Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
Home | Vital Records | New York State Vital Records | 1847 - 1849 Manheim, NY - Marriage Records
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Number of Marriages in the Town of Manheim and the County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1847
Date of Marriage | Names of persons married | Residence of Husband | Residence of Wife | Name and residence of office or clergyman performing the marriage ceremony. | Age of Husband | Age of Wife |
March 25 | Henry Straugh to Sara Swarthout | Manheim | Salisbury | Allen A. Castel, Tasslerville | 34 | 24 |
October 28 | Isaac Heller to Margareth Petrie | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Downing, Little Falls | - | - |
December 29 | Nathaniel Keysor to Catharine Hover | Manheim | Manheim | Henry M. Davis, Little Falls | 22 | 19 |
June 30 | Joel Smith to Mary Nichols | Salisbury | - | Samuel Northrup, Openheim | 28 | 25 |
Sept. 16 | Philip Helmer to Emeline Spafford | Manheim | Manheim | Revr. M. Beach, Oppenheim | 24 | 24 |
Novr. 20 | John Bowers to Dana Foots | Herkimer | Manheim | Revr. Mr. Castle, Salisbury | 23 | 28 |
Decemr. 30 | Manuel Thumb to Mary Ann Helmer | Oppenheim | Manheim | Rev. . . . . Mohawk Village | 28 | 20 |
December 23 | George Dockstader to Lucinda Cremer | Little Falls | Manheim | Stephen W. Champlain, Manheim | 22 | 18 |
Decemr. 23 | George Parkis to Almira Cromer | Schuyler | Manheim | Stephen W. Champlain, Manheim | 20 | 18 |
Decr. 29 | George Mayer to Amanda Keller | Smith Town, Montgor. | Manheim | Revr. Mr. Green, Salisbury | 23 | 21 |
January 1 | Asa Harvey Loucks to Phebe Davis | Manheim | Manheim | Revr. D. W. Lane, Fortplain | 19 | 20 |
Number of Marriages in the Town of Manheim and the County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1848
Date of Marriage | Names of persons married | Residence of Husband | Residence of Wife | Name and residence of office or clergyman performing the marriage ceremony. | Age of Husband | Age of Wife |
January 13th | Aaron Loucks to Mary Woleven | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Kneis Kern, St. Johnsville | 22 | 20 |
January 18th | Jabez Lewis to Sally Bellinger | Manlius, Onondaga Co. | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Downing, Little Falls | 23 | 18 |
February 24th | Lewis S. Chickester to Sharlotta Fink | Troy, N. Y. | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Northrop, Saxonville | 26 | 20 |
March 15th | Burrass Yale to Flora Smith | Stratford | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Allen Cassell | 21 | 20 |
March 21st | Levi Getman to Sarah Richtmoyer | Danube | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Hicks, St. Johnsville | 26 | 21 |
March 30th | Ralph Shibley to Caroline A. Ransom | Indianna, Little Rock | Manheim | Allen Bustel, Salisbury | 28 | 33 |
May 4th | Christian Bellinger to Alvira Snell | Danube | Manheim | Nelson Snell, Danube | 24 | 21 |
August 6th | Banjamin Chandler to Sarah Van Allen | Danube | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Cass, Salisbury | 23 | 17 |
September 3rd | Uriah A. Hopson to Mary Enos | Manheim | Newport | Rev. Mr. Brown, Newport | 27 | 25 |
September 7th | Peter Wolever to Electa L. Hopson | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Mr. S. W. Champlin, Manheim | 23 | 24 |
September 6th | Samuel Brenner to Diantha Bellinger | Salisbury | Manheim | Rev. Mr. S. W. Champlin, Manheim | 25 | 18 |
September 15th | Hiram Dockstader to Ellen Jones | Manheim | Danube | Rev. Mr. Murphey, Herkimer | 24 | 18 |
November 1st | John Rice to Catharine Strough | Fairfield | Manheim | Daniel Hayes J. P., Manheim | 26 | 22 |
November 4th | Isreal Newman to Julia Stall | Manheim | Salisbury | - | 25 | 18 |
December 14th | Leoi Keller to Amanda Pickert | Little Falls | Manheim | Rev. S. W. Champlin | 23 | 19 |
September 21st | Levi Ritten to Catharine Eisaman | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. S. W. Champlin | 21 | 19 |
Number of Marriages in the Town of Manheim and the County of Herkimer during the year ending 31st December, 1849
Date of Marriage | Names of persons married | Residence of Husband | Residence of Wife | Name and residence of office or clergyman performing the marriage ceremony. | Age of Husband | Age of Wife |
February 13th | Varnum Jackson to Mary Keller | Newport | Manheim | Rev. Abram P. Myers, Manheim | 28 | 26 |
May 30th | Mairon Markell to Permelia Yoran | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Casler, Mohawk | 21 | 20 |
June 2nd | William P. Thompson to Malinda Dailing | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. D. S. Dean, Manheim | 30 | 21 |
Nov. 8th | Levi Hadcock to Ann Ladieu | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Barry, Little Falls | 25 | 19 |
Feb. 13th | Reuben Kumen to Mary Ann Foster | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Mr. Champlin, Manheim | 25 | 18 |
Sept. 20th | Rheuben Groff to Mary Timerman | Palatine Mont. Co. | Manheim | Rev. Abram P. Myers, Manheim | 26 | 23 |
Jan. 18 | John A. Wolever to Ann Timerman | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Abram P. Myers, Manheim | 22 | 20 |
February 15 | Franklin Clark to Charlott Timerman | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Brown of Sederville | 28 | 18 |
Nov. 11 | Michael Levie to Nancy Bellinger | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Orvis of Little Falls | 25 | 20 |
Oct. 14 | Seffrenes Bellinger to Catharine Scram | Manheim | Montomery Co. | Rev. Wock of Euphrates, Montgomery Co. | 18 | 17 |
Feb. 22 | Adam Strough to Elmira Waker | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Downing of Little Falls | 27 | 19 |
Jan. 1 | Joseph Ladieu to Margarett Prain | Oppenheim | Oppenheim | Samuel Northrop of Oppenheim | 26 | 20 |
Jan. 2 | Johithan Cole to Elizabeth Rose | Salisbury | Manheim | Hyles Avery of Salisbury | 80 | 59 |
Aug. 2 | David Reef to Minerva Barber | Manheim | Manheim | Abram Mount of Manheim | 24 | 21 |
Feb. 15 | Thomas Fenagen to Sarah Jane Allen | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. F. Hankins, Residence Not Known | 25 | 17 |
Aug. 8 | Andrew Fink to Rosanna Farris | Manheim | Oppenheim | Rev. A. Morhen of Manheim | 62 | 49 |
June 26 | Alfred Snell to Margarett Heess | Manheim | Herkimer | Rev. Mr. Starks of Utica | 38 | 38 |
Aug. 9 | Augustus Dunburg to Amy E. Pine | Amsterdam | St. Johnsville | Rev. Mr. Graham of Fort Plain | 35 | 23 |
May 9 | Miron Markell to Permelia Yoran | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Not Known | 21 | 20 |
Jan. 21 | John Yoran to Harriett Groff | Manheim | St. Johnsville | Rev. Diefendorf | 51 | 44 |
Jan. 10 | Reuben Helmer and Eliza A. Getman | Manheim | Manheim | Rev. Kneaskarn, St. Johnsville | Not | Known |
Home | Vital Records | New York State Vital Records | 1847 - 1849 Manheim, NY - Marriage Records