Town Clerks, Rochester, New Hampshire, 1722-1890
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The following is a complete list of Proprietors' and Town Clerks in Rochester. Beginning in 1784 the Town Clerks were Proprietors' Clerks also:--
Proprietors' Clerks
- Paul Gerrish, 1722 to 1743.
- John Gage, 1744 to 1750.
- John Wentworth, 1751 to 1783.
Town Clerks
- Rev. Amos Main, 1737.
- John Bickford, 1738 to '43, '46, '47.
- William Chamberlain, 1744, '45.
- Isaac Libbey, 1748, '49, '51 to '55.
- Edward Tebbets, 1750.
- Jonathan Dame, 1756 to '70.
- Josiah Main, 1771 to 1802.
- Josiah Sherborne, 1803 to '14.
- Joseph Cross, 1815 to '29.
- Charles Dennett, 1830 to '37.
- James C. Cole, 1838 to '50.
- Jabez Dame, Jr., 1851, '52.
- George H. Dennett, 1853, '54.
- Charles Dennett*, 1853, '54.
- Eben J. Mathes, 1855, '56.
- Charles K. Chase, 1857, '58.
- Jeremiah D. Evans, 1859, '60.
- Stephen D. Wentworth, 1861, '62.
- Nathaniel Burnham, 1863.
- Ephraim H. Whitehouse, 1864.
- Stephen D. Wentworth*, 1864.
- Joseph H. Wentworth, 1865, '66.
- George Fox Guppy, 1867, '68.
- James J. Meader*, 1867, '68.
- James J. Meader, 1869.
- Charles W. Bickford, 1870, '71.
- George S. Lindsey, 1872 to '75.
- Albert T. Colton, 1876 to '80.
- Horace L. Worcester, 1881 to '85.
- George D. Lamos, 1886, '87.
- B. Frank Grover, 1888.
- Elmer J. Smart*, 1888.
- Fred L. Chesley, 1889, '90.
* Appointed by Selectmen to fill unexpired term.
Before the beginning of this century the annual town meetings were almost invariably held on the last Monday of March. In 1801 the town debated the question of petitioning the Legislature to establish the first Monday as the day for the annual meetings, and from 1801 to 1804 they were held on the second Monday. Since 1804 they have always been held on the second Tuesday of March in each year.
- Timothy Roberts, 1737, '40 to '42, '44, '46, '49, '50, '53, '54.
- James Place, 1738, '58, '62.
- John Jenness, 1739, '43.
- John Bickford, 1745, '52, '55.
- Edward Tebbets, 1747, '56.
- William Chamberlain, 1748, '59, '63.
- Isaac Libbey, 1751, '57, '60.
- John McDuffee, 1761, '66, '73, 1806 to '11.
- John Plummer, 1764, '70, '72, '74 to '77, '79, '82 to '84, '87, '90 to '94.
- James Knowles, 1765, '67 to '69, '71, '80, '85, '86, '88, '89.
- John Cook, 1778, '81.
- Jabez Dame, 1795 to '97, 1800.
- Levi Dearborn, 1798, '99, 1802.
- Moses E. Neal, 1801, '03 to '05.
- John McDuffee, Jr., 1812 to '18.
- Hatevil Knight, 1819.
- Moses Hale, 1820, '21, '28.
- Jeremiah H. Woodman, 1822.
- Walter B. Knight, 1823 to '27.
- James Farrington, 1829 to '36.
- Lewis McDuffee, 1837, '42.
- John McDuffee, 3d, 1839 to '41.
- Nicholas V. Whitehouse, 1838, '50 to '52, '56.
- Nathaniel D. Wetmore, 1843, '45, '48, '49.
- Stephen M. Mathes, 1844, '55.
- A. S. Howard, 1846, '47.
- James H. Edgerly, 1853, '54, '65.
- John Legro, 1857, '58.
- Richard T. Rogers, 1859, '60.
- Nathaniel T. Kimball, 1861.
- Charles W. Edgerly, 1862, '63.
- Ebenezer G. Wallace, 1864, '68.
- Noah Tebbetts, 1866.
- Edwin Wallace, 1867.
- Charles S. Whitehouse, 1869, '82, '83.
- James Farrington, 2d, 1870.
- John F. McDuffee, 1871.
- Isaac W. Springfield, 1872 to '74.
- Ezra Pray, 1875 to '77.
- Charles B. Gafney, 1878.
- John D. Parshley, 1879.
- Russell B. Wentworth, 1880.
- Henry M. Kelley, 1881, '84, '85.
- Osman B. Warren, 1886, '88, '89.
- Frank B. Preston, 1887.