Oct. 30, 1757.
- JONES, Aaron, and Elisabeth Lovett of Beverly, at Beverly, May 17, 1709.
- JONES, Aaron, and Hannah Allford Thayer, int. Sept. 26, 1714.
- JONES, John, and Abigail Crow, Oct. 25, 1739.
- JONES, Mary [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and Billy Porter, at Beverly, Nov. 2, 1762.
- KEMBALL (see also Kimball)
- KEMBALL, Caleb, jr., and Mahitable Porter, int. Feb. 15, 1717-18.
- KEMBALL, Ester, and Nathanill Deen of Ipswich, int. Oct. 16, 1732.
- KEMBALL, Ledia, and Robert Simonds, int. May 9, 1713. (Marriage forbidden).
- KEMBALL, Lidy, and David Best of Salem, int. Dec. 20, 1719.
- KEMBALL, Martha, and John Gott, int. Oct. 16, 1715.
- KEMBALL, Mary, and Elisha Dodg of Beverly, Dec. 23, 1709.
- KEMBALL, Miriam, and Hutten Goldsmith, int. Dec. 11, 1714.
- KEMBALL, Richard, and Ann Quarles of Ipswich, int. Mar. 6, 1707-8.
- KEMBALL, Samuel, jr., and Elizabeth Fowler, int. Dec. 23, 1698.
- KEMBALL, Sarah, and John Herrick, of Beverly, int. Dec. 26, 1696.
- KEMBALL, Sarah, and Samuell Lamson of Ipswich, Apr. 22, 1724.
- KEMBALL, Thomas, and Elisabeth Browne, Nov. 26, 1723.
- KENNEY, Lois, of Beverly, and Josiah White, int. Dec. 23, 1750.
- KENNISTON, Benjamin, of Beverly, a. 20 y., farmer, s. Benjamin and Sally, and Sarah Tucker of Beverly, Oct. 19, 1846.
- KENT, Betsy, and William Hull, Oct. 18, 1818. C.R.
- KENT, Catherine M., a. 17 y., d. H[enry. int.] S. and Louisa. int.], and David A. Starratt, a. 20 y., shoemaker, s. D[avid. int.] and M[ary. int.], June 12, 1849.
- KENT, Henrietta [Madaline. int.], and John A. Sears of Danvers, Oct. 31, 1838.
- KENT, Joseph G., and Nancy Kimball, Nov. 20, 1838.
- KENT, Josiah, of Gloucester, and Sarah Maxsell, Dec. 20, 1722.
- KENT, Josiah, of Gloucester, and Sarah Dodge [sr. int.], Sept. 28, 1737.
- KENT, Louisa R[esteaux. C.R.], a. 18 y., d. Henry S. and Louisa, and Albert Putnam of Danvers, a. 26 y., shoe manufacturer, s. Samuel and Mary, of Danvers, Nov. 11, 1845.
- KENT, Mary, of Beverly, and William Higgins, int. Oct. 19, 1834.
- KENT, Nathaniell, of Hubbardston, and Thankfull Poland, int. Aug. 8, 1784.
- KETTELL, Ann, of Charlestown, and Roger Balch, at Charlestown, Feb. 23, 1742.
- KILHAM (see also Killam)
- KILHAM, Abraham [Capt. int.], and Betsy Lovett of Beverly, at Beverly, Oct. 3, 1798.
- KILHAM, Hannah, of Hamilton, and Oliver Obear, int. Sept. 4, 1802.
- KILHAM, Mehitable, and John Newman of Gloucester, at Gloucester [Aug. 30, 1796. int].
- KILHAM (see also Kilham, Killem, Killiam, Killim, Killum)
- KILHAM, Betsy, and William Herick, Apr. 26, 1797. C.R.
- KILHAM, Daniel [jr. int.], and Hannah Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 30, 1752.
- KILHAM, Daniel, jr., and Mrs. Elisa Kimball, Jan. 30, 1760.
- KILHAM, Daniel, jr., and Mary Patch, int. Oct. 25, 1783.
- KILHAM, Daniell, and Sarah Fai6refield, Apr. 13, 1673.
- KILHAM, Deborah, and John Bowles of Ipswich [Ipswich Hamlet. C.R.], Nov. 14, 1727.
- KILHAM, Elisabeth, Mrs., and Andrew Allen of Manchester, May 31, 1767.
- KILHAM, Elizabeth, and John Brown of the Hamlet, at Hamilton, Oct. 27, 1792.
- KILHAM, Hannah, and John Moulton, jr., Feb. 26, 1729-30.
- KILHAM, Hannah, Mrs., and Benjamin Lovat of Beverly, Mar. 13, 1754.
- KILHAM, John, jr., and Mrs. Joanna Parrot, Apr. 23, 1765.
- KILHAM, John, and Mrs. Anna Dodge, Apr. 23, 1771.
- KILHAM, John, and Mehitable Babson, int. Feb. 21, 1778.
- KILHAM, Jonathan, and Mrs. Elisabeth Davis, Aug. 19, 1768.
- KILHAM, Mary, Mrs., and Samuell Batcheller, jr., Aug. 31, 1755.
- KILHAM, Mary, Mrs., and William Woodberry of Ipswich, Jan. 12, 1773.
- KILHAM, Mehitable, and John Newman of Gloucester, Aug. 12, 1796.
- KILHAM, Rebecca, Mrs., and Andrew Cole of Beverly, July 21, 1751.
- KILHAM, Rebecca, and Jonathan Dodge, jr. of the Hamlet, at Hamilton, Aug. 30, 1793. [Apr. 30. dup.]
- KILHAM, Sarah, Mrs., of Ipswich, and Lewis Martin, Mar. 12, 1750-51.
- KILHAM, Sarah, Mrs., and Abiel Lee of Manchester, Jan. 2, 1772.
- KILHAM, William, of Ipswich, and Abigail Stevens, at Beverly, Jan. 15, 1705-6.
- KILLEM (see also Killam)
- KILLEM, Joseph, of Ipswich, and Margerit Haggit, int. Nov. 11, 1717.
- KILLEM, Martha, and Timothy Brage of Ipswich, int. Oct. 30, 1714.
- KILLEM, Thomas, of Topsfield, and Sarah Maxcy, int. Mar. 16, 1712.
- KILLIAN (see also Killam)
- KILLIAN, Anna, Mrs., and Skipper Dodge, Oct. 3, 1776.
