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"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1791 - 1834 Church Members
Presbyterian Church
Town of New Hartford
Oneida County, New York

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A Catalogue of Church Members for the Presbyterian Church in New Hartford, Oneida County, New York.

NOTE: The last date is the date the member was admitted into membership>

These 13 formed the church: 10 men & 3 women.

Note. The dates are the dates the persons were received. The items in brackets are taken from the minutes of the church meetings.

Some of the pages of this record cannot be completely transcribed on a single page. Then a page extends over one page in the copy, the succeeding page of the copy has the letter "b" upon it, a short distance before the page number. This letter indicates that the page is a continuation of an original page of the record and explains the absence of the usual headings. Where the original record has page numbers, the original pagination (?) is shown in the lower right hand corner of the page of the copy.

The note on page 14, applies also to pages 15 and 16. But after Feb. 24, 1799, the names of all persons received by letter will be found in the abstract of the minutes, see pages 150 to 157.

w., indicates wife.

The original list of members (transcribed on pages 14 to 29) contains certain symbols, etc., which were added as members died or left the church. The symbols are somewhat similar to the ones beginning in 1837 (see p. 102). The symbols, as well as some pencil memoranda, have not been transcribed, because their meaning is not clear. This transcript presents the list as at first made out, only.

Extract from Session Records, Vol. 1, pp. 213-214. June 6, 1816. Charles Loud, Mrs. Mary Case, Mrs. Ann Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth Seward, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox, Mrs. Ann Harrington, Miss Phoebe Shephard, etc. sustained examination for admission to membership. Refer to page 182, for particulars concerning others admitted July 7, 1816.

A note on page 14 called attention to the fact that the items in brackets are supplied from the minutes of the church meetings. From Jan. 30, 1803 to Jan. 4, 1817, the items in brackets are supplied from the first volume of the Session Records. In a number of cases the Session records read differently. For example "Mrs. Mary Walker" is given as Mrs. Ann Walker; and "Celia Seymour". The second volume of Session Records is missing; but before it was ost, an abstract of the records it contained of members received was made on blue paper in blue ink. Therefore, from Mar. 1817 to Mar. 1827, I am able to continue to supply information in brackets, taken from the abstract. The chief value of the bracketed information is the fact that it shows the members who were received by letter.

Harriett Nothaway. The blue ink abstract gives this name Harriet Hathaway, probably an error, because the name of Harriet Northway appears in the list of 1837; see page 103.

At this point two leaves have been out out from the original record, comprising original pages 34 to 37. However, the blue ink abstract shows that no part of the record of members is missing.

In a note on page 20 attention was called to the fact that the information in brackets is supplied from the blue ink abstract, from Mar. 1817 to Nov. 1838. The third volume of the Session Records begins in Mar. 1827, and in a number of cases the blue ink abstract does not agree with the Session Records. In case of differences, the reader is advised to regard the abstract of the Session Records, pages 150 to 157 as the more reliable authority.

Original page 43 has not been transcribed. It contains Baptisms in 1835 and 1836. The names are duplicated in this transcript on page 61, as far as "Thomas Dans infant son of Thomas and Lydia Williams."