Monroe County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Frederick Douglass Newspaper, Rochester, NY, 1850-1854
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1850-1854 Obituaries from the Frederick Douglass Newspaper in Rochester, Monroe County New York.
STILLMAN, Matthew, Obituary
It becomes the painful duty of a friend to speak of the untimely end of one who was truly a brother to all men, Matthew Stillman, of Nile, Allegany County, N. Y., who was killed by a collision of the Cars, on the 14th ult, at Almond. His sudden death has cast a visable gloom over the quiet community of which he was truly an estimable member. In his loss, a widowed heart not only mourns his untimely departure, but an interesting family of children, and a large circle of friends, who had learned to prize him for his kindness and fidelity to all with whom he was intimately associated. No man in the community was more truly a friend of the oppressed, and no one more than he, gave evidence of a comprehensive Philanthropy by his daily walk and conversation. He has gone to that reward which awaits the faithful. Would to God that the men who make up the Christian church were more of them like Brother Stillman, ever faithful, ever true to the interests of suffering humanity! A. FRIEND. [Frederick Douglass’ Paper, (Rochester, NY), Friday, October 01, 1852]