Albany County New York Family Sketches - Surnames W
Transcribed by Lynn Tooley
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Albany County New York Family Sketches - surnames W, extracted from the Landmarks of Albany County, New York, Edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N.Y., Syracuse, N.Y., D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1897.
WACKERHAGAN, William B., Family Sketch
Wackerhagen, William B., is a grandson of Augustus Gunther George Wackerhagen, a Lutheran clergyman, who came to this country from Hanover, Germany, in the latter part of the last century. The latter's son Edward, born in Clermont, N. Y., in 1825, was a merchant and manufacturer in Greenville and later a manufacturer of agricultural implements in Albany and in Racine, Wis., and died in Albany in 1890. Of his seven children, six are living: Charles Edward of Canaan Four Corners, N. Y., Charlotte Antoinette of Chicago, William Burroughs of Albany, Philip Mayer of Racine, Wis., Henrietta Litell of Albany. Kate King of Elyria. Ohio; Susan Elizabeth, deceased. William B. came to Albany with his parents and with them removed to Racine, Wis., where he graduated from the high school in 1873, returning in the same year to Albany with the family. After a course in the Albany Business College he entered in 1874 the employ of Maurice E. Viele, a hardware dealer. Rising rapidly, he was promoted in 1878 to position of buyer, remaining with Mr. Viele till June, 1891, when with his present associates he helped organize and incorporate the Albany Hardware and Iron Company, who purchased the stock and fixtures and succeeded to a business which had been carried on without interruption for over one hundred years. Of this company Mr. Wackerhagen has since been secretary, the other officers being Charles H. Turner, president, and James K. Dunscomb, treasurer. He is a member of the Fort Orange Club, the Mohican Canoe, the Albany Whist & Chess, the Empire Curling and Albany County Wheelmen's Clubs, the Ridgefield Athletic and American Canoe Associations of which he was secretary atod treasurer in 1893, and a member of the Board of Managers of the Young Men's Association.
WADSWORTH, Paul, Family Sketch
Wadsworth, Paul, was born in Auburn, N. Y. , June 13, 1854. His parents came from New England and he is descended from Christopher Wadsworth who landed at Duxbury, Mass., in 1630 and to whom was given by Miles Standish one of the first deeds executed by him, which now hangs in Plymouth Hall. The Wadsworth family is very prominent in New England history and Paul Wadsworth, the subject of this sketch, is a direct descendant of Captain Samuel Wadsworth, who with his company of one hundred men, was massacred by Indians at Sudbury, Mass. Mr. Wadsworth received an academic education at the Auburn Academy and Geneva High School and in 1868 he entered the telegraph service at Saratoga, N. Y. He held the positions of operator and manager at different places in the State until the fall of 1871, when he entered the service of the D. & H. C. Co., as operator at Cooperstown Junction, N. Y., from which point he was transferred to Binghamton, N. Y., as operator and ticket agent, and when the division superintendent's office was moved to Oneonta in 1873, Mr. Wadsworth was given the position of train dispatcher. He was made local freight agent at Albany, N. Y., in 1877 and remained at this post for thirteen years when be was appointed assistant general freight agent and a few years later general freight agent, which position he now holds. In point of service Mr. Wadsworth is one of the oldest employees in the railroad department of the company. He held the position of president of the General Freight Agents Association of New England for one year and was also secretary for the same term. He is a member of a number of traffic organizations and his name appears upon important committees of same. Mr. Wadsworth is also a member and trustee of the Fourth Presbyterian church of Albany and is actively identified in church and Sunday school work. He is a member of the Albany Club, the Transportation Club of New York, and Ancient City Lodge F. & A. M., of Albany. In 1876 he married Susie Walker of Pittsburgh, Pa., and they have one son and two daughters.
