New Hampshire
Revolutionary War Association Test
Town of Epping
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WE, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies, against the United American COLONIES.
John Prescott Abraham Folsm Jonathan Killey Seth Fogg Jonathan Philbrick Ezekiel Clough David Lawrence Benjamin Smith, Jur Jona Clark Junr Josiah Edgerly Samuel Hunt James Norris Josiah Folsom Ezekiel Brown Abraham Perkins Benjamin Brown Jonathan Meloon Benjamin Dearborn Samuel Plumer [illegible] Mark Howe Benjamin Page Abraham Perkins, Juner. Jonathan Rundlett Joseph Gale Benjamin Brown, Jur Eliphalet Cally Brads Gilman Wm Coffin Daniel Gordon Abraham Brown, Jur Simeon Noris Joseph Prescott David Lowel Jacob Forss Phillip Harvy John Rowell John Cauley Edward Lawrans Joseph Chandler Richard Shaw Ezra Strow [Straw] Samuel Dearborn Richard Shurburn Jonathan Calley Moses Davis Ezekiel Hook Frances James James Rundlet Jeremiah Prescott Job Parsons Joseph French Enoch Coffin Rebben Osgood Jacob Rundlet Chas. Crockett John Towle, Jr. Josiah Norris Oliver Morrill James Chase, Junr. Ebenezer Straw John Marden Ezra French Jethro B: Tilton Samuel Smith Nehemiah Wheeler Benjamin Clifford Jonathan Winslew Joseph Blake Jonathan Clark Thomas Cauley Simon Drake Abraham Brown Samuel Shaw Ebenezer Connor John Strow [Straw] John Shurburn Jonathan Prescott William Crocket Samuel Parsons John Lunt Joshua Brown Wm Dowlin Simon Dearborn James Sanborn Abraham Tilton Phinehas Fogg John Gilman Robart Judkins Joseph Mason Josiah Rundlet John Chapman, Ju. Gould French James Johnson Josiah Towl William Straw [illegible] Barzillai French John Pike Moses Coffin John Bartlett John Towl Thomas Burly Benjn Dockum Josiah Smith Daniel Barbr David Folsom Josiah Tilton Daniel Dow Edmund Chapman Edward Sanbon Benjn Johnson Timothy Jones Jeremiah Sanborn Chandler Sanborn Joseph Chandler Benjamin Dearborn Jacob Freese, Jun. Ebenezer Dow Hezekiah Clifford Joseph Taylor Richard Clifford J. David Norris Joseph Prescott James Rundlet James Hanagan [?] Saml Morrill Jacob Frease John Page Benj. Rowlings Thomas Robinson Zebulon Edgerly Micah Priescut Darbon Blak Samuel Connor Simeon Robinson Saml Clark Jonathan Eliot David Hanes Moses Dalton Levi Freanch Benja Dow John Chapman Benjn Smith Daniel Sanborn Benjamin Johnson, Juner. Isaac Dimond Jacob Blasdel Josiah Chase Theophilus Blake Chase Osgood Nathaniel Samborn Jonathan Fifield James Osgood Daniel Rundlet Nichols Robinson Thomas Calley, Ju. Samuel Morrill Jonathan Chase Sargent Huse Ebenezer Fisk Paul Lad Ebenezer Blake Jonothan Thomos Joseph Edgerly William Gill Nathan Gove Present Philip Kelley John Ferren Jonathan Ferrne Benj. Clarke Robart Cross Jonathan Robinson, Junr. Benjamin Dockum, Jur Benaiah Dow Winthrop Dow Theophilus Stevens, Jur Jonathan Robinson James Wadleigh John Lyford Thomas Wioggn Jonathan Kiniston David Perkins Moses Page David Lawrance, Jur. Paul Ladd, Junr. Pain Blake John Carr Benjn Smart Samuel Veazey Simon Johnson Robert Wille Joseph Dudley Jacob Swain Theophilus Stevens John Pease Stephen Clifford John Perkins, Juner. Henery Wiggin Thomas Wiggin, Juner. Stephen Clark James Chase Samuel Franch Nathan Swain Jedidiah Blake John Carr 2 Nathan Samborn James Norris ye 4th Nathan Sanborn, Jurn.
Agreable to the Within association paper we have Shewn it to the Inhabitants and these persons Whose names are under Written are persons that Refuse to Sighn the Same.
Seth Fogg } Select Enoch Coffin } men Abraham Perkins } of Epping John Barker Thomas Drake Joseph Shepard Nathaniel Ladd James Rundlet, Junr Benjn Morgen Jonathan Barker Robert Blake Robert Smith Josiah Roberson Thomas Norris
Source: "Miscellaneous Revolutionary Documents of New Hampshire, Vol. 30 State Papers Series", Albert Stillman Batchellor Litt. D, Editor of State Papers, Manchester, NH Printed for the State by the John B. Clarke Co. 1910.
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