Middlefield Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames A-L
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Marriage records extracted from the "Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts to the year 1850.
Middlefield Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames A-L
- ABBOT (Abot)
- ABBOT, Mary M. of Chester, and Nathan Root, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
- ABBOT, Olive [Abot] [int. Oliva Abbat] and Peter Pinny, Jan. 18, 1808. [Oliva Abbot and Peter Pinney. CR1]
- ALDERMAN, Clarissa and Samuel Ingham, May 15, 1832.
- ALDERMAN, Daniel and Electa Root, int. Apr. 13, 1823.
- ALDERMAN, Harriet of Chester, and Abraham Hodges Jr., int. Mar. 7, 1819.
- ALDERMAN, Nancy and Ambrose Smith, May 13, 1819.
- ALDERMAN, Portia and William Noble Jr. of Hartford, CT, Apr. 22, 1833.
- ALDERMAN, Romeo and Maria Ingham, Nov. 29, 1831.
- ALDERMAN, Sarah of Symsbury, and Elijah Bartholomew, int. Apr. 14, 1792.
- ALDERMAN, Sally [int. Sarah] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Thomas Ward, Aug. 28, 1794.
- ALDERMAN, Thankful and Benjamin Phelps, May 9, 1792, in Chester.
- ALFORD (Alvord)
- ALFORD, Elijah Jr. of Becket and Betsy Little Apr. 24, 1806. [Betsey. CR1]
- ALFORD, Jemima [Alvord], of S. Hadley, and Gideon Russel [int. Russell], Feb. 9, 1786, in S. Hadley.
- ALLEN, Frederick, of Washington, and Hannah Jones, Feb. 18, 1801.
- ALLEN, Hesekiah Jr., of Windsor, CT, and Asubah Gleason, Dec. 29, 1802.* [Hezekiah Jr. of Winsor, and Azubah Gleason. CR1]
- ALLEN, Moses Jr., of E. Windsor, CT, and Azubah Gleason, int. Nov. 25, 1802.
- ALLEN, Timothy and Margaret –––––, Sept. 21, 1780, in E. Windsor, CT.*
- AMES, Abner I., of Becket, and Eliza W. Prentiss of Chester, May 3, 1848, in Chester.* CR1
- AMES, Daniel, of Hinsdale, and Eunice Smith of Chester, Oct. 25, 1848, in Chester.* CR1
- ANDREWS, Erastus, Rev., and Almira Bartlet of W. Boylston, int. Mar. 24, 1829.
- ATWOOD, Peter and Mehitabel P. Clark, Dec. 21, 1825. [Mahitabel P. CR1]
- AXDELL, Hannah Hathaway of Partridgefield, and Hesekiah Pelton, int. Mar. 5, 1804.
- AYERS, George W. [int. omits W.], 24, farmer, b. Hauly, s. Moses and Jane of Hauley, and Sarah A. Meacham, 26, of Peru, b. Peru, d. Philip and Sally of Peru, July 1, 1847. [George W. Ayres. CR1]
- BABCOCK, Benjamin and Hannah Hais of Russel, int. Sept. 20, 1792.
- BABCOCK, Chloe and Jonathan Burnham of Peru, Mar. 31, 1818.
- BABCOCK, Daniel and Zeraptha [int. Jerusha] Taylor of W. Springfield [int. of Springfield], Dec. 4, 1787, in W. Springfield.
- BABCOCK, Ebeneser Jr. and Lois Forbs of Partridgefield, int. July 18, 1803.
- BABCOCK, Elizabeth and Seth Hais of Russell [int. Russel] Jan. 15, 1795. [Hayes. CR1]
- BABCOCK, Hannah and Ebenezer Bixby of Corinth, VT, int. May 15, 1791.
- BABCOCK, Lovice and Joel Pelton of Savoy, int. Aug. 3, 1823.
- BABCOCK, Lydia and Joseph Hais of Russell, Apr. 9, 1794. [Hayes. CR1]
- BABCOCK, Nathaniel of Westfield, and Hannah W. Coats [int. Hannah Way Coates], Jan. 6, 1803. [Hannah Way Coates. CR1]
- BABCOCK, Saloma [int. Salomi] and Elijah Saunderson [int. Sanderson of Chester], Oct. 19, 1795, in Chester.
- BABCOCK, Tabitha and William Hamilton of Chester, Sept. 10, 1807.
- BALL, Huldah, wid., of Windsor, and James Meacham, int. Feb. 27, 1814.
- BALL, Mary and Abel Cheeseman [int. Cheesman] Jr., Aug. 21, 1823.
- BALL, Rhoda, Mrs., of Hatfield, and Amasa Gravs, int. Feb. 2, 1817.
- BALLOU, Alanson of Peru, and Laura Graves, Apr. 7, 1836.
- BALLOU, Amanda of Peru, and Nelson Graves, int. Mar. 5 [? 1], 1836.
- BALLOU, Elias 2d [int. omits 2d] of Peru, and Lovisa Pease, Mar. 6, 1832.
- BALLOU, Melita of Peru, and Lt. John M. Ingham, int. Oct. 12, 1833.
- BALLOU, Persis of Peru, and Eldridge Pease, int. Apr. 6, 1834.
- BANGS, Abigail of Montagu [int. of Conway], and Elon Booth Apr. 14, 1797, in Montagu.
- BARTHOLOMEW, Elijah and Sarah Alderman of Symsbury, int. Apr. 14, 1792.
- BARTLET, Almira of W. Boylston, and Rev. Erastus Andrews, int. Mar. 24, 1829.
- BARTLET, Louisa, Mrs., and John Manning of Chester, int. June 10, 1801.
- BASSETT, Phebe of Stockbridge, and Theodore Coats, int. Jan. 15, 1830.
- BATES, David and Ruth Loveland, Sept. 5, 1793.
- BATES, Emily L. of Worthington, and James T. Church, int. Sept. 4, 1838.
- BATES, Rachel and Andrus Loveland, June 20, 1793.
- BAXTER, Dilly and William Grean, int. June 24, 1810.
- BELL, Betsey of Chester, and William P. Johnson, int. Mar. 22, 1835.
- BELL, Simpson of Chester, and Polly Gamwell of Chester, July 10, 1801.* CR1
- BELL, William 2d of Chester, and Minerva Cross, Sept. 23, 1813.
- BENJAMIN, Alvah of Worthington, and Nancy Pease, May 18, 1820.
- BENJAMIN, Salah Bernard and Anna Bromley, Feb. 3, 1793. [Selah Barnard. CR1]
- BENNET, Sophronia and Nelson Spencer, Dec. 15, 1825.
- BENTLY, Neal of Lanesboro [int. Nial Bentley of Lanesborough], and Lucy Ward, Aug. 28, 1828. [Nial Bentley. CR1]
- BESTOW (Barstow)
- BESTOW, Orilla [int. Orrilla Bestor] and Orrin Meach, Oct. 25, 1821. [Orrilla Bestow. CR1]
- BILL, Charles and Almina [?] Kent of Washington, int. Feb. 3, 1838.
- BIRD, Roxana [int. Roxany] and William Wheeler Jr., Dec. 11, 1823.
- BIRD, Salla of Whately, and Amasa Graves Jr., int. Nov. 7, 1803.
- BIRD, Waity of Hatfield, and Stephen Graves, int. Sept. 10, 1809.