WAGGONER, William S., Family Sketch
Waggoner, William S., was born in the town of Guilderland, November 16, 1855. The Waggoner name dates back to the early settling of Albany county. Michael Waggoner, the founder of the name in America, was a native of Germany; he settled in what is now Guilderland, where he took up a tract of some 700 acres of land. George, the next in line, was born in Guilderland on the homestead near Dunnsville. Peter, the great-grandfather, was born on the homestead about 1770; his wife was Hannah Walker, and their children were George, Israel, Nancy. Fulatta, Betsey, John and Susan. George, the grandfather, was born on the homestead in 1801, and devoted his life to farming; his wife was Elizabeth, daughter of John Winnie, and their children were Peter G., John W., Amanda, Susan M., William, Sarah, Louisa, Elizabeth and Mary Ann; he died in 1848 and his wife died in 1867. Peter G., the father, was also born on the Waggoner homestead in 1833; he attended district schools until sixteen years of age, when, his father becoming an invalid, he look charge of affairs; after some twelve years he gave the farm to his brother William, the latter to care for the mother and sisters; he then bought another farm, but later moved to the town of Bethlehem, where he resided for twelve years; in 1883 he removed to Guilderland and purchased his present farm of ninety-three acres, near Guilderland Center, on which he has erected fine and commodious buildings; he has served his town for several years as commissioner of highways, and was twice appointed to take the govornment census of his town; in 1853 he married Evaline, a native of Guilderland and a daughter of John P. Livingston. Their children are are Magdalen V., William S., Rolin, Anna B., deceased, Elon M. and Grace. William S. received a common school education and when twenty-three years old began farming on his own account in the town of Guilderland. On this farm he lived for nine years, when in 1890 he removed to his father's farm which he has since had charge of. He is now serving his second four years' term as justice of the peace, and is president of the Guilderland Mutual Insurance Association. In 1878 he married Emma C, born in Guilderland and daughter of John F. and Ann Eliza (Crounse) Fryer.
WAGNER, John, Family Sketch
Wagner, John, son of J. George and Nancy Wagner, was born in Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1858. He received a public school education and became a clerk in a hat store in his native city, and later was made manager of the hat and cap department of the Bronner Clothing Company, of Buffalo, where he remained five years. In January, 1884, he came to Albany and formed a partnership with Joseph Belser, sr., as Belser & Wagner, and engaged in the retail dry goods business. Five years later he withdrew and bought out John M. Foil, furniture dealer at No. 308-310 South Pearl street, which he has since continued. In 1890 he started a branch furniture store under the style of the Albany Furniture Company; in 1895 he also opened a furniture store in Troy. He is president of the Commercial Co-operative Union Bank of Albany, of which he was one of the founders, and the first vice-president. He is a Republican and was alderman of the 5th ward one term. He is member of Guttenberg Lodge, F. & A. M. and Temple Chapter, R. & M. In 1883 he married Catherine, daughter of Joseph Belser, sr., of Albany.
WAIT, A. D., Family Sketch
Wait, A. D., who has been reappointed a member of the National Racing Board of the L. A. W., is one of the most prominent citizens and business men of Cohoes. He has been a resident here for the past cjuarter of a century and for fifteen years has been in the employ of John Leggett & Son, paper box manufacturers, for the past five years having managed their large establishment. Mr. Wait is a veteran wheelman, having ridden since 1883. He is a member of the Cohoes Wheelmen, a most flourishing organization. He is well known as a successful race meet promoter and takes a lively interest in wheeling and everything pertaining thereto and enjoys well deserved popularity. He was last year a member of the State Racing Board of the L. A. W. and is now chairman of that body, having recently been appointed to that position by Chief Consul Potter. In politics Mr. Wait is an active worker and although he has never looked for political fame by seeking office he has nevertheless been a faithful worker for the party to which he adheres. Mr. Wait is also a member of the Cohoes Lodge F. & A. M., and an active member of the Hiram Chapter, K. A. M.
WALKER, William J., Family Sketch
Walker, William J., is a son of John and Frances (Ginn) Walker, natives of the north of Ireland, who came to Albany about 1843. John was engaged in the cattle business and died in 1876, aged forty-nine. William J. Walker, born in Albany February 13, 1853, attended public school No. 11 and when fourteen entered the law office of S. W. Rosendale and in 1869 the store of A. McClure & Co. , wholesale druggists. In 1882 he was admitted a partner in this firm, the name of which was changed in 1889 to McClure, Walker & Gibson, and in 1893 to Walker & Gibson, which it still bears. Theirs is strictly a wholesale drug business, covering the territory within a radius of about 200 miles of Albany. Mr. Walker has been police commissioner since 1894, was the Republican candidate for mayor in 1895, was a delegate to the Republicau National Convention at St. Louis in June, 1896, and has frequently been a delegate to local and State political conventions. He is a member of the Fort Orange Club, one of the governers of the Albany City Hospital, a director in the National Commercial Bank and a trustee of the Mechanics' and Farmers' Savings Bank, the Madison Avenue Reformed church and the Albany College of Pharmacy. In 1882 he married Ada, daughter of John Craig of Fultonville, N. Y., and they have four children: William J., jr., Esther, Francis and Helen.