- KILLIM (see also Killam)
- KILLIM, Lott, and Hanah Goodale, May 21, 1666. CT.R.
- KILLIM, Sarah, and William Fiske, Jan. 15, 1662. CT.R.
- KILLUM, Daniel, of Ipswich, and Elizabeth Ramsdell, at Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1702.
- KILLUM, Daniel, jr., and Rebecca Frost of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Apr. 5, 1726.
- KILLUM, Daniel, jr., and Margret Green of Boston, int. Dec. 3, 1748.
- KILLUM, Ebenezer, and Mary Gilbert of Ipswich, int. Sept. 12, 1741.
- KILLUM, Elisabeth, and John Rogers, Feb. 13, 1748-9. C.R.
- KILLUM, Hepzibath, Mrs., and John Woodbury of Ipswich, Oct. 22, 1769.
- KILLUM, John, and Sarah Patch, Jan. 8, 1740.
- KILLUM, John, and Mary Poland of Ipswich, int. Apr. 3, 1743.
- KILLUM, Nathaniel, and Sarah Fairfield, at Ipswich, Jan. 8, 1734.
- KIMBALL (see also Kemball, Kimbell, Kimbole)
- KIMBALL, Abagail, and Stephen Smith of Salem, Apr. 12, 1795.
- KIMBALL, Abigail, Mrs., and Samuel Ober, July 16, 1776.
- KIMBALL, Abraham, and Elisabeth Houlton of Salem, int. Apr. 26, 1729.
- KIMBALL, Anna, Mrs., and William Gallop, int. Mar. 14, 1777.
- KIMBALL, Anna, and Isaac Woodberry of Ipswich, int. Nov 15, 1783.
- KIMBALL, Anna, and Nathaniel Friend, Apr. 27, 1797.
- KIMBALL, Benjamin, and Elisabeth Hovey [of Boxford. int.], Dec. 27, 1727.
- KIMBALL, Benjamin, and Phebe Frie of Andover, at Andover, Mar. 21, 1739.
- KIMBALL, Benjamin [Ens. int.], and Mrs. Ruth Batchelder of Salem, at Beverly, Nov. 18, 1747.
- KIMBALL, Benjamin, and wid. Hannah Gott, Nov. 26, 1754.
- KIMBALL, Betsey, and Ebenezer Todd, Apr. 30, 1809.
- KIMBALL, Caleb, and Mrs. Huldah Cue, Nov. 1, 1762.
- KIMBALL, Caleb, and Mercy Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 28, 1797.
- KIMBALL, Caleb, of Beverly, and Mary Pousland, int. Apr. 18, 1824.
- KIMBALL, Clarisa, and Isaac Porter, 2d, int. Nov. 28, 1819.
- KIMBALL, Daniell, and Sarah Davison of Beverly, int. Nov. 27, 1708.
- KIMBALL, Ebenezer, and Mrs. Ruth Woodbury, Apr. 27, 1762.
- KIMBALL, Ebenezer, and Mrs. Elisabeth Fuller of Middleton, int. Oct. 11, 1765.
- KIMBALL, Edmand, Capt., of Newburyport, and Mrs. Nancy Porter, Apr. 27, 1790.
- KIMBALL, Edmond, and Lydia Gilbert of Ipswich, int. Mar. 21, 1723-4.
- KIMBALL, Edmond, jr., and Elisebeth Kimball, July 14, 1748. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Edmund, and Mrs. Mercy Carter, Sept. 6, 1759.
- KIMBALL, Edmund, Esq., and Mrs. Mary W. Knapp, Nov. 26, 1834. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Edward L., a. 23 y., yeoman, s. Paul and Sally, and Sarah Day of Beverly, a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1848.
- KIMBALL, Elisa, Mrs., and Daniel Killam, jr., Jan. 30, 1760.
- KIMBALL, Elisabath, Mrs., and Edmond Batcheller, int. Nov. 25, 1786.
- KIMBALL, Elisabeth, and Josiah White, Mar. 21, 1726-7.
- KIMBALL, Elisabeth, and Danill Potter of Ipswich, int. Dec. 7, 1728.
- KIMBALL, Elisabeth, Mrs., and Dr. Samuel Putnam of Boxford, Dec. 17, 1761.
- KIMBALL, Elisabeth, and Samuel Plummer, both of Danvers, at Danvers, Aug. 15, 1837.
- KIMBALL, Elisebeth, and Edmond Kimball, jr., July 14, 1748. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Elizabeth, Mrs., and John Gott, Dec. 16, 1750.
- KIMBALL, Elizabeth, Mrs., and Thomas Webber of Methuen, Apr. 4, 1776.
- KIMBALL, Ephraim, and Mary Tarbox, Dec. 8, 1720.
- KIMBALL, Ephraim, and Mercy Thompson of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Nov. 16, 1752.
- KIMBALL, Ezra, and Mrs. Sally Holmes, Aug. 21, 1768.
- KIMBALL, Fanny W., and Oliver Edwards of Beverly, June 30, 1835.
- KIMBALL, George W., a. 25 y., yeoman, s. J[osiah. int.] and A[lthea. int.], and Mary E. Evans, a. 18 y. [d. Theodore. int.], Nov. 29, 1849.
- KIMBALL, Hannah, and John Rogers, Feb. 4, 1729-30.
- KIMBALL, Hannah, and Josiah Batcheller, Nov. 6, 1740.
- KIMBALL, Hannah, and Archelus Morril of Salisbury, Jan. 9, 1752.
- KIMBALL, Harriet N., of Hamilton, a. 22 y., d. Josiah and Elsa, deceased, and Abram Patch, jr., a. 21 y., cordwainer, b. Beverly, s.
- KIMBALL, Abram and Sally, June 7, 1843.
- KIMBALL, Hulda, Mrs., and Amos Batchellor, jr., int. June 9, 1786.
- KIMBALL, Isaac, and Abigail Raymond of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 9, 1762.
- KIMBALL, James, and Mary Loverin of Ipswich, int. Nov. 26, 1725.
- KIMBALL, Jerusha, and Ebenezer Batcheller, Oct. 9, 1740.
- KIMBALL, Joanna, Mrs., and Capt. Henry Herick of Beverly, Sept. 17, 1747.
- KIMBALL, John, and Charity Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 22, 1711.
- KIMBALL, Jonathan, and Martha Ober, at Ipswich, Apr. 21, 1732.
- KIMBALL, Josiah, and Elizabeth Bragg, July 30, 1723.
