Ulster County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Farmers Register, Kingston, NY, 1792-1793
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1792-1793 Obituaries from the Farmers Register in Kingston, Ulster County New York.
DUMOND, Peter Obituary, July 13, 1793
Died in this town on Tuesday last, Mr. Peter Dumond, in the 90th year of his age. [Farmer's Register, Kingston, NY, July 13, 1793]
MANCIUS, Mrs. Cornelia Obituary, August 31, 1793
Departed this life at Marbletown, on Saturday last the 24th inst. in the 78th year of her age, Mrs. Cornelia Mancius, relict of the late Rev. Georgius Wilhelmus Mancius, amny years pastor of the Reformed Dutch congregation of this town. Having spent a life of exemplary piety, she, with a Christian cheerfulness attended tie summons of her God. Her remains were on Sunday afternoon decently interred which the New Reformed Dutch Church at Marbletown. Where her flesh will slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpet's joyful sound; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in her Saviour's image rise. [Farmer's Register, Kingston, NY, August 31, 1793]
TAPPEN, Tiatie Obituary, July 13, 1793
Departed this life on Sunday morning the 30th of June, at the Government Houfe in the city of New York, at the advanced age of 83 years, Mrs. Tiatie Tappen, many years a refpectable inhabitant of this town, and onthe Tuefday following, her remains were decently depofited in the family vault of Cornelius Clopper, Efq. in the New Dutch Church yard. The aged Christian's toil at length is o'er, With refignation she affliction bore, In paths of piety, on earth she trod, And hence is gone, prepar'd to meet her God. [Farmer's Register, Kingston, NY, July 13, 1793]