- BISBEE (Bixby)
- BISBEE, Asahel of Chesterfield, and Eliza B. Stebbins of Chesterfield, Mar. 25, 1835, in Chesterfield.* CR1
- BISBEE, Barton and Sally Graves, Feb. 26, 1833.*
- BISBEE, Ebenezer [Bixby] of Corinth, VT, and Hannah Babcock, int. May 15, 1791.
- BISBEE, Jennet of Plainfield, and Daniel Miller, int. Nov. 5, 1826.
- BISBEE, John H., Rev., and Clarissa J. Lyman of Westhampton, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
- BISBEE, Celena [int. Celenia Bixbee] and Amasa Graves Jr., Oct. 13, 1825.
- BISSEL (Bissell, Bizsell)
- BISSEL, Anna [Bissell] and Daniel Leach, Dec. 7, 1803.
- BISSEL, Hannah [Bizsell] and John Crane of Becket, int. Sept. 10, 1783.
- BISSEL, Israel [Bissell] and Lucy Handcock of Longmedow, int. Aug. 30, 1784.
- BISSEL, Justus [Bissell] [int. Justice] Jr. and Nancey Hatch, Aug. 15, 1803. [Jus- tus Jr. and Nancy Hatch. CR1]
- BISSEL, Orris [Bissell] and Milicent Church, Sept. 3, 1809. [Bissel. CR1]
- BISSEL, Robert [Bissell] [int. Bissel] and Thankfull Cheeseman [int. Cheesman], Mar. ––, 1796. [Bissel, and Thankful Cheesman. CR1]
- BLISH (Bliss, Blush)
- BLISH, Amasa [Blush] [int. Blish] and Nancey [int. Nancy] Durant, Feb. 3, 1802. [Blish, and Nancy Durant. CR1]
- BLISH, Elizabeth and Joseph Russ, Nov. 26, 1792. [Elizabeth, wid. CR1]
- BLISH, Joseph Jr. and Sevila Taylor, int. Aug. 9, 1784.
- BLISH, Julia Ann [Blush] and Ira B. Sampson, June 10, 1834. [June 9. CR1]
- BLISH, Lucey and John Smith, int. Sept. 21, 1790.
- BLISH, Nancy A. [Blush] and Stiles Reynolds of Hinsdale, int. May 18, 1833.
- BLISH, Oliver [Bliss] [int. Blish] and Sarah Mack, June 1, 1786, in Chester.
- BLISH, Oliver [Blush] and Mary Field, Dec. 20, 1820.*
- BLISH, Phebe and Orin Clap, Dec. 29, 1791.
- BLISH, Sally [Blush], see Sally Wheeler.
- BLISH, William D. [Blush] and Eliza Ann Sennet of Blandford, int. May 25, 1833.
- BLOSSOM (Blosson)
- BLOSSOM, Mercy and Anson [int. Ansel] Rockwell of Worthington [int. of Washington], Mar. 8, 1814.
- BLOSSOM, Orrin [int. Blossom] [Blosson] and Laura Fellows, Aug. 20, 1818. [Blossom. CR1]
- BLOSSOM, Reuben of Onondaga [int. Onondago], NY, and Lydia Ingham, Jan. 20, 1811. [of Onondago, NY. CR1]
- BOISE, Louis [int. Lewis] D. of Lowell, and Laura M. Root, Feb. 25, 1839.
- BOOTH, Elon and Abigail Bangs of Montagu [int. of Conway], Apr. 14, 1797, in Montagu.
- BOTTOM, Electa A. and Harry Meacham, July 22, 1830.
- BRAINARD, Phebe and Ambros [int. Ambrous] Church, Nov. 25, 1798. [Ambrose. CR1]
- BRAKLY, Jonathan [int. Brakely] and [int. adds Mrs.] Deborah Green, Nov. 30, 1798. [Brakely. CR1]
- BREWER, Nathan C. of Wendell, and Aurelia B. Marble of Chester, ––– ––, ––––. [rec. Apr. 18, 1837].* CR1
- BREWSTER, Milton of Worthington, and Eunice Nash, Oct. 6, 1831.
- BREWSTER, Sidney of Worthington, and Mary J. Dickson, Sept. 22, 1830.
- BROMLEY, Anna and Salah Bernard Benjamin, Feb. 3, 1793. [Selah Barnard. CR1]
- BROWN, Abigail and Charles Tryon of Southwick, Dec. 29, 1813.
- BROWN, Mary of Washington, and Darius Eggleston [int. Eagleston], Apr. 22, 1794, in Washington.
- BROWNING, Justus and Mary Emmons, Mar. 20, 1817.
- BROWNING, Mary S., d. Justus dec'd and [Mary Mack] dec'd, and Milton Smith, farmer, s. Oliver and Fanny S., May 2, 1843.
- BULL, Seth and Saly Seldon [int. Mrs. Salla Selden], May 31, 1798. [Sarah Selden. CR1]
- BULLARD, Olive, Mrs., of Holliston, and Luther Leland, int. June 9, 1800.
- BURGHARDT, Mary of Stockbridge, and Nelson Graves, int. June 14, 1845.
- BURNHAM, Jonathan of Peru, and Chloe Babcock, Mar. 31, 1818.
- BUSH, Walter R. Esq. of Albany, and Rebecca C. Rice of Worthington, Apr. 24, 1838, in Worthington.* CR1
- CAMPBELL, Robert of Chester, and Asenath Loveland, int. Dec. 12, 1785.
- CAMPBELL, Susanna [int. Susan Cambell] of Chester, and Philip [int. Phillip] Loveland, Sept. 12, 1793, in Chester.
- CARTER, Sally and John G. Williams, Jan. 18, 1816.*
- CARY, Abner of Williamsborugh [int. Williamsburgh], and Annis Stebins [int. Stebbins] June 10, 1807. [of Williamsburgh, and Annis Stebbins. CR1]
- CARY, Abner of Williamsburgh, and Ronny Johnson, Dec. 12, 1814. [Carey, and Roxana Johnson. CR1]
- CHAPIN, Beulah and Uriel Cone, Mar. 14, 1805. [Urial. CR1]
- CHAPIN, Neri of Springfield, and Abigail A. Warner, Nov. 21, 1829.
- CHEESEMAN, Abel Jr. [int. Cheesman] and Mary Ball, Aug. 21, 1823.
- CHEESEMAN, Thankfull [int. Cheesman] and Robert Bissell [int. Bissel], Mar. ––, 1796. [Thankful Cheesman and Robert Bissel. CR1]
- CHILDS, Isaac, Rev., and Elizabeth Robertson of Boston, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
- CHURCH, Amanda and Isaac G. Gleason of Worthington, Dec. 17, 1835.
- CHURCH, Ambros [int. Ambrous] and Phebe Brainard, Nov. 25, 1798. [Ambrose. CR1]
- CHURCH, Anna and Dennis Wardwell, Nov. 30, 1797.
- CHURCH, Elihu and Lydia Sheldon of Sommers, int. June 5, 1786.
- CHURCH, Franklin and Angeline D. Higgins of Worthington, int. Nov. 21, 1838.
- CHURCH, Green Hungerford and Dorinda Squair [int. Square], Oct. 31, 1792. [Squire. CR1]
- CHURCH, Green H. [int. oInits H.] and Mrs. Ellice [int. Ellis] Root, July 10, 1802. [Allis. CR1]
- CHURCH, Green H. and Mrs. Hannah Root of S. Wilbraham, int. June 10, 1822.
- CHURCH, James and Nancy Little of Peru, int. Feb. 5, 1815.
- CHURCH, James T. and Emily L. Bates of Worthington, int. Sept. 4, 1838.
- CHURCH, Jefferson, Dr., of Peru, and Betsey Little, May 31, 1826.