WALTERS, Charles, Family Sketch
Walters, Charles, was born at the Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, Albany county, in 1845. He is a son of the late William Walters, captain and ordnance storekeeper, U. S. A., who died at New York Arsenal, Governor's Island, New York harbor, in 1864,. whilst on duty at that station. Mr. Walters now occupies the position of chief clerk at the Arsenal; he is an unpretentious citizen, taking no active part in the affairs of the city of Watervliet, where he now resides. He entered the service of the government in 1861, and in 1870 came to Watervliet Arsenal to his present position, succeeding Isaac I. Fonda, deceased, late of Watervliet.
WANDS, John B., Family Sketch
Wands, John B., was born in the town of New Scotland, N. Y., June 13, 1833. The first of the Wands to come to America were two cousins, James and John Wands; they were Scotch Highlanders, and were weavers by trade. They enlisted in the English army and came to Canada to take part in the French and English war (1754 to 1762), having enlisted as volunteers for three months; they served their time, and upon their discharge started as pioneers through the woods of New York State, toward Albany, and finally located in what is now New Scotland; their settlement dates about 1763. Ebenezer Wands, the grandfather of our subject, was another of these hardy Scotch pioneers; he was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and was also a weaver by trade; he was a cousin of James and John, who had preceded him a few years to America; he married Mary Ann Miller, and came to America immerliately after, probably about 1780, and settled on a tract of land, about 400 acres, which he purchased for two dollars per acre, and began clearing him a home, and plied his trade winters. He reared eight sons and three daughters; the sons all became tradesmen, some blacksmiths, wagonmakers, carpenters, weavers, etc., and among them they grew and manufactured everything needed on the farm. He died when eighty eight years of age. Benjamin Wands, father of our subject and the fourth son of his father's children, was born in New Scotland in 1797. He learned the weaver's trade from his father; he afterward became a farmer, owning a farm of si.xty acres, which he operated, and plied his trade winters. In politics he was first a Whig, later a Republican, and, though not an aspirant to public office, he manifested an active interest in the electing of his party ticket. His wife was Margaret Wands, who was born in New Scotland in 1797, daughter of James 2, who was the son of James 1, the pioneer; they reared five sons and five daughters. He died in 1865 and his wife in 1873. John B. Wands worked on his father's farm until he was seventeen years of age, when he went to Albany and engaged as cartnian, which position he occupied for five years; he then accepted a position as porter in a wholesale grocery store, where he remained six years, and in 1864 engaged with Mather Bros., as shipper in their wholesale grocery; he remained with them over twentyfour years, when, on account of failing health, he was obliged to resign his position. In 1888 he moved to Voorheesville, where he engaged in the retail general mercantile business, and where he has since remained. Mr. Wands is a Republican in politics. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Wadsworth Lodge, Albany, in which he often officiated. He is also a member of the Odd Fellows fraternity, American Lodge, No. 33, of which he is past noble grand, and was also on the district grand committee for years. In addition to his other interests Mr. Wands has been for a number of years interested in the manufacture of soap in Kingston, N. Y. In 1855 he married Sarah J. Drew, of Albany, daughter of Robert and Sarah Drew, natives of London, England, by whom he had three children: Emma, wife of Slater Swift, of New Scotland; Grace, wife of Carey Martin; and Robert B. Wands.
