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World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing
Cowley County, Kansas

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The Honor List of Dead and Missing for Cowley County, Kansas is published by the War Department for the information of public officials, the press, the radio and interested organizations. It contains the latest and most complete data available on all military personnel who were killed or died, or became and remained missing, between the President's declaration of unlimited national emergency on May 27, 1941, and the cut-off data of this report, January 31, 1946, and includes both battle and non-battle dead or missing. The complete work, of which this volume is a part, contains about 300,000 names of men and women who gave their lives while serving in the Army of the United States.


NameSerial NumberGradeType of Casualty
Anderson, Daniel G.20735145PFCDNB
Appleman, Robert D.37530294PVTKIA
Barlow, Ed L. Jr.37007262T SGDOW
Bartlett, F. R. Jr.37762664TEC5DNB
Berry, Pat37207251PVTFOD
Boyer, Ora R.37221549SGTKIA
Bradshaw, Claude H.37535663PVTKIA
Breeden, Wayne E.37254012PFCDNB
Brothers, Vernon W.37016193SGTDOW
Burnett, Eugene E.20735155PFCKIA
Burns, Clay L.37742400PFCKIA
Cannon, Albert W.20735158PVTKIA
Carter, Charles E.37248881PFCKIA
Clapper, Billie E.37211507T SGFOD
Cook, Clarence E.37142061CPLDNB
Cook, Verne A.37496763S SGKIA
Coulter, Fred L37510418TEC4DOW
Curry, Earl R.6553058PVTDNB
Davis, Herbert K.0-7286052 LTDNB
Delgado, Guadalupe B.37241778TEC5KIA
Dillon, Gilbert L.37205035S SGKIA
Dyer, George K37736591PVTKIA
Dyer, Marc P37241862TEC5KIA
Elkins, Francis L39476414PVTKIA
Ely, Robert L. Jr.6297654S SGDNB
Faris, Eber D. O0-7512892 LTDNB
Farmer, Harry L17002353PFCKIA
Foltz, Eugene L18194401SGTDNB
Gambril, William B6565718PVTDNB
Games, Arthur L.0-9182811 LTDNB
Grainger, Harry L0-8059321 LTDNB
Guffey, Roscoe D37016118PVTKIA
Hadley, Gilbert B0-6614821 LTKIA
Hardy, EdwinT-131737FL OKIA
Holtby, Joe H37202808S SGFOD
Hooper, Dale G.17009709PFCKIA
Horton, Jack W0-6598952 LTDNB
Hover, Arthur G. Jr.0-7309132 LTDNB
Jones, John E.37217773PVTKIA
Jordan, Forrest G.37016633TEC4KIA
Kennedy, Donald L.37221538SGTFOD
King, Kenneth R.6856700PFCDOW
Leith, Guyford D.37143505S SGFOD
Lindstrom, Carl G.37213905S SGDNB
Matney, Bertie E.38319171T SGKIA
McBeth, Wendell17127834T SGFOD
McCall, John F. Jr.37510220Tec5KIA
McCormack, Gilbert K.37241419S SGKIA
Miller, Albert R.37147593S SGFOD
Misak, Otto R. Jr.0-8042092 LTDNB
Mohler, Charles L.1297922CAPTKIA
Moore, John R.37231482SGTDNB
Mueller, Arthur D.37214736PVTKIA
Pratt, Bruce D.17027958PFCDNB
Price, Jack37522024PVTKIA
Rader, Julius37524582PVTDOW
Rankin, Bobbie R.0-7560221 LTKIA
Roe, James R.37203600PFCDNB
Rogers, Franklin D.37729287PFCDOW
Rogers, Harold M.37515413PFCKIA
Rupp, Marvin M.0-6928912 LTDNB
Rutherford, Leslie A.37254015PVTKIA
Sample, George K.37241821PVTKIA
Savage, Richard T.37221479PVTDOW
Schones, Raymond W.38712233PFCDOW
Shay, Max G.17009286M SGDNB
Sheel, Albert6475645MAJDNB
Sickles, Benjamin K.37254018S SGKIA
Silvers, Floyd J.37254032PFCKIA
Sitton, Richard F37749097PFCKIA
Sloan, Gene W.0-7010062 LTDNB
Snyder, Harold A.17083347T SGFOD
Stuber, Lovell S0-022821CAPTDNB
Symes, Paul E.37508095PFCKIA
Thornton, Raymond B37070511S SGKIA
Traugott, Arnold H.37510308PVTKIA
Tucker, Marvin L.20574612 LTKIA
Turner, Chester M.0-7534622 LTDNB
Wheeler, Dwight G37515432S SGFOD
Williams, Bonnie L.A-709901PFCDNB
Williams, Frank I.37754701PVTKIA
Wilson, Donald I37537933PFCKIA
Wilson, Maurice W.0-6927322 LTKIA
Winter, Joe T.37739048PFCDNB
Wylie, George W.0-372283CAPTDNB