- CHURCH, Lyman and Amanda Meacham, int. Apr. 18, 1839.
- CHURCH, Milicent and Orris Bissell, Sept. 3, 1809. [Bissel. CR1]
- CHURCH, Nancy M. and Lucian A. Higley, Oct. 11, 1831.
- CHURCH, Nancy E. and James L. Munyan of Northampton, Oct. 23, 1842.
- CHURCH, Oliver, 27, merchant, S. Uriah and Phebe, and Lucy Smith, 21, milliner, d. Oliver and Abi, July 23, 1849.
- CHURCH, Phebe D. and John Ward, July 4, 1837. [John Jr. CR1]
- CHURCH, Susannah and DaIniel Root Jr., int. Aug. 15, 1819.
- CHURCH, Uriah Jr. and Phebe Mack, Jan. 11, 1810.
- CHURCH, Wealthy and John Smith Jr., Sept. 3, 1818.
- CHURCH, William Jr. and Nancy Dickson, May 10, 1803.
- CHURCHILL, Laura L., 21, d. Giles and Abigail, and Elijah Cole Jr., 22, farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Elijah and Freedon of Worthington, Oct. 14, 1847.*
- CLAP (Clapp)
- CLAP, Abner Jr. and Mrs. Mercy Gillet of Colchester, CT, int. Oct. 20, 1798.
- CLAP, Electa [Clapp] [int. Clap, adds Mrs.] and John Pinny [int. Jr.], Sept. 28, 1797.
- CLAP, Mercey [Clapp] [int. Mercy Clap] and Joel Shapley [int. Shaplee], Jan. 26, 1803. [Marcy Clapp. CR1]
- CLAP, Orin and Phebe Blish, Dec. 29, 1791.
- CLAP, Rachel [Clapp] and John Skinner, July 24, 1817. [Rachal. CR1]
- CLAP, Simeon [Clapp] and Mercy Pomeroy of Southhampton, int. May 2, 1808.
- CLARK (Clarke, Clerk)
- CLARK, Edward [Clarke], Rev., and Julia Hyde of Becket, int. Feb. 26, 1844.
- CLARK, Electa, of Deerfield, and Benjamin Russ, of Partridgefield, Nov. 14, 1798, in Deerfield.*
- CLARK, Isaac of Becket, and Anna Mack, Apr. 17, 1806.
- CLARK, Polly [Clerk] [int. Clark] and Joseph Little, Mar. 30, 1802. [Clarke. CR1]
- CLARK, Mehitabel P. and Peter Atwood, Dec. 21, 1825. [Mahitabel P. CR1]
- CLARK, Rebecca [Clarke], of Becket, and Alpheus Russel, int. May 6, 1794.
- CLARK, Silas [Clerk] and Mehitable Jagger, int. June 23, 1788.
- CLARK, William of Petersham, and Rachel Ward, July 27, 1812.
- COATS (Coates)
- COATS, Charles and Semantha Hyde of Williamsburg, int. May 2 [dup. Apr. 30], 1842.
- COATS, Chauncey and Nancy [int. Mary] Pease, Dec. 29, 1813. [Coates, and Mary Pease. CR1]
- COATS, Hannah W. [int. Hannah Way Coates] and Nathaniel Babcock of Westfield, Jan. 6, 1803. [Hannah Way Coates. CR1]
- COATS, James [int. Coates] and Polly Spencer, Jan. 27, 1803. [Coates. CR1]
- COATS, Lois [Coates] and Luther Leland, May 4, 1803.
- COATS, Theodore [Coates] and Kesia Crowell, June 28, 1797. [Kezia. CR1]
- COATS, Theodore and Phebe Bassett of Stockbridge, int. Jan. 15, 1830.
- COBB, John of Chester, and Anna Jones, July 24, 1794.
- CODY, Isaac of Schenectady, NY, and Sally Robbins, Nov. 10, 1811.
- COIT, Charles of Worthington, and Emeline H. Root, int. Nov. 7, 1846
- COLE, Elijah Jr., 22, farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Elijah and Freedon of Worthington, and Laura L. Churchill, 21, d. Giles and Abigail, Oct. 14, 1847.*
- COLE, Merrick of Worthington, and Laura Dickson, Feb. 28, 1842.
- COLEMAN, James [int. Jr.] of Hinsdale, and Harriet Olds, Nov. 25, 1841. [Colman. CR1]
- COLEMAN, William, Dr., and ––––– [int. Achsah] Lyman of Chester, July 19, 1792, in Chester.
- COLLINS, Fanny of Worthington, and Phineas Prentice of Worthington, May 29, 1794.* CR1
- COLLINS, Hannah and Aron Egleston, int. Nov. 25, 1784.
- COMBS (Coomes, Cooms)
- COMBS, Armitta [Cooms] [int. Armitta Coomes] and John Damon Jr., July 9, 1817. [Armitta Coomes. CR1]
- COMBS, Louisa [dup. and int. Coomes], d. Milton and Louisa [Laura, written below in pencil], and Charles Smith, farmer, s. Onin and Sally, Mar. 27, 1843. [Coomes. CR1]
- COMBS, Milton [Coomes] and Laura Meacham, int. Mar. 4, 1821.
- CONANT, Elizabeth of Becket, and Alpheus C. Russell, int. Apr. 12, 1818.
- CONANT, Lydia of Oxford, and Obadiah Rhoads, Jan. 10, 1796. [Rhoades. CR1]
- CONE, Amos and Charlotte Mack, Dec. 19, 1816.
- CONE, Amos and Dolly C. Millikan of Washington, int. Mar. 24, 1849.
- CONE, Asenath of Peru, and Nathan Wright, int. Jan. 14, 1816.
- CONE, Charlotte and John C. Cooper of Dalton, Sept. 25, 1842.
- CONE, Cyrus and Percy [int. Persis] West, July 11, 1822. [Percy. CR1]
- CONE, Ludy B. [int. omits B.] and Ambrose Loveland, Mar. 14, 1814. [Ludy B. CR1]
- CONE, Polly B. [int. Bigalow] and Benjamin G. [int. Gillet] More of Cambridge, NY, Mar. 24, 1806. [Moore. CR1]
- CONE, Rhoda and Patrick Obrien [int. O. Brine], Dec. 19, 1826. [O'Brine. CR1]
- CONE, Ruby B. and Joseph Ely, Nov. 8, 1810. [Ela. CR1]
- CONE, Uriel and Beulah Chapin, Mar. 14, 1805. [Urial. CR1].
- COOK, Christopher and Lucretia Snow of Chesterfield, int. Oct. 30, 1843.
- COOK, Jacob S., widr., 28, shoemaker, of Athol, b. Athol, s. Ziba of Athol, and Vesta Dickson, 26, tailoress, d. Gaston and Esther, Mar. 8, 1848.* [George S. CR1]
- COOPER, John C. of Dalton, and Charlotte Cone, Sept. 25, 1842.
- COOPER, Royal of Windsor, and Thankful Mack, Dec. 17, 1812.
- COTTRELL, James H., farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Rufus and Sarah of Worthington, and Mary Damon, d. John and Armidda, Mar. 30, 1846.*
- CRANE, Edward of Becket, and Flavia Millard, July 4, 1826.
- CRANE, George of Washington, and Amanda Pease, Oct. 20, 1841.
- CRANE, John of Becket, and Hannah Bizsell, int. Sept. 10, 1783.
- CRANE, John M., widr., farmer, of Washington, b. Washington, s. Amos and Martha of Washington, and Mary C. Wright, d. Nathan and Asseneth, May 30, 1846.
