New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

1847 - 1849 Death Records
Town of Cobleskill
Schoharie County, New York

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1847 Cobleskill Death Records

Deceased		Age	Sex	Race	Married	Date of Death		Residence	Occupation	Cause of Death
BURUG, John W.		1	M	W	No	January 8, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Disease in the head
BEAGLE, Sheldon		3	M	W	No	January 9, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Croup
BOYCE, Imogene		10 mo.	F	W	No	January 23, 1847	Cobleskill	-		Dropsy in the brain
JAYMORE, Irving		8 mo.	M	W	No	February 6, 1847	Cobleskill	-		Inflamation of the lungs
ROSEBOOM, Thomas	85	M	B	Yes	February 15, 1847	Cobleskill	Laborer		Gravel
GIBBS, James R.		1	M	W	No	March 14, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Inflamation of the lungs
KROMER, Abraham		-	M	W	No	March 24, 1847		Cobleskill	Tailor		Old age
FRASIER, Timothy	30	M	W	Yes	April 6, 1847		Cobleskill	Farmer		Consumption
HOGAN, Lavina		76	F	W	No	April 23, 1847		Cobleskill	Farmer		Consumption
OSTERHOUT, James	25	M	W	No	April 29, 1847		Cobleskill	Cabinet maker	Consumption
DEVOE, Elizabeth	17	F	W	No	May 6, 1847		Cobleskill	Housework	Consumption
BROWN, Eve		72	F	W	Yes	May 15, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Palsey
COLE, Eve		88	F	W	No	May 21, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Debility
SHULTUS, William	14 mo.	M	W	No	May 23, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Dropsy in the head
MEAD, Daniel		61	M	W	Yes	June 17, 1847		Cobleskill	Farmer		Consumption
COURTER, dau. Of Charles -	F	W	No	June 22, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Inflamation of the bowels
TILLAPAUGH, Martin H.	7	M	W	No	July 8, 1847		Cobleskill	-		-
JOHNSON, Harison B.	1	M	W	No	July 15, 1847		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
ROCKEFELLER, Frederick	81	M	W	Yes	July 18, 1847		Cobleskill	Farmer		Consumption
LOUCKS, Margaret	84	F	W	Yes	September 11, 1847	Sharon		-		Summer complaint
------			26 days	M	W	No	September 13, 1847	Middleburgh	-		Fits
MAREN, William H.	33	M	W	Yes	September 20, 1847	Cobleskill	Farmer		Billious fever
ATKINS, Gitty		43	F	W	Yes	September 26, 1847	Cobleskill	Housewife	Dropsy
BORST, James		34	M	W	Yes	November 9, 1847	Middleburgh	Farmer		Billious fever
MOORE, Cordine		24	F	W	Yes	November 24, 1847	Cobleskill	-		Inflamation of the bowels

1847 Cobleskill Death Records

SHONSS, Elizabeth	84	F	W	No	January 4, 1848		Cobleskill	Pensioner	Old age
GALE, Eunice		30	F	W	Yes	January 10, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Inflamation
BENSON, Polly		25	F	W	No	January 12, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Inflamation
MING, Ann M.		23	F	W	No	January 12, 1848	Cobleskill	Spinster	Small pox
KILMER, Elizabeth	30	F	W	Yes	January 14, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Confined
GARNSEY, Albin		18	M	W	Yes	February 7, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Rupture
BETTS, Joseph P.	66	M	W	Yes	February 9, 1848	Seward		Hatter		Prostrate glands
BUTTERWORTH, Peter S.	6 mo.	M	W	No	February 12, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Fits
JACOX, David		74	M	W	No	February 21, 1848	Cobleskill	Farmer		Old age
JOHNSON, Catherine	22 mo.	F	W	No	March 4, 1848		Cobleskill	-		-
BORST, Peter		70	M	W	Yes	March 9, 1848		Cobleskill	Farmer		Cancer
VAN ATTEN, Hannah	73	F	W	Yes	March 15, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
SPOOR, Marrietta	2 mo.	F	W	No	March 16, 1848		Middleburgh	-		Disease of the stomach
HUDDLESTONE, Robert	5	M	W	No	March 24, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
SHELDON, Rebecca	17	F	W	No	March 30, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
SHAFER, Julia Ann	18	F	W	Yes	April 1, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
KINNECUTT, Susan	46	F	W	Yes	April 5, 1848		Cobleskill	Housewifery	Consumption
GRASS, Jacob		42	M	W	No	April 10, 1848		Cobleskill	Laborer		Softening brain
COLE, Harman		71	M	W	Yes	April 14, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
SHELDON, Eli		3	M	W	No	April 25, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Dropsy in the brain
QUICK, Julia		3 mo.	F	W	No	April 29, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
OSTERHOUT, Margaret M.	30	F	W	No	May 4, 1848		Cobleskill	Millener	Dropsy in the brain
BORST, James B.		2 mo.	M	W	No	June 15, 1848		Middleburgh	-		Disease of the stomach
ROCKEFELLER, Aldah	6 mo.	F	W	No	June 15, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Innecipiles
ZEH, Maria		22	F	W	Yes	June 16, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
RULAND, Benjamin	20	M	W	Yes	June 18, 1848		Cobleskill	Laborer		Fever
Oothout, Martha		1	F	W	No	June 19, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Inflamation of the brain
LIVINGSTON, Derick	61	M	W	Yes	June 25, 1848		Cobleskill	Shoemaker	Consumption
HADSELL, Elijah		93	M	W	Yes	June 26, 1848		Cobleskill	Farmer		Old age
ZEH, Christian		59	M	W	No	June 27, 1848		Cobleskill	Farmer		Dropsy
BARNET, John		3	M	W	No	July 24, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Croup
BAILEY, Milton		13	M	W	No	July 31, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
PARKER, Sophronia	80	F	W	No	August 16, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
NOLK, Mary E.		1	F	W	No	August 19, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Diarrhia
HEBBON, Ira		22	M	W	Yes	August 24, 1848		Cobleskill	-		Inflamation
HODSON, Lavina		61	F	W	Yes	October 9, 1848		Summit		-		Fit of apoplexy
Osterhout, Helen	5	F	W	No	October 24, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Disease of the chest
BOUCK, Maria		83	F	W	No	November 3, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Old age
RECHTMYER, Henry	61	M	W	Yes	November 14, 1848	Cobleskill	Farmer		Dropsy
TINGUE, Hannah Margaret	9	F	W	No	November 23, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Consumption
SHAFER, Peter		33	M	W	Yes	December 2, 1848	Cobleskill	Farmer		Kick of horst
SHAFER, Adam V.		51	M	W	Yes	December 11, 1848	Cobleskill	Farmer		Apoplectic
SLADE, Abigail		77	F	W	No	December 31, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Disease of the brain

