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Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Revolutionary War Graves of Soldiers
Buried in Addison County, Vermont

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Revolutionary War Graves of Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Addison County, Vermont whose graves have been officially reported, located or marked, by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Please Note: This is a work in progress and we are adding new information and records on a regular basis. if you don't find what you are looking for keep checking back. There is much more data on these soldiers that will be added in the near future.

Revolutionary SoldierBornDiedBuriedRevolutionary Service
Abbott, Abram S. - - New Haven -
Abbott, Seth 1740 Oct. 8, 1818 Church Cemetery, Cornwall, VT -
Abernethy, Jared 1740 July 19, 1803 Central Cemetery, Cornwall, VT -
Adams, Benjamin 1738 Jan. 3, 1816 Moorbys Cemetery, Addison, VT Served 12 days in Capt. Lebedial Dewey's Co., Col. Isaac Clark's Regt. 1781
Alden, Thomas 1745 Feb. 22, 1813 Brookside Cemetery, Leicester, VT. -
Alvord, John - - Cornwall -
Amy, Roger - - Cornwall -
Andrews, Benjamin 1735 Oct. 3, 1825 Whiting Cemetery, Whiting, VT One of the brave defenders in the American Revolutionary War.
Andrews, Ethan, Serg't - - Middlebury -
Andrus, Eldad Feb. 2, 1751 Nov. 15, 1827 Central Cemetery, Cornwall, VT -
Andrus, Ethan 1756 Sept. 14, 1841 West Cemetery, Middlebury, VT No record
Atwood, Isaac 1760 Mar. 14, 1847 Brookside Cemetery, Leicester, VT Mass. Conn. Service
Austin, Abiathar - - Granville -
Austin, Apollos - - Orwell -
Bacheller, Rupee - - Panton -
Baldwin, ----, Lieut. - - New Haven -
Ball, Levi - - Granville -
Barker, John, Serg't - - Leicester -
Barnard, Rufus - - Bristol -
Barnes, Joseph 12/17/1727 1813 Village Cemetery, Orwell, VT Captain
Barnum, Stephen - - Shoreham -
Barnum, Thomas - - Shoreham -
Barrows, Eleazer - - Middlebury -
Bascom, Elias - - Orwell -
Beach, Gershom - - Salisbury -
Beach, Samue, Maj. - - Whiting -
Belden, Jonathan - - Orwell -
Bell, Harvey - - Middlebury -
Benedict, Zachariah - - Cornwall -
Benson, Seth - - Orwell -
Benton, Felix - - Cornwall -
Bidwell, George - - Starksboro -
Bingham, Jeremiah - - Cornwall -
Bird, Amos - - New Haven -
Bird, Joseph - - Bristol -
Bisbee, George W. - - New Haven -
Blin, Jonathan - - Middlebury -
Bliss, Noah, Serg't - - Whiting -
Blodgett, Samuel - - Cornwall -
Blood, Ephraim - - Orwell -
Blood, Phineas - - Goshen -
Boynton, John - - Cornwall -
Brewer, Archibald - - Orwell -
Brewer, Samuel - - Orwell -
Briggs, Owen - - Lincoln -
Brooks, Alpheus - - Middlebury -
Brown, Phineas age 70 July 8, 1818 Old Cemetery, Vergennes, VT -