- CRANE, Rebecca, see Unidentified, Rebeccah –––––.
- CROCKER, James C., widr. [int. omits widr.], lumber mercheant, of Alleny [int. Albany], NY, and Esther A. Gamwell of Chester Factories, d. Suel and Amanda, Jan. 15, 1846.
- CROSS, Amos W., farmer, s. James dec'd, and Clarissa A. Gamwell [d. Sewall], June 6, 1843.
- CROSS, Amos W., widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, s. James Coss dec'd, and Julia Wright, housekeeper, d. Jesse, May 19, 1847.
- CROSS, Esther M., d. James dec'd and W. dec'd, and Alvan Day, dyer, of Hinsdale, b. Chester, s. Ira dec'd and Esther dec'd, Apr. 3, 1844.
- CROSS, James and Abigail Whittemore, Apr. 6, 1812.
- CROSS, Polly and John Gear Jr. of Worthington, Nov. 28, 1810.
- CROSS, Minerva and William Bell 2d of Chester, Sept. 23, 1813.
- CROSS, William of Washington, and Waity Ann Swan, May 26, 1831.
- CROW, Eliza Ann, 23, b. Montgomery, d. William dec'd and Abigail dec'd of Montgomery, and Leicester Lathrop, 22, mechanic, s. Alanson and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1848.*
- CROW, Eunice of Montgomery, and Madison Smith, int. Feb. 6, 1841.
- CROWELL, Eli [int. Ely] and Bathsheba Howes [int. Hows] of Ashfield, June 15, 1797, in Ashfield.
- CROWELL, Enoch and Hannah Hamilton of Lee, int. Sept. 14, 1801.
- CROWELL, Kesia and Theodore Coates, June 28, 1797. [Kezia. CR1]
- CROWELL, Salla and Jairus Stebbins, Nov. 23, 1806. [Sally Crowel. CR1]
- CUSHMAN, Eunice H. of Worthington, and Phineas Prentiss, int. Sept. 22, 1832.
- DAMON, Emeline, d. John and Armitta, and Frederick Saunders [int. Sander], laborer, b. Germany, Apr. 16, 1843.
- DAMON, John Jr. and Armitta Cooms [int. Armidia Coomes] July 9, 1817. [Armitta Coomes. CR1]
- DAMON, Lucy, d. John and Armitta, and James Granger, farmer, b. NY, Sept. 24, 1846.
- DAMON, Mary, d. John and Armidda, and James H. Cottrell, farmer, of Worthington, b. Worthington, s. Rufus and Sarah of Worthington, Mar. 30, 1846.*
- DAMON, Prudence and Lloid West, July 8, 1817.
- DAY, Alvan, dyer, of Hinsdale, b. Chester, s. Ira dec'd and Esther dec'd, and Esther M. Cross, d. James dec'd and W. dec'd, Apr. 3, 1844.
- DENIO, Anna of Bernardston [int. Mrs. Anna Dinier of Barnardstown], and Asahel Pelton, Nov. 17 [int. Nov. 26, sic], 1798, in Bernardstone.
- DICKSON, Nabby and Joshua Jackson of Hinsdale, int. Dec. 8, 1806.
- DICKSON, Alexander and Salla Gates, Apr. 15, 1802. [Sally. CR1]
- DICKSON, Alexander 2d and Sarah Metcalf, int. Oct. 14, 1821.
- DICKSON, Caroline, 22, teacher, d. Gaston and Esther, and Lewis M. Drew, 25, teacher, of Huntington, NY, [int. L.I.] s. Samuel and Lardene, Apr. 17, 1849.
- DICKSON, Diodate and Maria Holmes, int. Oct. ––, 1837.
- DICKSON, Elizabeth and Russel Gillet, Mar. 26, 1794. [Russell. CR1]
- DICKSON, Gaston and Esther Wolcott, May 26, 1811.
- DICKSON, Horatio N. and Olive Fay of Chester, int. Apr. 18, 1839.
- DICKSON, James Jr. and Sally [int. Salla] Pease, Apr. 27, 1808. [Sally. CR1]
- DICKSON, John and Vesta Williams, Nov. 2, 1778, in E. Haddam, CT.*
- DICKSON, John Jr. and Patta Gleason, Apr. 30, 1805. [Patty. CR1]
- DICKSON, Joseph and Abigail Whiting of Norwich, CT, July 2, 1789.*
- DICKSON, Laura and Merrick Cole of Worthington, Feb. 28, 1842.
- DICKSON, Lydia, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and Hiram Parish, widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, of Worthington, Aug. 19, 1845.
- DICKSON, Mary and Moses Egleston, int. May 24, 1784.
- DICKSON, Mary J. and Sidney Brewster of Worthington, Sept. 22, 1830.
- DICKSON, Nancy and William Church Jr., May 10, 1803.
- DICKSON, Salla and Isaac Gleason [int. Jr.] Nov. 24, 1805. [Sally, Nov. 21. CR1]
- DICKSON, Vesta and Erastus John Ingham, May 21, 1807.
- DICKSON, Vesta, 26, tailoress, d. Gaston and Esther, and Jacob S. Cook, widr., 28, shoemaker, of Athol, b. Athol, s. Ziba of Athol, Mar. 8, 1848.* [George S. CR1]
- DRESSER, Mary B. of Goshen, and Samuel Loveland, int. Oct. 13, 1838.
- DREW, Lewis M., 25, teacher, of Huntington, NY, [int. L.I.], s. Samuel and Lardene, and Caroline Dickson, 22, teacher, d. Gaston and Esther, Apr. 17, 1849.
- DRURY, John C., mercheant, of Rowe, and Harriet E. [int. omits E.] Maltby, Aug. 31, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [1843. CR1]
- DUDLEY, Edwin E., 23, farmer, of Cato, NY, b. Cato, NY, s. Sardis and Anste of Cato, NY, and Caroline Smith, 23, d. Asa and Sally, June 5, 1845.
- DURANT (Durrant)
- DURANT, Betsey and Walter Tracy of Hinsdale, int. Sept. 30, 1832.
- DURANT, Polly [Durrant] and Samuel Wheeler of Lovill [int. Lovell], NY, Feb. 5, 1806. [Durant, and Samuel Wheeler of Black River. CR1]
- DURANT, Nancey [int. Nancy] and Amasa Blush [int. Blish], Feb. 3, 1802. [Nancy, and Amasa Blish. CR1]
- DURANT, Thomas Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Sybil [int. Sibil] Wright, Mar. 9, 1815. [Thomas Jr. and Sibil Wright. CR1]
- DURANT, Thomas D. and Thankful Metcalf, int. Mar. 23, 1834.
- EGGLESTON (Eglesston, Egleston)
- EGGLESTON, Aron [Egleston] and Hannah Collins, int. Nov. 25, 1784.
- EGGLESTON, Darius [int. Eagleston] and Mary Brown of Washington, Apr. 22, 1794, in Washington.
- EGGLESTON, Joseph [Egleston] and Parla Leonard of Washington, int. May 11, 1807.
- EGGLESTON, Martin [Eglesston] and Nancy Kilborn, int. Sept. 27, 1802.
- EGGLESTON, Moses [Egleston] and Mary Dickson, int. May 24, 1784.
- EGGLESTON, Moses of Lima, NY, and Lucy Starr, int. Jan. 17, 1819.
- EGGLESTON, Oliver [int. Egleston] and Scyntha [int. Cyntha] Skinner, Nov. 27, 1787, in Washington.
