Albany County New York Family Sketches - Surnames M
Transcribed by Lynn Tooley
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Albany County New York Family Sketches - surnames M, extracted from the Landmarks of Albany County, New York, Edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N.Y., Syracuse, N.Y., D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1897.
MACFARLANE, William D., Family Sketch
Macfarlane, William D., son of Robert, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 8, 1853. Robert Macfarlane, born in Rutherglen, Scotland, came to America in 1835 and died in Brooklyn, December 20, 1883. He was originally a dyer, but later was senior editor of the Scientific American for over seventeen years. In 1864 he came to Albany and bought of Mrs. John McDuffy, the old Albany Dye Works, which he continued until 1874, when he returned to Brooklyn. He was prominent in Albany as a Scotchman, was president of the Burns Club and St. Andrews Society, and a member of the I. O. O. F. and Albany Institute. William D. Macfarlane was graduated from the Albany Boys' Academy in 1872, afterwards learned the business of dyer with his father, and in 1874. with his brother, Robert F., succeeded to the proprietorship of the old Albany Dye Works at No. 24 Norton street. This was the first dye house in Albany, being established by Peter Martin in 1823. Robert F. Macfarlane withdrew in 1891 and since then William has continued the business alone. He has about twenty-three branches, of which all but three are located outside the city. He is a member of St. Andrews Societv, the Burns Club, and was for seventeen years a member of the Albany Burgesses Corps, is now and has been a director of the Albany Musical Association since its reorganization in 1891, also a member of the Unconditional Club. He is married and has a family of three children two sons and one daughter.
MAIN, James R., Family Sketch
Main, James R., was born in Guilderland, where he now lives, September 15, 1845. He is a son of Dewitt C. Main, born in Guilderland, July 23, 1818, one of live sons and four daughters born to John B., who was born August, 1790, in Stonington, Conn.; his father was Reuben P., who was a farmer by occupation. John B., tbu grandfather, lived for a time in Petersburgh, Rensselaer county, and in 1804 removed with his father to Plainfield, Otsego county, where they settled and worked at teaming between that place and Albany; he later settled in the town of Guilderland where he became prosperous; he farmed on a large scale; he was an exceedingly liberal man and gave largely to those who needed his assistance; his house was always open to travelers, and he and his wife were grand good people and noted widely for their hospitality; he finally died a poor man through his generosity to others, signing papers for others, the payment of which eventually fell upon him; he always concerned himself deeply in public matters and was often chosen as delegate to county and assembly conventions; his wife was Elizabeth Lloyd; he died when eighty-three, she three weeks later at the age of seventy-nine. Dewitt C, the father of James, was a blacksmith by trade, though devoted most of his life to farming and lived in the town of Guilderland; he was a good neighbor, an upright and honest citizen; his first wife was Marie Riggles, born in the town of Guilderland, and daughter of Giles Riggles; their children were Charles W., James R., Sheliniar D., and Mary E.; they were both members of the M. E. church; his second wife was Katurah Warner by whom one child was born, Ida. James R. , the subject of this sketch, worked on the farm of his father and attended the common district school winters until fourteen years of age; from that time until twenty-five he worked at home or by the month for others. He lather purchased the farm of fifty-two acres on which he was born and where he now resides. Having an active desire to acquire knowledge he let few opportunities pass; he early identified himself with the Democratic party and took keen interest in public matters; when twenty-six he was elected tax collector for the town of Guilderland. and was later elected justice, and was justice of sessions of Albany county during the years 1877 and 1878; in 1890 was elected school commissioner in the third district of Albany county and was re-elected in 1893 and is now filling that office. In 1880 he became a law clerk and student. He registered under J. H. Clute, and was admitted to the bar in 1887; since that time, in addition to his official duties and the superintending of his farm, he carries on an active law practice. Mr. Main is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Wadsworth Lodge, Albany. In January, 1872, he married Miss Alvira E. Reinhart, who was born in the town of Berne, a daughter of Alexander Reinhart, by whom he has had two children. Mrs. Yuba Carhart and Dewitt C. Mr. Main has been one of the trustees of Prospect Hill Cemetery and its secretary and treasurer for many years, and to whose untiring efforts and influence many reforms and improvements have been brought about, and the cemetery attained to its high standing. He is also a member of Iosca Tribe No. 341 Improved Order of Men, and its treasurer. Is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and an officer therein.