Brown, Solomon age 82 June 6, 1837 Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, VT -
Buell, Daniel - - Orwell -
Bump, Salathiel - - Salisbury -
Burnham, Walcott - - Bristol -
Burnham, Wolcot - - Lincoln -
Bush, Ebenezer - - Shoreham -
Bush, John, Serg't - - Bristol -
Cady, Isaac - - Granville -
Callender, Amos - - Shoreham -
Callender, Noah - - Shoreham -
Case, Nathan - - Middlebury -
Chafee, Nathaniel - - Starksboro -
Chaffen, David - - Middlebury -
Chamberlin, Jeriah - - Bristol -
Champion, Daniel - - Addison -
Champion, Daniel - - Ferrisburg -
Chapin, Sylvanus - - Addison -
Chipman, John - - Middlebury -
Chipman, Timothy F. - - Shoreham -
Church, Charles - - Hancock -
Clark, Josiah age 79 June 17, 1835 Old Stow Farm, Weybridge, VT -
Clark, Lemuel - - Orwell -
Clark, Samuel - - Weybridge -
Cobb, Justus - - Middlebury -
Cogswell, Joseph - - Cornwall -
Conant, John - - New Haven -
Conkey, James - - Orwell -
Cook, ----, Capt. - - Addison -
Cook, Samuel - - Middlebury -
Coon, John - - New Haven -
Corry, John - - Bristol -
Cory, David - - Bridgeport -
Cowen, James - - Goshen -
Crane, James - - Middlebury -
Crane, Martin - - New Haven -
Culver, Eliakim - - Shoreham -
Cushman, Ebenezer - - Bristol -
Cushman, Nath'l, Capt. - - Hancock -
Daniels, Samuel - - Salisbury -
Davis, Abijah - - Cornwall -
Dean, Ashbel - - Monkton -
Dickinson, Thomas - - New Haven -
Dickinson, Thomas - - Weybridge -
Donita, Francis - - Whiting -
Doolittle, Ephraim, Col. - - Shoreham -
Doolittle, Joel - - Shoreham -
Douglass, Benajah - - Cornwall -
Dunsbee, Robert - - Bristol -
Durfy, Ebenezer - - Lincoln -
Eastman, Cyprian - - Bristol -
Eels, Edward - - Middlebury -
Eggleston, Thomas - - Orwell -
Eno, Martin - - New Haven -
Evarts, Lorain - - Addison -
Everest, Benjamin, Lieut. - - Addison -
Everest, Zadock, Capt. - - Addison -
Farnham, Josiah - - Salisbury -
Ferris, Peter age 92 Apr. 7, 1816 Adam's Ferry Cemetery, Panton, VT -
Field, Alonzo H. - - New Haven -
Foot, Daniel - - Cornwall -
Foot, Freeman - - Middlebury -
Foot, Martin - - Middlebury -
Foot, Philip - - Middlebury -
Fuller, Elisha - - New Haven -
Gilbert, Isaiah - - Cornwall -
Goodno, Calvin - - Middlebury -
Goodrich, Bethuel - - Middlebury -
Goodrich, Stephen, Lieut. - - Middlebury -
Goodrich, William - - Middlebury -
Grandey, Reuben - - Goshen -
Grandy, Edmond age 81 Aug. 15, 1827 Adams Ferry Cemetery, Panton, VT -
Grandy, Edward - - Panton -
Grandy, Elijah age 64 Aug. 9, 1810 Adams Ferry Cemetery, Panton, VT -
Griswold, George - - Middlebury -
Griswold, Samuel - - Orwell -
Griswood, George - - Salisbury -
Hagar, Benjamin - - Weybridge -
Hagar, Benjamin 1/26/1749 4/25/1823 Middlebury Cemetery, Middlebury, VT Served on two Alarms 4/19/1775 to Lexington and Concord, also 3/5/1776 Dorchester Heights.