- ELDER, Electa S. of Chester, and Heman E. Moody of Belchertown, Apr. 26, 1841, in Chester. CR1
- ELDER, George N. and Julia A. Root, int. Apr. ––, 1836.
- ELDER, Nored [int. adds Lt.] of Chester, and Rebecca Russell, Feb. 20, 1823. [Russel. CR1]
- ELDER, Samuel of Farmington, O., and Elmira Ward, Apr. 8, 1834.
- ELDER, William and Abigail Mack, Sept. 21, 1815.
- ELLIS, Ruhamah of Hebron, CT, and Daniel Taylor, int. Nov. 7, 1784.
- ELLSWORTH, Reuben of E. Windsor, CT, and Priscilla Pelton, Dec. 27, 1827. [of E. Winsor, CT. CR1]
- ELY (Ela)
- ELY, Eli [Ela] and Nancy Wheeler, May 6, 1819.
- ELY, Eli and Lucy Wheeler, June 7, 1832.
- ELY, Franklin B., farmer, s. Eli, and Ludy M. Loveland, d. Ambrose and Ludy, Apr. 22, 1846.
- ELY, Jonathan [Ela] [int. Elay] and Huldah Hatch, Jan. 4, 1808.
- ELY, Joseph and Ruby B. Cone, Nov. 8, 1810. [Ela. CR1]
- ELY, Mary of Longmeadow, and David Mack Jr., int. Dec. 29, 1811.
- EMMONS, Amanda and Timothy Root of Lenox, May 14, 1818.
- EMMONS, Ebenezer and Mary Mack, int. June 6, 1791.
- EMMONS, Harmony and Samuel Hamilton of Chester, Nov. 22, 1826.
- EMMONS, Ichabod [int. Ichabud] and [int. adds Mrs.] Mindwell Mack, Dec. 9, 1799
- EMMONS, Mary and Justus Browning, Mar. 20, 1817.
- EMMONS, Sylvester and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Peas [int. Pees], Oct. 4, 1798. [Pease. CR1]
- EVERETT, Addison and Martha White of Ludlow, int. Apr. 10, 1830.
- EVERETT, Mary Smith Clapp of Worthington, and William F. Leonard, int. Dec. 7, 1824.
- FAY, Olive of Chester, and Horatio N. Dickson, int. Apr. 18, 1839.
- FAY, William of Chester, and Independence Roots [int. Root] May 16, 1838.
- FELLOWS, Laura and Orrfn Blosson [int. Blossom], Aug. 20, 1818. [Blossom. CR1]
- FELLOWS, Parker of Norwich, and Dorcas Mechum [int. Mechem], May 29, 1793
- FERGUSON (Fergason)
- FERGUSON, Elmira of Cummington, and Reuben Olds, int. Mar. 11, 1837.
- FERGUSON, Julia [Fergason], of Peru, and Stephen Graves, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
- FIELD, Mary and Oliver Blush, Dec. 20, 1820.*
- FIELD, Priscilla and Benjamin Stewart, Nov. 12, 1811.
- FIELD, Ruth of Partridgefield, and Joel Pelton, int. Aug. 9, 1803.
- FISK, Lucy of. Partridgefield, and Samuel Spencer, Dec. 1, 1800.*
- FITCH, Fanny of Becket, and George W. McElwain, int. May 14, 1837.
- FLINT, Rebeca, Mrs., of Becket, and Simeon Wood, int. Jan. 1, 1798.
- FOLLETT, Isaac Jr. [Follet] [int. Follett], of Worthington, and Persis Gleason, Oct. 21, 1818.
- FOOTE, Sarah [int. Foot] and Alexander Ingham, Dec. 1, 1836. [Foot. CR1]
- FORBS, Lois of Partridgefield, and Ebeneser Babcock Jr., int. July 18, 1803.
- FORD, Jemima, wid., and Lewis Taylor, int. June 6, 1784.
- FORD, Lucina and Reuben Rich of Carsanova [int. Carsanva], Feb. 3, 1805. [Reuben of Cazenova. CR1]
- GAMWELL (Gamael)
- GAMWELL, Clarissa A. [d. Sewall] and Amos W. Cross, farmer, s. James dec'd, June 6, 1843.
- GAMWELL, Esther A. of Chester Factories, d. Suel and Amanda, and James C. Crocker, widr. [int. omits widr.], lumber mercheant, of Alleny [int. Albany], NY, Jan. 15, 1846.
- GAMWELL, James [Gamael] [int. Gamwell] and Polly Kingston, June 26, 1797. [Gamuel. CR1]
- GAMWELL, Polly of Chester, and Simpson Bell of Chester, July 10, 1801.* CR1
- GAMWELL, Sophronia and Samuel Robbins, int. Apr. 16, 1834.
- GATES, Martha, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] and Dea. Job [int. Jobe] Robbins, Mar. 23, 1808.
- GATES, Salla and Alexander Dickson, Apr. 15, 1802. [Sally. CR1]
- GATES, Sally and Job Robbins 3d, Mar. 15, 1825.
- GATES, Zilpah [int. adds Mrs.] and Timothy M'Elwain [int. Makelwain] Jr., Jan. 31, 1798. [McElwain. CR1]
- GEER (Gear)
- GEER, John Jr. [Gear], of Worthington, and Polly Cross, Nov. 28, 1810.
- GEER, Rosella of Worthington, and Spencer Stewart, int. May 4, 1840.
- GEER, Roxany [Gear]. of Worthington, and Alvan Holmes, int. Nov. 21, 1831.
- GIBBS, Dolly Ann of Blandford, and Lorenzo C. Robbins, int. July 29, 1841.
- GILLET, Huldy of Chester, and Horris Gleason, int. Sept. 11, 1814.
- GILLET, Mercy, Mrs., of Colchester, CT, and Abner Clap Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1798.
- GILLET, Nancy and Israel Pease Jr., int. Apr. 27, 1817.
- GILLET, Russel and Elizabeth Dickson, Mar. 26, 1794. [Russell. CR1]
- GLEASON, Azubah and Moses Allen Jr., of E. Windsor, CT, int. Nov. 25, 1802.
- GLEASON, Asubah and Hesekiah Allen Jr., of Windsor, CT, Dec. 29, 1802.* [Azubah and Hezekiah Allen Jr. of Winsor. CR1]
- GLEASON, Horris and Huldy Gillet of Chester, int. Sept. 11, 1814.
- GLEASON, Isaac [int. Jr.] and Salla Dickson, Nov. 24, 1805. [Sally, Nov. 21. CR1]
- GLEASON, Isaac G. of Worthington, and Amanda Church, Dec. 17, 1835.
- GLEASON, Patta and John Dickson Jr., Apr. 30, 1805. [Patty. CR1]
- GLEASON, Persis and Isaac Follet [int. Follett] Jr. of Worthington, Oct. 21, 1818.
- GOFF, Charles of Springfield, and Elizabeth A. Warner, Aug. 29, 1828.
- GOODRICH, Mercy of Worthington, and Charles E. Wood, int. Sept. 6, 1840.
- GOOGOOD, Ann L. of Chester, and Nathan Samuels of Chester, Aug. 22, 1838, in Chester.* CR1
- GORDON, Betsey [int. Betsy] and Amos Strong, Oct. 9, 1788, in Chester.
- GRAHAM, Jenny [Grayham] [int. Mrs. Genna Graham] and Ozem Merryfield, Apr. 17, 1798. [Jenny Graham. CR1]
- GRANGER, Clarissi and Noah Lyman of Chester, int. Mar. 18, 1804
- GRANGER, Elizabeth of Southwick, and Justus Olds Jr., int. Apr. 30, 1831.
