New Hampshire
Revolutionary War Association Test
Town of Salem
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WE, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies, against the United American COLONIES.
- William Hall
- Evan Jones
- Joseph Sanders
- Daniel Gordon
- Rapha Hall
- Moody Morss
- Richd. Dow, Jr.
- Nathll. Dow
- Josiah Hardy
- Richard Dow
- Alexander Gordon
- Timothy Sargeant
- Seth Patee
- John Woodbury
- Joseph Hull, Jr.
- John Merill
- Daniel Corlis
- Solomon Cole
- Richd. Kelly
- Timothy Duston
- Daniel Ladd
- Timothy Johnson
- Amos Dow
- Nathaniel Woodman
- Jonathan Massey
- Benjamen Woodbury
- Jonathan Corlis
- Jona. Wheeler
- Jacob Hardy
- John Morland
- Zech Woodbury
- Simon Johnson
- Phinehas Swan
- Abraham Amy
- Israel Woodbury
- John Merill, Jr.
- Jesse Merrill
- Timothy Merrill
- Abraham Dow
- James Sanders
- Jonathan Gorden
- Israel Young
- James Hastings, Jr.
- Daniel Massey
- John Bayley
- Richard Kimball
- William Tapley
- Stephen Currier
- Abiel Cross
- Josiah Rowel
- Nathll. Merrill
- Israel Hull
- Richard Hennesee
- Stephen Wheeler
- James Hall
- Samuel Kelly
- Jess Smith
- Timothy Swan, Jr.
- James Hastinges
- Caleb Duston
- Joshua Bayley, Jr.
- David Copp
- Samuel Johnson
- John Johnson
- Jonathan Hesseltine, Jr.
- Phinehas Gorden
- Jonathan Baley
- Joseph Wright
- Timothy Swan
- Asa Mors
- James Moorland
- Simon Bradford
- John Corning
- William Smith
- Asa Colles
- Richard Messer
- David Bayley
- Jonathan Hesseltine
- Percy Dow
- John Bayley, Jr.
- Oliver Kimball
- William Bayley
- John Smith
- David Nevens
- Samson Wheeler
- Abner Wheeler
- William Smith
- Nathll. Belknap
- Obadiah Eastman
- Thomas Dow
- Jeremiah Dow
- Joseph Carlton
- Benoni Rowell
- Jeremiah Foster
- Henry Little
- Abbit Pettengill
- Asael Smith
- John Kinkead
- Samuel Day
- Joseph Perkins
- Joshua Swan
- Solomon Smith
- William Moorland
- John Bradford
- Thmas MacGlaton
- Joseph Cresey
- William Gordon
- John Moor Bayley
- Nehemiah Stanwood
- Barnard Kimball
- Thomas Silver
- Abijah Wheeler
- James Webster
- Daniel Haseltine
- Benj. Wheeler
- Asa Dow
- James Corlis
- John Carlton
- Silas Wheeler
- Eliphalet Knight
- Nat Woodbery
- Daniel Merrill
- Hugh Campbell, Jr.
- Joshua Baley
- Asa Rowell
- Henry Lankeest
- William Sanders
- Abiel Astin
- William Clough, Jr.
- John Lovet
- Adam Cole
- Joshua Hall
- Josiah Clough
- Joseph Hariess
- Christoher Clment
- Jonathan Bayley, Jr.
- Henry Woodbery
- Jonathan Stevens
- Benjamin Bixby, Jr.
- Nathll. Gorrell
- Nathan Webster
- Benja. Bixby
- Dudley Currier
- John Currier
- Thos. Robinson
- Joseph Hull
- Hugh Campbell
- Andrew Campbell
- Peter Duston
- John Lankster
- Abner Bayley
- Samll. Sanders
- John Asten
- John Clough
- Parley Merrill
- Oliver Kimball, Jr.
- Willam Ayer
- Isarel Ober
- William Climent
- Josiah Thissel
- John Lowel, Jr.
- Samuel Ayer
- David Merrill
- Edward Patee
- John Ellin Wood
- Benja. Rawlings
- Joseph Ordway
- Matthew Taylor
- Jonathan Smith
- John Currier
- Caleb Marble
- To the honorable the Committee of Safety for the Colony of New Hampshire.
- We the subscribers having shewn the Declaration commonly called the Test-Bill to the inhabitants of Salem as by your Honors directed have found a number who have neglected to sign Test-Bill whose names are as follow viz:
- Robert Young
- William Leech
- Joseph Merril
- Ebenezer Woodberry
- David Hall
- John Reith
- William Clough
- Webster Emerson
- Oliver Saunders
- Deac. John Kelley
- John Ashby
- Daniel Peasley, Esq.
- John Chase
- Capt. John Allein
- Henry Saunders
- Phillip Rowel
- William Thorn
- Daniel Silver, Jr.
- Jesse Webster
- Deac. Thomas Douglass
- Peter Merril
- Joshua Heath
- Deac. John Hall
- Nathan Asten
- Daniel Silver
- Cornett Jonathan Tenny
- Ebenezer Page
- Enos Webster
- Saml. Hilton
- Saml. Clement
- John Clement
- Robert Ellingwood
- Josiah Rowel, Jr.
- Jacob Rowel
- Joseph Leech
- Dated Salem Aug. 27, 1776
- William Hall } Select men
- Amos Dow } of
- Richard Messer } Salem
Source: "Miscellaneous Revolutionary Documents of New Hampshire, Vol. 30 State Papers Series", Albert Stillman Batchellor Litt. D, Editor of State Papers, Manchester, NH Printed for the State by the John B. Clarke Co. 1910.
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