Hall, Asahel - - Bristol -
Hall, Hiland - - Cornwall -
Hall, Nathaniel, Capt. - - New Haven -
Hall, Reuben - - Cornwall -
Hall, Samuel - - Bristol -
Halsey, John - - Weybridge -
Harris, Lebbeus - - Middlebury -
Hastings, Aaron - - Middlebury -
Hatch, Jeremiah - - Bristol -
Hawkins, Amaziah, Lieut. - - Bristol -
Hemenway, Asa - - Bridgeport -
Hemenway, Jacob - - Bridgeport -
Hemenway, Samuel - - Bridgeport -
Hendrick, Jabez - - Ripton -
Hill, Ambrose - - Cornwall -
Hinman, Wait age 58 Feb. 15, 1818 Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, VT -
Holcomb, Benjamin - - Panton -
Holley, Robert, Serg't - - Bristol -
Holley, Stephen - - Cornwall -
Holly, John D. - - Bristol -
Holly, Paul P. - - Bristol -
Holt, John - - Salisbury -
Howden, William - - Bristol -
Hoyt, Jonathan age 85 Mar. 9, 1835 Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, VT -
Hoyt, Seth - - New Haven -
Hulburd, Ebenezer - - Orwell -
Hurlburt, Elisha - - Cornwall -
Hurlburt, William - - Cornwall -
Huxton, Robert - - Middlebury -
Ingraham, Samuel - - Cornwall -
Jackson, Nathan - - Cornwall -
James, Noah - - Vergennes -
Jennings, Gideon - - Shoreham -
Jennings, Jonathan - - Cornwall -
Johnson, Christopher - - Salisbury -
Johnson, Josiah - - Ferrisburg -
Jones, Israel C. - - Cornwall -
Jones, Israel C. - - Cornwall -
Jones, Noah - - Shoreham -
Jones, Pete - - Shoreham -
Jones, William - - Shoreham -
Judd, Eben W. - - Middlebury -
Justin, Gershom - - Whiting -
Keeler, Henry - - Middlebury -
Keeler, Henry - - Salisbury -
Keep, Samuel - - Salisbury -
Kellogg, Elijah - - Shoreham -
Kellogg, Elisha - - Shoreham -
Kellogg, William - - Ferrisburg -
Kelsey, Ezra - - Whiting -
Kilbourn, Ira - - Orwell -
King, Stephen - - Shoreham -
Kirby, Abraham - - Middlebury -
Kirby, John S. - - Ripton -
Kirby, Samuel S. - - Ripton -
Lamb, Obadiah - - Hancock -
Langdon, Seth - - New Haven -
Larrabee, John - - Shoreham -
Lawrence, Abraham - - Bridgeport -
Lawrence, Josiah - - Monkton -
Lee, Thomas - - Lincoln -
Lewis, Eli - - Granville -
Manzer, Bela - - Middlebury -
Markham, Ebenezer - - Middlebury -
Martin, Reuben age 92 Sept. 30, 1838 North Ferrisburg Cemetery, Ferrisburg, VT -
Martin, Wheeler - - Orwell -
Mathews, Timothy - - Middlebury -
Mattocks, Samuel - - Middlebury -
Mclaughlin, Henry - - Bristol -
Mead, Jeremiah - - Bristol -
Miller, Gideon - - Cornwall -
Miner, Benjamin, Capt. - - Bridgeport -
Mitchell, Phineas - - Bridgeport -
Monger, Billy - - Orwell -
Morton, John - - Salisbury -
Mossman, Joshua - - Salisbury -
Munsill, Gurden, Capt. - - Bristol -
Munson, Ephraim - - New Haven -
Newton, Daniel - - Shoreham -
Newton, Joel - - Salisbury -
Newton, Jonas - - Shoreham -
Nichols, Ely - - Middlebury -
Niles, William - - Monkton -
Noble, James, Capt. - - Orwell -
Noble, John - - Orwell -
North, Simeon - - Orwell -
Noyes, Daniel - - Salisbury -
Olmstead, Elijah - - Middlebury -
Painter, Gamaliel - - Middlebury -
Parker, Abraham - - Granville -
Parkhill, David - - Cornwall -
Parmelee, Asaph - - Bristol -
Peck, Abel - - Monkton -
Peck, Jacob - - Cornwall -
Peck, Reuben - - Cornwall -
Peck, William - - Monkton -
Pepper, John - - Orwell -
Perkins, Jacob - - Orwell -
Phelps, Mathen - - New Haven -
Phillips, Solomon - - Starksboro -
Phinney, John, Serg't - - Monkton -
Pierce, Samuel - - Salisbury -
Plumley, Benjamin - - Bristol -
Pollard, Abiather - - Goshen -
Pond, Josiah - - Shoreham -
Pond, Samuel - - Addison -
Porter, Noah - - Ferrisburg -
Porter, Simeon - - New Haven -
Post, Jacob - - Addison -