- KIMBALL, Josiah [M. int.], and Alethea Dodge of Hamilton, Jan. 14, 1813.
- KIMBALL, Kezia, and Amos Perkins of Topsfield, at Beverly, Oct. 7, 1756.
- KIMBALL, Lidia, and Jonathan Cumming of Topsfield, Dec. 20, 1798.
- KIMBALL, Lucy, Mrs., and William Webber, Jan. 1, 1754.
- KIMBALL, Lucy, and Dr. Barnard Tucker of Beverly, Oct. 9, 1797.
- KIMBALL, Lucy, and George W. Peabody, Nov. 30, 1837.
- KIMBALL, Lydia, Mrs., and Amos Batcheller, Dec. 18, 1752.
- KIMBALL, Lydia, Mrs., and Stephen Emery, June 8, 1769.
- KIMBALL, Lydia, Mrs. [Lydia Fairfield. int.], and Paul Kimball, Oct. 26, 1771.
- KIMBALL, Lydia, and Elisha Elenwood of Beverly, certificate Dec. 9, 1779.
- KIMBALL, Lydia, and David Perkins, int. Oct. 14, 1815.
- KIMBALL, Lydia, and Edmond Batchelder, int. June 28, 1817.
- KIMBALL, Marcy, Mrs., and Elisha Perkins of Ipswich, Dec. 12, 1776.
- KIMBALL, Martha, "Ms.", and Ebenezer Fiske, Dec. 27, 1733.
- KIMBALL, Martha, Mrs., and Isaac Woodbury of Ipswich, June 14, 1761.
- KIMBALL, Martha, wid., and Bartholomew Dodge, int. Jan. 28, 1779.
- KIMBALL, Martha, Mrs., and Richard Friend, jr., int. Aug. 5, 1786.
- KIMBALL, Mary, and John Loverin [Loverell. int.] of Ipswich, at Beverly, Feb. 25, 1713-14.
- KIMBALL, Mary, and John Porter [3d. int.], Nov. 30, 1738.
- KIMBALL, Mary, Mrs., and Isaac Porter, Sept. 13, 1772.
- KIMBALL, Mary, and David Sarrett, ----, 1825. [Mar. 13. int.]
- KIMBALL, Mary P., and Daniel Merrill, jr., Feb. 28, 1828.
- KIMBALL, Mehittabell, and Zacheus Gouldsmith [Goldsmith. C.R.], jr., May 15, 1729.
- KIMBALL, Nancy, and Joseph Batchelder, May 23, 1830.
- KIMBALL, Nancy, and Joseph G. Kent, Nov. 20, 1838.
- KIMBALL, Nancy W., and John A. Meldram, May 13, 1830.
- KIMBALL, Nathaniel, and Sarah Wells of Ipswich, [Mar. 14, 1721-2. C.R.]
- KIMBALL, Nathaniel, and [Mrs. int.] Rebecca Moulton, Apr. 11, 1793.
- KIMBALL, Nathaniel, widr., a. 74 y., farmer, s. Thomas and Mary, deceased, and Rhoda Day of Salem [of Ipswich. dup.], a. 52 y., b.
- KIMBALL, Ipswich, d. Abner and Elizabeth, deceased, Dec. 17, 1843.
- KIMBALL, Paul, of Salem, and Mrs. Sarah Kimball, May 21, 1752.
- KIMBALL, Paul, and Mrs. Lydia Kimball [int. Lydia Fairfield], Oct. 26, 1771.
- KIMBALL, Paul, and Sarah Dodge, Dec. 5, 1822.
- KIMBALL, Paul, and Mrs. Sarah Leach, Jan. 13, 1828.
- KIMBALL, Phebe, Mrs., and Josiah Ober, jr., Dec. 31, 1772.
- KIMBALL, Richard, and Rebecka Abbye, 13: 3 m: 1667. CT.R.
- KIMBALL, Richard, and Susanna Balch of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 6, 1737.
- KIMBALL, Sally, and William Radford of Salem, int. Sept. 26, 1801.
- KIMBALL, Sally, and Capt. Matthew Leach, int. July 15, 1814.
- KIMBALL, Samuel [jr. int.], and Elizabeth Rogers, Nov. 4, 1736.
- KIMBALL, Samuel, Capt., and Mrs. Abigail Foster of Andover, at Andover, Dec. 27, 1737.
- KIMBALL, Samuel, Capt., and Mrs. Johana Dodg, June 30, 1741.
- KIMBALL, Samuell, and Marah Witt, Sept. 20, 1676. CT.R.
- KIMBALL, Sarah, and Josiah Ober, June 24, 1742.
- KIMBALL, Sarah, Mrs., and Paul Kimball of Salem, May 21, 1752.
- KIMBALL, Sarah, Mrs., and Pelatiah Cummings of Ipswich, Sept. 17, 1754.
- KIMBALL, Sarah, Mrs., and Jacob Perkins, Mar. 15, 1758. [Mar. 12. C.R.]
- KIMBALL, Thomas, and Hannah Porter, at Beverly, Apr. 28, 1709.
- KIMBALL, Thomas, and Mary Cross of Ipswich, int. Dec. 30, 1750.
- KIMBALL, Thomas, jr., and Huldah Porter, int. Mar. 19, 1780.
- KIMBALL, Thomas, Capt., and Elizabeth Straton, Oct. 13, 1799.
- KIMBALL, Thomas, and Nancy Elwell of Gloucester, int. Nov. 7, 1814.
- KIMBALL, William, of Salem, and Polly Cale, int. Nov. 16, 1793.
- KIMBALL, William [Capt. int.], of Beverly, and Lydia Porter, Apr. 26, 1797.
- KIMBALL, William, of Danvers, a. 27 y., painter, b. Salem, s. Nathaniel and Juba, and Lydia F. Masury of Boston, a. 25 y., d. Thomas and Lucy, Dec. 25, 1843.
- KIMBELL (see also Kimball)
- KIMBELL, Abigel, and Thomas Brown, Dec. 14, 1720.
- KIMBELL, Mary, and Edward Herrick, Oct. 9, 1744.
- KIMBELL, Nathanel, and Martha Cross of Ipswich, int. Apr. 10, 1746.
- KIMBOLE (see also Kimball)
- KIMBOLE, Rebecka, d. Richard and James Poland of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Apr. 12, 1694.
- KINSMAN, Bethiah, Mrs., and Nicholas Woodbury of Hamilton, May 24, 1831.
