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World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing
Comanche County, Kansas

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The Honor List of Dead and Missing for Comanche County, Kansas is published by the War Department for the information of public officials, the press, the radio and interested organizations. It contains the latest and most complete data available on all military personnel who were killed or died, or became and remained missing, between the President's declaration of unlimited national emergency on May 27, 1941, and the cut-off data of this report, January 31, 1946, and includes both battle and non-battle dead or missing. The complete work, of which this volume is a part, contains about 300,000 names of men and women who gave their lives while serving in the Army of the United States.


NameSerial NumberGradeType of Casualty
Booth, Robert Jr.37221755CPLKIA
Finney, William H.17010871PFCKIA
Hough, Robert L.37237704TEC4DOW
King, Howard R.37530438PVTKIA
McMillen, Martin B.37236480PVTDNB
Oller, Clarence L.37017077S SGKIA
Park, Melvin V.6935555PFCKIA
Petty, Warren L.37732706PFCKIA
Sims, Eric A.37147645S SGDOW
Thompson, Hobert H.0-7275851 LTKIA
Thrall, Leo C.37254188T SGFOD
Trummel, Ernest A.37254200SGTKIA
White, Donald G.0-7306892 LTFOD