New Horizons Genealogy

<"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

New Hampshire
Revolutionary War Association Test
Town of Canaan

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WE, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies, against the United American COLONIES.


Ebenezer Eams
James Treadway will on Ceartain Condition, viz.*
Jehu Jones
Robart Burts
Samuel Joslen
Charles Walworth
Caleb Clark
Samuel Jones
Thos Baldwin
Samuel Lathrop
John Scofield
Eliezer Scofield
Sol Scipio
Richard Clark
Thomas Baxter
Joshua Wells
Richard Joslen
Ezekiel Wells
Thomas Miner
Joseph Walter
John Scofield, Jr
Ezekiel Gardner
Gideon Rudd
Caleb Welch

* On Condition that no man Who is taken a Captive from the British forces be made an Officer or let be a Soldier in the Continental Army and 2ly that Every American found & taken in armes against the United Colonies be Immediately put to Death, and 3ly that all & every of the British Troops that are Captivated by the Continental forces by sea or land or any other way taken Shall be keept in Prison or Close Confinement amp; 4ly that Every Commanding Officer or a Soldier or any Person or Persons imployed in any Business Whatsoever in the Continental Forces who is found & proved to be a Traitor to the United Colonies in America be put to Death Immediately.

Upon these aforementioned Conditions do I Sign this Declaration witness my Hand

	James Treadway

	Canaan July 1st 1776

To the Hon. Committee of Safety for the Colony of New Hampshire These are to Certify that Every man in this Town Volentaryly Signd This agrement atest

	Ebener Eams	} Select
	Samuel Jones	} Men

Source: "Miscellaneous Revolutionary Documents of New Hampshire, Vol. 30 State Papers Series", Albert Stillman Batchellor Litt. D, Editor of State Papers, Manchester, NH Printed for the State by the John B. Clarke Co. 1910.

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