MANN, Benjamin A., Family Sketch
Mann, Benjamin A., born in Albany June 7, 1854, entered in the employ of Mann, Waldman & Co. in 1868. The firm then consisted of Aaron Mann. Isaac Waldman and Joseph Mann, who founded the business in 1851. In 1884 Benjamin A. Mann was admitted to the firm. The business originally comprised both dry goods and millinery; about 1857 the latter department was discontinued, and in 1860 the manufacture of cloaks was commenced, and the business was placed upon broader lines, a wholesale branch being added and the retail and wholesale business was continued to January, 1896, with unvarying success. In the spring of 1896 the stock was completely sold and was marked by the retirement from active business of the three original members of the firm, Aaron Mann, Isaac Waldman and Joseph Mann. The retail business of the firm was given up and the wholesale only is to be carried on by Benjamin A. Mann, under the old style and firm name of Mann, Waldman & Co. The business will make a specialty of hosiery and underwear of all kinds, domestic and foreign; Mr. Mann's connection with mills for the many past years giving him exceedingly favorable opportunities to make satisfactory arrangements. Mr. Mann is a director of the Alpha Knitting Co., Schenectady, N. Y., and is secretary of the Hudson River Aniline Color Works of Greenbush, Mass. Mann, Waldman & Co. will occupy the old quarters of the wholesale department, namely the third and fourth lofts over 54, 56 and 58 South Pearl street, which are connected by a passenger elevator with their sample room, 75 Hudson avenue.
MARSHALL, Mrs. P., Family Sketch
Marshall, Mrs. P., is the widow of the late Philip E. Marshall, whose death occurred in 1891, at the age of sixty-one years. Mr. Marshall was one of the earliest business men of Cohoes, taking up a residence there in 1859. He established a dry goods business there in partnership with Rodney Wilcox. Later he went into the lumber trade, which is still owned and operated by his widow. Mr. Marshall was born at Victory Mills, Saratoga county, in 1830, and spent four years in California before making his home here, where he became a leading citizen, honored by all who knew him. He was survived by his widow and three sons: Harry A. (deceased), Charles E., practicing medicine at Lead, South Dakota, and Frederick W., at home.
MARTIN, Peter W., Family Sketch
Martin, Peter W., was born in New Scotland in June, 1834. John, the greatgrandfather, was born in Coxsackie; he was left an orphan when quite young; he was a mason by trade and was a soldier in the English array during the Revolutionary war; he settled in the town of New Scotland, before the war, there he worked at his trade and died in New Salem in about 1816; his wife was Maria Fralick, by whom he had thirteen children, of whom four were boys. Peter, the grandfather, was born in this town in December, 1781; he was a farmer, and a soldier in the war of 1812; his wife was Christiana Allen, daughter of William and Jennie (Drummons) Allen, both born in Scotland; they had seven children: Margaret, Isabella, Mary, Jennie, William, Avery, and John; he died in June, 1852. and his wife died in 1839. William, the father, was born in New Scotland, October 18, 1806, and came on the farm he now owns with his parents when he was six years of age; when he was thirty years of age he purchased half of his father's farm of ninety-four acres, and in 1851 purchased the other half; since then he has devoted himself to farming; he erected all the buildings and made many other improvements; in October, 1829. he married Mary, daughter of William Moak and granddaughter of Robert Taylor, a native of Ireland, and their children were Mary, Jane, Peter W., William M., Robert, Harriet A., Rachael, and Alden, who died when twenty-two years of age; his wife died April 19, 1880. Peter W. remained on the farm with his father until he was twenty-four years of age, when he engaged in farming for himself; in 1855 he moved to Guilderland and bought a farm, where he resided until 1883; he then sold the farm and moved to Guilderland Center and embarked in the general mercantile business with J. H. Oggsbury. They continued for several years until the store was destroyed by fire and his partner went to Meriden, Conn. In 1893 he opened the store where he is now located. He was elected inspector and is now filling the office of town clerk. In October, 1858, he married Sarah Ann Perry, daughter of Casper Perry, of New Scotland, by whom three children have been born: Elveretta, Emma J., who died when ten years of age, and Levi W.
