Greenville Journal Obituaries, 1914
Greenville, Darke County, Ohio
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1908 Obituaries from the Greenville Journal, in Greenville, Darke County Ohio.
DIETZ, Fred Obituary
Fred Dietz, a former citizen of this place, in the Soldiers' Home at Dayton Sunday morning, which he only recently entered, and was buried there on Monday afternoon. He was about 71 years old and leaves two daughters. [The Greenville Journal, (Greenville, Ohio), May 07, 1914]
GUTHRIDGE, A. R. Obituary
A. R. Guthridge, 56 years old, insurance agent, died in his home on Harrison avenue Wednesday morning of last week after an illness of several weeks, of blood poisoning. He leaves his wife, two daughters and a son, a sister and many relatives. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Baptist church and burial made in Greenville cemetery. [The Greenville Journal, (Greenville, Ohio), May 07, 1914]
STOLTZ, C. C. Obituary
C. C. Stoltz, a former citizen and business man of Greenville, died in Kenton, O., Monday morning. Mr. Stoltz had resided at Marion, O., where he was engaged in the automobile business, but had been in the South for his health and was enroute to Toledo, O., to enter a hospital, when he became unconscious on the train and was hurried to a hospital in Kenton, where he soon after expired. He was a son of Levi Stoltz and wife, both deceased, and was about 60 years old. He was twice married, his present wife, nee Lizzie Garst, and a son and daughter surviving him. The remains were brought to this city Tuesday and taken to the Garst home on North Broadway, and funeral services held yesterday afternoon at the Garst residence. Burial was made in Greenville cemetery. [The Greenville Journal, (Greenville, Ohio), May 07, 1914]