- KINSMAN, Charlott, and Isaac W. Roberts, Jan. 15, 1824.
- KIRBY, see Curby.
- KNAPP, Mary W., Mrs., and Edmund Kimball, Esq., Nov. 26, 1834. C.R.
- KNELL, Charles ["an Irishman." int.], and Abigail Poland of Beverly, at Beverly, Feb. 15, 1781.
- KNIGHT, Josiph, of Kittery, Me., and Abiel Harrick, int. Feb. 7, 1712-13.
- KNOLTON (see also Knowlton)
- KNOLTON, Abraham, and Miriam Cole of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 31, 1745.
- KNOLTON, Susannah, of Ipswich, and Josiah Dodge [jr. int.], Mar. 30, 1739.
- KNOULTON (see also Knowlton)
- KNOULTON, Abbigall, and Christopher Crow, both of Ipswich, int. Feb. 17, 1699-1700.
- KNOULTON, Rice, and Mary Dodge of Ipswich, int. Nov. 5, 1698.
- KNOULTON, Sarah, of Ipswich, and William Maxey, int. Mar. 6, 1696-7.
- KNOWLTEN (see also Knowlton)
- KNOWLTEN, Abraham, and Mrs. Anna Tayler, int. July 6, 1777.
- KNOWLTEN, Mary, wid., and Abraham Wyatt, widr., int. Dec. 21, 1782.
- KNOWLTEN, Thomas, and Joanna Martin, int. Jan. 19, 1782.
- KNOWLTON (see also Knolton, Knoulton, Knowlten, Nolton)
- KNOWLTON, Abigail, of Hamilton, and Benjamin Preston of Beverly, Feb. 5, 1795.
- KNOWLTON, Abner, of Ipswich, and [wid. int.] Elizabeth Knowlton, at Hamilton, Jan. 20, 1780.
- KNOWLTON, Abraham, and Mrs. Rhoda Tennant, Dec. 17, 1771.
- KNOWLTON, Ammi, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Anna Putnam, Dec. 9, 1762.
- KNOWLTON, Amos, and Mrs. Mary Warran, int. Mar. 4, 1766.
- KNOWLTON, Ann, and Henery Dodge, jr. of Hamilton, Oct. 20, 1831.
- KNOWLTON, Ann Maria, and Joseph Symonds, Oct. 26, 1841.
- KNOWLTON, Anna, Mrs., and William Patch of Beverly, int. Mar. 25, 1785.
- KNOWLTON, Anna, and Mark Sanley of Beverly, int. Mar. 10, 1804.
- KNOWLTON, Benjamin, and [Mrs. int.] Susanna Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 21, 1786.
- KNOWLTON, Bethiah, and Robert Annable of Ipswich, Nov. 17, 1729.
- KNOWLTON, Billy, and Betsey Andrew, int. Dec. 17, 1803.
- KNOWLTON, Caleb, and Mrs. Elisabeth Baly, Dec. 21, 1775.
- KNOWLTON, Charity, and Nehemiah Stanly, Nov. 26, 1807.
- KNOWLTON, Churchill, and Jane Rogers, int. July 4, 1741.
- KNOWLTON, Deborah, Mrs., and John Austin, Sept. 24, 1754. [Sept. 4. C.R.]
- KNOWLTON, Elisabeth, Mrs., of Ipswich, and Lt. William Dodge, Apr. 24, 1754.
- KNOWLTON, Elizabeth [wid.], and Abner Knowlton of Ipswich, at Hamilton, Jan. 20, 1780.
- KNOWLTON, Enoch T., of Hamilton, a. 26 y., shoemaker, s. Edmund, and Elizabeth M. Patch, a. 20 y., d. Abram, Mar. 14, 1848.
- KNOWLTON, Francis, of Pelham, and Hannah Tremblet, int. May 21, 1749.
- KNOWLTON, Hannah, and John Cleaves, May 3, 1798.
- KNOWLTON, Isaac [jr. int.], of Hamilton, and Nancy Knowlton, Dec. 1, 1836.
- KNOWLTON, John, of Ipswich, and Susanna Hutten, int. Apr. 11, 1714.
- KNOWLTON, John, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Mary Dodge of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1776.
- KNOWLTON, John, jr., of Hamilton, and Nancy Dodge, Mar. 18, 1819. C.R.
- KNOWLTON, Jonathan, and Hannah Morgan of Beverly, at Beverly, July 24, 1775.
- KNOWLTON, Jonathan, jr., and Polly Knowlton, int. Nov. 22, 1800.
- KNOWLTON, Joseph, and Mrs. Rachel Patch, Nov. 4, 1762.
- KNOWLTON, Joseph, and Elisabeth Curby, int. Sept. 30, 1778.
- KNOWLTON, Joseph, and [wid. int.] Lydia Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Sept. 13, 1779.
- KNOWLTON, Lucy, Mrs., and John Orsment of Manchester, Mar. 31, 1768.
- KNOWLTON, Margaret, and Moses Mitchel, Dec. 10, 1723.
- KNOWLTON, Martha L., of Hamilton, and Augustus Dodge, Nov. 27, 1834.
- KNOWLTON, Mary, and Samuel Abby, Oct. 12, 1672. CT.R.
- KNOWLTON, Mary, and Paul Knowlton "of the plantation of number five," Nov. 27, 1744.
- KNOWLTON, Mary L., of Salem, and Edward Porter, int. Feb. 12, 1843.
- KNOWLTON, Nabby, and William Young, jr. of Beverly, int. June 9, 1804.
- KNOWLTON, Nancy, and Isaac Knowlton [jr. int.] of Hamilton, Dec. 1, 1836.
- KNOWLTON, Nathaniel, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Elizabeth Dodg, May 17, 1829.
- KNOWLTON, Paul, "of the plantation of number five," and Mary Knowlton, Nov. 27, 1744.
- KNOWLTON, Polly, and Jonathan Knowlton, jr., int. Nov. 22, 1800.
- KNOWLTON, Rebecca, and Philip More, int. Nov. 16, 1799.
- KNOWLTON, Reuben, and Mrs. Mercy Morse of Beverly, int. Apr. 19, 1765.
- KNOWLTON, Rhoda, wid., and John Weast, int. Oct. 18, 1788.
- KNOWLTON, Rice, and Liddia Woodbery of Ipswich, int. Nov. 23, 1727.
- KNOWLTON, Rice, and Elizabeth Smith of Marblehead, at Ipswich, Nov. 26, 1750.