- GRANGER, James, farmer, b. NY, and Lucy Damon, d. John and Armitta, Sept. 24, 1846.
- GRANGER, Lydia and Edward Hayward, Apr. 2, 1807. [Heyward. CR1]
- GRAVES (Gravs)
- GRAVES, Amasa Jr. and Salla Bird of Whately, int. Nov. 7, 1803.
- GRAVES, Amasa [Gravs] and Mrs. Rhoda Ball of Hatfield, int. Feb. 2, 1817.
- GRAVES, Amasa Jr. and Celena Bisbee [int. Celenia Bixbee], Oct. 13, 1825.
- GRAVES, Anna and Jonah Williams of Goshen, int. Jan. 6, 1791.
- GRAVES, Dwight E., see Enoch D.
- GRAVES, Emerancy, d. Amasa and Sally, and Jarvis [dup. Jarves] Norcutt [int. Norcott], farmer, of Becket, b. Becket, s. John [Norcut] and w. of Becket, Sept. 28, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [Jarvis Norcutt, 1843. CR1]
- GRAVES, Enoch D. [int. Dwight E.], farmer, s. Stephen, and Maryette [int. Maryett] Root, d. S.E. and Mary, July 4, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [Dwight E. and Maryett Root, 1843. CR1]
- GRAVES, Erastus and Melina [int. Malinda] Lyon of Whately, June 6, 1798, in Whately.
- GRAVES, Laura and Alanson Ballou of Peru, Apr. 7, 1836.
- GRAVES, Lydia and Timothy Graves of Hatfield [int. Hadfield], Feb. 5, 1805.
- GRAVES, Lydia and Franklin Stowell of Peru, Sept. 9, 1830.
- GRAVES, Nathan of Nelson, NY, and Phebe Graves, Sept. 30, 1839.
- GRAVES, Nelson and Amanda Ballou of Peru, int. Mar. 5 [? 1], 1836.
- GRAVES, Nelson [Gravs] and Azubah Smith, int. Jan. 29, 1845.
- GRAVES, Nelson and Mary Burghardt of Stockbridge, int. June 14, 1845.
- GRAVES, Phebe and Pain Loveland, Nov. 12, 1795. [payne. CR1]
- GRAVES, Phebe and Nathan Graves of Nelson, NY, Sept. 30, 1839.
- GRAVES, Sally and Barton Bisbee, Feb. 26, 1833.*
- GRAVES, Stephen and Waity Bird of Hatfield, int. Sept. 10, 1809.
- GRAVES, Stephen and Julia Fergason of Peru, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
- GRAVES, Timothy of Hatfield [int. Hadfield], and Lydia Graves, Feb. 5, 1805
- GRAVES, Waitee [int. Waita] I. and Selden [int. Seldan] Root, Sept. 23, 1834. [Waitta I. and Selden Root. CR1]
- GREEN (Grean)
- GREEN, Deborah [int. adds Mrs.] and Jonathan Brakly [int. Brakely] Nov. 30, 1798. [Brakely. CR1]
- GREEN, Melvina of Dalton, and Silvanus E. Nichols, int. Mar. 15, 1844.
- GREEN, William [Grean] and Dilly Baxter, int. June 24, 1810.
- HALE, Israel and Emeline Olds, int. Mar. or Apr. ––, 1839.
- HALL, William and Hannah Tuttle, Mar. 2, 1809.
- HAMBLIN, Levi [int. Hamblon] of Worthington, and Agnys [int. Agness] Hoskins, Sept. 27, 1809. [Hamblin, and Agnes Hoskins. CR1]
- HAMILTON, David of Washington, and Abigail Meacham, Apr. 26, 1827.
- HAMILTON, Dolly and William Mahanna of Chester, Feb. 12, 1816.
- HAMILTON, Betsey and George Pratt, Mar. 23, 1809.
- HAMILTON, Hannah of Lee, and Enoch Crowell, int. Sept. 14, 1801.
- HAMILTON, John Jr. of Washington, and Mary OIds, Nov. 29, 1821.
- HAMILTON, Mary of Washington, and Dudley Taylor, int. Apr. 10, 1814.
- HAMILTON, Mary M., teacher, d. John and W., and Phineas Prentice, widr. [int. omits widr.], tanner, b. "supposed" Chester, s. –––––, dec., Apr. 8, 1846.
- HAMILTON, Moses 2d and Peggy Mahanna, May 9, 1822.*
- HAMILTON, Samuel and Patty Henry, Jan. 4, 1815.
- HAMILTON, Samuel of Chester, and Harmony Emmons, Nov. 22, 1826.
- HAMILTON, William of Chester, and Tabitha Babcock, Sept. 10, 1807.
- HANDCOCK, Lucy of Longmeadow, and Israel Bissell, int. Aug. 30, 1784.
- HARDY, Almon, of Smithfield, NY, and Sophronia Hazleton, May 19, 1842.
- HARDY, Melody, Mrs., of Washington, and Hesekiah Russ, int. Oct. 20, 1800.
- HARDY, Richard, of Washington, and Asenath Perkins, Dec. 11, 1800.
- HARRIS, Amanda, of Becket, and Chester Johnson, int. Oct. 24, 1819.
- HARVEY, Peter, of Windsor [int. Harvy of W. Windsor, CT.], and Betsy Perkins, Dec. 7, 1802. [of Windsor. CR1]
- HASKINS (Hoskins)
- HASKINS, Agnys [Hoskins] [int. Agness] and Levi Hamblin [int. Hamblon] of Worthington, Sept. 27, 1809. [Agnes and Levi Hamblin. CR1]
- HASKINS, Lovicy [Hoskins], of Washington, and Asa Taylor, int. Oct. 22, 1820.
- HATCH, Huldah and Jonathan Ela [int. Elay], Jan. 4, 1808.
- HATCH, Nancey and Justus [int. Justice] Bissell Jr., Aug. 15, 1803. [Nancy and Justus Bissell Jr. CR1]
- HATCH, Solomon, Dr. [int. omits Dr.] of Hamilton, NY, and Sarah McElwain, July 31, 1810.
- HAWES, Henry and Emerancy Loveland, Oct. 29, 1829.
- HAWES, Celena and Andrew Meacham, Sept. 7, 1813.
- HAYES (Hais)
- HAYES, Hannah [Hais], of Russel, and Benjamin Babcock, int. Sept. 20, 1792.
- HAYES, Joseph [Hais], of Russell, and Lydia Babcock, Apr. 9, 1794. [Hayes. CR1]
- HAYES, Seth [Hais], of Russell [int. Russel], and Elizabeth Babcock, Jan. 15, 1795. [Hayes. CR1]
- HAYWARD, Edward and Lydia Granger, Apr. 2, 1807. [Heyward. CR1]
- HAZLETON, Sophronia and Almon Hardy of Smithfield, NY, May 19, 1842.
- HENRY, Patty and Samuel Hamilton, Jan. 4, 1815.
- HERRICK, Polly of Worthington, and John Slade, int. Apr. 17, 1814.
- HEWETT, Alanson of Westford, NY, and Lucy Pelton, Nov. 29, 1832.
- HIGGINS, Angeline D. of Worthington, and Franklin Church, int. Nov. 21, 1838.
- HIGGINS, Eunice of Chester, and Charles F. Leonard, int. Feb. 13, 1834.
- HIGLEY, Lucian A. and Nancy M. Church, Oct. 11, 1831.
