New Hampshire
Revolutionary War Association Test
Town of Kensington
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WE, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies, against the United American COLONIES.
Thos Frink Elipht Briggs, Jr Joseph Blake Dan Guild Nathan Blake Josiah Richardson Daniel Kingsbury Eli Metcalf Ichabod Fisher Isaac Wyman Ephraim Dorman Andrew Balch Thos Baker Joseph Ellis David Nims Benj. Archer, Juner. Eliphalet Briggs Nathl Briggs Uriah Willson David Foster, Jr Gideon Tiffany Michael Metcalf Gideon Ellis, Jur Abraham Wheeler Joshua Osgood Reuben Daniels Cephas Clark Timothy Ellis, Jur. Caleb Ellis Davis Howlett Benjamin Willis John Balch Henry Ellis Seth Heaton, Jur Benjamin Osgood Daniel Willson David Harris Zadock Nims Bartholomew Grimes Benja Balch John Dickson Abraham Wheeler, Ju. John Houghton Thomas Wilder David Foster Seth Heaton Gideon Ellis Benjm Archer Simeon Washburn Elisha Briggs Samll Wood Elijah Blake John LeBourvean Timothy Ellis Jessey Hall Jesse Clark David Nims, Jr. Wm Ellis Nathaniel Kingsbury Reuben Partridge Ebenr Carpenter Eliakim Nims Joseph Willson Timothy Ellis ye 3d Samll Chapman Abijah Metcalf Luther Bragg Josiah Ellis Ebenezer Newton Ezra Harvey Obadiah Blake, Jr Isaac Clark David Willson Ebenezer Day Naboth Bettison James Wright Silas Cook Nathan Rugg Nathan Blake, Junor. Stephen Larrabe Ebenezer Cook Jotham Metcalf Simeon Clark, Jur Asahel Blake Jedidiah Wellman Simeon Ellis James Crosfield Thos Baker, Jr Achilles Mansfield William Gray John Daniels Jedidiah Carpenter Adin Holbrook Jer Stiles Jonathan Archer Silas French Benja Willord John Day Isaac Estey Thomas Dwinell Abijah Wilder Daniel Snow Israel Houghton Asaph Nichols Thos Fields Benjamin Tiffany Robt Spencer Joshua Ellis Moses Mash Benja Ellis Saml Bassit Jonathan Heaton Benja Ellis Joseph Ellis, Jr Thos Wells Royal Blake Aaron Gray, Jr Samuel Daniels William Goodenogh Hezekiah Man Saml Hall Abithar Pond Eliphl Carpentor Jacob Town Peter Rice Jonathan Dwinell John Colleney Zadok Wheeler William Nelson William Woods Elisha Ellis Michael Sprought James Eddy
Agreable to the within Directions we have Requested all in this Town to Sign as herein Sett forth and hereto Anext the Names of all those who Refuse to Sign the within Declaration Viz Majr Josiah Willard, Lt Benjamin Halle, Docr Josiah Pomroy, Samuel Wadsworth, Robert Gilmore, John White, Elezer Sangor, Abner Sangor, Thomas Cutter, James Perkins, Benjamin Ozgood, Junr John Swan, James Hunt
Eliphalet Briggs, Jr } Sellect men Josiah Richardson } of the Joseph Blake } Town of Daniel Kingsbury } Keene
Source: "Miscellaneous Revolutionary Documents of New Hampshire, Vol. 30 State Papers Series", Albert Stillman Batchellor Litt. D, Editor of State Papers, Manchester, NH Printed for the State by the John B. Clarke Co. 1910.
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