- KNOWLTON, Rice, and Mrs. Sarah Coye, July 28, 1757.
- KNOWLTON, Sally, and Adam Readinton, int. Nov. 22, 1800.
- KNOWLTON, Sally, and Thomas Perkins, jr. of Topsfield, int. May 25, 1804.
- KNOWLTON, Susannah, and John Dennis, at Salem, Feb. 10, 1706.
- KNOWLTON, William, and Lucy Woodbury of Hamilton, int. Sept. 28, 1799.
- LAKEMAN, William, and Lucy Dennis of Beverly, at Manchester, June 15, 1835.
- LAMB, Nicholas [formerly of Ireland. int.], and Elizebeth Herrick, Sept. 22, 1805.
- LAMBERT (see also Lumbert)
- LAMBERT, Lydia, Mrs., of Ipswich, and John Porter, jr., Apr. 16, 1761.
- LAMBSON (see also Lamson)
- LAMBSON, Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and Jacob Fiske, int. Nov. 5, 1743.
- LAMSON (see also Lambson, Lampson)
- LAMSON, Abbigall, of Ipswich, and Benjemin Edwards, int. Dec. 15, 1717.
- LAMSON, Asa, of Beverly, and Elisabeth Dodge of Hamilton, int. Jan. 23, 1808.
- LAMSON, Joseph, of Exeter, and Mehitabel Batcheller, Nov. 4, 1740.
- LAMSON, Lefe, of Hamilton, and Daniel Merrill, int. Nov. 28, 1827.
- LAMSON, Lidia, jr., of Ipswich, and Benjamin Faierfild, int. Oct. 11, 1731.
- LAMSON, Samuell, of Ipswich, and Mary Edwards, Nov. 23, 1709.
- LAMSON, Samuell, of Ipswich, and Sarah Kemball, Apr. 22, 1724.
- LAMSON, Samuell, of Beverly, and Sally Emery, Dec. 11, 1806.
- LAMPSON (see also Lamson)
- LAMPSON, John, 3d, of Ipswich, and Anna Bridge, at Ipswich, Oct. 5, 1749.
- LAMPSON, Phebee, of Ipswich, and Theophilus Fiske, int. July 19, 1700.
- LAMPSON, William, of Ipswich, and Lidiah Porter, at Beverly, Dec. 17, 1706.
- LANGDELL, John, of Beverly, and Mrs. Margaret Goldsmith, Feb. 26, 1789.
- LANGDELL, Joseph, of Mt. Vernon [N.H. int.], and Mrs. Prudence Edwards, Jan. 17, 1809.
- LANGMAID, Caroline F., of Danvers, a. 18 y., d. William and Mary P., of Ipswich, and William N. Berry of Danvers, a. 24 y., mechanic, s. Michael and Nancy N., of Danvers, Jan. 13, 1847.
- LANGMAID, Cyntha, of Danvers, and Joseph Symonds, int. May 1, 1836.
- LANGMAID, Edward, and Mehitable Dodge, Dec. 30, 1810.
- LANGMAID, Elizabeth P., a. 20 y., d. William and Mary, and William C. [E. C.R.] Burnham of Essex, a. 21 y., shoemaker, s. Abner and Anna, Feb. 14, 1846.
- LANGMAID, William, of Ipswich, and Mary Perkins, Feb. 18, 1813.
- LANGMAID, William, and Sarah Caswell, Nov. 2, 1837.
- LARCOM (see also Larcum)
- LARCOM, Asa, of Beverly, and Mrs. Sarah Hurlbert, Dec. 17, 1767.
- LARCOM, Benjamin, of Beverly, and Margery Edwards, May 10, 1738.
- LARCOM, Hannah, and Stephen Faierfield of Ipswich, int. Oct. 27, 1731.
- LARCOM, Martha, and Ebenezer Slingsbey, int. June 21, 1719.
- LARCUM (see also Larcom)
- LARCUM, Abigail, Mrs., of Beverly, and Israel Dodge, Mar. 27, 1758.
- LARCUM, Mary, and David Wheler of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 25, 1714.
- LARCUM, Rebecca, and George Toppan, at Ipswich, Nov. 1, 1725.
- LASALL, Thomas, and Mehitable Smith of Andover, at Andover, Sept. 23, 1734.
- LASKEY, Robert, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Dorcas Spaulding, Jan. 27, 1757.
- LASKEY, Thomas [Jones. int.], and Elizabeth Wallingford of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Aug. 8, 1762.
- LEACH, Deborah, and Nehemiah Wood, int. Mar. 3, 1725-6.
- LEACH, Hannah, and Samuel Walton of Reading, at Beverly, Dec. 22, 1702.
- LEACH, John, and Liddia Makintire of Ipswich [Ipswich Hamlet. C.R.], Feb. 1, 1727-8.
- LEACH, Jonathan, of Beverly, and Mrs. Deborah Warren, Feb. 17, 1760.
- LEACH, Matthew, Capt., and Sally Kimball, int. July 15, 1814.
- LEACH, Mercy, and Benjamin Balch of Beverly, at Beverly, June 28, 1705.
- LEACH, Richard, and Hannah Balch of Beverly, at Beverly, Mar. 7, 1703-4.
- LEACH, Samuel, of Danvers, and Mrs. Mary Porter of Charlestown, Apr. 14, 1768.
- LEACH, Sarah, Mrs., and Paul Kimball, Jan. 13, 1828.
- LEACH, Thomas K. [of Topsfield. int.], and Louisa Morgan, May 2, 1836.
- LE BRITON, Jane, and Patrick Burne, Apr. 3, 1730.
- LEE, Aaron, jr., of Manchester, and Mrs. Sarah Dodge, Feb. 16, 1775.
- LEE, Abiel, of Manchester, and Mrs. Sarah Killam, Jan. 2, 1772.
- LEE, Amos, of Manchester, and Mrs. Marcy T. Dodge, int. Mar. 26, 1791.
- LEE, Betsey, and Simon Caswell of Salem, Nov. 8, 1803.
- LEE, Daniel, of Manchester, and Mrs. Hannah Rogers, Dec. 16, 1773.
- LEE, Ebenezer, of Manchester, and Mrs. Mary Thorndike, Mar. 29, 1768.
- LEE, Elizabeth, and Isaac Russell, both of Manchester, Sept. 3, 1794. C.R.
- LEE, Hannah, and John Webber, Sept. 5, 1833.