WARNER, Jacob A., Family Sketch
Warner, Jacob A., a well known citizen and landmark, was born in the town oi Berne, March 16, 1828. Christopher Warner, his great grandfather, was a native of Germany, came to America with his two brothers, and settled in the town of Berne, taking up land around what is now known as Warner's Lake. Christopher Warner, the grandfather, was born in Berne and was a farmer. In 1765 he and his brother Johannes erected a saw and grist mill in East Berne, it being the second mill in the town. He reared three sons and four daughters. Henry C, the father of John A. Warner, was born in Berne on the homestead near Warner's Lake, November 14, 1793. In early life he was a farmer, but the greater part of his life was spent at coopering, residing all his life at Berne. His first wife was Lena, daughter of Andrew Batcher of Knox, and they had seven children: Rebecca, Samuel, Mary Ann, Elizabeth (who died when three years of age), Hannah, Christopher and Jacob A. His wife died in 1834 and he married Mrs. Lane Cole. He died in 1854. Jacob A. Warner received a limited common school education, and when a lad of twelve years of age began work on a farm for others; when fourteen he went to live with an uncle, with whom he remained until eighteen. He then learned the mason's trade and followed this for nine years, when he purchased a small farm in Berne and engaged in farming. After selling this farm he lived two years in Knox on a rented farm and in 1865 he purchased a farm in the town of New Scotland. He sold this farm and in 1867 purchased his present farm of 127 acres, where he has ever since resided. He has been the breeder of many fine horses and also a dealer in horses, and is an excellent judge of oxen, as he found it profitable for many years when ox teams were much in use to deal in those animals, buying and selling many yokes of cattle; later years he has devoted more attention to the breeding of Jersey cattle. In politics Mr. Warner is a Republican and has filled the office of assessor in his town for fifteen years, and is now filling that office. He has often been drawn as juryman, having sat on the Grand Jury and United States Grand Jury. In 1851 he married Sarah, daughter of Lawrence Clyckman, and their children were Henrietta (who died when twenty-one), Lawrence and Mary (wife of Charles Fares of Guilderland). Mr. and Mrs. Warner are members of the Lutheran church in Knox, where Mr. Warner is elder. Lawrence, his son, now has the management of the farm and is interested in the breeding of Jersey cattle and fine draft horses. His first wife was Mary Kipp, second wife. Minnie, daughter of Calvin Beebe of Knox, and they have one child, Earl. He is a Republican and a member of the Patrons of Husbandry.
WATERS, M. B., Family Sketch
Waters, M. B., was born in Duxbury, Plymouth county, Mass., in October, 1831. and is a descendant of good old Puritan stock. He had none of the advantages of education so liberal in tbis day, but he was a great reader and seeker after knowledge and always had a book with him, to which he applied himself during leisure moments. His mind therefore became stored with very useful information, for he read only those books from which he could derive practical knowledge and which tended to strengthen his mind. He began railroading in 1851 on what was then the Hudson River Road, now the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., and leaving there he went to the Troy & Boston Railroad, now the Fitchburg Railroad, where he filled such positions as baggagemaster, ticket agent and freight and passenger train conductor. He was also the first passenger agent and during the war was stationed in New York with an office on Broadway. That office was abolished after the war and he became connected with the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. as passenger train conductor. The genial disposition and courteous manners which he showed in that capacity, eminently qualified him for advancement and today he holds the position of general passenger agent of the People's Line Steamers on the Hudson River. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Mexico and the West Indies. Mr. Waters is also a very interesting correspondent and has many times favored the general public with letters to newspapers describing his travels. He was formerly President of the Railroad Conductors' Insurance Company of the United States and Canada and is now an active member of that body. He is also a life member of the various Masonic bodies, from the Blue Lodge to the Mystic Shrine, and is also a member of the International Association of Ticket Agents, also a member of the American Association of General Passenger Agents. He is a very public spirited citizen and nothing which will improve his home city, Troy, escapes his notice; and he has written many articles setting forth his views on public matters which have always carried great weight. Mr. Waters was married October 15, 1866, at North Dorset, Vt., to a daughter of the Hon. Welcome Allen.
WEAVER, George B., Family Sketch
Weaver, George B., was born in New York city in 1848, and was a son of Hamilton Weaver, a merchant of that city and a native of Oneida county. His boyhood was passed on a farm near Deerfiekl, Oneida county. His education was completed at a private school in Utica; so rapid was his progress and so complete his grasp of knowledge in detail, that immediately upon attaining legal majority he received an appointment in the State Department of Public Instruction and continued for twenty-five years in that line of work. His duties were largely classical in connection with the department, and he has become very prominent and efficient in educational matters in the town of Colonie where his home is situated. He has been very active in public life and recently served as assessor and upon the town Board of Education.
