New Hampshire
Revolutionary War Association Test
Town of Rye
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WE, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies, against the United American COLONIES.
- Samll. Jenness
- James Perkins
- Isaac Dow
- Samll. Seavey, Jr.
- Nathan Towl
- Jeremiah Berry, Jr.
- Nathan Goss
- James Lock
- James Goss
- Levi Towl
- Jonathan Lock
- John Jenness
- Jona. Jenness
- Job Brown
- Nicholas Dolbar
- Joel Amy
- Samuel Wells
- Merifeld Berry
- Benjamin Marden
- Samuel Mardon
- Robert Sanders, Jr.
- Samll. Murry
- Ben Marden
- Joatham Berry
- Wm. Davison
- Jonathan Brown
- Moses Seavey
- Robinson Treferrin
- Samul Sevey
- Benjamin Garland
- Peter Johnson
- Joshua Lock
- John Blunt
- Simeon Towle
- Trustham Sleeper
- Francis Jenness
- Frances Jenness, Jr.
- Bickford Lang
- Joseph Sevey
- Ozem Dowse, Jr.
- Jonathan Goss
- Joseph Parsons
- Nathaniel Mardeen, Jr.
- Robart Sandrs.
- William Marden
- Simon Johnson
- Job Foss
- George Randall
- Joseph Hall
- Jacob Berey
- Joseph Marden
- James Hobbs
- Benjamin Marden, 3d
- Joseph Lock, Jr.
- Richard Lock, 3d
- Alaxander Salter
- William Seavey, Jr.
- Josep Rand
- Amos Seavey
- Samuel Doust Foss
- John Webster
- Joseph Rand
- Daniel Moulton
- William Seavey
- Samuel Wallis
- John Rand
- Ephriam Daveas
- Solomon Verrell
- Jonathan Philbrick
- John Jennes
- Richd. Jennes, 3d
- Titus Philbrick
- Peter Johnson Seyner
- Nehemiah Moulton
- David Lock
- Elijah Lock
- Job Jennes, Jr.
- John Rand
- Nathaniel Marden
- Joseph Seavey
- Wallis Foss
- Richard Jennes
- Henry Elkins
- Jonathan Towl, Jr.
- David Smith, Jr.
- Nathanel Rand
- John Lock, Jr.
- Jeremiah Lock
- Richard Lock
- Joseph Lock
- Samuel Knowles, Jr.
- Samuel Hutchin
- Arther Lebbee
- James Seavey
- Paul Seavey
- Ebenezer Wallis
- Mark Randall
- Thomas Warson
- Elexandr Leear
- Samuel Wallis, Jr.
- William Berry, Jr.
- Levi Goss
- Reuben Moulton
- Nathaniel Jennes
- Saml. Jenness, Jr.
- Job Jennes
- Elijah Lock
- Peter Garland
- William Wormwood
- Joseph Philbrick
- Mikel Dalton
- Jonathan Hobbs
- Mathenill Rand
- William Morrison
- Joseph Yeaten
- Richd. Jenness, Jr.
- Jeremiah Berry
- Abraham Libbee
- Simon Garland
- Samuel Rand
- Reuben Philbrick
- Samuel Knowles
- Samuel Elkins
- According to the above, we the said select men of Rye has applied to the inhabitance of said town and signed the above in full.
- Joseph Jenness }
- Nathl. Rand } Select men
- Richard Brown }
Source: "Miscellaneous Revolutionary Documents of New Hampshire, Vol. 30 State Papers Series", Albert Stillman Batchellor Litt. D, Editor of State Papers, Manchester, NH Printed for the State by the John B. Clarke Co. 1910.
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