- LEE, James, and Mary Edwards of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 23, 1841.
- LEE, Lydia, and Samuel Masters, both of Manchester, May 2, 1745.
- LEE, Lydia, and Samuell Clifford of Salem, Aug. 10, 1806.
- LEE, Mary, and Thomas Otis, Mar. 26, 1811. C.R.
- LEE, Rebecca [Mrs. int.], and Jacob Dodge, jr., Aug. 12, 1807.
- LEEGROE (see also Legro)
- LEEGROE, Peter, and Elizabeth Fayrfield of Ipswich, int. Apr. 12, 1701.
- LEFAVOR, Thomas, of Marblehead, and Mary Ann Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, June 30, 1839.
- LEGRO (see also Leegroe)
- LEGRO, Mary, and Josiph Buckman of Ipswich, int. Nov. 29, 1724.
- LEMON, Sally, Mrs., of Woburn, and Warren Peabody, int. Oct. 22, 1838.
- LENNON, Abigail I. [J. int.], and Henry A. Bailey, Oct. 4, 1840.
- LENNON, Ann Maria, of Hamilton, and Jacob Brown, jr., Nov. 28, 1839.
- LENNON, William W., of Beverly, a. 21 y., cordwainer, s. John and Abigail, and Elizabeth C. Trask, a. 18 y., d. Benjamin and Catherine F., Feb. 21, 1849.
- LEWES, Abraham, of Biddeford, and Mary Patch, Feb. 21, 1722-3.
- LINDELL, Jacob, and Mary Day, at Beverly, Mar. 22, 1749.
- LINSAY, James, and Rachell Andrews, int. Nov. 23, 1727.
- LINION, Jane, of Boston, and Francis Smith, at Boston, Oct. 12, 1731.
- LOFTEY, William, and Prudance Wilkins, Apr. 22, 1746.
- LORD, Abraham, of Beverly, and Betsey Dodge, Aug. 17, 1806.
- LORD, Abraham, Capt., of Beverly, and Susan Dodge, int. Aug. 20, 1825.
- LORD, Betsy, wid., of Ipswich, a. 58 y., and Samuel Pickard of Ipswich, a. 62 y., cordwainer, Sept. 18, 1848.
- LOVAT (see also Lovett)
- LOVAT, Benjamin, of Beverly, and Mrs. Hannah Killam, Mar. 13, 1754.
- LOVELL, George, of Sutton, and Mrs. Abigail Perkins, Nov. 2, 1752.
- LOVERILL (see also Lovering)
- LOVERILL, Lois, of Ipswich, and Elijah Faierfield, int. Nov. 5, 1737.
- LOVERIN (see also Lovering)
- LOVERIN, John [Loverell. int.], of Ipswich, and Mary Kimball, at Beverly, Feb. 25, 1713-14.
- LOVERIN, Mary, of Ipswich, and James Kimball, int. Nov. 26, 1725.
- LOVERING (see also Loverill, Loverin)
- LOVERING, Ebenezer, of Ipswich, and Deliverance Parkman, June 11, 1747.
- LOVERING, John, of Ipswich, and Mehitable Flynt, Nov. 3, 1743.
- LOVERING, Sarah, and Oliver Whipple, both of Hamilton, at Hamilton, Mar. 13, 1823. C.R.
- LOVERING, William, of Hamilton, and Angeline Jefferson, Oct. 15, 1833.
- LOVET (see also Lovett)
- LOVET, Mehitable, Mrs., and Robert Goodridge, both of Beverly, Mar. 22, 1789.
- LOVETT (see also Lovat, Lovet, Lovit)
- LOVETT, Andrew, of Beverly, and Abigail Waldron, int. Jan. 21, 1753.
- LOVETT, Betsy, of Beverly, and [Capt. int.] Abraham Kilham, at Beverly, Oct. 3, 1798.
- LOVETT, Elisabeth, of Beverly, and Aaron Jones, at Beverly, May 17, 1709.
- LOVETT, Esra, of Beverly, and Anna Edwards, int. Feb. 22, 1783.
- LOVETT, Hezekiah, and Elizabeth Ives, both of Beverly, Nov. 12, 1793. C.R.
- LOVETT, Simon, jr., of Beverly, and Ruth Hull, at Beverly, Nov. 3, 1720.
- LOVEWELL, Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and Thomas Senter, int. Sept. 30, 1738.
- LOVISS, Thomas, of Marblehead, and Mary Coy, Jan. 25, 1739-40.
- LOVIT (see also Lovett)
- LOVIT, Joanna, of Beverly, and Caleb Coye, at Beverly, Feb. 25, 1719-20.
- LOW, Anna, of Ipswich, and David Dodge, int. Dec. 5, 1741.
- LOW, Elizabeth D., and Seth Friend of Beverly, Dec. 6, 1840.
- LOW, Joanna G., and Charles B. Allen of Essex, Dec. 30, 1840.
- LOW, Joseph, of Newbury, and Mrs. Mary Porter, Jan. 1, 1756.
- LOW, Mary, Mrs., and Moses Porter of Boxford, Dec. 21, 1790.
- LOW, Nathaniel, and Mary Fiske, Mar. 9, 1741-2.
- LOW, Susan [Lucy. int.], and Thomas Burke, Sept. 13, 1835.
- LUCAS, Susannah, of Beverly, and Joseph Dennis, at Beverly, Nov. 16, 1710.
- LUMBERT (see also Lambert)
- LUMBERT, Sarah, of Barnstable, and John Manning, at Barnstable, June 1, 1744.
- LUMMUS, Clarissa, of Union, Me., and William F. Porter, int. Dec. 22, 1829.
- LUMMUS, Elizabeth, Mrs., and Capt. Isaac Dodge, Jan. 30, 1814.
- LUMMUS, Elizabeth C., d. G[eorge. int.] A. and E[lizabeth. int.], and Charles J. P. Floyd, shoemaker, s. J[ohn. int.] P. and S[usan. int.], Sept. 6, 1849.
- LUMMUS, Samuel, of Beverly, and Sophronia Porter, Dec. 22, 1826.
- MacCANN, Sophronia, Mrs., and George W. Merrill, May 19, 1836.
- MACENTIRE (see also Makintire)
- MACENTIRE, William, and Betsey Brown, int. Nov. 17, 1780.
- McFADZEN, Thomas, "a Prisner of War," and Abagal Patch, int. Mar. 28, 1778.
