U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
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The U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War series contains records of U.S. military officers and soldiers who died as a result of either a hostile or non-hostile occurrence or who were missing in action or prisoners of war in either the Korean War or the Vietnam Conflict. Specifically, geographic references include Cambodia, China, Korea, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. The records derive from information submitted by each of the military services on Department of Defense Form 1300, Individual Report of Casualty. Each record includes: the casualty's name, service number, member service code, service name, rank or rate, paygrade, occupation, date of birth, gender, home of record (city, county, state or province, country), marital status, religion, race, ethnicity, casualty circumstances, casualty city, state or province and country; unit, duty, process date, death date, year of death, war or conflict, operation incident, location, closure date, aircraft type, hostile or non-hostile death indicator, casualty type and category, incident casualty reason, casualty category short name (CSN), body (recovered or not), casualty closure, Vietnam wall row and panel indicator, casualty category name, incident casualty category date, incident casualty category short name (ICSN), incident hostile or incident non-hostile death, and incident aircraft type.
U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War by State
- Alabama Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Alaska Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Arizona Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Arkansas Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- California Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Colorado Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Connecticut Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Delaware Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Washington D.C. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Florida Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Georgia Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Hawaii Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Idaho Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Illinois Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Indiana Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Iowa Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Kansas Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Kentucky Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Louisiana Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Maine Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Maryland Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Massachusetts Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Michigan Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Minnesota Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Mississippi Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Missouri Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Montana Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Nebraska Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Nevada Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- New Hampshire Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- New Jersey Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- New Mexico Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- New York Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- North Carolina Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- North Dakota Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Ohio Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Oklahoma Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Oregon Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Pennsylvania Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Rhode Island Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- South Carolina Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- South Dakota Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Tennessee Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Texas Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Utah Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Vermont Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Virginia Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Washington Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- West Virginia Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Wisconsin Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Wyoming Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War