WEEBER, Christian, Family Sketch
Weeber, Christian, one of the self-made men of properly at Loudonville, is of German birth, having been born at Wuertemburgh in 1839. He was about twentyfive years of age when he turned his face toward this land of promise, and having a predilection for the butchering trade, soon found employment in that line in Albany. A business venture in New York resulted in illness and financial disaster, and he returned to Albany, January 1, 1865, and established himself in business in a small way. During the succeeding fifteen years he steadily enlarged his trade and in 1879 was enabled to purchase the handsome place at Loudonville, where he is now so eligibly situated, with forty-five acres of garden land adjacent. Mr. Weeber is a citizen of much natural ability and has taught himself to read and write English. He has one son in Denver, Col., and one at Schenectady, both in the market business, and another son in the bicycle trade at Albany; also two sons and one daughter at home.
WEIDMAN, Malachi, Family Sketch
Weidman, Malachi, though a native of Berne, N. Y., has been a resident of Cohoes for over sixty years. He was born in 1828, and was the son of Abram Weidman, who was for years associated with the Silliman's Axe Works. Here he was first employed after the acquisition of a good business education. Later he conducted a retail meat market and was for some years engaged in the lime and cement trade. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. A, 22d Regiment, N. Y. Vols., as a private and after two years in service came home an adjutant. He participated in thirteen battles and engagements without a wound, though a horse was once wounded under him. After the war he was for eight years engaged in the wool trade, and for the same length of time served as chief of police. In 1885 he entered his present business, wholesale and retail dealer in lime, cement and sewer pipe. In December, 1863, he married Sarah MacWha.
WEIDMAN, Reuben L., Family Sketch
Weidman, Reuben L., is a descendant of Jacob Weidman of Switzerland, who was one of the first settlers in Berne, Albany county, N. Y. , where he built the first house, the town being named after his native city, Berne, Switzerland. He also built a saw and flouring mill at what was long known as Weidman's Mills. Jacob Weidman was the father of one son Felix, who was the father of Daniel, Jacob, Paul and Felix. All these four generations lived in Berne. Daniel Weidman when fifteen became clerk in a general store in West Berne, and when sixteen came to Albany as clerk for Peter Van Wormer, and later for F. W. Ford & Son. Afterwards he attended the Knoxville and Gallupville Academies, was clerk in a dry goods store in New York city, joined his uncle in mercantile business in Gallupville for six years and thence came to Albany in 184.i and was the founder of the present house of Weidman & Co. He remained in the wholesale grocery business until his death. May 13, 1886. His son George D. was born June 29, 1842, entered the army in 1801 as orderly sergeant, became brevet major of volunteers and captain of Co. F, 10th Regt., N. G. S. N. Y. He died March 17. 1883. Reuben L. Weidman is a son of Felix Weidman, a physician and surgeon whose practice extended over a period covering about forty-five years. He was one of the best known and most successful practitioners in his section of the county. The subject of this sketch was born at Central Bridge, N. Y., October 1, 1848. For a number of years he was engaged in the grocery business in Gallupville, N. Y., and was also for a time in the employ of 1). Weidman, Sons & Co., as traveling salesman. A short time previous to the death of his uncle, Daniel Weidman, he became a member of the firm. October 5, 1888, Mrs. E. Eugenia Daw, a daughter of Daniel Weidman, was admitted under the present firm name of Weidman & Co. Thomas R. Ward, jr., was admitted March 1, 1894. Mr. Weidman enlisted August 17. 1864, in Co. I, 15th N. Y. Cav., and did special duty until discharged May 8, 1865. He is a member of George Dawson Post No. 63, G. A. R., and also of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M. He was married October 4, 1870, to Miss Helena Hunting. They have one daughter. Miss Caroline Weidman.