- MACKCLAFLIN, Robert, and Joanna Warner, Oct. 14, 1664. C.R.
- MCKENZY, Lois, of Beverly, and Josiah Wright, at Beverly, Jan. 14, 1750.
- MACKINTIRE (see also Macentire)
- MACKINTIRE, Liddia, of Ipswich [Ipswich Hamlet. C.R.], and John Leach, Feb. 1, 1727-8.
- MAINARD, Jesse, of Westboro, and Phebe Fisk, Sept. 27, 1737.
- MANING (see also Manning)
- MANING, Martha, and Benjamin Haggett, May 9, 1748. C.R.
- MANNING (see also Maning)
- MANNING, John, and Sarah Lumbert of Barnstable, at Barnstable, June 1, 1744.
- MANSFIELD, Daniel, Rev., and Hannah F. Abbott of Andover, int. July 6, 1838.
- MARSHALL, Dinah, of Ipswich, and Thomas Edwards, int. Sept. 27, 1717.
- MARSHALL, Mrs., and William Vannan of Ipswich, Apr. 10, 1760.
- MARTIN, Joanna, and Thomas Knowlten, int. Jan. 19, 1782.
- MARTIN, Lewis, and Mrs. Sarah Killam of Ipswich, Mar. 12, 1750-51.
- MARTIN, Lovice, and Sarah Green of Boston, int. Dec. 3, 1748.
- MARTIN, Nathaniel, and Bathsheba Downing, int. Dec. 6, 1783.
- MARTIN, Susannah, Mrs., and John Tuck of Beverly, Jan. ----, 1788.
- MASTERS (see also Mastes)
- MASTERS, Dudley, and Mrs. Jerusha Dodge, July 24, 1768.
- MASTERS, Lydia, Mrs., and Haffield White, May 7, 1761.
- MASTERS, Samuel, and Lydia Lee, both of Manchester, May 2, 1745.
- MASTES (see also Masters)
- MASTES, Elizabeth, and Thomas Fuller, int. July 16, 1737.
- MASURY, Lydia F., of Boston, a. 25 y., d. Thomas and Lucy, and Willian Kimball of Danvers, a. 27 y., painter, b. Salem, s. Nathaniel and Juba, Dec. 25, 1843.
- MASURY, Thomas, and Lucy Andrews of Ipswich, int. Apr. 15, 1818.
- MAXCY (see also Maxey)
- MAXCY, Benony, and Mary Herrick, int. Mar. 8, 1706-7.
- MAXCY, Elisabeth, and Samuel Tarbox, at Beverly, Jan. 19, 1715-16.
- MAXCY, Sarah, and Thomas Killem of Topsfield, int. Mar. 16, 1712.
- MAXEY (see also Maxcy)
- MAXEY, William, and Sarah Knoulton of Ipswich, int. Mar. 6, 1696-7.
- MAXSELL (see also Maxwell)
- MAXSELL, Mary, and David Pulcefer of Gloucester, Nov. 28, 1723.
- MAXSELL, Sarah, and Josiah Kent of Gloucester, Dec. 20, 1722.
- MAXWEL (see also Maxwell)
- MAXWEL, Mary, and James Carter, Dec. 8, 1742.
- MAXWELL (see also Maxsell, Maxwel)
- MAXWELL, John, of Beverly, and Martha Maxwell, at Ipswich, Nov. 17, 1736.
- MAXWELL, Martha, and John Maxwell of Beverly, at Ipswich, Nov. 17, 1736.
- MAY, Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Andrew Standley, int. Nov. 15, 1835.
- MAY, Moses, of Ipswich, and Sarah Moulton, July 3, 1738.
- MEACHAM (see also Meatham)
- MEACHAM, James, and Elisabeth Cue, at Beverly, Jan. 20, 1702-3.
- MEACHAM, Ruth [Mrs. int.], of Beverly, and Nathaniel Bragg, at Beverly, Apr. 27, 1757.
- MEADY, Thomas, jr., of Ipswich, and Rachel Herrick, July 24, 1808.
- MEARS, Alexander, and Mrs. Martha Poland, Apr. 22, 1773.
- MEATHAM (see also Meacham)
- MEATHAM, James [Meacham. C.R. jr. int.], of Beverly, and Mrs. Lydia Bragg, Sept. 3, 1751.
- MEDORE, Sarah, Mrs., and David Woodberry, int. Dec. 10, 1840.
- MELDRAM (see also Mildram)
- MELDRAM, John A., and Nancy W. Kimball, May 13, 1830.
- MELDRAM, Sarah A., and Francis W. Merrill, June 17, 1830.
- MERRIL (see also Merrill)
- MERRIL, Thomas, jr., of Rowley, and Mrs. Sarah Friend, Mar. 25, 1762.
- MERRILL (see also Merril)
- MERRILL, Daniel, and Elizebeth Webber, int. Nov. 3, 1804.
- MERRILL, Daniel, and Lefe Lamson of Hamilton, int. Nov. 28, 1827.
- MERRILL, Daniel, jr., and Mary P. Kimball, Feb. 28, 1828.
- MERRILL, Elizabeth, and Thomas Perkins, May 22, 1836.
- MERRILL, Francis W., and Sarah A. Meldram, June 17, 1830.
- MERRILL, George W., and Mrs. Sophronia McCann, May 19, 1836.
- MERRILL, Hazen, and Hannah Crampasey of Beverly, int. May 1, 1836.
- MERRILL, Lucy Kimball, and Emmerson G. Shaw of Beverly, Nov. 23, 1832.
- MERRILL, Lydia D., d. Daniel, deceased, and Moses D. Wilkins, cordwainer, s. Sylvester and Nancy, deceased, Jan. 1, 1845.
- MERRILL, Martha, a. 18 y., d. Daniel and Mary, and James Ridley, a. 20 y., shoemaker, s. Joseph and Phebe, June 10, 1847.
- MESERVIE, Ely, and Elisabeth Robbins, Oct. 9, 1753.
- MESSER, Betsey, wid., of Middleton, a. 38 y., d. Loammi and Sarah Saunders, and Amos Richardson, widr., of Middleton, a. 61 y., carpenter, s. Solomon and Mary, Dec. 24, 1846.
- MILDRAM (see also Meldram)
- MILDRAM, Moses, and Elizabeth D. Preston, int. Aug. 30, 1835.
- MILDRAM, Oren, and Tamma K. Preston, Apr. 14, 1842.