- HODGES, Abraham Jr. and Harriet Alderman of Chester, int. Mar. 7, 1819.
- HOLMES, Alvan and Roxany Gear of Worthington, int. Nov. 27, 1831.
- HOLMES, Loren and Clarissa A. Knox of Blandford, int. May 3, 1845.
- HOLMES, Maria and Diodate Dickson, int. Oct. ––, 1837.
- HOTCHKISS, Elizabeth and Joshua Tower [int. Town] of Worthington, Jan. 9, 1812. [Tower. CR1]
- HOVEY, Hannah of Dalton, and Ebenezer Russ, int. Oct. 15, 1787.
- HOWES (Hows)
- HOWES, Bathsheba [int. Hows] of Ashfield, and Eli [int. Ely] Crowell, June 15, 1797, in Ashfield.
- HOWES, Rebecca [Hows] [int. Rebeca] and Samuel Little, Oct. 16, 1800.
- HUBBARD, Mary of W. Springfield, and Selden Root, int. Oct. 14, 1821.
- HUTCHINSON, Israel [int. Huchinson] of Montgomery, and Poly Kiegwine [int. Mrs. Molly Kiegwin], Nov. 30, 1797. [Molly Keigwin. CR1]
- HYDE, Julia of Becket, and Rev. Edward Clarke, int. Feb. 26, 1844.
- HYDE, Rufus, farmer, of Chesterfield, and Emily Catharine Olds, 19, teacher, d. Levi and Emily, Aug. ––, 1848.*
- HYDE, Semantha of Williamsburg, and Charles Coats, int. May 2 [dup. Apr. 30], 1842.
- INGELL, William of Chester, and Esther Whittemore, Sept. 21, 1813.
- INGHAM, Alexander and Sarah Foote [int. Foot], Dec. 1, 1836. [Foot. CR1]
- INGHAM, Daniel and Anna Smith, Sept. ––, 1808. [Sept. 8. CR1]
- INGHAM, Betsey and Amos Mack, July 4, 1808.
- INGHAM, Erastus John and Vesta Dickson, May 21, 1807.
- INGHAM, John M., Lt., and Melita Ballou of Peru, int. Oct. 12, 1833.
- INGHAM, Lydia and Reuben Blossom of Onondaga [int. Onondago], NY, Jan. 20, 1811. [Reuben of Onondago, NY. CR1]
- INGHAM, Maria and Romeo Alderman, Nov. 29, 1831.
- INGHAM, Maria of West Hampton, and John P. Loveland, int. Mar. 29, 1845.
- INGHAM, Mary and Andress [int. Andrys] Loveland of Smithfield, NY, Sept. 10, 1809. [Andrus. CR1]
- INGHAM, Mary and Walter Pease, Feb. 23, 1831.
- INGHAM, Mahitabel and Abner Wing of Hinsdale, Oct. 16, 1816. [Mehitable. CR1]
- INGHAM, Samuel and Clarissa Alderman, May 15, 1832.
- INGHAM, Tryphena [int. Triphene] and Zeri Wing of Hinsdale. May 15, 1817. [Zera. CR1]
- INGHAM, William and Betsey [int. Betsy] Smith, Mar. 3, 1806. [Betsy. CR1]
- INGRAHAM, Jedediah and Mary Jones, Nov. 27, 1794.*
- JACKSON, Joshua of Hinsdale, and Nabby Dickson, int. Dec. 8, 1806.
- JAGGER, Mehitable and Silas Clerk, int. June 23, 1788.
- JAGGER, Sarah of Becket, and Samuel Taylor, May 28, 1789.
- JENNINGS (Jenings)
- JENNINGS, Hannah F. [Jenings] [int. Jennings] and William D. Stevens of Becket, Feb. 16, 1820. [Jennings. CR1]
- JENNINGS, Zeba P. of Dalton, and Emily Olds, Feb. 11, 1830.
- JOHNSON, Chester and Amanda Harris of Becket, int. Oct. 24, 1819.
- JOHNSON, Edmund and Sarah D. Olds, int. Feb. 24, 1844.
- JOHNSON, Elihu, farmer, b. Chester, s. Isaac of Washington, and Mary Johnson, teacher, b. Sheffield, d. –––––, dec., and w. of Sheffield, Mar. 24, 1846.
- JOHNSON, Lyman of Chester, and Caroline E. Olds, Dec. 6, 1838.
- JOHNSON, Mary, teacher, b. Sheffield, d. –––––, dec., and w. of Sheffield, and Elihu Johnson, farmer, b. Chester, s. Isaac of Washington, Mar. 24, 1846.
- JOHNSON, Miton [int. Milton] and Esther W. Wright, May 18, 1820. [Milton. CR1]
- JOHNSON, Olive S. and Seth Stannard of Westfield, int. July 4, 1843.
- JOHNSON, Roxany and Abner Cary of Williamsburgh, Dec. 12, 1814. [Roxana and Abner Carey. CR1]
- JOHNSON, William P. and Betsey Bell of Chester, int. Mar. 22, 1835.
- JONES (Jons)
- JONES, Anna and John Cobb of Chester, July 24, 1794
- JONES, Arba and Polly Squires [int. Squirs], June 28, 1797. [Squire. CR1]
- JONES, Cyntha [Jons] [int. Mrs. Cynthia Jones] and John Tinker of Worthington, Nov. 11, 1798. [Cynthia Jones. CR1]
- JONES, Hannah and Frederick Allen of Washington, Feb. 18, 1801.
- JONES, Jethro Jr. of Blanford, and Anne Starkweather of Blanford, June 22, 1796.* CR1
- JONES, John and Hannah Skinner, Nov. 12, 1795.
- JONES, Judith of Blanford, and William Martin of Blanford, June 21, 1796.* CR1
- JONES, Lucy of Otis, and Elder Silas Kingsley of Chester, Dec. 7, 1837.*
- JONES, Mary and Jedediah Ingraham, Nov. 27, 1794.*
- JONES, Miriam [Jons] [int. Mrs. Mirriam] and Alexander Lomis of Southampton, Sept. 30, 1799.
- JONES, Samuel and Rebeccah ––––– [int. Rebecca Crane of Becket], Sept. 6, 1788, in Becket.
- JONES, Samuel Jr. and Betsey Skinner, int. Apr. 23, 1792.
- JUDD, Phebe and Oliver Waters [int. of Hallifax], Jan. 25, 1787, in Chester.
- KENT, Almina [?] of Washington, and Charles Bill, int. Feb. 3, 1838.
- KIEGWINE, Poly [int. Mrs. Molly Kiegwin] and Israel Hutchinson [int. Huchinson] of Montgomery, Nov. 30, 1797. [Molly Keigwin. CR1]
- KILBORN, Nancy and Martin Eglesston, int. Sept. 27, 1802.
- KING, Edward, Rev. [int. "Methodist Elder on Middlefield Cercuit from N York"], 23, b. New Lebanon, NY, s. ––––– dec'd, and Lorinda Smith, 22, teacher, d. Obadiah, Sept. 1, 1847 [not in Middlefield].
- KINGSLEY, Silas, Elder, of Chester, and Lucy Jones of Otis, Dec. 7, 1837.*
- KINGSTON, Polly and James Gamael [int. Gamwell] June 26, 1797. [Gamuel. CR1]
- KNOX, Clarissa A. of Blandford, and Loren Holmes, int. May 3, 1845.
