Wenlock, Vermont Land Grants
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The Town of Wenlock, Vermont land grants copied from the New Hampshire Land Grants being transcripts of the Charters of Townships and minor grants of lands made by the Provincial Goverment of New Hampshire, within the present boundaries of the State of Vermont, from 1749 to 1764.
The Town of Wenlock is no longer in existance.
The names of the Grantees of Wenlock Viz
- Israel Woodward
- Danl. Brown
- Abijah Warner
- Timothy Cole
- Aaron Torrell
- Josiah Stow
- Saml. Fenn
- Stephen Scott
- Nathl. Edwards
- Dan Walton
- John Coal
- William Adams
- Eldad Mix
- Asa Judd
- John Nelson
- Amos Hickcock
- Ephm. Merels
- Ephraim Warner
- Moris Davis
- Jona. Bolwin
- Moses Frost
- Benja. Stillwill
- John Judd, Jr.
- James Smith, Jr.
- John Parker
- Thomas Dunk
- Caleb Merrill
- William Munson
- Amos Andrews
- Saml. Andrews
- William Hubbard
- Joel Hitchcock
- James Bronson
- Woodbury Langdon
- Mark Hg. Wentworth
- Henry Shelton
- Josiah Cassebell
- Joseph Prichet
- Thomas Mathews
- Stephen Upson, Jr.
- Timothy Upson
- Ebenezer Scott
- Jona. Andrews
- Stephen Root
- John Carter
- Saml. Averill
- John Phillips
- Benja. Simons
- John Bostick
- Danl. Averill
- James Guthery
- Woolsey Scott
- Stephen Mathews
- Joseph Beach
- Nathan Lewis
- Josiah Wadrieff
- Abel Carter
- Timothy Lewis
- Timothy Carronton
- David Whitney
- John Downing, Esq.
- Joseph Lamb
- William Cogswell
- Moses Averill
His Excellency Benning Wentworth, Esq., a tract of land to contain five hundred acres as marked B. W. in the plan which is to be accounted two of the within states: One whole share for the Incorporaed Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, one share for a glebe for the Church of England as by law established, one share for the first settled minister of the Gospel and one share for the benefit of a school in said town.
Province of New Hampshire Oct. 13, 1761
Recorded from the back of the original charter of Wenlock under the Province seal.
Attested Theodore Atkinson, Secretary.