Pastors of the Church
First Protestant Dutch Reformed Church
Town of Glen
Montgomery County, New York
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The dates that follow the pastors' names cover the periods that they served the church. The list is compiled from the best authority available in the summer season, and principally from the church record which has been transcribed. The minutes of the Classis of Montgomery and the minutes of the Consistory of the Glen church have not been consulted. The historical discourse preached Nov. 13, 1870, which is believed to be reliable, is the authority for some of the dates.
1. HENRY V. WYCKOFF, 1799 to Apr. 1803, when the pastoral relation was dissolved by the Classis of Montgomery. Soon after, he became pastor of the Second Reformed Dutch Church at Charleston.
2. PETER VAN BUREN, Feb. 19, 1805 to June 12, 1814. He began his labors in Oct., 1804; his call was approved by the Classis, in Jan., 1805; he was ordained and installed Feb. 19, 1805; first baptisms and marriage recorded on Feb. 24, 1805. The pastoral relation was dissolved May 17, 1814.
3. JACOB R. H. HASBROUCK, Sept. 12, 1814 to May 1, 1825. These dates cover the period that his salary was paid. He was called jointly by 1st Charleston and Currytown. The call from 1st Charleston was dated Sept. 12, 1814.
Note. When the Rev. Mr. Hasbrouck left, there was $300.00, due him on account of back salary. It was several yrs. before this debt was fully paid by the Consistory. I have before me a statement of the amount due on the account, which was rendered at a meeting of the Consistory, held on Feb. 6, 1826; the amount then unpaid was $156.25. A memorandum written at the bottom of the statement, reads as follows:"Resolved that the above Consistory with J. S. Glen will continue their Subscription for two Months longer to Continue Vn Hook with us."To my mind this memorandum indicates that the Charleston-Glen church was supplied during the winter of 1825-1826, by the REV. ISAAC A. VAN HOOK, then employed as a Missionary by the Missionary Society of the Reformed Dutch Church.
4. JONATHAN FORD MORRIS, Missionary Supply, Oct. 1827 to Apr. 1829. His record of marriages extends from Dec. 2, 1827 to Mar. 28, 1829.
5. ALANSON B. CHITTENDEN, Nov. 26, 1829 to Dec. 18, 1833, as per his record of marriages.
6. ABRAHAM VAN HORNE, Stated Supply, Apr. 15, 1834 to Feb. 25, 1835, as per the statistical reports of the Classis of Montgomery.
7. CHARLES JUKES, Aug. 4, 1838 to Oct. 17, 1844, as per his record of baptisms. On Sept. 17, 1839, he was appointed by the Classis to organize the Congregation at Auriesville, which had been incorporated Mar. 19, 1839. He was called by Glen and Auriesville for a term of four yrs.; the call expired by limitation and was not dissolved by the Classis.
8. JAMES PINKERTON FISHER, 1845 to 1846. Stated supply.
"The Rev. J. P. Fisher labored here as supply from 1845 til 1846. His ministerial services were of short duration, not accepting the call which was offered him by the churches of Glen & Auriesville." - Van Vranken's Historical Discourse.
9. GARRET L. ROOF, Dec. 2, 1845 to Oct. 17, 1850. Called by Glen and Auriesville; installed at Glen, Dec. 2, 1846; last marriage performed Oct. 17, 1850.
10. ADAM HENRY VAN VRANKEN, Oct. 16, 1851 to Sept. 1865. Ordained and installed in Oct. 1851, but commenced his labors in Sept.
11. FRANCIS VISCHER VAN VRANKEN, Jan. 1, 1866 to Mar. 22 (?), 1874.
12. JOSEPH P. DYSART, Dec. 23, 1874 to Nov. 4, 1879, as per his record of marriages.
13. RICHARD LUDLOW SCHOONMAKER, Dec. 25, 1879 to June 1882, when he died.
This closes the list of the pastors of the Charleston-Glen church, for the years covered by the church record which has been transcribed.