MARTIN, Robert, Family Sketch
Martin, Robert, was born in the town of New Scotland in 1838. John, his greatgrandfather, was born in Coxsackie, and was left an orphan when quite young. He was a mason by trade, and was a soldier in the English army during the Revolutionary war. He settled in New Scotland before the war, where he worked at his trade, and later died in New Salem about 1816. His wife was Maria Fralick by whom he had thirteen children. Peter, the grandfather, was born in this town in December, 1781. He was a farmer and became a soldier in the war of 1812. His wife was Christiana Allen, daughter of William and Jennie (Dremmons) Allen, both of Scotland and pioneers in New Scotland. They had seven children: Margaret, Isabella, Mary, Jennie, William, Avery and John. He died in June 1852 and his wife in 1839. William, the father, was born in New Scotland, October 18, 1806, and came on the farm he now owns with his parents when he was six years of age. When he was thirty years of age he purchased a half of his father's farm of ninetyfour acres, and in 1851 purchased the other half and has since devoted his time to general farming. He erected all of the buildings and made other improvements on the place. In October, 1829, he married Mary Moak, daughter of William Moak and granddaughter of Robert Taylor, a native of Ireland. Their children were Mary, Jane, Peter W., William M., Robert, Harriet A., Rachael, and Alden, who died when twenty-two years of age. His wife died April 19, 1880. Robert has always resided on the homestead; for the past twenty-five years he had charge of the farm, his father residing with him. In December, 1869, he married Amelia Wood, daughter of Arnold Wood. They have two children: Arvilla H., wife of Clarence Harkey of Guilderland, and Frank W.
MASTERSON, General John Philip, Family Sketch
Masterson, Gen. John Philip, is the eldest son of Philip and Mary (Dolan) Masterson, natives of Longford, Ireland, who resided in Albany over fifty years, dying, the father on April 29, 1877, and the mother September 30, 1877. He was born in Albany, May 6, 1849, was educated in the public and private schools and in 1864 entered the establishment of Taylor & Waterman carpet dealers. In 1867 he became librarian of the Young Men's Association, which post he most creditably filled for five years, when he was made chief managing clerk in Bradstreet's Mercantile Agency, then under Samuel Moffat. In the sprmg of 1874 he was elected a member and secretary of the Democratic General Committee and occupied that position until June, 1896. In 1875 he was appointed clerk in the adjutant general's office under Gen. Frederick Townsend and held that position four years, receiving while there the title of "General" by which he has since been popularly known. In 1879 he was appointed by the Board of Supervisors clerk of the committee on coroners and physicians, and later as clerk to all the committees of the board, and in 1884 became confidential and chief clerk to the state engineer, a position he held until November 28, 1892. In 1893 and again in 1894 he was appointed police commissioner, but resigned m the latter year to accept, in September, at the hands of President Cleveland, the appointment of surveyor of customs of the port of Albany, to succeed Hon. John M. Bailey, which office he still holds. Since leaving the Young Men's Association in 1874, he has been an active, influential leader in the Democratic party. He is a life member of the Catholic Union, vice-president of the Democratic Phalanx, a great lover and collector of books, and resides in the homestead in which he was born at No. 5 Chestnut street.
