New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Birth Records
Town of Schuyler
Herkimer County, New York

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1848 Schuyler, NY Birth Records

Number of Births in the Town of Schuyler and County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1848.

Date of
Name of ChildGenderNames of Parents
Jan. 4 William Wrl. m Abraham and Abba Clements
Feb. 24 Henry M. m Chester and Barbara Baum
Mar. 3 William H. Finseter m Peter, Jr. and Margaret E. Finseter
Apr. 1 Mary C. f Auton and Eve Soueler
June 10 Mason F. m Douglas and Mary Valentine
July 14 Elizabeth f Peter J. and June Lints
Sept. 27 Not Named f John and Nancy Wishart
Oct. 8 Ledia S. Mosur f Geo. K. and Sophronee Mosher
Aug. 15 - m Charles and Jane Davis
Aug. 22 Olney B. m James G. and Elizabeth Ladd
Sept. 26 Not Named f George and Almira Parkhurst
Feb. 19 Josephine f James and Nancy Minott
July 4 Virginia M. f Nelson and Alzina Gilbert
June 18 Elizabeth f Frances and Margaret Gartland
June 17 Hirabel Ellioll f James and Angeline Elioll
Jan. 14 Daniel K. Blackmore m John and Mary Blackmore
May Benjamin m William and Ana Evans
Sept. 12 Hamilton Fish m Warren D. and Maria Cain
Nov. 15 Millard Filmore m Lucius and Mary Rodgers
May Robbert m George and Eliza Burch
Mar. 15 Sarah Jane f William and Ruth Budlong
Jan. 15 George m Horace H. and Sally Knapp
Mar. 17 Henry m Robbert and Mary Eliza Emere
Sept. 9 Aravelle Budlong f Samuel and Sarah Budlong
Dec. 2 Owen m Edmund and Martha Andrew
Mar. 2 David H. m Josiah S. and Budy A. Gilbert
Mar. 14 Mary E. Johnes f Richard and Catharine Jones
Oct. 15 Mabel Willis f Johnothan and Elizabeth Willis

Home | Vital Records | New York State Vital Records | 1848 Schuyler, NY - Birth Records