Allegany County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, 1895
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1895 Obituaries from The Whitesville News in Whitesville, Allegany County New York.
CHAPMAN, Jane Obituary, Apr. 10, 1895
Jane Chapman, wife of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Job Chapman, died at her home in this village, Sunday, April 7, at 2 a. m., at the ripe old age of 72 years. Mrs. Chapman lived in Whitesville for the past seventeen years, and has always been held in highest esteem by all who knew her, and will be great missed from the circle in which she moved. Mrs. Chapman leaves a husband and one daughter, Mrs. D. M. Rollins, to mourn her loss. The bereaved ones have the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. The funeral was held last Monday at 1 p. m. The services were conducted by Rev. H. Vosburgh. The remains were interred at the cemetery on the hill. [The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, April 10, 1895, p. 2]
JONES, Hiram L. Obituary, May 15, 1895
Hiram L. Jones, one of Wellsville’s oldest citizens died at his home at that place, Friday. At the age of 76 years. [The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, May 15, 1895, p. 2.]
LEWIS, Fowler Obituary, Apr. 3, 1895
Mr. Fowler Lewis was taken ill Saturday eve, March 23, with inflammation of the stomach, and died Tuesday, March 26, at his home in Bingham Center. The funeral was held here Wednesday, and the remains were interred at the State Road cemetery. He leaves a wife and son to mourn his death. He was only thirty-two years of age. [The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, April 3, 1895, p. 2.]
PADDEN, Schubert Obituary, May 8, 1895
Shubert Padden, of Andover was killed by the cars near Willow Springs, Friday. The remains were brought to Andover for burial. Funeral was held Saturday from the Catholic church. [The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, May 8, 1895, p. 2.]
STAFFORD, Mrs. William Obituary, Apr. 24, 1895
Mrs. William Stafford died at her home near Spring Mills, on Saturday morning, of heart disease complicated by pneumonia. Mrs. Stafford was 71 years of age and has been a resident of this section nearly 40 years. A husband and five grown up children are left to mourn her loss. [The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, April 24, 1895, p. 2.]
STORY, Charles F. Obituary, May 1, 1895
Charles F. Story, a contractor and builder and an old resident of Wellsville, died Wednesday the 24th, aged 65. [The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, May 1, 1895, p. 2.]
YEAGER, Chas. Obituary, May 8, 1895
Chas. Yeager, a farmer bout seventy years old, was killed Saturday morning while blowing out stumps with dynamite on his farm on Brimmer Brook, about five miles from Wellsville. He was alone at the time and no one knows exactly how the terrible accident happened. Yeager was well known in this section and for many years run the saw mill on Fords Brook. [The Whitesville News, Whitesville, NY, May 8, 1895, p. 2.]