McDONOUGH, Joseph, Family Sketch
McDonough, Joseph, so widely known throughout the country by antiquarians and lovers of valuable books as "ye old booke man" of Albany, was born in 1834 in Kilkenny, Ireland. His rare taste for books was inherited from his father, James McDonough, a man of vigorous intellectual powers, who after extensive travels abroad, became a school teacher and finally drifted mto the second-hand book trade. About 1845 he opened a book stand in Liverpool, England, and continued there until his death in 1860. The maiden name of the mother of Joseph McDonough was Mary Hawthorne, a descendant of one of Cromwell's soldiers who had become proprietor of some land in the vicinity of Kilkenny, where young McDonough was early instructed in the elementary branches of knowledge by his father. He first entered his father's bookstore and when about nineteen started out with a book stall for himself in Liverpool. His financial success was assured from the first and in a few years he accumulated a large stock of books. When Henry G. Bohn, the eminent old bookseller and publisher of London visited Liverpool in 1858 he complimented Mr. McDonough by saying that he had the best store of the kind in England. In 1870 he came to America and soon settled in Albany, where he began business with a small book stall on State street. He moved several times from small stores to larger ones, and was very successful. In 1886 he started a branch in New York city and issued catalogues of old books regularly. In 1890 he returned to Albany and established himself in his present elegant quarters at Nos. 53 and 55 State street. Much of Mr. McDonough's stock of books is secured by his attendance at auction sales of private libraries in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, and the regular book trade sales in those cities. He deals extensively in general literature, making a specialty of books relating to America, and has a large trade with the numerous public libraries and historical societies in the West and South. One of the grand secrets of his success as an accomplished bookseller is his wide knowledge of bibliography, a science which he carefully studied in England as early as 1860. Perhaps there is no man in Albany better acquainted with this subject than he. With the date of pubhcation, the best editions and real value of the vast collections of literary treasures from the earliest periods down to the present time, he is perfectly familiar.
McDOWELL, George H., Family Sketch
McDowell, George H., of the firm of G. H. McDowell & Co., who built in 1891 the Cascade Mills on Van Schaick's Island, is one of the most prominent manufacturers in Cohoes, where he came with his mother when only three years old, his father, David McDowell, having died when he was an infant. He is of Scotch-Irish descent and was born at Lansingburgh in 1853. He began business with nothing but his indomitable courage and presevering efforts with which he surmounted every difficulty until he has become one of the most esteemed men of his city. Mr. McDowell first began as a clerk in the National Bank in 1870, then as bookkeeper until 1881, when he went into the Egberts Woolen Mills as superintendent. In 1882, with Rodney Wilcox, he bought the business and continued the manufacture of underwear, etc., until 1884, when Mr, Wilcox sold out to Mr. George Neil, who was again succeeded by H. S. Greene in 1889. He was married in 1878 to Elizabeth, daughter of John Clute. They have five children. He is treasurer of the board of trustees of the First Presbyterian church and a trustee of the Cohoes Savings Institution.
McELVENEY, Daniel, Family Sketch
McElveney, Daniel, was born of Scotch-Irish ancestry in the province of Ulster, north of Ireland, in 1839, came to Quebec, Canada, with his parents in June, 1841, and when thirteen was apprenticed to the confectionery trade in that city. After serving three years of his seven years as apprentice, he came in August, 1855, to Albany, where he entered the confectionery establishment of Benjamin M. Briare, the famous caterer. In 1858 he entered the employ of S. De Lagrange, confectioner and fancy cake baker, with whom he remained fifteen years. In the spring of 1874 he purchased the old John Martin bakery on the corner of South Pearl and Herkimer streets and six years later bought the property No. 97 South Pear! street, where he has since conducted a fancy bakery, confectionery and catering establishment with marked success. A few years later, having associated with him his two sons, he purchased the property No. 105 North Pearl street and opened a branch store. Mr. McElveney has been for forty-four years connected with the various branches of the catering business and throughout his active career has been uniformly successful.
McGRATH, Michael, Family Sketch
McGrath, Michael, was born in Ireland in 1835. His father was Thomas McGrath, by trade a blacksmith. Michael learned the same trade in the old country, and when a young man emigrated to America. He settled in Green Island, where for the past fifty years he has been a prosperous man in the grocery business and at his trade, and has been a familiar figure. He has served his town as trustee and was treasurer of the Board of Education, and has for many years been a pillar of St. Patrick's church, and a lifelong Democrat.