WHEELER, Frederick F., Family Sketch
Wheeler, Frederick F., son of John C. and Adaline (Freeman) Wheeler, was born in Oshkosh, Wis. February 25, 1859, and was educated at the Vineland, N. J., Academy, where the family settled in 1864. In 1882 he came to Albany and the same year established his present furniture business. He was one of the organizers of the Albany Chamber of Commerce in 1890, and has since been a director and the secretary. He organized the South End Bank, was continuously one of its directors and during the first five years was its first vice-president. He is an associate director of the National Life Association of Hartford, Conn., was one of the founders and is vice-president and director of the West End Savings and Loan Association of Albany and was an originator and officer of the West End Association, designed to effect improvements in the western part of the city. In politics he has been from youth up a Prohibitionist, casting his first vote (the only Prohibition vote cast in Cumberland county, N. J.) for Neal Dow for president in 1880. He has never voted any other ticket. In 1884 he was elected chairman of the State General and State Executive Prohibition Committees and served five years, declining further service in this capacity. During that period the Prohibition ticket received the highest vote ever given it in this State. He is still a member of the Prohibition State Executive Committee and in 1896 was elected a member of the National Prohibition Committee. December 24, 1879, he married Alice Amsden of North Walden, Vt., who died July 22, 1891. leaving four children: Herbert A., Fannie A., Alice A., and Effie A. June 6. 1893, he married, second, Hattie Hall of Leslie, Mich.
WHIPPLE, Walter, Family Sketch
Whipple, Walter, was born in the village of Berne in 1846. Malachi Whipple, his grandfather, was a representative man who came from Stonington, Conn., in 1793, settling in what is now the town of Knox, and purchased what has ever since been known as the Whipple farm. His farm in 1820 took the premium as the model farm in Albany county; the premium consisted of two solid silver pitchers, silver teaspoons, and five silver cups, which are still in possession of different members of the family; he afterwards received premiums on his sheep and viool and on cloth of his own manufacture. In 1835 he removed to the village of Berne, purchased a mill privilege and erected a grist mill. While residing in the town of Knox he represented that town in the board of supervisors and subsequently represented Berne in the same capacity. He was also one of the founders of the Reformed (Dutch) church of Berne. His wife was Percilla Brown and they had thirteen children; Amos, Polly, William, Diana. Lois, Ann. Ethan. Abel. Sarah, Lucy, Parmelia. Allen and Esli. Esli, the father of Walter Whipple, was born in Knox in 1820. He learned the harnessmaker's trade and followed it throughout his enter life. He was five years old when his father moved to the village of Berne and he spent his life there, with the exception of five years spent in Cohoes. In politics he was a Republican and was often proffered nominations for public offices, but always declined the honor. His wife was Angelica Rosekrans. daughter of Dr. Holmes Rosekrans. of Berne, and they had one child, Walter. Esli Whipple died in February, 1892, and his wife in October, 1887. They were both members of the Reformed church, in which Mr. Whipple had been an officer for many years, and was an elder in the church at the time of his death. Walter Whipple attended the common schools of the village and finished his education by attending select schools for several terms. When sixteen he entered a store at Rensselaerville as clerk, where he remained three years; the next two years were spent in Albany as a clerk. He then returned home and engaged in harness-making with his father, with whom he remained until the latter's death; since the death of his father he has continued the business alone. Mr. Whipple is a Republican and like his father always refused all public offices. In 1871 he married Miss Josephine Ball of Berne, daughter of Paul and Maria (Moore) Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Whipple are both members of the Reformed church, of which Mr. Whipple is at the present time an officer.
WHITBECK, Dr. Ansel McK., Family Sketch
Whitbeck, Dr. Ansel McK., was born in Columbia county, N. Y., February 16, 1H36. His father was Dr. Volkert Whitbeck, for sixty-two years a physician in Hudson, N. v., and his mother, Caroline Rockfeller. Dr. Whitbeck's ancestors were Holland-Dutch, who came to America during the early colonization and who played an important part in the American Revolution. Dr. Whitbeck attended the Hudson Academy, from which he was graduated in 1854 and then went to Rochester, N. Y., where he studied medicine for a year. Upon returning to Hudson he engaged in the drug business continuing the study of medicine with his father, and subsequently after attending a course of lectures at Bellevue Hospital, New York city, he received in 1859 a practitioner's certificate from the Board of Censors of Columbia county. He practiced in Hudson until 1881 when he removed to Albany, where he has since practiced most of the time, still, however, retaining an office in Hudsoi. He was examining surgeon during the war and has been city physician and jail pliysician at Hudson. In 1855 he married Sarah Edmonds Frary, daughter of Jonathan Frary and niece of Dr. Frary of Hudson, She died in 1860, and in 1863 he married Emeline Ellis of Coxsackie, N. Y., by whom he had two children: Ansel R. and Emma Louise.
