New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Waits River Cemetery Records
Town of Topsham
Orange County, Vermont

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Home | Cemetery Records | Vermont Cemetery Records | Waits River Cemetery Records - Topsham, Orange County, VT

Vermont Genealogy

Waits River Cemetery is located on route 25, drive up hill 2 miles, in the Town of Topsham, Orange County, Vermont.

Dickey, George, son of Thomas and Abigal Dickey, died Feb. 17, 1875, age 41 yrs. 7 mos.

Diecey, Rose, dau. of Thomas and Lydia Dickey, died Mar. 22, 1874, age 20 yrs. 6 mos.

Dickey, Thomas, son of Thomas and Lydia Dickey, died May 26, 1865, age 5 yrs. 4 mos.

Dickey, Katherine P., dau. of Thomas and Abigail, died Oct. 6, 1853, age 17 yrs. 2 mos.

Sargent, Lydia, wife of Lyman Sargent and former wife of Thomas Dickey, died Mar. 24, 1892, age 72 yrs.

Dickey, Abigail, wife of Thomas Dickey, died June 5, 1841, age 31 yrs. 10 mos.

Lauders, Abigail, wife of A. N. Lauder, died Aug. 25, 1866, age 25 yrs.

Dickey, Thomas T., died Feb. 1, 1881, age 73 yrs.

Dickey, Jenny, Relict of Adam Dickey, died Sept. 8, 1841, age 84 yrs. 5 mos.

Dickey, Ada, died Oct. 24, 1840, age 89 yrs. 6 mos. 14 days

Dickey, Martha, wife of Robert Dickey, died Oct. 23, 1814, age 31st year

Fellows, R. H., died Aug. 28, 1885, age 83 yrs.

Fellows, Lydia, wife of R. H. Fellows, died Dec. 28, 72 yrs. 1 mo.

Fellows, M. Van Buren, son of R. H. and C. Dickey, died Aug. 4, 1814, age 18 yrs. 8 mos.

Fellows, John, Jr. 1769-1837. A patriot of Revolution

Stevens, Prudence, 1771-1849

Dickey, Daniel, son of Joseph and Betsey Dickey, died Nov. 1844, 3 yrs. 27 days

Dickey, J. W., no date

Fellows, Isiah, son of Richard and Lydia Fellows, died Apr. 9, 1833, age 3 yrs.

Dickey, Betsey, wife of Joseph, died Aug. 1, 1843, age 39 yrs. 9 mos.

Dickey, Hepsibeth C., dau. of Joseph and Betsey Dickey, Dec. 24, 1836, age 22 yrs.

Felch, Hezekiah F., died Jan. 30, 1865, age 69 yrs. 4 mos.

Felch, Prudence, wife of Hezekiah F., died Jan. 12, 1865, age 72 yrs. 5 mos.

Wright, Nancy, dau. of Hezekiah and Prudence Felch, died July 3, 1867

Dickey, Daniel, died Dec. 22, 1880, age 54 yrs.

Dickey, James, died March 4, 1861, age 81 yrs.

Dickey, Esther, wife of James Dickey, died Feb. 1, 1860, age 76 yrs.

Miles, Flora Addie, dau. of John and Mary Miles, age Aug. 1, 1873, age 7 yrs.

Miles, Charles M., son of John and Mary Miles, age Nov. 15, 1872, age 8 yrs. 7 mos.

Fellows, Nicholas, died Aug. 19, 1899, age 70 yrs. 9 mos. 19 days

Fellows, Lydia, wife of Nickolas Fellows, died July 20, 1896, age 66 yrs. 6 mos.

Fellows, Emily, dau. of Nickolas and Lydia Fellows, died Aug. 3, 1897, age 30 yrs. 11 mos. 8 days

Fellows, Mary, dau. of Nickolas and Lydia Fellows, died May 30, 1872, age 20 yrs. 9 mos.

Fellows, Electa Cordelia, dau. of Nickolas and Lydia Fellows, died Aug. 13, 1870, age 14 yrs. 18 days

Fellows, Millard Filmore, son of Nickolas and Lydia Fellows, died Feb. 3, 1864, age 10 yrs. 6 mos.

Felch, Benjamin, died Aug. 16, 1893, age 81 yrs. of his age

Dickey, Edwin, son of Joseph and Betsey Dickey, Sept. 16, 1841, age 2 yrs. 6 mos.

Dickey, Mary Ann, dau. of Joseph and Betsey Dickey Apr. 12, 1824, age 15 mos.

* In very bad condition, stones broken, rose bushes and blackberry bushes, etc. No flags.

Home | Cemetery Records | Vermont Cemetery Records | Waits River Cemetery Records - Topsham, Orange County, VT

Vermont Genealogy

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