- LATHROP (Lothrop)
- LATHROP, Leicester, 22, mechanic, s. Alanson and Hannah, and Eliza Ann Crow, 23, b. Montgomery, d. William, dec., and Abigail, dec., of Montgomery, Nov. 30, 1848.*
- LEACH, Anna and Justus Olds Jr., int. Aug. 20, 1826.
- LEACH, Daniel and Anna Bissell, Dec. 7, 1803.
- LEACH, Daniel and Fanny Wolcott [int. Walcott] Mar. 18, 1830. [Wolcott. CR1]
- LELAND, Nabby and Phillip Mechem, Nov. 20, 1794. [Meacham. CR1]
- LELAND, Irena, wid. [int. Rena, omits wid.], and Capt. Abraham Washbourn [int. Washbon] of Partridgefield, Mar. 16, 1802. [Mrs. Irena and Capt. Abraham Washburn. CR1]
- LELAND, Luther and Mrs. Olive Bullard of Holliston, int. June 9, 1800.
- LELAND, Luther and Lois Coates, May 4, 1803.
- LELAND, Lyman of Hinsdale, and Graty Taylor, Mar. 31, 1813.
- LEONARD, Azuba and George U. Taylor, Dec. 1, 1808.
- LEONARD, Charles F. and Eunice Higgins of Chester, int. Feb. 13, 1834.
- LEONARD, Duane of Hinsdale, and Miss ––––– Olds, int. Mar. ––, 1839.
- LEONARD, Edmund D. and Elizabeth Remington of Hinsdale, int. Oct. 22, 1829.
- LEONARD, Emiline [int. Emeline] and Robert Lindsey of Blandford, Apr. 24, 1823.
- LEONARD, Lucina and Joseph A. Lyman of Hinsdale, Apr. 6, 1836.
- LEONARD, Parla, of Washington, and Joseph Egleston, int. May 11, 1807.
- LEONARD, Simeon, Capt., of Hinsdale, and Cynthia [int. Synthia] Moore Apr. 18, 1811. [Cynthia. CR1]
- LEONARD, William F. and Mary Smith Clapp Everett of Worthington, int. Dec. 7, 1824.
- LEONARD, William and Mary A. Lyman of Easthampton, int. Sept. 14, 1839.
- LINDSEY, Robert of Blandford, and Emiline [int. Emeline] Leonard, Apr. 24, 1823.
- LITTLE, Amasa and Achsah Smith, Mar. 17, 1825.
- LITTLE, Betsy and Elijah Alford Jr. of Becket, Apr. 24, 1806. [Betsey. CR1]
- LITTLE, Betsey and Dr. Jefferson Church of Peru, May 31, 1826.
- LITTLE, Joseph and Polly Clerk [int. Clark], Mar. 30, 1802. [Clarke. CR1]
- LITTLE, Mary and Thomas D. Robbins, int. Dec. 2, 1843.
- LITTLE, Nancy of Peru, and James Church, int. Feb. 5, 1815.
- LITTLE, Nancy M. of Otis, and Oliver E. Matthews, int. Mar. 27, 1830.
- LITTLE, Nial and Rhoda Root, Sept. 14, 1803. [Niel. CR1]
- LITTLE, Rhoda P. and Charles Packard of Springfield, Dec. 17, 1829. [Rhoda R. CR1]
- LITTLE, Russell and Salla Mack, Apr. 2, 1804. [Sally. CR1]
- LITTLE, Samuel and Rebecca [int. Rebeca] Hows, Oct. 16, 1800.
- LITTLE, Samuel H. and Submit White, June 2, 1814.
- LITTLE, Sally of Peru, and Philip Meacham 2d, int. Mar. 5, 1820.
- LITTLE, Sally of Peru, and Oliver Spencer, int. Feb. 8, 1824.
- LITTLE, Warren and Susannah Spencer, Sept. 19, 1811. [Susanna. CR1]
- LOOMIS (Lomis)
- LOOMIS, Alexander [Lomis], of Southampton, and Miriam [int. Mrs. Mirriam] Jons, Sept. 30, 1799.
- LOOMIS, Clarrissa and Benoni Rust of Amherst, Aug. 3, 1828.*
- LOVELAND (Lovland)
- LOVELAND, Ambrose and Ludy B. [int. omits B.] Cone, Mar. 14, 1814. [Ludy B. CR1]
- LOVELAND, Ambrose O. and Eliza W.B. Turner of Worthington, int. Oct. 6, 1839.
- LOVELAND, Andrus and Rachel Bates, June 20, 1793.
- LOVELAND, Andress [int. Andrys] of Smithfield, NY, and Mary Ingham, Sept. 10, 1809. [Andrus. CR1]
- LOVELAND, Asenath and Robert Campbell of Chester, int. Dec. 12, 1785.
- LOVELAND, Aurelia of Hinsdale, b. Hinsdale, d. ––––– of Hinsdale, and Calvin Smith, farmer, s. Asa and Sally (Root), Sept. 19, 1844.
- LOVELAND, Cyrus P., 21, laborer, s. Ambrose and Ludy, and Abigail F. Prentice, 19, d. Fanny T., wid., dec'd, Nov. 13, 1845.
- LOVELAND, Emerancy and Henry Hawes, Oct. 29, 1829.
- LOVELAND, Epaphroditus [Lovland] and Anna Spencer, Oct. 2, 1803. [Loveland. CR1]
- LOVELAND, John P. and Maria Ingham of West Hampton, int. Mar. 29, 1845.
- LOVELAND, Ludy M., d. Ambrose and Ludy, and Franklin B. Ely, farmer, s. Eli, Apr. 22, 1846.
- LOVELAND, Malachi Jr. [Lovland] and Experiance Stowel of Partridgefield, int. Oct. 15, 1787.
- LOVELAND, Pain and Phebe Graves, Nov. 12, 1795. [payne. CR1]
- LOVELAND, Philip [int. Phillip] and Susanna Campbell [int. Susan Cambell] of Chester, Sept. 12, 1793, in Chester.
- LOVELAND, Phebe and Worcester Taylor, Mar. 7, 1816.
- LOVELAND, Precilla and William Taylor, int. May 31, 1784.
- LOVELAND, Rachell [int. Rachel] and Ebenezer Partridge of Worthington, Dec. 10, 1795. [Rachel. CR1]
- LOVELAND, Roxana [int. Mrs. Roxany] and John Partridge [int. Jr.] of Worthington, Nov. 29, 1797. [John Jr. CR1]
- LOVELAND, Ruth and David Bates, Sept. 5, 1793.
- LOVELAND, Samuel and Mary B. Dresser of Goshan, int. Oct. 13, 1838.
- LUCAS (Lucass)
- LUCAS, Mehitable [Lucass], of Becket, and Jeremiah Rider, int. Mar. 29, 1792.
- LYMAN, Achsah, of Chester, and Dr. William Coleman, July 19, 1792, in Chester.
- LYMAN, Clarissa J. of Westhampton, and Rev. John H. Bisbee, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
- LYMAN, Clarissa J. [int. Jane], 25, housekeeper, of Chester, b. Chester, d. Moses of Chester, and Jonathan McElwain Jr., 28, farmer, s. Jonathan, May 20, 1847.
- LYMAN, Joseph A. of Hinsdale, and Lucina Leonard, Apr. 6, 1836.
- LYMAN, Mary A. of Easthampton, and William Leonard, int. Sept. 14, 1839.
- LYMAN, Noah of Chester, and Clarissi Granger, int. Mar. 18, 1804.
- LYON, Melina [int. Malinda] of Whately, and Erastus Graves, June 6, 1798, in Whately.