WIGHT, Edward, Family Sketch
Wight, Edward, was born in Belfast, Me., in 1835, and is a son of Samuel Wight, a captain of merchant ships, who died at sea. Mr. Wight was twenty-one years of age when he became a resident of West Troy. He has been one of the leading grocery dealers of West Troy for nearly half a century. His first grocery and market was located on Canal street, and is now at Twenty-third street, dealing in hay, grain and cordage, besides the grocery business, and is very successful.
WILLIAMS, Chauncy P., Family Sketch
Williams, Chauncey P., son of Josiah and Charity (Shaler) Williams, was born in Upper Middletowi (now Cromwell), Conn., March 5, 1817. He spent his boyhood days on his father's farm, attending school only in the winters, and showed a decided liking for mathematics and astronomy. At the age of sixteen he went as a clerk in the employ of his brothers, T. S. Williams & Bros., who were engaged in commercial business at Ithaca, N. Y. In 1835 he was transferred to the Albany house of the firm, then under the direction of Josiah B. Williams. In 1839, with Henry W. Sage as his partner, he succeeded to the business of the Albany house, also conducting the business at Ithaca and elsewhere. This partnership continued through a long term of years. Mr. Williams was a student along lines of finance and practical economics and wrote much on our banking systems and coinage. In 1861, at the commencement of the Civil war, he was asked to take charge of the Albany Exchange Bank, and he met with such success that when the bank closed its corporate existence as a State institution to become a National bank in 1865, the entire capital was returned to the shareholders with fifty-four percent, of the surplus earnings. During the Civil war his hank was made the agent of the Treasury in distributing the loans of the government to the people. He continued as the financial officer of the National Albany Exchange Bank, first as cashier and later as president, during its entire corporate existence of twenty years, from 1865 to 1885. When the bank closed after having declared regular semi-annual dividends, its whole capital, with ninety-seven percent, of surplus earnings was restored to its shareholders. In 1885 the bank was reorganized as the National Exchange Bank of Albany and Mr. Williams was elected its president. In 1887 he withdrew from the bank and up to the time of his death had charge of the business of the Albany Exchange Savings Bank. Mr. Williams was elected alderman of his ward in 1849. The winter of 1875-76 he spent in England, France and Italy, studying the banking system of those countries. From 1842 to 1857 he was the repeated candidate of the old Liberal party for Congress from the Albany district. In 1868 he published a "Review of tlie Financial Situation of Our Country." In 1875 he read a paper before the Albany Institute on "Money, True or False," and in 1886 another paper on "Gold, Silver and the Coinage of the Silver Dollar." In 1878 he contributed to the Albany Journal a series of papers on "The Greenback Question." October 13, 1887, he delivered before the American Bankers' Association at Pittsburgh, Pa., an address on the National Bank and State Taxation. In 1842 he married Martha A. Hough of Whitestown, N. Y., and they had two sons: Frederick S., who died September 9, 1870, and Chauncey P., jr., who married Emma McClure, daughter of the late Archibald McClure of Albany, and three daughters, one of whom died in March, 1877, one the wife of Robert C. Pruyn, president of the National Commercial Bank, the other the wife of Timothy S. Williams, formerly private secretary to ex-Governor Flower. Mr. C. P. Williams died May 30, 1894, while on a pleasure excursion in the North Woods.
WILLIAMS, George A., Family Sketch
Williams, George A., M. D., was born in the town of Columbia, Conn., March 13, 1851. His parents were George and Jerusha (Cohn) Williams, and both were the youngest of seven children, respectively. Dr. Williams is descended from a long line of ancestors, among whom was Roger Williams. Dr. Williams spent many years in preparation for his profession and studied at Yale University, New Haven, and Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. He also received instruction under Dr. Kingsley, the founder of the New York Dental College, and he has two dental diplomas, one from the New York Dental College, conferring upon him the decree of D. D. S., and the other of Master of Dental Surgery, from the New York State Censors. In 1890 Dr. Williams was graduated from the Albany Medical College, receivmg the degree of M. D., and since then he has practiced in Albany. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and has all of both the York and Scottish Rite degrees. He is also a member of the A. A. O. N. M. S. and is a member of all the Odd Fellow orders, having passed all the chairs. For two years he was instructor on the heart and lungs at the Albany Medical College and also instructor in materia medica in that institution. Dr. Williams is also a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa Society and the Albany County Medical Society.