Potter, Milton - - Whiting -
Pratt, William - - Salisbury -
Pratt, William - - Cornwall -
Preston, John - - Waltham -
Preston, Jonathan - - Middlebury -
Prime, Joseph - - New Haven -
Ramsdell, David - - Shoreham -
Reeve, Benjamin, Lieut. - - Cornwall -
Reynolds, Enoch - - Goshen -
Rice, Abel, Serg't - - Bridgeport -
Rice, Stephen - - Salisbury -
Rich, Caleb - - New Haven -
Richards, Samuel - - Cornwall -
Rockwell, John - - Cornwall -
Rogers, Jabez - - Middlebury -
Root, Eli - - Orwell -
Rowley, Hopkins - - Shoreham -
Rowley, Thomas - - Shoreham -
Rowley, Thomas, Jr. - - Shoreham -
Royce, Jonas - - Orwell -
Rugg, Joshua - - Lincoln -
Rusco, David - - Monkton -
Samson, William - - Cornwall -
Savery, Thomas - - Salisbury -
Sawyer, Thomas, Capt. - - Leicester -
Scott, Amos - - Bristol -
Scovel, Daniel - - Cornwall -
Seymour, William age 85 Sept. 24, 1845 Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, VT -
Shaw, James - - Granville -
Shepherd, William - - Panton -
Shurtleff, Benoni - - Middlebury -
Slade, William - - Cornwall -
Smead, Eli - - Salisbury -
Smith, Dan - - Panton -
Smith, Eli - - Shoreham -
Smith, George E. - - New Haven -
Smith, John, Lieut. - - Shoreham -
Smith, Nathan age 73 May 1, 1835 Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, VT -
Smith, Nathan - - Shoreham -
Smith, Pliny - - Orwell -
Snow, Jeremiah - - Granville -
Spalding, Philip - - Panton -
Spalding, Phineas, Jr. age 76 July 12, 1825 Loyal Spaulding's Farm, Panton, VT -
Sparks, Stephen - - Leicester -
Spaulding, Sampson - - Orwell -
Spencer, Jabez - - Salisbury -
Spencer, Jesse - - Middlebury -
Spooner, Daniel, Lieut. - - Monkton -
Spooner, William - - Monkton -
Squier, Timothy - - Orwell -
Stannard, Pliny - - Waltham -
Stannard, Pliny - - Weybridge -
Stearns, John - - Monkton -
Stebbins, Ebenezer - - Cornwall -
Stevens, Benjamin - - Cornwall -
Stewart, John - - Middlebury -
Stickney, Simon - - New Haven -
Stoddard, N. Richardson - - Orwell -
Storrs, Seth - - Middlebury -
Strong, John - - Addison -
Strong, Simeon - - Salisbury -
Sumner, Ebenezer - - Middlebury -
Sunderland, Samuel - - Shoreham -
Swinington, Joseph - - Leicester -
Taintor, Benjamin - - New Haven -
Taylor, Josiah - - New Haven -
Thompson, Abel age 67 May 13, 1808 Old Tappan Farm on hillside, Ferrisburg, VT -
Tilden, Calvin - - Cornwall -
Tracy, Lemuel - - Monkton -
Tripp, Augustus - - New Haven -
Tyler, David - - Vergennes -
Vaughn, William, Dr. - - Bridgeport -
Vreedenburgh, Abraham - - Bristol -
Wadsworth, Israel - - Middlebury -
Wainwright, Jonathan - - Salisbury -
Walker, Gideon - - Whiting -
Walker, Nathan age 87 Oct. 19, 1823 Gage Cemetery, Ferrisburg, VT -
Ward, Jesse - - New Haven -
Ward, William - - Cornwall -
Waterous, Abe - - Salisbury -
Watson, William - - Shoreham -
Wheeler, Preserved - - New Haven -
Wheeler, William, Capt. - - New Haven -
White, Elijah - - Whiting -
White, Oliver - - Starksboro -
Whiting, Daniel - - Salisbury -
Whitman, Benjamin - - Leicester -
Whitney, David - - Bridgeport -
Whitney, David - - Bristol -
Wilcox, James - - Bridgeport -
Williamson, Abraham - - Cornwall -
Willoughby, Joseph age 71 July 16, 1810 Monkton Ridge Cemetery, Monkton, VT -
Wilson, Jonathan - - Shoreham -
Wolcott, Samuel - - Shoreham -
Wolcott, Samuel, Jr. - - Shoreham -
Woodbridge, Enoch age 55 Apr. 21, 1805 Old Cemetery, Vergennes, VT -
Woodford, T., Maj. - - Addison -
Wooster, Moses - - Cornwall -
Wright, Elijah - - Shoreham -

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