1849 Cobleskill Death Records

KILMER, John I.		86	M	W	No	January 27, 1849	Cobleskill	Farmer		Dropsy
BOYER, Susanna		29	F	W	Yes	February 3, 1848	Cobleskill	-		Consumption
RUSSELL, Ann		57	F	W	Yes	February 20, 1849	Cobleskill	-		Kidney disease
ROSEBOOM, Thomas	8	M	B	No	March 1849		Cobleskill	-		Measles
RICHMYER, Elizabeth	27	F	W	No	March 10, 1849		Cobleskill	-		Consumption
KILMER, Martha		14	F	W	No	March 17, 1849		Cobleskill	-		-
COLE, Almina		5	F	W	No	March 20, 1849		Cobleskill	-		Typhus fever
BURNS, Nancy C.		8	F	W	No	April 8, 1849		Cobleskill	-		Inflamation on brain
SHANK, John		63	M	W	Yes	April 11, 1849		Cobleskill	Farmer		Inflamation of intestines
STROBECK, Peter A.	1 1/2	M	W	No	April 18, 1849		Cobleskill	-		Measles
FACE, Conrad		83	M	W	Yes	April 28, 1849		Cobleskill	Farmer		Consumption
CROSS, Mary S.		25	F	W	No	April 23, 1849		Cobleskill	Dressmaker	Consumption
BORST, Merret		-	M	W	Yes	May 7, 1849		Middleburgh	Farmer		By blasting rocket
ENGLE, William B.	26	M	W	No	June 1, 1849		Lawyersville	Agent		Consumption
TATER, Henry		57	M	W	Yes	June 21, 1849		Cobleskill	Farmer		Cholera morbus
LAWYER, Henry L.	1	M	W	No	July 1, 1849		Cobleskill	-		Dropsy
DRUM, Abraham		2	M	W	No	July 17, 1849		Cobleskill	-		Grub
SHAFER, Elizabeth	86	F	W	No	July 26, 1849		Cobleskill	-		Old age
OVERPOUGH, Lavina	24	F	W	No	September 23, 1849	Cobleskill	Domestic	Pasmodic affection
RICHTMYER, Conrad G.	65	M	W	No	September 24, 1849	Cobleskill	Farmer		Consumption
DRUM, Ann B.		69	F	W	No	September 29, 1849	Cobleskill	-		Dropsy
ANGLEMAN, Frederick	83	M	W	No	October 9, 1849		Cobleskill	Farmer		Cole mortification
HAYES, Jane		65	F	W	No	November 14, 1849	Cobleskill	-		Consumption
-			8 w	M	W	No	November 30, 1849	Cobleskill	-		Unknown
KARKER, John Z.		22	M	W	Yes	December 2, 1849	Cobleskill	Farmer		Consumption
KIBBIE, -		7 1/2 mo.M	W	No	December 17, 1849	Lawyersville	-		Consumption

All of the above were listed as "Native? - Yes"

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