WILLIS, Mrs. Alexander, Family Sketch
Willis, Mrs. Alexander, was the widow of A. E. Willis, who died in 1895. Mrs. Willis was the sister of Fletcher Blaisdell and Dr. Wesley Blaisdell, and a daughter of Levi Blaisdell who died in 1833; he was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and afterwards came and settled in Coeymans; he was a ship builder, and had two sons and one daughter: Dr. Wesley Blaisdell, and Fletcher Blaisdell, the daughter being Mrs. Willis, who was married in 1841 and had the following children: David B., of New York; Alexander B., who died in 1890; Henrietta and Henry, who died in infancy; Charles, who died in 1891; Wilbor, who is a bachelor of Castleton; Sarell, who is a bachelor and lived with Mrs. Willis, and two daughters, Harriet and Minnie. Mr. Willis was a merchant and speculator of Coeymans. Mrs. Willis died November 27, 1896.
WING, Albert J., Family Sketch
Wing, Albert J., was born in Albany, N. Y., September 18, 1859. He was graduated from Cornell University in 1880, and subsequently entered business life as a member of the firm of Albert Wing, Sons & Co., wholesale grocers. He was for several years actively connected with the N. G. S. N.Y., being a captain in the 10th Battalion, when he received his honorable discharge in 1889. He is a member of the Fort Orange Club, of which he has been a trustee, and is a trustee of the Albany City Homeopathic Hospital. Albert Wing, his father, born in Dutchess county in 1815, came to Albany about 1836 and in 1841 founded on Quay street the present wholesale grocery business of Wing Brothers & Hartt. His first partner was William Cook, the firm being Cook & Wing. They were followed successively by Cook, Wing & Wooster, Cook & Wing again and Wing & Wooster. On Mr. Wooster's death in 1871, Mr. Wing became sole owner. In 1873 his son, James C, was admitted under the firm name of Albert Wing & Son, vchich in 1876 became Albert Wing, Son & Co., and in 1881 Albert Wing, Sons & Co., by admitting Albert J. into the firm. Mr. Wing died in May, 1887, and the present firm name of Wing Brothers & Hartt was adopted. Albert Wing was a director in the First National Bank and one of the leading business men of Albany. He married Maria Carle of Charleston, Montgomery county, N. Y., who died November 16, 1895. They had three children; Kate A., James C. (who died in March, 1893) and Albert J.
WISWALL Family Sketch
Wiswall. Among the old families of the town of Colonie, few have been longer or more favorably known, or more associated with the business and social life of the locality than Ebenezer Wiswall Sr., and his sons Ebenezer Wiswall, Jr. and John Parker Wiswall. Of puritan stock Ebenezer Wiswall, Sr., came from Boston about 1810 and became a member of the Farm Companies of South Troy, West Troy, and Cohoes; his connection with which for nearly fifty years gave him the wide acquaintance with the business men of his time which his descedants still enjoy. John Parker Wiswall, who died in 1875, the father of Edward H. Wiswall of the present time, married Sarah Mark, a member of another old English family in Watervliet. His widow is still living with a married daughter at the old homestead.
WITBECK, Andrew H., Family Sketch
Witbeck, Andrew H., was born in 1824, and is the son of John W. Witbeck and grandson of Walter Witbeck, who was one of the early settlers in the northern part of Coeymans, in Manhattan Hook. John W. Witbeck was born April 10, 1773, at Manhattan Hook, a little valley in the northern part of Coeymans, about four miles from where Andrew H. now lives. On the 20th of May, 1795, in company with his father (grandfather of Andrew H.) he purchased the farm, now the homestead of his son, Andrew H. The latter lives on the farm where he was born, and where his father settled, when married, and lived until his death in 1853. He left five sons: Walter, John, Jasper, Peter and Andrew H., as above, w^ho married Lidia E., daughter of Frederick and granddaughter of John E. Powell. They have one son, John W., and three daughters, Hannah E., (Mrs. Clifton Bedell) Sarah E. and Jennie, (Mrs. A. C. Koonz.)
[ Surnames X-Z ]