New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Birth Records
Town of Warren
Herkimer County, New York

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1848 Warren, NY Birth Records

Number of Births in the Town of Warren and County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1848.

Date of
Name of ChildGenderNames of Parents
Apr. 4 Lydia McDonald f John and Ann McDonald
Jan. 19 Andrew Spencer, Jr. m Andrew and Emeline Spencer
Aug. 20 Wm. W. Hopkinson m Wm. And Cathrine Hopkinson
Nov. 17 Dorothy f Jacob and Ann Clark
Dec. 16 W. P. m John and Sally Rathbun
Sept. 27 Josephine f G. H. and C. L. Hallock
Dec. 1 Thomas m Thomas and Ann Elles
Dec. 12 James m Anthony and Catherine Osterhout
Dec. 25 John m Jacob and Ann Vanderweaker
Dec. 25 J. V. m (colored) Samuel and Betsey Jackson
Dec. 20 Elias m Mathew and Julia Van Benschoden
July 26 Charlotta f Jacob and Irena Fikes
Sept. 19 Attey f George and Sharlott Acers
Dec. 19 Grace Lowne f Thomas and Rebeca Marshall
July 17 Abel and Minaret 2m Alexander Gardner
June 9 Daniel W. m Daniel Marshall
Apr. 27 Charles F. m Charles Segar
May 10 Jane f Gersham Shall
Feb. 9 Nicholas R. m David and Lany Ann Hoak
Mar. 5 Nelson S. m Daniel A. and Maria Devoe
Nov. 21 Isaac, Jr. m Isaac and Laura Maxfield
June 10 Ellen L. f James and Mary Shoemaker
Jan. 25 Norman J. m David and Lydia Harter
Aug. 24 Emily A. f Hiram and Malissa Getman
Oct. 1 Mary Hyde f -

1849 Warren, NY Birth Records

Number of Births in the Town of Warren and County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1849.

Date of
Name of ChildGenderNames of Parents
Apr. 21 Martha f Henry and Mary Housel
May 29 Albert Seward m Elizah and Helen Tisdale
July 1 George Henry m John and Mary Garlock
Aug. 7 Lawrence Wm. m Lawrence and Catharine Harter
Oct. 5 Emma f Justin and Maryett Morgan
Feb. 8 Ogdon Adelphus m Solomon and Matilda Crim
Jan. 5 Mary E. f James H. and Clary Shoemaker
Aug. 12 Mary Ellen f Wm. H. and Cornelia Orendorff
July 25 Loisa B. f Benjamin and Delia Eckert
Oct. 2 Byron m John and Lydia McDonald
Mar. 10 Betsy Catharine f Charles and Mary Shall
June 5 Jane f George and Nancy Yates
June 5 Not Named m Bela R. Treadway
Oct. 21 Wm. Edgar m Lawrence H. and Betsy Harter
Nov. 30 Not Named f Wm. And Huldah Belshaw
May 14 Lisa Ann f Abijah and Susan Hawks
June 18 Henrietta f Martin and Catharine Vosburgh
Sept. 2 Not Named m James and Olive Armstrong

Home | Vital Records | New York State Vital Records | 1848 - 1849 Warren, NY - Birth Records