New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

New Hampshire
Revolutionary War Association Test
Town of Amherst

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WE, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies, against the United American COLONIES.


Nahum Baldwin
Wm Bradford
Peter Woodbury
Robert Means
Henry Codmon
Jonathan Smith
Stephen Washer
David Hildreth
Henry Kimball
Saml Stanley
Amos Flint
Joseph Steel
Joseph Bouttle
Thos Burell
Nathan Kendall
Reuben Bouttel
Moses Nichols
Josiah Crosby
Thomas Burns
Nathan Jones
Peter Robertson
John Burns
Saml Harris
Ephm Barker
William Low
Jonathan Grimes
William Read
Wm Odell
Timothy Smith
Ephraim Hildreth
Benjamin Day
Ebener Rea
Kendal Boutwell
Hezekiah Lovejoy
Thomas Towne
James Seeton
Jacob Curtice
Jona Taylor
Wm Codman
Ananias Meallester
Timothy Nichols
Ebenr Hopkins
Benja Hutchinson
Wm Wilkens
John Cochran
Josiah Sawyer, Jr.
Riehard Hughes
Nathan Jones, Jr.
Sameal Steward
Robert Read
Archelaus Town
Joseph Gould
Samson Crosby
Nathan Hutchinson, Junr
Israel Town, Jr.
Jonathan Lund
Benja Kendrick
William Peacock
David Dunckle
Isaac How
Adem Patterson
George Burns
Joseph Rollings
Joseph Cogin
John Twiss
Thos Wakefield, Junr
Jonathan Lampson
Oliver Carlton
Enos Bradford
Daniel Stephens
Benjm Hopkins
Jacob Curtice, Juner.
Josiah Dodge
Silas Cumings
Joseph Steel, Jur
Benjamin Hopkins, Juner.
John Burns
John Seetown
Francis Lovejoy
James Gillmore
Jona Twiss
John Hartshorn
Amos Flint, Jur
Nathan Hutchinson
Samuel How
Darius Abbot
Jonathan Sawyer
Nathaniel Barret
John Grimes
William Taylor
Isaac Wright
Josiah Kidder
Joseph Peirce
John Kendall, Juner.
Jacob Blodgett
Josiah Sawyer
John Burns, Juner.
Isaac Holt
John Roby
James McKeen
Ebenezer Holt, Juner.
Ephraim Abbott
Moses Kimball
Allen Goodridge
Francis Elliot
Nathan Fuller
Amos Green
John Washer
Phinehas Upham
Simpson Steward
Dimond Mussey
Benjamin Merill
William Hogg
John Lovejoy
Jacob Hildreth
John Patterson
William Fisk, Jur
Bartholena Dodge
Joseph Small
Ebenezer Huthison
John Tuck
Jonathan Wilkins, Junr
Jacob Standly
Joseph Boutell
Michael Keef
Abijah Wilkins
John Averial
John Cole
Nathan Cole
Joshua Wright
Thos Clark
Daniel Smith
Nathan Flint
James Woodbury
Joseph Langdell
Nathaniel Haseltine
William Wallace
Samuel Taylor
Thomas Averall, Jur
Elisha Fulton
John Duncklee
James Hartshorn
David Green
Jno Shepard, Junior
Samuel Geris
Moses Barron
Jonathan Lyon
John Mitchell
Jacob Lovejoy
Samuel Henry
Joseph Prince, Jur
William Fisk
William Small
William Small, Junr
John Harwood
William Peabody, Juner.
John Seecombe
William Peabody
Reuben Holt
Joseph Prince
Thomas Weston
William Lamson
Isaac Weston
Thomas Towne
Joshua Wilckins
Lemuel Winchester
Isaac Smith
John Damon
Benjamin Temple
Richard Ward
Stephen Farnam
Petere Parker
Andrew Bradford
Abner Hutchinson
Israel Town
Joseph Dunkley
Elisha Hutchinson
Amos Stickney
Jacob Smith
Nathan Cleaves
Stephen Peabody
Ebenr Temple
Benja Dodge
Wm Mellondy, Junr
Richard Goold
Solomon Kittredge
Jno Wilkins
Stephen Burnam
David True
John Bradford
Ebenezer Averil
Joseph Farnum
Joseph Wallace
Ezekiel Upton
Joel Howe
William Odell, Junr
Ephraim French
James Gage
Ebenr Weston
Samuel Blasdel
Timothy Hill

To The Honol The Committee of Safty For the State of New Hampr or the Genel Assembly theirof--

Pursuant to the Request on this paper from The Committee of Safety &c to Us Directed--we have Invited those persons theirin Mentioned to Sign To the Dieleration on This papor, &c--and all That have Seen it have Signed Except

Joshua Atherton, Esqr
Mr Samuel Dodge &
Mr Daniel Campble
Colol John Shepard
Thos Wakefield	} Selectmen
Reuben Mussey	}    of
Saml Wilkins	}  Amherst

Source: "Miscellaneous Revolutionary Documents of New Hampshire, Vol. 30 State Papers Series", Albert Stillman Batchellor Litt. D, Editor of State Papers, Manchester, NH Printed for the State by the John B. Clarke Co. 1910.

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