Pennsylvania Revolutionary War Oath of Allegiance, Town of Little Britain, 1777-79
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A true list of the names and sirnames of those who have voluntarily taken and subscribed the oath or affirmation of Allegiance and Fidelity, as directed by an Act of General Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th day of June, 1777, until this day before me.
As witness my hand and seal the 29th day of September, 1777.
Joseph Miller. [L.S.]
June 28, 1777
- John Allison
- Patrick Ewing
- James Ramsey
- Robert Allison
- John Patterson
- David McCombe
- John Haven
- Joseph Allison
- Andrew Brisson
- John Nisbet
- Francis Armstrong
- John Atchison
- James Walker
July 1
- Thomas Whiteside, Sr.
- Abraham Whiteside, Sr.
- William Whiteside
- Abraham Whiteside, Jr.
- Walter Buchanon
- Gilbert Buchanon
- Joseph Fradar
- Thomas Scott
- Thomas McDowl
- Thomas Carmichael
- John Johnston
- Samuel Mitchell
- William Gibson
- Joseph McCreray
- George Ewing
- Moses Baird
- Alexander Duncan
- John Duncan
- William King
- Robert Johnston
- James Campbell
- William Johnston
- James McSparon
- William McDowell
- Robert Gillespie
- Joseph Robison
- John Poak
- Samuel Jamison
- Samuel Neeper
- David Killagh
- Thomas Campbell
- James Walker
- Francis Henry
- James Patterson
- Stephen Hanna
- John Miller
- Robert Alexander
- Robert McClelan
- James Hanna
- Hugh McConky
- Matthias Achison
- Robert Ferguson
- John Derry
- Thomas Lindsay
- Arthur Walkup
- Hugh Patton
- Stephen Herd
- Charles Harah
- Hugh Glover
- William Arbuckle
- William Baird
- James Hanna
- Patrick McCaage
- James Patterson
- David Baird
- William McCeage
- Alexander Scott
- William Brook
- Samuel McCreery
- John Brook
- Samuel Whitt
- John Scott
- James Calwell
- James McKinney
- William Atchison
- William Montgomery
- James Reed
- William Brown
- James Gallacher
- James Neeper
- John Gibson
- John Cunigham
- David Alexander
- John Warnock
- James Reed
- Thomas Scott
- Michael Robison
- William Spencer
- William Peak
- William Gibson
- John Reid
- Samuel Scott
- Robert Moore
- John McClelan
- Thomas Patterson
- William Jenne
- Daniel Carmichael
- William Pfannel
- Robert Campble
- John Pfannel
- James Black
- Andrew Reed
- George Erwin
- Samuel Ewing
- Samuel Killogh
- James Jamison
- Robert McKee
- James Stewart
- Andrew Rogan
- Thomas McDowel
- George Heckard
- Samuel McKinney
- James McDowl
- James Breading
- Thomas Porter
- David Breding
- Robert Maxwell
- William Patterson
- Andrew Carter
- John Long
- Samuel Marchent
- William Marchent
July 28
- Andrew Work, Jr.
- James Cunningham
- John Ramsay
- William Ramsay
- Aaron Moore
- Joseph Walker
- Andrew Walker
- Patrick Slowan
- Nathan Coulter
August 9
- Reece Jones
- James Anderson
- Arthur McQueid
September 2
- Samuel Keagh
- John Reed
September 6
- Matthew Atchinson
- Hugh Faris, (Newcastle)
September 22
- Joseph Walker
Source: "Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XIII", JOhn B. Linn and Wm. H. Egle., M.D., Editor, Manchester, E. K. Meyers, State Printer, 1890.