McHENCH, David B., Family Sketch
McHench, David B., born September 21, 1826, in Albany, is the only son of William McHench, born in Hudson, N. Y., in 1789, died in Albany in 1873. WiUiara and his brother ran a grist mill for some years at Kenwood, afterward was connected with the Mechanics' & Farmers' Bank for forty-two years. He married Margaret Boyd of Schenectady, daughter of David Boyd, the first president of the Mohawk Bank and was president until his death in 1834. Four children are now living. David B. McHench, attended the Albany Academy, and when nineteen became a clerk in a wholesale dry goods house in his native city. Ten years later he entered the office of a stove foundry and remained about nine years, and for fourteen years afterward was bookkeeper for a charcoal blast furnace at Richmond, Mass. In 1877 he returned to Albany and shortly afterward established his present business, paper box manufacturing. He is one of the oldest and best known paper box manufacturers in the city. In 1857 he married Sarah E. , daughter of the late Charles Dillon of Albany, the first manufacturer of fire brick in the State, and they have had two daughters, Laura (Mrs. Franklin H. Jones also of Albany) and Margaret Boyd, deceased.
McNAB, Dr. Duncan, Family Sketch
McNab, Dr. Duncan, son of Duncan and Sarah (Osborne) McNab, was born June 6, 1870, in Troy, N. V., where he was educated in the High School. He was graduated from the Albany Medical College with the degree of M. D. in 1892, and then took an eight months' course in the New York Polyclinic Hospital and Medical College. In 1893 he began his practice in Green Lsland, Albany county, where he has since resided. He is a member of the Troy and Vicinity Medical Society, King Solomon's Primitive Lodge No. 91, F. & A. M., and Watervliet Lodge, Knights of Pythias. April 20, 1896. Dr. McNab married Millie, daughter of John B. Groat, of Green Island.
McNEIL, Thomas J., Family Sketch
McNeil, Thomas J., was born in Ireland, of Scotch ancestry, in 1860. He is the son of John McNeil, a linen manufacturer, who came to America with his family in 1866, and located in the city of Albany, N. Y. In 1872 they moved to Cohoes, N Y. McNeil, the elder, was employed by the Harmony Company as an overseer and cloth expert; he remained with that company for twelve years, when he resigned. After that time, and until his death in September, 1894, he was employed by the Tivoli Knitting Mill Company. Thomas J. enlisted in the 7th Separate Company, State Militia, in 1880, being that time twenty years of age. His record in that company is as follows; Private, May 15, 1880; sergeant, April 18, 1883; first sergeant, June 18, 1884; second lieutenant, June 20, 1884; first lieutenant, March 15, 1889; resigned (honorable discharge), December 30, 1890; re-enlisted, January 12, 1891; corporal, February 16, 1891; sergeant, November 9, 1891; first sergeant. May 2, 1892. At the present time he is first sergeant of the company and also drill, master. His rating as drillmaster and tactician is of the highest. He received the appointment as armorer of the above named company in 1883, which position he now so capably and acceptably fills. He was married January 21, 1885. to Elizabeth Fisher Hume, a daughter of George Hume of Cohoes, N. Y.
MEARS, Kdward Norris Kirk, A. B., M. D., Family Sketch
Mears, Kdward Norris Kirk, A. B., M. D., was born in Cambridge, Mass., July 1, 1S70, and is a son of the Rev. D. O. Mears, D. D.. the pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church of Albany, N. Y. Dr. Mears attended the public schools at Worcester, Mass., and was graduated from the Worcester Academy in 1888. He then attended Williams College and was graduated in 1892. While at Williams College he studied medicine under Dr. L. D. Woodbridge, and after leaving there he spent one year at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. New York city, under the preceptorship of Dr. Robert F. Weir. He then came to Albany and studied with Drs. J. M. Bigelow and A. Vander Veer, and in 1895 was graduated from the Albany Medical College and received the degree of M. D. He is a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity and the Albany County Medical Society. He is also climical assistant in the Albany Medical College and assistant in the genito-urinary department of the Albany Hospital. June 1, 1893, he married Elizabeth Cooper of Bennington, Vt.
