New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

1847 - 1849 Marriage Records
Town of Manheim
Herkimer County, New York

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1847 Manheim Marriages

Number of Marriages in the Town of Manheim and the County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1847

Date of
Names of persons marriedResidence of
Residence of
Name and residence of office or
clergyman performing the marriage
Age of
Age of
March 25 Henry Straugh to Sara Swarthout Manheim Salisbury Allen A. Castel, Tasslerville 34 24
October 28 Isaac Heller to Margareth Petrie Manheim Manheim Rev. Mr. Downing, Little Falls - -
December 29 Nathaniel Keysor to Catharine Hover Manheim Manheim Henry M. Davis, Little Falls 22 19
June 30 Joel Smith to Mary Nichols Salisbury - Samuel Northrup, Openheim 28 25
Sept. 16 Philip Helmer to Emeline Spafford Manheim Manheim Revr. M. Beach, Oppenheim 24 24
Novr. 20 John Bowers to Dana Foots Herkimer Manheim Revr. Mr. Castle, Salisbury 23 28
Decemr. 30 Manuel Thumb to Mary Ann Helmer Oppenheim Manheim Rev. . . . . Mohawk Village 28 20
December 23 George Dockstader to Lucinda Cremer Little Falls Manheim Stephen W. Champlain, Manheim 22 18
Decemr. 23 George Parkis to Almira Cromer Schuyler Manheim Stephen W. Champlain, Manheim 20 18
Decr. 29 George Mayer to Amanda Keller Smith Town, Montgor. Manheim Revr. Mr. Green, Salisbury 23 21
January 1 Asa Harvey Loucks to Phebe Davis Manheim Manheim Revr. D. W. Lane, Fortplain 19 20

1848 Manheim Marriages

Number of Marriages in the Town of Manheim and the County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1848

Date of
Names of persons marriedResidence of
Residence of
Name and residence of office or
clergyman performing the marriage
Age of
Age of
January 13th Aaron Loucks to Mary Woleven Manheim Manheim Rev. Mr. Kneis Kern, St. Johnsville 22 20
January 18th Jabez Lewis to Sally Bellinger Manlius, Onondaga Co. Manheim Rev. Mr. Downing, Little Falls 23 18
February 24th Lewis S. Chickester to Sharlotta Fink Troy, N. Y. Manheim Rev. Mr. Northrop, Saxonville 26 20
March 15th Burrass Yale to Flora Smith Stratford Manheim Rev. Mr. Allen Cassell 21 20
March 21st Levi Getman to Sarah Richtmoyer Danube Manheim Rev. Mr. Hicks, St. Johnsville 26 21
March 30th Ralph Shibley to Caroline A. Ransom Indianna, Little Rock Manheim Allen Bustel, Salisbury 28 33
May 4th Christian Bellinger to Alvira Snell Danube Manheim Nelson Snell, Danube 24 21
August 6th Banjamin Chandler to Sarah Van Allen Danube Manheim Rev. Mr. Cass, Salisbury 23 17
September 3rd Uriah A. Hopson to Mary Enos Manheim Newport Rev. Mr. Brown, Newport 27 25
September 7th Peter Wolever to Electa L. Hopson Manheim Manheim Rev. Mr. S. W. Champlin, Manheim 23 24
September 6th Samuel Brenner to Diantha Bellinger Salisbury Manheim Rev. Mr. S. W. Champlin, Manheim 25 18
September 15th Hiram Dockstader to Ellen Jones Manheim Danube Rev. Mr. Murphey, Herkimer 24 18
November 1st John Rice to Catharine Strough Fairfield Manheim Daniel Hayes J. P., Manheim 26 22
November 4th Isreal Newman to Julia Stall Manheim Salisbury - 25 18
December 14th Leoi Keller to Amanda Pickert Little Falls Manheim Rev. S. W. Champlin 23 19
September 21st Levi Ritten to Catharine Eisaman Manheim Manheim Rev. S. W. Champlin 21 19

1849 Manheim Marriages

Number of Marriages in the Town of Manheim and the County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1849

Date of
Names of persons marriedResidence of
Residence of
Name and residence of office or
clergyman performing the marriage
Age of
Age of
February 13th Varnum Jackson to Mary Keller Newport Manheim Rev. Abram P. Myers, Manheim 28 26
May 30th Mairon Markell to Permelia Yoran Manheim Manheim Rev. Mr. Casler, Mohawk 21 20
June 2nd William P. Thompson to Malinda Dailing Manheim Manheim Rev. D. S. Dean, Manheim 30 21
Nov. 8th Levi Hadcock to Ann Ladieu Manheim Manheim Rev. Mr. Barry, Little Falls 25 19
Feb. 13th Reuben Kumen to Mary Ann Foster Manheim Manheim Rev. Mr. Champlin, Manheim 25 18
Sept. 20th Rheuben Groff to Mary Timerman Palatine Mont. Co. Manheim Rev. Abram P. Myers, Manheim 26 23
Jan. 18 John A. Wolever to Ann Timerman Manheim Manheim Rev. Abram P. Myers, Manheim 22 20
February 15 Franklin Clark to Charlott Timerman Manheim Manheim Rev. Brown of Sederville 28 18
Nov. 11 Michael Levie to Nancy Bellinger Manheim Manheim Rev. Orvis of Little Falls 25 20
Oct. 14 Seffrenes Bellinger to Catharine Scram Manheim Montomery Co. Rev. Wock of Euphrates, Montgomery Co. 18 17
Feb. 22 Adam Strough to Elmira Waker Manheim Manheim Rev. Downing of Little Falls 27 19
Jan. 1 Joseph Ladieu to Margarett Prain Oppenheim Oppenheim Samuel Northrop of Oppenheim 26 20
Jan. 2 Johithan Cole to Elizabeth Rose Salisbury Manheim Hyles Avery of Salisbury 80 59
Aug. 2 David Reef to Minerva Barber Manheim Manheim Abram Mount of Manheim 24 21
Feb. 15 Thomas Fenagen to Sarah Jane Allen Manheim Manheim Rev. F. Hankins, Residence Not Known 25 17
Aug. 8 Andrew Fink to Rosanna Farris Manheim Oppenheim Rev. A. Morhen of Manheim 62 49
June 26 Alfred Snell to Margarett Heess Manheim Herkimer Rev. Mr. Starks of Utica 38 38
Aug. 9 Augustus Dunburg to Amy E. Pine Amsterdam St. Johnsville Rev. Mr. Graham of Fort Plain 35 23
May 9 Miron Markell to Permelia Yoran Manheim Manheim Rev. Not Known 21 20
Jan. 21 John Yoran to Harriett Groff Manheim St. Johnsville Rev. Diefendorf 51 44
Jan. 10 Reuben Helmer and Eliza A. Getman Manheim Manheim Rev. Kneaskarn, St. Johnsville Not Known

Home | Vital Records | New York State Vital Records | 1847 - 1849 Manheim, NY - Marriage Records