- MILDRAM, Sophronia, of Boston, a. 20 y., d. Thomas and Margaret, and Nathaniel S. Gould, a. 24 y., cordwainer, s. Amos and Lavina, May 16, 1848.
- MILLETT, Thomas, jr., of Gloucester, and Elizabeth Batcheler. int. May 30, 1696.
- MITCHEL, Moses, and Margaret Knowlton, Dec. 10, 1723.
- MONARCH, Francis A., and Theodosia Moulton, both of Salem, Dec. 16, 1845. C.R.
- MONEES, Hannah A., and Edward F. Peach, both of Salem, Jan. 4, 1749.
- MONROE, Charles, a. 22 y., cordwainer, and Olive B. Hawkins, a. 18 y., d. Stephen and Olive, of Hamilton, May 7, 1845.
- MORE, Henry, and Mrs. Elizabeth Shard of Salem, at Salem, Mar. 11, 1695.
- MORE, Phillip, and Rebecca Knowlton, int. Nov. 16, 1799.
- MORGAN, Hannah, of Beverly, and Jonathan Knowlton, at Beverly, July 24, 1775.
- MORGAN, Israel, jr., of Manchester, and Lydia Hooker, int. May 11, 1799.
- MORGAN, Louisa [of Topsfield. int.], and Thomas K. Leach, May 2, 1836.
- MORGAN, Mary E., and William Dodge of Saugus, June 6, 1836.
- MORGAN, Salome, Mrs., of Manchester, and Jacob Dodge, int. Aug. 9, 1829.
- MORGAN, William B., and Martha Ann Peabody, Oct. 12, 1840.
- MORICE, Mary, and Daniel Gott, Jan. 2, 1665. CT.R.
- MORRIL (see also Morrill)
- MORRIL, Archelus, of Salisbury, and Hannah Kimball, Jan. 9, 1752.
- MORRILL (see also Morril)
- MORRILL, Phillip, and Lucy Pierce of Beverly, Dec. 10, 1834. C.R.
- MORSE, Mark, jr., of Beverly, and Elizabeth Perkins, int. Jan. 21, 1804.
- MORSE, Mercy, Mrs., of Beverly, and Reuben Knowlton, int. Apr. 19, 1765.
- MOULTON, Benjamin, and Tabitha Howard of Ipswich, int. Jan. 31, 1740-41.
- MOULTON, Caleb, of Ipswich, and Jerusha Fiske, Nov. 8, 1734.
- MOULTON, Daniel, and Naomy Dodge of Amherst, int. Jan. 7, 1797.
- MOULTON, Elisabeth, and Elijah Dodge of Beverly, Nov. 22, 1728.
- MOULTON, Emily, and Samuel Ober [2d. int.], Feb. 17, 1828.
- MOULTON, Hannah, and Joseph Ayers of Ipswich, May 9, 1738.
- MOULTON, Hannah, Mrs., and John Symonds of Danvers, Apr. 27, 1776.
- MOULTON, James, and Elizabeth Addams, Feb. 10, 1662. CT.R.
- MOULTON, John, jr., and Hannah Killam, Feb. 26, 1729-30.
- MOULTON, John, and Mrs. Sarah Davison, int. June 4, 1785.
- MOULTON, John, Capt., of Beverly, and Mrs. Sarah Springer, July 28, 1789.
- MOULTON, John, Capt., and Molly Baley of Rowley, int. July 2, 1808.
- MOULTON, Jonathan, and Sarah Herrick of Salem, at Salem, Jan. 5, 1699.
- MOULTON, Jonathan, and Mary Severit, int. May 31, 1713.
- MOULTON, Jonathan, and Mrs. Mary Tarbox, May 21, 1760.
- MOULTON, Jonathan [jr. int.], and Hannah Wyatt of Danvers, at Danvers, Apr. 16, 1793.
- MOULTON, Josiah, and Mrs. Rebecca Tarbox, Jan. 29, 1767.
- MOULTON, Marah, and James Freind, Dec. ----, 1662. CT.R.
- MOULTON, Mary, and John Bingham of Windham, Dec. ----, 1721.
- MOULTON, Nancy, and Paul Porter, Sept. 19, 1796.
- MOULTON, Rebecca [Mrs. int.], and Nathaniel Kimball, Apr. 11, 1793.
- MOULTON, Samuel, of Ipswich, and Sarah Fisk, at Ipswich, Mar. 13, 1733.
- MOULTON, Samuell, and Sarah Phele, 20: 4 m: 1678. CT.R.
- MOULTON, Sarah, and John Day of Gloucester, int. Jan. 21, 1737-8.
- MOULTON, Sarah, and Moses May of Ipswich, July 13, 1738.
- MOULTON, Sarah, Mrs., and Bartholomew Dwinel of Topsfield, Mar. 9, 1752.
- MOULTON, Theodosia, and Francis A. Monarch, both of Salem, Dec. 16, 1845. C.R.
- MOULTON, William, and Jane Conant of Beverly, at Salem, July 4, 1695.
- MOULTON, William S., of Lynn, and Mary Ann Porter, Sept. 12, 1819. C.R.
- MURRAY (see also Murry)
- MURRAY, Lydia, of Manchester, and Abraham Dodge, int. Oct. 3, 1830.
- MURRY (see also Murray)
- MURRY, James, and Mrs. Elizabeth Procter, int. Mar. 25, 1786.
- MURRY, Lydia, and Hiram Preston, Nov. 1, 1829.
- NEWMAN, Antipas, and Elizabeth Winthrop, Nov. 10, 1658. CT.R.
- NEWMAN, John, of Gloucester, and Mehitable Killam [at Gloucester. dup.], Aug. 12, 1796. [Sept. 5. int.]
- NEWMAN, Michael, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Molly Webber, July 22, 1770.
- NICHOLS, Benjamin R[opes. int.], Esq., of Salem, and Mary Pickering, Apr. 12, 1813.
- NILES, Samuel, Rev., of Braintree, and Elizabeth Whiting, at Braintree, Dec. 22, 1737.
- NOLTON (see also Knowlton)
- NOLTON, Deborah, and John Blake of Marblehead, at Marblehead, June 8, 1685.
- NORRIS, George, and Anna Patch of Hamilton, int. Dec. 25, 1813.
- NORWOOD, Goran, of Gloucester, and Eliza Patch of Hamilton, Dec. 25, 1823. C.R.
- NUTTER, Henry, and Amanda Bailey, Oct. 3, 1833.