MENAND, Louis, Family Sketch
Menand, Louis, has been a commanding figure in horticultural circles for a number of years. He has been named "The Grand Old Man" of the gardener's craft in this county. He is now in his eighty-ninth year. He came to America in 1837 and enjoys a retrospective view of American horticulture, extending over a period of sixty years. Mr. Menand continued to reside among his beloved flowers at Albany. He is mentally alert and active as ever. His personal recollections as originally published in the American Florist, from which we quote, are overflowing with a personality which is both charming and unique. Mr. Phelps says well of Mr. Menand's autobiography that contains "the natural philosophy of one who was always a lover of liberty, and a student alike of books and nature." His life has shed fragrance and beauty that will endure as long as flowers grow and gardens bloom.
MILLS, Charles H., Family Sketch
Mills, Charles H., son of Borden H. and Harriet N. (Hood) Mills, was born in Knowlesville, Orleans county, N. Y., June 31, 1851, and moved with his parents to Albany in 1857. Borden H. Mills was a member of the wholesale flour firm of Mills & McMartin, on Broadway, and died here in 1873. He was a prominent Republican leader and alderman of the Tenth ward. Charles H. Mills attended the Albany High School, was graduated from Union College in 1872, and read law with John M. Carroll, of Johnstown, N. Y., and was graduated from the Albany Law School and admitted to the bar in 1873. He practiced in Johnstown until 1875, and since then in Albany, being since 1889 senior member of the law firm of Mills & Bridge (Charles F. Bridge). He is a Republican, was president of the Albany Board of Excise in 1895. This board raised the license from sixty dollars to $300, and thereby increased the city's income from licenses from $47,000 to $114,000. He was president of the Y. M. C. A. two terms, 1883-84, when funds were raised for the present building, and during this period was interested in liquidating the old debt and in creating a large surplus for the association, which he has served as a director since 1882, being now the oldest member of the board. He is the editor and author of several law books, a member of the Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M., and Capital City Chapter. No. 242, R. A. M., and a member of the Sons of the Revolution, through his great-grandfather, George Mills, who served under Arnold, was captured at Quebec and after six months a prisoner was exchanged, was one of the guard at the execution of Major Andre, and was with Sullivan through the New Jersey campaign and for two years United States pensioner.
MILNE, William James, PH. D., LL.D., Family Sketch
Milne, William James, Ph. D., LL.D., was born in the village of Forres in the north of Scotland. His father, Charles Milne, was a Scotchman by birth and a miller by occupation. His mother was Jean Black, distantly related to John Black, the distinguished Scottish journalist. William J. Milne spent the first nine years of his life studying in the parochial school of the Presbyterian church at his birth place. In the autumn of 1852 Charles Milne with his family came to America, and after a time settled in the village of Holley, Orleans county. Here William J. Milne attended the academy; he also spent four years as a clerk in a village store and taught school two terms to enable him to prepare for college at the Brockport Collegiate Institute. In 1863 he entered the University of Rochester and was graduated m 1868. During his course at college he taught some in the Rochester Collegiate Institute and by his teaching earned more than enough to meet his expenses at college. During his college course the Brockport Collegiate Institute became a normal school and Dr. Milne was elected professor of ancient languages. He occupied that position until 1871. when he organized the State Normal and Training School at Geneseo, N. Y., and became its principal. There he remained eighteen years and made the school one of the best of its kind in the country. In the autumn of 1889 Dr. Milne succeeded the late Dr. Waterbury as president of the State Normal School at Albany, N. Y., and in the following spring this institution was chartered as a college to train none but teachers. Dr. Milne has brought the college into the front rank of the educational institutions of the State. He is the author of a series of mathematical text books and in addition has contributed many articles to magazines and educational publications. He has also delivered many lectures on the educational methods of the day. He received the degree of Ph. D. from the University of Rochester and that of LL.D. from the Indiana Asbury University. He is an elder in the First Presbyterian church of Albany. In 1871 he married Eliza Jeanet Gates, sister of President Gates of Amherst College, and they have two children, a son and a daughter.
MOORE, Charles H., M. D., Family Sketch
Moore, Charles H., M. D., was born in Albany December 7, 1857, and ou his father's side is of Quaker descent. His great-grandfather, James Moore, was born in Albany county in 1750; his grandfather was Joseph Moore, also a native of this county. His father. Dr. Levi Moore, was born in the village of Quaker Street in Albany county, January, 1837, graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1851 and practiced medicine in Albany until his death, June 30, 1880. He married Georgenia, daughter of Adam Todd, the builder of Geological Hall and a prominent Albanian of Scotch descent. Dr. Levi Moore was one of the best known physicians of his day, and was president of the Albany County and a member of the New York State Medical Societies. Dr. Charles H. Moore was educated in the public schools and High School at Albany, read medicine with his father, and later with Drs. William H. and Theodore P. Bailey, and graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1887. He began practice in Albany and since June, 1889, has been associated with Dr. C. S. Merrill. In 1888-89 he took a post-graduate course in the New York Polyclinic, and was also connected with the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, where he spent much of his time. Since then he has made a specialty of diseases of the eye and ear. He is a member of the Albany County Medical Society and was made its secretary in 1896; he is a member of the Albany Camera Club, is assistant eye and ear surgeon to the Albany City Hospital and the Child's Hospital, and eye and ear surgeon to the Troy Hospital, also instructor in ophthalmology in the Albany Medical College. In 1892 he married Emma A. daughter of Walter Gaige, of Albany; they had one son, Walter Gaige Moore, who died in August, 1896.
MUHLFELDER, Isidor, Family Sketch
Muhlfelder, Isidor, was born in Albany, December 34, 1858. His father, Louis Muhlfelder, who was a native of Bauerbach, Germany, came to Albany about 1850; engaged in mercantile pursuits and subsequently removed to Ballston Spa, N. Y., where he was a merchant and one of the proprietors of the Ballston Spa tannery. Later on he again removed to Albany and became a member of the wholesale millinery firm of S. Nusbaum & Co., and in February, 1884, was one of the founders of the present wholesale dry goods firm of Heiser, Muhlfelder & Co. He died February 23. 1893, leaving him surviving four children, namely: Joseph Muhlfelder, who is connected with the above firm; David Muhlfelder, a well known attorney of Albany; Bell Pareira, wife of Aaron Pareira; and Isidor Muhlfelder, the subject of this sketch. Isidor Muhlfelder was educated in the public schools of New York city and Albany, and was in 1874 engaged as a salesman with S. M. Valkenburgh & Co., of Albany, with which firm he remained for ten years and in 1884 he, together with Solomon A. Heiser and Louis Muhfelder, founded the present firm of Heiser, Muhlfelder & Co., of which he is one of the two surviving members. In March, 1889, he married Pina Fleischman, and they have two children, Leo and Elsa, and he resides with his family at 126 Lancaster street in Albany. He is a prominent member of several clubs, lodges and societies and is one of the leading business men of the city of Albany.
MULLENNEAUX, Marcus H., Family Sketch
Mullenneaux, Marcus H., of French Huguenot and English stock, son of Tunis T. and Mary Wright, was born near Newburgh, N. Y., January 5, 1852; passed his boyhood on the the farm until fifteen years of age, then taught school several years; was graduated from the Albany Normal School in the spring of 1873. He taught natural science and mathematics in Claverack College and Hudson River Institute until 1877; was graduated with the degree of LL.B. from the Albany Law School in 1878, read law with Newkirk & Chase of Hudson, and was admitted to the bar in the fall of that year at the General Term of the Supreme Court in Brooklyn. He practiced law in Newburgh until 1885, when he accepted the general agency for Eastern New York of the National Life Insurance Company of Montpelier, Vt., which position he has since held. He is a member of the executive committee of the Life Underwriters' Association of Eastern New York and a director of the Albany Musical Association. Mr. Mullenneaux has built up a large and satisfied constituency for his company in the Hudson River valley, notwithstanding the company had not before been represented by a general agency in this part of the State. In the spring of 1893 he moved his general office from Newburgh to Albany. In 1880 he married Ella, daughter of Elbert Verity of Brooklyn, and they have two sons; Elbert V. and Marcus H., jr.
[ Surnames N ]